HealthFeelings and prejudices: Why we cry and it's normal

Tears are a completely physiological process that occurs under certain factors, such as a foreign object entering the eye, physical or emotional pain, as well as other strong experiences. But often people find themselves absolutely helpless in situations when they try to understand why sometimes they want to cry for no reason.

This happens when, having logically analyzed the situation, one understands that there is no reason for sadness, but the approaching tears and a lump in the throat indicate the opposite. Here we are dealing not with the absence of reasons for the disorder and its expression in tears, but with unawareness of traumatic processes. It often happens that our psyche uses rationalization and explains even frustrating things from the point of view of necessity and even usefulness, when at the same time the subconscious continues to resist, get hurt and scream that something wrong is happening with the help of causeless tears.

When figuring out why you constantly want to cry, it is necessary to analyze not what is happening now, but also take into account the person’s entire life history. Rolling tears may indicate stress that has accumulated over the years, or they may indicate impending troubles, experiences about which are prohibited on a conscious level. In some cases, you can figure it out on your own or by talking with friends, but if you feel that there is no way out, then it makes sense to sign up for a consultation with a psychotherapist and there, in a specialized session, find out your true reasons for crying, and then develop a plan to stabilize the situation.

Reasons why you want to cry

If you do not take into account the main and understandable reasons for crying (when it is a critical or painful situation, when a person is faced with helplessness, etc.), then you can look at the problem more broadly and notice multiple factors that cause tears. Thus, a prolonged state of stress and neurosis, exposure to negative situations and atmosphere gradually deplete the nervous system. This is micro-tension that is present in our lives as a constant background - the bad mood of the boss, from which others suffer, rudeness in public transport, the unceremoniousness of some acquaintances, weather conditions and random minor troubles. The more such little things, combined, are regularly present in the life of a particular person, the higher the likelihood that soon a minor unpleasant event, for example, a break in a store, can cause hysterics. This does not mean that the person has lost his adequacy or that he is really hurt by closed doors - this is the result of long-term accumulated tension.

Severe recent stress may cause you to cry periodically. This reaction is caused by melodies, films, words of passers-by, even smells and colors that indirectly remind of what happened. Stress has both positive and negative connotations, and when a person constantly cries after the death of a loved one, everyone understands him, supports him, and even tears out of nowhere find justification. In the case of positive events, such as a wedding or the birth of a child, the psyche can react in a similar way, but no one expects tears due to positive, albeit stressful, emotions.

Hormonal imbalances can increase both physical and emotional sensitivity. This is especially understandable for women, but this can happen if the thyroid gland and other hormones are disrupted, as well as during pregnancy. When a person with hormonal disorders finds himself in a situation of emotional tension or stress, his psyche is not ready to resist and perceives what is happening as catastrophic events, producing a crying reaction accordingly.

Affective spectrum disorders such as depression and apathy provoke excessive tearfulness and require medicinal correction of the condition. Hidden forms of such disorders can be manifested by a person asking why he wants to cry, but cannot. The inability to release even incomprehensible emotions indicates the depth of psychological trauma or mental disorders.

What are a man's tears

Many people have heard the concept of “male tears,” but not many have seen it. This is not surprising: men very rarely show their weaknesses in public. Yes, they consider the manifestation of sentimentality to be a weakness. Why can't men cry? Because it seems to them that it makes them vulnerable. How can he, a man so strong, so powerful, so independent and brave, cry in front of others? For him, as a representative of the strong half of humanity, this is simply unacceptable. His tears are personal, intimate, belonging only to him. They contain his pain, his joy, his emotions, his suffering, and he does not intend to share his feelings and experiences with others.

Why do you want to cry in church?

Tears within the walls of a temple are not something unique, but the reasons for this do not lie in the realm of the supernatural. These emotional reactions are quite understandable from a psychological point of view. This is how a believer, coming to church, opens his soul and emotional sphere. Usually we come either for help or with repentance - in both cases, the human psyche is vulnerable to any words. Therefore, the words of the sermon can raise one’s own feelings of shame or guilt for the sins committed.

If a person comes in order to be forgiven by higher powers, then the feeling of guilt in him is so strong that no one is able to free him from this experience. It’s impossible to live with a feeling of guilt, it eats you from the inside, and when you come to church, it becomes brighter, all your misdeeds seem even more terrible against the backdrop of the goodness of the temple. Following the actualization of his bad state, a person who sincerely asks for deliverance and receives it may again begin to shed tears, now from positive emotions. This is similar to the positive and negative stress experienced in everyday life.

The second component of the acute emotional reaction is that the atmosphere of the church strongly contrasts with the surrounding reality. The world begins to seem more cruel and imperfect, and the place of service against its background becomes even more sanctified. People usually aren’t rude in such places, they listen to each other, help, or just be patient. Having not found such support from the outside for a long time, a person can be touched to the depths of his soul by such manifestations.

