Is it normal for your loved one to piss you off, and what to do about it?

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin and I am a professional pickup trainer. And today I will tell you about a situation when your girlfriend annoys you - what this could be connected with, and how you can deal with it. To be honest, the first thing that comes to mind in this case is that your relationship has simply faded - you need to either rekindle it, or break up for a while, or simply not meet until you really want to.

Well, the worst case is when you are already annoyed by everything about a once close person, and you get irritated at the slightest reason. And here you shouldn’t deceive yourself - you just need to admit that it’s time to turn this page of your life.

At the same time, carefully analyze the situation: are you sure you don’t have any problems yourself, and you just don’t take it out on a loved one?.. If it’s just her, then you can safely point it out to her and make it a reason to break up with the girl. But in any case, I still advise you to stay apart for a while, and not cut loose ends right away. It’s not for nothing that they say “time will tell” and “big things are seen from a distance.” In addition, if you are young and inexperienced, then perhaps you yourself do not understand what you want and what you demand from each other. Moreover, people who are wise with years and experience often do not understand this. However, in this article I will not raise such cardinal topics. And we'll talk about what to do if a girl is annoying, but you don't want to break up with her because you definitely have warm feelings for her. Read my article How to understand that a relationship is over? and this will help you understand yourself.

Why does my girlfriend annoy me?

I will say right away that situations when you have just started dating and she annoys you are extremely rare, this is generally an exception to the rule. And now I will explain why. Whatever your relationship is - youthful love or, so to speak, adult love, in fact, there is always a hormonal explosion. For both men and women.

Moreover, in boys and girls, this release of hormones is more powerful and lasts longer. But I can no longer connect this with anything other than youth and the health of the body. But romantics continue to glorify such a strong and memorable first love. Although in fact, what makes her most memorable is her dissatisfaction.

So, more often than not, it's just a matter of chemistry. Your brain is intoxicated with hormones, like drugs, and therefore your partner not only seems more beautiful to you than she is, but also better in every way.

Therefore, do not be surprised if some of your friends or even parents shake their heads and say: “What did he see in her?..”. It goes without saying that in her eyes, you seem almost the best guy in the world. But all this, of course, is for the time being.

When does the halo break? For many guys, even after the first full-fledged sex with the object of their adoration. But it’s different for everyone, and falling in love, like the candy-bouquet period, can last for several months. By the way, many girls know or guess about this, and therefore deliberately delay their first sex.

What happens then, and why does the girl begin to irritate? The surge of hormones fades away, and they begin to be released only from time to time, during sex, for example. Therefore, your eyes gradually open. And she no longer looks like the most attractive girl in the world, and you don’t seem the most courageous to her. Moreover, you begin to notice a whole bunch of flaws in her that really irritate you. Moreover, it can be anything, even to the point that she constantly tries to control you or simply eats from your plate in a cafe, because she herself is on a diet.

Jokes for 300_300

When sociologists ask women about the qualities they value most in men, a sense of humor comes up high. Sometimes guys consider themselves as witty as Pavel Volya or Ivan Urgant. From the very first meeting, they begin to shower their chosen one with sparkling jokes.

But a serious problem arises - are you as good at comedy as you think. A girl can support jokes below the belt only when the man is well known and pleasant to her. If you make a new acquaintance, then your funny jokes about her breasts or talents in sex can greatly spoil the impression.

If we are talking about sexism, then such jokes are appropriate to use either in front of men or in the company of friends. All sorts of “blonde”, “monkey driving” and others like them drive women crazy. And who enjoys listening to an endless stream of stupid stereotypes about women for half a day? Especially if she herself is not even blonde and the last time she drove a car was at the age of 15 at the dacha.

My girlfriend annoys me: what should I do?

