Climax and denouement: why men disappear after sex

He skillfully looked after you, gave you gifts, paid compliments, and arranged romantic dates. But after the first sexual relationship, he suddenly stopped answering calls and messages. In your opinion, the night went great, your partner fell asleep sweetly after sex, and in the morning, after kissing you, he went about his business. And he never returned. Let's try to figure out where and why the man disappeared after sex.

The main reasons for the sudden disappearance of a man

Each woman reacts to the sudden disappearance of a man in her own way: some look for reasons in themselves, trying to get to the truth, others are more categorical in this matter, considering such actions cowardly and irresponsible. And there are women who simply exhale and wait for their husband to come to his senses and come back, not considering it necessary to understand such situations.

But these are all blind games! To give an assessment or reaction to what is happening, you first need to understand male psychology. Therefore, everything is in order: a man disappears without reason or explanation, what does this mean?

The most fatal mistake of all girls.

Human nature is such that it always judges other people by itself. So I judge all men by myself. I know myself well, so I know all men well. But what will happen if I start judging girls by myself? I'll start throwing errors. We are too different to judge the opposite sex by ourselves.

Men make these mistakes too. Girls need strength, and men begin to give them tenderness and affection. They themselves need affection and tenderness, and they think that girls need it. Yes! Need to! But first of all, they still need male strength!

The girls make a fatal mistake. They transfer their feelings after the first sex to men. If I experience these states, then the man feels the same! But this is a mistake. Which ruins relationships.

When a girl knows exactly how a man feels after the first sex, she behaves correctly! That's when she seduces! If a girl doesn’t know how a man feels, if she judges by herself, then the seduction is OVER!

Therefore, it is important to behave correctly after sex, behave effectively, and not let everything take its course! Like 90% of girls do!

And to behave effectively, you need to know exactly how the guy feels after the first time. And below you will find out exactly what!

At the dating stage

This is how the man tried to get your phone number! So insistent on a date! Everything was quite romantic, easy, that in the end it even became a shame! Wait to take it personally, there is an explanation for everything:

If a man disappears after taking your phone number:

  • I simply lost it, didn’t save it, mixed up the number, got my phone stolen;
  • burned out (at that time he had a rush of euphoria, but by the evening it passed);
  • I just wanted to raise my self-esteem by adding another number to my collection list;
  • he already has a girlfriend;
  • disappeared because he considered you an easily accessible lady, since you quickly give out your number;
  • he just didn’t like your tone/manner of communication/manicure (everyone has their own cockroaches), and backing down was already awkward;
  • personal problems (accident, someone’s death, illness, moving).

What to do in such situations? Absolutely nothing! If you didn’t save your number, believe me, the man will find a way out of the situation to find you. If something serious happened, he will definitely explain himself later if he remembers you. And if everything else - live calmly, throw the unnecessary things out of your head!

If a guy disappears without explanation after the first date:

  1. The sympathy that is needed for the development of relationships never arose. For this, appearance alone is not enough—outlook on life, similarity of interests, hobbies, and goals are important. In this case, do not despair. It’s better to immediately understand that you are not on the right path than to get buried in conflicts or misunderstandings later.
  2. The woman was too pushy and had actually already decided on their wedding date. They don’t just disappear from such individuals, they run away at breakneck speed!
  3. The guy dates several girls at once. And, accordingly, he will stay with the one who turns out to be closer, prettier, and dearer to him. Do not be upset under any circumstances - be glad that dishonest people have bypassed your life!
  4. Does not seek commitment. It happens: you are pretty, you speak smoothly, everything is to his taste, but he doesn’t want to continue yet. Maybe the man just got out of a previous relationship and needs to breathe out. Or maybe he's just afraid. Give him a couple of weeks - if he still doesn’t call, then there will be someone else.
  5. The man felt that he had already won you over, so he became bored. There are types for whom dates are trophies, steps where they need to feel like winners. They disappear especially often if the first date ends in sex.
  6. He is completely overwhelmed at work or personal life. And since you are not yet in such a close relationship to put you as a priority, he may simply spin out, postponing your communication. BUT! If you really hooked him, he would remember you!
  7. After the dialogue with you, the man realized that he simply would not be attracted to you. Neither morally nor financially.
  8. He disappeared because he made peace with his former flame. It may happen that your short communication coincided with their breakup, but they decided to get back together. Whether it happened on purpose or just this way, you shouldn’t worry about it anymore.
  9. Something happened to him or his family/friends. This is unlikely, but it cannot be ruled out. If you are really worried about this, look at his social networks - if life there is full of bright pictures and statuses, you can calm down.
  10. After the date, a holiday is coming. Yes, such men exist. They disappear so as not to give gifts, but after that they will definitely make themselves known. And whether you need such happiness or not - decide for yourself!

