3 reasons why a man calls a girl different names

The vocabulary is varied. This is especially noticeable in interpersonal communication between a guy and a girl. This is where phrases about hares, kitties and other representatives of the fauna arise. Why does a man call a girl that? It is difficult to give a definite answer.

What does it mean if a man calls you by a different name?

This situation is considered difficult. Often young people accidentally call their current girlfriends by the names of their exes. There are many reasons for such reservations:

• Thinks about her. • Inattentive. • Absentminded. • I recently saw my ex.

The mechanism of memory is complex. It is not possible in principle to forget even a person who is unpleasant to us. Sometimes names themselves arise from deep memory and manifest themselves in life. Not everyone can overcome the subconscious.

Why does a man call his ex-girlfriend by name? Perhaps this is a simple reservation and you shouldn’t worry about it in principle. The situation is more complicated if such an incident occurs more than once. Here we will have to understand the problem deeper. Most likely, the young man has some feelings for her. Not necessarily love. We all remember not only those we love. It can be:

• Anger. • Resentment. • Irritation. • Hatred.

In any case, there is nothing good. From love to hate there is one step, back, in principle, the same. A girl in such a situation should just talk to her partner and set all the accents. It’s important to remember: you can only bring a guy out for a conversation if the situation has repeated itself more than once!

Psychological aspects

According to psychologists, there may be several reasons for the sudden confusion of names. For example, a person in a conversation with several people is capable of simply mixing up names, accidentally calling one of the interlocutors by someone else’s name. This also happens when a person is thinking about someone and suddenly someone turns to him. Accordingly, without yet moving away from thoughts about another person, it is also possible to make a mistake.

It is possible to call a person by a different name by accident, especially if he looks like an acquaintance from afar. Similar confusion can occur with those people who really miss their deceased or departed relatives, because in such a situation, longing for loved ones can also result in a reservation.

Why doesn't a man call his girlfriend by name?

As the classic said: the Russian language is great and powerful. A man calls a girl dear, bunny, sunshine, baby and other epithets for only two reasons:

• Wants to do something nice. • Afraid of getting his name wrong.

It is much scarier if the reason for such unusual vocabulary is fear. This means that the young man maintains communication with other representatives of the fair half of humanity. It simply cannot be otherwise.

Here conclusions from frank conversations will lead nowhere. The guy will simply withdraw into himself, and it will not be possible to extract information from him. You should observe his behavior. Sometimes betrayal is revealed by a number of indirect signs.


A reservation in a name does not always have psychological roots; some cases can be attributed to mysticism, since often a reasonable explanation, even taking into account scientific justification, simply does not exist. Let’s say there is a sign that if you call someone you don’t know much by someone else’s name, then soon there will be a visit from the person whose name was pronounced.

They also say that if someone constantly makes a mistake and calls the same person by a different name, and by accident, there is a possibility that the fate of this person will soon change, because it is no coincidence that he is seen in a different guise. Of course, for those who are afraid of such changes, it is best to limit communication with the person who made the reservation, but for those who love adventure, you should expect surprises in the near future.

There is one more sign. They say that the person whose name was pronounced by mistake is most likely at that very moment remembering the one who misspoke. Accordingly, to avoid such mistakes in the future, it is best to meet and just chat, because there is a possibility that the reason lies precisely in mutual longing for each other.

In ancient times, a person's name was taken very seriously, because changing the name could lead to a change in fate and even death. That is why the real name received at baptism, as a rule, was always hidden in order to limit both evil thoughts and banal slips that could lead to serious consequences.

A name is a nickname that is given to every person at birth. Usually, for a Russian person, such factors as surname and patronymic are attached to the name. For example, a person may be called Fedor Vasilyevich Ivanov. Although there is information such as Tina Kandelaki’s story that her middle name is not written in the passport column. And this is not the first time. Americans do not have a middle name at all, only their first and last names are present in their family tree. For example, Jefferson Richard. But at the same time, every person has a name.

Even the very first person on planet Earth. His name was Adam, and his name said a lot about itself. It consisted of three Hebrew characters (letters) - aleph, dalet and mem. Which meant that he was the first who sought to fill the vessel of the inner world of all future humanity with the feeling of the Almighty. Speaking about the meaning of the name, we can also take into account the fact that, translated from Hebrew, the name Adam means “man.”

In addition to human names, there are names of trade products, names of parts of speech, names of animals, which are called nicknames. A person's name is otherwise called a personal name. The role of a name for a person is enormous. In ancient times, people were called by the way they presented themselves. This is where the name Anastasia originated in Ancient Greece. It is also considered a Russian, Orthodox name and means “resurrected, immortal.”

For some girls, it is important that their boyfriend's name is exactly what they like. But their guys' names, alas, are not the names one would like to hear. In this case, a situation may arise that the girl, under some circumstances, called her boyfriend by a different name. But what should a guy do if a girl calls him by someone else’s name?

Many people laugh it off, saying that you need to be the one whose name the girl named, then you can get what this “Vasya” gets. But, in fact, for a loving person, this joke is a sharp blow straight to the heart. The first thing to remember: you never need to panic and bring the situation to the point of separation until you are completely sure of the existence of “Vasya”. It may well be that the girl simply associates this name with the guy’s appearance. After all, if you think about it, everyone can be given another, as people think, more suitable name. The second factor associated with the fact that the girl called her by a different name is the huge presence of friends and relatives. This can really lead to a stupid and ridiculous situation with the guy's name. The third factor is the actual existence of a person with a given name, but this can only be determined with your own ears and eyes. You should never listen to anyone about this.