Coming to a wake, people mourn their loved ones anew, and if at home the memory of them can be experienced calmly, then in church you can usually communicate with those who have passed on, listen to a blessing about their ears, which ultimately creates the feeling that the person is alive, but simply far. Having lost someone once and finding him again, we experience joy, but the stress reaction of the body is so strong that it is expressed in tears. This is exactly what happens during liturgies and even when lighting a candle for repose.

Bottom line

Women's tears have different purposes. It depends only on the woman how her man will react if she uses her tears in time. All men react differently, this should also be taken into account. However, a man's indifference becomes obvious if you really cry from pain, and he does not understand this.

If you defeated a man with the help of tears, then do not say it out loud. Next time the man will remember that you pressed for pity, and will no longer succumb.

Why does a pregnant woman want to cry?

Tearfulness in pregnant women is a normal condition, which neither doctors, nor relatives, nor pregnant women themselves are surprised by, but it is quite difficult to bear and I would like to understand what is causing this. Initially, a physiological component plays a role, namely a change in hormonal levels, so strong that the body experiences great stress overload. Each cell and organ system begins to work in a special mode, when sensitivity to any environmental influences increases.

Additional stress is added by constant worries associated with your condition and the condition of the baby. An attachment to the child is formed, and for many it is still impossible to see in this a feeling of anxiety and care, but only increased sensitivity and experience, manifested in tears. For many, there is an inherent change in self-perception and self-esteem as new roles are now added to accommodate this.

A huge number of fears that haunt a woman throughout her life are not only actualized during pregnancy, but increase and attract new ones. Watching a program can make you worry all day, work yourself up to the worst forecasts and, accordingly, cry over nothing. But only the absence of a true reason for crying can be noticed solely through an analysis of the situation or the help of loved ones who explain that everything is fine.

Among the psychological components that provoke tears is entering into complete uncertainty. A woman understands that now her body, relationship with a man, work and ability to provide for herself, main activities and even her regime will change. There will no longer be anything that clearly corresponds to her previous life, but an understanding of what the new round, stages, and especially details will look like has not yet appeared. This is where all the existential crises and fears associated with the unknown arise, which means that the number of tears can be reduced by maximizing and organizing a new space of the future.

Men's tears from the pain of loss

Perhaps the most common, deepest and bitterest emotional shock and source of a man’s shedding of tears is the pain of losing loved ones. This is probably almost the only case when no one will ever laugh at a man’s weakness shown in this way. What could be more difficult, more depressing, more murderous than the feeling of losing a loved one? What could be worse than the realization that you won’t get him back, won’t hear his voice, won’t see his smile, won’t hug him and won’t feel the joy of spending time together? The tragedy and severity of the situation, hopelessness and uncertainty in the future fill a heartbroken man and look for a way out in tears. It is a sin to accuse him in this case of showing weakness, because no one is immune from losses and the destructive power of pain that these losses instill in the heart of the sufferer.

Men's tears from contemplation of beauty

This may seem strange and incredible, but the powers that be also cry because of the beauty they see. It is difficult to believe that sometimes rude, sometimes uncouth and brutal men in their habits can be influenced by beauty, and this beauty can give rise to such completely unexpected emotions in them. Thus, a lump rising in the throat and moistened eyelids can be observed in a young man looking at a ballerina performing a dance from “Swan Lake” in her gentle, light and bewitching series of aerial movements. Just like listening to an amazing musical composition performed by a symphony orchestra or representatives of high art in its best manifestations can touch a strong representative of society. The beauty of music, choreography, painting, opera, ballet and other types of virtuosity absorbs listeners, and men are no exception. They are also able to appreciate the quality of the material they listen to and watch and are moved by the contemplation of such a beautiful action unfolding before their eyes.

Crying from helplessness

There are frequent cases of tears from representatives of the stronger half, associated with a feeling of total helplessness and the inability to influence a particular situation. Usually it is preceded by a feeling of injustice of what is happening and the resulting outburst of rage, anger and indignation. And in combination with powerlessness and the lack of ability to prevent what is happening, outbursts of aggression and anger are transformed into meager tears of helplessness. History knows many examples of how crying befell even the strongest, strongest and most persistent husbands from a sense of hopelessness of the current situation. Why do men cry and what cases provoke such a male reaction?

  • An unfulfilled dream destroyed by someone.
  • Losing something you love and losing the effort you put into it.
  • Financial collapse associated with an unforeseen combination of circumstances.
  • Loss of a roof over your head due to a natural disaster or other disaster.
  • Separation for a long period from a beloved child.
  • A spouse lying on her deathbed, dying of illness.

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