Psychologists have named 4 types of toxic people who should not be allowed into your life.

This article is part of the Auto-da-Fé project. In it we declare war on everything that prevents people from living and becoming better: breaking laws, believing in nonsense, deception and fraud. If you have encountered something similar, share your stories in the comments.

The rights of one person end where the rights of another begin - this is what they say in school in social studies, but it would be worth learning this even earlier. It's not just about following the law. It's a matter of commonplace politeness and upbringing, which can make social interactions much more pleasant.

However, there are always people who don’t care if they interfere with others. These people only care about their own convenience and are quite annoying.

Loud people

Loud sounds irritate, interfere with concentration, and make you feel uncomfortable. People around you are not annoying out of spite. The areas of the brain responsible for processing sound control the mental and physiological processes necessary for concentration and creativity. Accordingly, it is impossible to be distracted. All that remains for listeners, involuntarily, is to hate people who mock other people’s ears. By the way, here they are.

Loud music lovers

Some seem to listen to music on headphones, but turn up the volume to such a level that the sound waves blow away those around them. Others are not at all embarrassed to watch videos and enjoy songs in a crowded place directly from their phone or tablet, or even from a portable speaker. It is noteworthy that usually the ears of others are raped with very specific music. Apparently, tastes and upbringing are more closely connected than it seems.

Neighbors who are music lovers

They could well fall into the category of loud music lovers, but it would be more correct to single out a separate item for them. Because your music-loving neighbors don’t catch you in line at the doctor’s office or on the trolleybus. They penetrate your apartment - a place intended for relaxation. Moreover, often these same people completely ignore the so-called law on silence, which regulates when you can’t make noise.

A special greeting should be conveyed to the owners of subwoofers in high-rise buildings, especially panel and monolithic ones. Vibrations from bass can easily travel through structures. As a result, half the house is shaking - and this is in the best case.

Phone maniacs

Many people are annoyed by bloggers who broadcast their every move on social networks, but at least you can unsubscribe from them. It’s much worse when you find yourself in a queue or on a trolleybus with a person who decides right now to tell your telephone interlocutor where you went, what you did, what you ate. On the one hand, the sound is annoying, on the other hand, listeners feel uncomfortable because they don’t want to know the details of a stranger’s personal life.

However, there is a good chance that your torment will not end when the telephone maniac ends the call and starts typing something on the device. Some people do not turn off the keyboard sound when they first unpack the phone, but prefer to cheer up those around them with squeaks and beeps.

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Funny nicknames

Let's say you just want to make fun of someone. Or maybe your friend or boyfriend came up with some cool nickname for you. And you decided to answer the guy in the same way - somehow call him kindly once or stick the word on for centuries, but nothing worthwhile comes to mind. We give Maria the last task. The question is: “how to call a guy or friend so that the girl finds it funny, but he is not offended?” Here are her sentences, which she gave without thinking:

  • to my beloved - a baby doll or baby doll, kitten, darling, cupid, little man, little man or little man, devourer of my heart;
  • to a full friend - a fat belly, a pot belly, a smesharik, a donut or a candy bar;
  • to a sexual partner - a wanton or a sexpot, a libertine, a giant or a boner;
  • a friend who loves to eat - cutlet, glutton or glutton;
  • to a fellow IT specialist - an IT specialist or an IT specialist, a master - a computer hacker, a god of a server, a virus chaser, a child of the motherboard, a thunderstorm of dummies.

Masha and I decided to go through popular male names:

  • Pavlu - pate, Pavlushka or peacock;
  • Alexey - oh lekha or goblin;
  • Dmitry - Mitri or Dimitri;
  • Vladimir - Vovka the Carrot;
  • Alexandru - Sashok-potty, Shurik-zhmurik, Alexashka, Sanchos-panchos;
  • Gennady - a genius, a crocodile or a friend of Cheburashka;
  • Leonid - Leo, lion cub, Lenkus, Leonidas or Yakubovich;
  • To Mikhail - Potapych, a stuffed animal, Mikhailo.
  • Maxim - Maximiliano or Maksyutka.
  • Andrey – Drunka, Dron or Andron;
  • Nikolai – Nicholas or Nick;
  • Evgeniy – Zhendos, Evgen, genius, gene of Eva.

At this point Maria was exhausted. In parting, she reminds that your words can be used against you and wishes everyone well, and I gladly join her. Supplement our list with your own options for offensive or harmless nicknames. Goodbye.

Ill-mannered smokers

People with nicotine addiction often complain of discrimination and general dislike. They owe their bad reputation to their smoking brethren, who grab a cigarette anywhere, not caring about the interests of others.

It's not just that passive smoking is harmful to health. It’s just unpleasant when it’s smoky in the elevator or entrance, when someone walks in the crowd ahead and tars a cigarette, including burning through the clothes of passers-by. Finally, it is not uncommon for a smoker to take his last puff at a stop, throw the cigarette butt away (always not into the trash can), and exhale the smoke in the minibus or bus. Public transport in Russia has little to do with comfort, but passengers certainly didn’t order a gas chamber.