If you have feelings for her, and your intentions are quite serious, then going into open confrontation is not always the best way out. Moreover, it is almost impossible to rebuild an adult. And the cases in which they say that he took her and remade her for himself refer to situations when he is an adult man, and she is almost a schoolgirl. But this does not guarantee you that in the end she will not begin to annoy you and even enrage you, for example, with her stupidity. Hi, friend! Especially for you, I have prepared the course “Student. Natural seduction" for only 1490 rubles! Follow the link and order -> To cope with the current situation, here’s what you need to start from:

  1. It’s not just because of the hormonal explosion with her that something definitely attracts you to her? You are not sure? The easiest way to check is to finally sleep with her, and if after that you continue to want to be with this person, then everything is fine. But if everything has gone away and you are no longer interested in her, then that’s okay too. You just don’t need to deceive yourself and her after that, and squeeze out of yourself unnecessary relationships.
  2. The fact that you annoy each other is absolutely normal. In general, there are no ideal people. There are, of course, individuals who consider themselves right in everything, and impose their principles and stereotypes on everyone. If you are one of those people, then it will be very difficult for anyone to get along with you. And there are women who are outright bitches – beautiful, sexy, but bitches. And you should immediately pay attention to this. Even if you struggle with this for a very long time, it’s unlikely that anything serious will happen. Although there are men who are very motivated by such women. First, hormones play a role in them - to achieve the most beautiful female. And then this female begins to manipulate you and force you to achieve something in life. Well, this goes without saying, a beautiful girl always expects that she will not vegetate in poverty.

So, the first thing is awareness of the problem, and the realization that it is not universal

. You can actually live with this. If you are just dating, you need to make the meetings less frequent, but more intense. Girls often limit sex at the same time, and this bears fruit.

The situation is worse if you already live together or even married. Because of this, almost half of our marriages are destroyed in the first few years of family life. They say “that they were ruined by everyday life,” but this is not so. Hormones have played a cruel joke on many.

As I said above, here too we must build on the indicated postulates. But it seems unlikely that it will turn out to be less. Besides, you most likely don’t see each other often, because you work and she probably doesn’t either. You may, in general, only meet in bed, and she immediately begins to discuss with you your common problems or hers, for example, renovations. In the end, it begins to be associated with problems, and you generally lose the desire to come home in the evening.

Above, I described, of course, a rather advanced case, but such situations happen very often. What to do? Talk to each other and turn a blind eye to minor shortcomings. Begin with yourself. You probably already know what irritates her most about your behavior. Try not to do this. Analyze her behavior, understand what infuriates you most about her, and hint to her about it.

You need to start experiencing positive emotions with each other again:

  • Go out for a walk together;
  • Go to a cafe, cinema or theater;
  • Just watch comedies together regularly;
  • Invite guests and go visit yourself.

Features of female physiology and psyche

Her hormonal levels play a big role in a woman’s mood and behavior. Scientists say that mood swings, especially during the premenstrual period, are a consequence of an imbalance of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is responsible for awakening aggression, and progesterone is responsible for fatigue and depression.

The premenstrual period in women is known for stagnation of blood, weight gain, possible increase in body temperature, sleep disturbances, problems caused by impaired water-salt metabolism, nervousness and irritability.

Accumulated fatigue and the “joy” of hormonal surges lead to sudden mood swings and a state of rage. It is very difficult to recognize a previously sweet and affectionate representative of the fair sex during this period. She becomes twitchy, whiny, and can cause a scandal for no apparent reason. In general, behavior changes dramatically and not for the better.

Scientists, doctors and psychologists, have classified four forms of premenstrual syndrome:

  1. Neuropsychic. This form is characterized by increased aggressiveness, irritability, tearfulness and bouts of apathy. Young girls experience bouts of rage; every little thing starts to make them angry. During this period, older women experience short-term bouts of depression, apathy and sadness.
  2. Physiological. During the premenstrual period, some women experience increased sensitivity to odors and a deterioration in well-being. General lethargy, headaches and pain in the abdominal area are possible. Changes in taste preferences are also noted, so if your beloved suddenly desires herring with strawberries, then do not rush to rejoice at the addition to the family, perhaps the reason for this is precisely the physiological characteristics of the premenstrual period.
  3. Cephalgic. This form is considered one of the two most dangerous forms of PMS. Characteristic symptoms include migraine, intolerance to tastes and smells, dizziness and irritability. Fainting, heart pain and diarrhea will be common. If a woman experiences PMS in this form, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor. A competent specialist will help you choose the appropriate medications that can neutralize such depressing symptoms.
  4. Krizovaya. Exacerbation of the functioning of the senses, numbness of the limbs, the manifestation of panic attacks of various types, increased anxiety, the emergence of various fears and phobias. This form is also characterized by sympathoadrenal crises, which are manifested by attacks of arterial hypertension, tachycardia, pain in the heart, behind the sternum, and sudden fear of death.