Why did the man disappear after the first sex?

If a man courted you for a long time and achieved his goal, and then disappeared after the first sex, then this may be due to various reasons. It often happens that the first sex happens suddenly, for example, on the first date. Why does the man disappear in this case? Here are the answers to this question:

  1. Hormones. In women, after sexual intercourse with a man, the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness in our body, increases. Tenderness and pleasant words lower his testosterone levels. Therefore, the man goes in search of feats that will help him do something brutal and masculine to restore the balance of hormones.
  2. He feels guilty. He ended up in bed too early, as he thinks, and therefore he feels guilty towards you. This gnaws at him from the inside and so the man decides to simply disappear.
  3. He got more than he expected. A man is a winner by nature. He wants to conquer. He must understand that he has earned the right to be with you, that is, time must pass after your first acquaintance. If he got everything he wanted too quickly, then his behavior will be obvious.

If sex has already happened and the man has disappeared, do not be humiliated - do not call and do not insist on the next date. This will scare him off even more. Just wait a while, maybe he has something important to do. But, if he doesn’t want to see you and avoids meetings and conversations, then why do you need him?

Even in the initial stages of a relationship, as you can see, there are enough reasons to make you wonder! So relax and let everything take its course. Experience his loss quietly, with dignity, without imposition or humiliation.

Dear girls, remember the most important rule: if a man disappears after the first date, it’s not your problem, but HIS. After a short period of time, there is a chance you won’t even remember it, so move on with a firm gait!

At the beginning of a serious relationship

Your relationship is filled with romance - you wish each other good night, know your parents, plan a future together, meet mutual friends on weekends... And the man suddenly disappears without explanation.

What could be on his mind?

  1. It seems to him that the relationship has nowhere else to develop. Everything is a dead end, the end. It’s logical, but the development is obvious - wedding, family, children. But no! We don't want to take responsibility!
  2. The woman has become predictable and boring. By the way, this happens quite often, so women's magazines shout from all sides about how important it is not to lose yourself.
  3. Doubts his feelings. Here the man disappears for about a week - during this time he fully comes to the realization of how dear you are to him.
  4. Usual manipulations. A man does such tricks in order to teach his chosen one a lesson.
  5. It seems to a man that you are not suitable for him or that the relationship is not developing according to the scenario that he has drawn for himself. Why didn't I understand earlier? He understood everything before, he simply delayed the decision, giving some imaginary chance to both of you. Then I got tired and saw that after all, no – you are completely different people.
  6. It seems to a man that disappearing in silence is the act of a real male, for whom words are superfluous. Girls need to immediately adopt this trait, otherwise this will become the norm in later life.
  7. He likes this adrenaline, passion, your angry look, stormy reconciliatory sex. Give your man more emotions, attend extreme sports, join role-playing games.

When a man leaves a seemingly happy relationship, step aside. The most you can do is write an SMS: “Hi, I’m worried, are you okay?” That's it, continue to live your life, without self-flagellation and feverish analyzes of your behavior.

When a man disappears without explanation in a marriage

Men, while married, disappear without explanation quite rarely, fortunately. But still, if everything was quiet and peaceful, according to the wife, and the husband suddenly left, slamming the door, there are clearly some serious problems!

What can make a man silently run away from his family?

  1. The man has big troubles that do not concern his family. Yes, this is unfair to the spouse, because it is not her fault, but the fact remains a fact.
  2. Another woman appeared. It hurts terribly when a man disappears in silence, giving preference to his rival. What is this - weakness, lack of upbringing or avoidance of responsibility to your wife? It’s hard to say, someone else’s soul is in the dark!
  3. Crisis in family relationships. Every family experiences a period of “stagnation,” when spouses are overcome by misunderstanding, indifference, and everyday conflicts develop into one big drama. Then everything results in the man leaving the family for a few days to rest and recuperate. And it doesn’t matter where: a hotel, a garage, a friend, parents - the main thing is to escape.
  4. Disappearance as a way to resolve conflict situations. Manipulative behavior takes place if the woman herself allows it. A man gets used to the fact that he can disappear in difficult situations and appear only when all the problems settle down on their own. And the wife will bear this in silence, because she will not want to start a new scandal, which will again end in leaving.
  5. The husband is tired of his wife's quarrelsome nature. Constant reproaches, sarcasm in the voice, conversations in a raised voice. A man begins to feel that he is being ignored, disrespected, and used, so sooner or later his patience comes to an end.
  6. Introverted man. It’s neither his nor your fault, he’s just the kind of person he is. From time to time he needs to be alone with his thoughts.

