Who is a womanizing man: definition, signs. Why men become womanizers: reasons. How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love? A man who is a womanizer - how to live with him: reviews

In this article we will talk about who womanizer men are, how to recognize them and whether it is worth starting a relationship with them.

As you know, a man is determined by his actions. But just to understand who your man really is, you will first have to get to know him well. At the same time, attention must be paid to the little things. A man who is a womanizer is also not as simple as it seems. You cannot call him such if he simply behaves rudely during a quarrel. But too much attention to women is just a certain characteristic. The relationship with him may be long, but not as good as you imagined.

When he begins to notice that you want more, he will find reasons to break up, or he will simply disappear. Freedom is more important to him. So, if you notice that your chosen one flirts openly with others and is not even shy about you, then this is already one of the first signs of a womanizer. Let's take a closer look at what this man is like and whether it's worth dating him and starting a family.

Who is a womanizing man: definition

Who is a womanizer?
A womanizer man is always pleasant and overly charming. He always looks attractive, there is never a dull moment with him, and he usually has good manners. We must give him credit, because he pays a lot of attention to his appearance. At the same time, he is not fixated on himself, because he loves women more. He's something of a collector.

But a real collector collects, for example, coins, but a womanizer is more interested in relationships. Women are the most important interest in life for him. You could even call it a kind of addiction.

Can a womanizer truly love a woman?

Maybe. But most often it doesn’t come to true love. How to understand that a womanizer has fallen in love? Just like an ordinary man: he will strive to be close to you, touch you, look with a loving gaze, and so on.

Just a slight feeling of falling in love is not love. A womanizer doesn’t know much about love, but he knows a lot about women, as they say. Even if he falls in love, he will hardly be able to deny himself sex with a beautiful woman. Have you heard the saying that the grave will straighten the hunchback? Or do you have a different opinion? Share in the comments, I'm interested.

Why men become womanizers: reasons

When we meet a man who is a womanizer along the way, then, of course, we wonder why he is like this. In fact, he was not always like this; certain reasons contributed to this. At the same time, if the cause is eradicated, then the effect will also cease to bother you. In general, no matter what anyone says, there are not many womanizers, although men are often called such. And they themselves can boast that they had many women. After all, this supposedly increases authority in a male company.

In fact, a real womanizer will never tell everyone about his relationship. He either simply does not show them off, or hides them completely. For such a man it is important to have fun. Moreover, he does not have deep feelings for one, he does not want to take responsibility for someone. This is usually typical for young men and is considered to be infantilism.

So why does a man become like this? There are many reasons for this, but we will list the main ones. So, a man can often change women because:

  • He is young and too interested in girls . This is the most innocent reason, because it is associated only with raging hormones. At the same time, it is not even necessary for a young man to enter into an intimate relationship. It’s enough just to hug, kiss and get good emotions. And such a guy chases after new sensations until he finds the only one and settles down.
  • He has low self-esteem . Such womanizers are not very confident in themselves and therefore try to assert themselves at the expense of the number of women. This option can also be cured. For him, the best medicine may be a job or a loving family. At the same time, the need for new women will disappear on its own.
  • The desire to receive sexual satisfaction . This applies not only to those who are sexual giants, but also to insecure men. The situation is quite complicated, because the latter can still be stopped by a woman who will prove that he is the best in sex. But only sex-obsessed girls can cope with the first one. And even in this case, no one guarantees a positive result.
  • Afraid of close emotional connections . Many believe that it is precisely because of fear of affection that men often change women. This condition is called intimophobia. When a man simply loves women, he is still capable of falling in love, but an intimate phobe tries to prevent even a declaration of love. Typically, such fear occurs in strong men who consider feelings a sign of weakness. But often this comes from childhood itself. At the same time, an intimate phobe is a real Casanova, who has many sexual victories and quickly runs away from a woman as soon as a hint of seriousness appears.


A guy who was once seriously hurt may stop treating girls with respect.
Let's look at why men who are womanizers play with girls' hearts and what factors influence this.

  1. Reluctance to build serious relationships.
  2. Innate polygamy forces one to constantly change girls.
  3. Fear of new feelings, in particular, in the presence of bad experiences.
  4. The desire to take revenge on the entire female race due to the fact that there was previously unrequited love or betrayal on the part of the beloved girl.
  5. An opportunity to assert yourself and increase your authority.

Man-womanizer - psychology: signs, behavior

Signs of a womanizer
In fact, a man who is a womanizer is easily identified by a number of signs. By the way, a very good point for you is that it is difficult for him to hide his essence. As a rule, men are unable to do this. So it's quite easy to recognize them. Although, if you are madly in love, then at first it will be difficult to recognize some kind of catch and what kind of man is in front of you.

So, here are a few signs that will help you easily recognize a man who is a womanizer:

  • When meeting people, he is not shy, but behaves very confidently. He is open to conversation and always has something to talk about. At the same time, he puts himself a little higher than you. This can be seen in his minor phrases. The first time it may not be so noticeable, but as communication develops it will manifest itself fully.
  • He always gives compliments . Mostly he doesn't say anything unusual. His words are downright banal. All girls enjoy hearing how smart and beautiful they are. It always makes the right impression. And if he also starts reading poetry, then that’s it, the girl will definitely remember him.
  • You don't have to ask him about how he lives . He will tell you everything himself. He likes to present himself as successful and purposeful, and women believe this. However, in reality it often turns out that he has nothing to stand out about.
  • He always takes care of his appearance . It’s hard to blame him for lack of taste. You will never be embarrassed in public with him, because he knows how to behave.
  • At the first meeting, he can flirt with other girls . For him there is nothing wrong with this; such behavior is seen as the norm for him.
  • He will admire you and praise you, making you blush. He will continue to shower you with flattery until he sees that you have fallen for the bait.
  • He won't set aside time during the day to meet with you . Everything happens to him only after work and personal matters. By the way, you shouldn’t expect him to introduce you to his friends.

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How to understand that a man is a womanizer</p>

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