Psychologists and doctors strongly advise women who note a predisposition to poor health and mood swings to adhere to the following measures:

  • Do not plan any important events during the premenstrual period. During this period, the level of attentiveness noticeably decreases, and attacks of apathy may occur.
  • Don't stop exercising. It has long been known that sport helps get rid of accumulated irritation and keep the body in good shape.
  • Don't disturb your sleep schedule. Adequate sleep will help replenish the body's internal reserves, which is very important during this period.
  • Walk outdoors more often.
  • Don't forget about the benefits of proper nutrition. It is worth excluding fatty, salty, high-calorie foods. The diet must be supplemented with fish, soy, beans, vegetables, fruits and red meat.


Warn your family and friends about the approaching “unstable period.” Apologize in advance for possible outbursts of aggression and mood swings. You should not spoil your relationships with loved ones because of the characteristics of your premenstrual period.


Stop pretending to be someone you're not. Guys get wildly annoyed when a bitch pretends to be a white sheep, and a modest girl with a pigtail, a textbook and a volume of Yesenin tries to become a bitch in heels and with a huge cleavage. The best policy is to remain yourself. Firstly, no matter what you are, you always remain sincere, and secondly, the guy will not be in for a surprise when your insides come out.

Don't overestimate yourself

Of course, you need to love and accept yourself with your shortcomings and strengths. But this does not negate a sober look at your appearance. Have you gained 20 kilograms? Well, where do you wear a miniskirt?.. Evaluate yourself adequately and choose clothes that suit your body type. Is your guy head over heels in love with you and just doesn’t notice it? Don't worry, his good friends will keep dropping hints until he sees the light.

The less we love a woman...i

Very often, representatives of the fair sex are scared away by excessive attention, simply called obsession. Men want to show their care, demonstrate their readiness to do great deeds for the sake of their beloved.

But sometimes it turns into a selfish game called: “Look what I can do!” Of course, it’s nice for a woman to feel like she’s behind a stone wall and not to be deprived of male guardianship, but when the guardian doesn’t allow her to take a single step without him, this is already too much. Girls need space to do their own thing. It is also very important for them that their opinions are listened to and respected.

At some point, there is no need to arrange another surprise, even a very pleasant one, a simple walk will be a much better continuation of the evening. You can shower her with expensive gifts, and this will embarrass her, perhaps she is from a poorer family. You can take her to sushi bars and pizzerias, relying on modern taste, but she likes Russian cuisine.

You'll want to take your lightning-fast Corvette for a spin, but she's terrified of driving fast. With sparkling eyes you will drag her to the cinema to see a cult blockbuster, but she likes romantic melodramas. Men often leave the choice to themselves, without leaving it to their chosen ones.

Therefore, we offer you 17 ideas on how to spend time with a girl and leave unforgettable memories.


If you are a confident boxer with experience and are used to solving all problems with your fists, this may scare away your passion. Naturally, sport means health, and a fit physical shape also means beauty. The ability to stand up for your girlfriend is a very huge plus. But you know, if the gun is loaded, then it will be boring for him to keep the cartridges in the magazine.

Often, guys with combat skills or simply a militant character find it difficult to keep their emotions under control. Some minor quarrel can turn into a scandal. And this does not mean a left hook at all. Harsh words sometimes hit harder than hands. You may not even notice how arrow-shaped expressions fly from your lips.

When the urgency of the moment passes, consciousness will return to its place, but it may be catastrophically late. You can offend with just one word, but it will be incredibly difficult to restore the old relationship.

"Everything is fine with me"

And, perhaps, aerobatics. The guy wants to get up and go out the window when the question “what’s wrong with you?” he gets a frown, pursed lips, and a “nothing” response. Stop acting like a dumb, hard-to-get person and don’t wait for the guy to notice that something is wrong with you. Dry statistics: in 90% of cases they don’t see that you’re offended at all. So, in such a situation, you are only screwing yourself.

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Mom, leave me alone

“I packed lunch for you,” you happily notify your boyfriend in the morning. Excellent, well done. Just don’t even think about calling and asking if he ate, if it was tasty and (God forbid) if you could bring him some supplements right to work. There is also no need to shout “put on your hat immediately” before leaving the house. You will turn not into an object of sexual desire, but into a mother hen from whom you will want to escape as quickly as possible. Preferably forever.

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