In fact, psychologists note that a man cannot simply run away from a harmonious, happy relationship without saying a word. The wife knows exactly the origins of the roots that caused the escape. I knew before, but I took the position of “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything.” It is impossible to avoid problems, they will not resolve on their own, and the pose of an ostrich, which presses its head to the ground in any possible danger, sooner or later leads to the fact that someone simply loses their nerve.

A prosperous family requires work, effort, and frankness!

Lack of emotions

Have you heard the jokes about log women? Of course, such expressions do not please anyone, but, unfortunately, such a category of women still exists. No emotions, groans, sighs, a soldier’s pose and a quiet voice in the silence: “did you feel good?” Well, how can you answer such a question? Of course, “yes” with a forced smile. At such moments, you want to quickly escape from a cold, insensitive woman, although in life she may be completely different. Perhaps this behavior is strongly influenced by shyness, a low degree of liberation, unexpected sex for which she was not ready, and lack of experience. Running away in this case is very ugly and wrong, after all, first sex is rarely fiery, but, you see, no one wants to end up in someone else’s cold bed again, dissatisfied and offended.

Why is it easier for men to disappear without explanation?

Really, is it really so difficult to look into the eyes and find the right words for your woman? It turns out yes!


  1. A man disappears because he is afraid of accusations. Naturally, stones will fly towards the one who initiated the rupture. To accept these stones, you must have courage, strength, and inner core. That's the whole point.
  2. Doesn't want an explanation. It’s too difficult to prove your point of view, debate, swear. It’s easier, simpler, faster to leave in English.
  3. He was not taught to make decisions and be responsible for them. Such men are morally weak, they lack prudence, will, and determination.
  4. For a man, it seems that everything is already clear, without words. It doesn’t matter that it’s actually illogical, everything is crystal clear in his head!
  5. He disappears silently, thus avoiding scandals. Especially if his passion is distinguished by his temper or complex character. Men are very afraid of hysterics, screaming, breaking dishes, etc.

The most important and banal reason is fear. It is he who motivates a man to disappear for a month, to block a number, to avoid a woman, to avert his eyes when meeting. This behavior is alien to the fair sex. As it turns out, in this regard they are more responsible!

If a man disappears without explanation, what should you do?

You had a long-term relationship, dates, confessions. But suddenly he suddenly disappears - he doesn’t call or write. If a man disappears without any explanation as to how to behave, should he write or wait for him? Here are some tips:

  • If the relationship was long-term and everything was fine with you, and the man suddenly disappeared, write him a couple of SMS or send a message on social networks. After all, you must show the most banal care and concern.
  • If you dated for a short time, and then he disappeared, then you shouldn’t even write to him. He is probably that kind of person and you don’t like him in some way. Men are weak and cannot directly tell a woman why he is leaving. They prefer to do this quietly and unnoticed, without questions, showdowns and scandals.
  • Try to spend time with loved ones who reciprocate your feelings. This way you won’t have to think about his disappearance and will be a little distracted.
  • If you decide to end your relationship with a man who keeps disappearing, then open yourself up to something new. You are invited to a cafe or to a concert of your favorite musician - go ahead. A friend invited you to go to the gym, put on sportswear and go to training with her.
  • It's hard to be open to meeting new people, but try to get back into the game as soon as possible. Don't lose hope and be open to meeting new people.

The person who wounded your soul and disappeared without a trace does not deserve your attention and your worries. Switch your attention to other men and don't wait for someone who doesn't need you.

If a man disappears, what should you do about it?

What to do about it?

  1. Accept the fact that the relationship is over. Don't make excuses for your partner and don't lie to yourself, trying to deny the obvious. Your partner is an independent adult, and, in the end, he has the right to his own vision of the situation.
  2. Identify your feelings. When your soul hurts and your heart is in tatters, it is very difficult to localize the pain. Try to understand exactly what you feel. Offense? Anger? Confusion? Once you understand the cause of the pain, it will be easier for you to deal with it.
  3. Don't discount your experience. Everything that happens to us shapes our personality. Every relationship, like every breakup, is a lesson. Try to understand what yours is.
  4. Take care of yourself - pick up the pieces and continue living. If you can't help but think about what happened and keep playing out the scenario in your head over and over again, try turning the self-reflection from destructive to constructive. Try to understand what YOU want. Understand your needs and desires. Use this break to become stronger.
  5. Forgive and let go. Yes, I know it's easier said than done. At different stages of the experience, you experience denial, anger, disappointment - anything but gratitude. Try it anyway. Everyone we loved left a piece of themselves in our lives: some good, some bad. We should be grateful to all these people: some for coming into our lives, and others for leaving it on time.