Many people laugh it off, saying that you need to be the one whose name the girl named, then you can get what this “Vasya” gets. But, in fact, for a loving person, this joke is a sharp blow straight to the heart. The first thing to remember: you never need to panic and bring the situation to the point of separation until you are completely sure of the existence of “Vasya”. It may well be that the girl simply associates this name with the guy’s appearance. After all, if you think about it, everyone can be given another, as people think, more suitable name. The second factor associated with the fact that the girl called her by a different name is the huge presence of friends and relatives. This can really lead to a stupid and ridiculous situation with the guy's name. The third factor is the actual existence of a person with a given name, but this can only be determined with your own ears and eyes. You should never listen to anyone about this.

Did you call your loved one a different name, but not without reason? Then it’s worth confessing everything, because if it’s love, the guy will forgive, perhaps not right away, but he will forgive. She called the guy by a different name - a serious relationship cannot begin with a lie. You can, of course, justify yourself without telling the truth by saying that it was a joke. Or say that this is some kind of role-playing game. But, if a girl chooses the role-playing option, you can expect anything from the guy. For example, he may be scared or, on the contrary, for him this girl will become both a red riding hood and a desperate nurse. Well, if we think seriously, then there is nothing better than admitting everything.

Love is a bright feeling that cannot be polluted by betrayals and lies. Otherwise it won't be love. Calling someone else by someone else's name, while having the cunning to lie, is also not an option. This is vile. To avoid this situation and remember your partner’s name forever, you need to go a short way. Study the partner’s name in all senses, that is, find out the meaning of the name and the nature of the name. After all, character really depends on the nickname. You need to find out which color corresponds to your partner's name. Knowing all these factors, you can remember the name right away, because the girl will have all the associations associated with the guy’s name. In general, girls are the most creative creatures on Earth, so a mistake in a guy’s name is just image support, a certain “PR” factor for a female being, although many men do not understand this logic. But it’s worth thinking about it and coming to the conclusion that this is not a terrible “vice”, because a mistake in choosing a husband is much more serious than the ridiculous situation with the name.

Good day, Olya!

You write: “But I am convinced that they don’t just call someone else by someone else’s name.” How justified is this belief of yours? Do you deny randomness, do you think that everything that happens is natural? In this case, I agree with the opinion of my respected colleague Shupenyuk - such a belief makes you potentially vulnerable (since accidents exist OBJECTIVELY, and attempts to ignore objective reality always increase a person’s vulnerability). By the way, if you are REALLY CONVINCED of this, then why are you asking (“is it possible to name a loved one after his friend/girlfriend, is it just an accident?”)?

In addition to this belief that does not quite correspond to reality, you have others - for example, your belief that a relationship requires FULL confidence in feelings and FULL confidence that “he ONLY needs me.” But 100% confidence in this is unattainable in principle; feelings are quite unstable and almost uncontrollable. At some moments, a person may feel that he needs someone else - of course, this does not mean that a person will put these feelings into practice, valuing the existing relationship, he will not do this, but it is 100% guaranteed that that such feelings, even episodic, will NEVER happen, no one can. And considering the possibility of such feelings and thoughts (we are talking ONLY about feelings and thoughts, but not about specific ACTIONS) as an obstacle to a serious relationship is laying the foundation for future problems.

Finally, pay attention to “double standards” in your relationships. You don’t have 100% trust in the “new martyr”, because “while he was waiting for me, he talked with others” - but you yourself have not yet fully decided whether to “finally leave your previous boyfriend for him (while there is chance to return) or not.” In other words, you leave yourself a backup option, room for maneuver, and demand final and irrevocable decisions from the “new martyr”. Are you sure that this style of behavior promotes trust in relationships and that it will not negatively affect them?

And now you can return to your original question: “is it possible to name a loved one after his friend/girlfriend, who means nothing, is it just an accident?” The answer is POSSIBLE. This MAY BE just a coincidence. But it is also impossible to COMPLETELY exclude the fact that this is NOT an accident. And this is just one of those cases that life is full of, when you CANNOT get a 100% correct and unambiguous answer, COMPLETELY eliminate risk and be COMPLETELY confident. Whether we like it or not, there is ALWAYS room for risk. Another thing is that the risk must be reasonable and justified, and if there is an opportunity to reduce it, then you need to take advantage of it (in this case - without attaching importance to the reservation, which may well be just an accident, observe the behavior of the young man, analyze your relationship - whether it suits you, whether there are any fundamental differences in views, how successfully you interact with him, resolve differences that arise, etc.). All this affects the stability of your relationship no less (if not more) than the “strength of feelings” to which you attach such exceptional importance (in fact, NOT EVERYTHING is determined only by the intensity of emotions).

Understanding and love to you, and greater flexibility and realism of your views and beliefs!

PS. Please also pay attention, Olya, to the fact that you write and think a lot about the young man’s feelings FOR YOU, but do not write about YOUR feelings that he evokes in you. Do you take YOUR feelings into account when making a decision, or ignore them, believing that the most important thing is the young man’s feelings for you, so that they are “so strong”?

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