The end of Olga's story

The girl realized that she was scaring men off with her behavior and began to monitor him more strictly, especially on first dates, while the process of recognition and getting used to each other was taking place.

She realized that biochemistry had not contacted some gentlemen. I came up with an idea to find a reason to touch my partner on the first date. For example, take a hand and at that moment feel how her and his body respond.

At the last meeting with Olga, we discussed the development of relations, since she has a permanent boyfriend, they are making plans for the future.

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How to react if a man disappears and appears again

The man disappears, evaporates, ignores you, and then appears with words of love, as if nothing had happened. You have forgiven, established relationships, everything is fine, but bang - the same song again!

What should a woman do in such situations, how to react to sudden departures and returns?

  • Think about what caused you to leave and whether this can be corrected in the future. Analyze recent events, your behavior, conversations. Calm down, you have time for this! If you understand mistakes, correct them, become a wise and reasonable woman.
  • Stop trying to take revenge, scold, or arrange an interrogation with passion! React to his appearance with restraint, even if a storm is raging inside.
  • Have self-respect - do not throw yourself into his arms with words of love or gratitude, otherwise the man will regard this gesture as encouragement, repeating his departure in the future.
  • Without raising your voice, calmly express your grievances. “You disappeared, I was in the dark. I find it difficult to answer how to evaluate your action now, but then I set myself up for a break. Sorry, I need time to decide what to do next.”
  • Spare your man the bitter stories of how difficult, lonely, scary, painful it was for you. Don't make him feel guilty.
  • If a man comes with gifts after he disappears, just accept them. Don't be arrogant or condescending. The time has come to seek you again, let him feel it.

If a man disappears or appears, there are undoubtedly reasons for his return. He likes you - that's a fact. Another question is how long this can last, because there are reasons to leave you! You can live your whole life like this, or maybe he will someday meet the one in whom he will be satisfied with absolutely everything.

If you are already truly tired of this and have done everything possible for this relationship, do not be afraid to break this cycle. The time will come - and you will find that man who will take care of you and appreciate you, and not abandon you at every opportunity / After all, you certainly deserve someone who prefers to solve issues constructively, without hiding his head in the sand. Remember this always! Be happy!

How to act effectively after first sex?

First, read the article - How to behave after sex.

And then read carefully. Write my words into your memory, flash your subconscious to act effectively. Break your usual reality with an unusual reality that is closer to the truth.

Re-read these lines several times.

It will be against your rules, against your upbringing, against your feelings!


It should be more important for you to get results!

May you be HAPPY!

You should know that men will always feel indifferent after sex. But they fight it because that's how they were raised. In fact, the best thing for a man to do after sex is to get up and just leave, but this is against morality.

Even if he is in love with you, he will still feel indifferent to you after sex. It’s just that later it will be replaced by something else, which will depend on HOW you look and (or) HOW you behave!

That's why! Stop acting like all girls do! Enough!

In order to be adored and not disappear after the first time, always turn the situation upside down. Always and with any man!

Namely, SHOW YOURSELF INDIFFERENCE. Imagine that it was not he who fucked you, it was not you who made love, but you simply used him as a phallus. And you don't need him anymore. Get up, say “thank you” and leave. Or run away while he's in the shower.

Then you will appear as if nothing had happened. He himself will start looking for you. He will have a lot of questions for you, which is very good!

Ideally, in order not to get hooked on men, you need to train yourself to have men. Fuck them and leave them like they do. Then they will start running after you, leaving their boring wives and loving you. It will energize you so much that you will become great.

There are many ways to make sure that a guy doesn’t leave after the first sex, but quickly starts going crazy about you. I'll show you a few of them.

  • Invite a man to fulfill all his and your sexual fantasies.
  • Leave for another man immediately after sex.
  • Tell her that today you are meeting a girl and you will have sex with her.
  • Make it clear that in the future he can do whatever he wants with you. Actually everything! Everything!

To train, try several methods and choose the one that will work flawlessly for you.

If you have a puritanical upbringing, and it’s difficult for you to train like that and have men yourself, then shove your upbringing up your ass and have a blast tonight (I allow it). Or sit abandoned in your ineffective reality and hope for a miracle. Which will never come to you...

And don't forget an important thing. You should know HOW to cleanse yourself after sex. It's effective no matter what!

The article turned out to be quite long, although I planned to keep it short. Do not judge strictly.

Good luck! Proud...

Source: www.xn—-btbgrjageubg1a.xn--p1ai

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