Smoking often leads to fires, if the bull was thrown into the garbage chute in the Ulyanovsk Sovetskaya Hotel near Lenin Square, or if it was evacuated from the window onto the balcony. In Rybinsk, the sixteen-story house of the neighbors below caught fire.

So, on ill-mannered smokers, as well as on cigarette packs, you can place an inscription about their dangers.

Consequences of a toxic relationship

If you managed to end a toxic relationship, then even if it happened at an early stage, you don’t need to think that it passed without a trace for you. Toxic relationships cause emotional wounds and, like physical wounds, they require healing. Sometimes it’s long lasting.

Decreased self-esteem

First of all, you get more or less destroyed self-esteem and decreased self-confidence. Moreover, the degree of destruction depends on the duration of the relationship. The longer you stay with such a man, the more difficult it will be to subsequently regain self-respect and raise your own self-esteem.

The consequences of such relationships can remain for a long time. You will believe that there will always be something wrong with you. No matter what you do, you will consider yourself incompetent, stupid, ugly. You will begin to blame only yourself for everything, believing that others suffer because of you. Nothing will bring you pleasure.

Emotional exhaustion

Being in a toxic relationship, a woman constantly experiences emotional stress, which does not go in vain. Toxic relationships leave a woman psychologically damaged by disrupting her emotional balance. The result of toxic relationships is always emotional and even physical exhaustion, which is not easy to recover.

Living in constant stress always affects your health. In an effort to restore mental balance, women resort to alcohol and even drugs. An addiction may arise that will be very difficult to overcome. This is another factor according to which toxic relationships need to be stopped as quickly as possible, while the woman’s psyche is not yet completely destroyed.


Another negative consequence of a toxic relationship is the inability to perceive the love of well-meaning people with whom you cross paths. Because you will become suspicious of the sincerity of those around you. This is a surefire guarantee to ruin all future chances of happiness.


The psychological pressure that a woman is constantly under in a toxic relationship provokes stress. Psychologists call stress the “silent killer.”

Stress, in turn, can provoke insomnia, which will lead to emotional tension and constant anxiety. All this can result in a severe emotional and mental disorder: severe depression, neuroses, panic attacks or phobias.

Desperate pedestrians

Lifehacker dedicated a separate article to auto-hammers. But there are also complaints about other road users. They also often create dangerous situations.

They cross the road right in front of the car

For pedestrians, traffic rules of the Russian Federation are provided, 4. Responsibilities of pedestrians include many ways to safely cross the road. Running out onto the roadway in front of a car is not one of them. Wedging into traffic 50 meters from a traffic light is the same. This endangers not only the life and health of the offender. Firstly, the driver can suddenly brake to save the life of a pedestrian, which will lead to an accident involving several cars. Secondly, the car may not have time to stop. And even if the driver is found not guilty, a fatal accident is a very traumatic experience.

Walking along the side of the road at night without reflective elements

A car is a source of increased danger, and therefore the driver must be careful. But supernatural vision is not given along with a license, so irresponsible walks can end sadly.

Abuse the power given to them by traffic rules

A car must allow a person to cross a zebra crossing at an unregulated crossing. But this does not mean that he should slow down to a minimum and cross the road at a snail’s pace. Mutual respect is the key to good relations on the road.

Moving along a strange trajectory

Let's move from the road to the sidewalk. A good pedestrian is a predictable pedestrian. Anyone who constantly rushes from side to side and suddenly stops creates a lot of problems for others.


The main motive of such a person is the desire to belittle other people. His words are always saturated with poison and bile, and addressed to mutual acquaintances. They constantly gossip, share other people's secrets, discuss the personal lives of mutual friends, criticize and condemn them. The desire to break off relations with such a person arises naturally, but there are also more subtle representatives of this category who behave in a veiled manner. They feel by the reaction of their interlocutor when they cross the line, and stop in time. The only thing that truly scares a toxic gossip is the risk of experiencing their own pain.

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People who don't protect themselves

Incredible, but true: sexually transmitted diseases are named so for a reason. They are spread through genital contact. And their presence is not always obvious, especially to a non-specialist and in a fit of passion. Spreading harmful bacteria and viruses is very bad. When a person knows about his illness and still does not protect himself, it is terrible, and in some cases even criminal, Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Article 122. Infection with HIV infection, if we are talking about, for example, HIV. Thanks to opponents of birth control, a disease that is not obvious to the eye will be transmitted further and further.

It is naive to believe that anyone is safe. For example, it is still believed that HIV is a disease of homosexuals (sexual transmission) and drug addicts (injection transmission). In Russia and not only this is a completely heterosexual story, and now young married women are at risk for victims of infidelity. They get the virus from spouses who cheat in marriage or who got the disease before.

Unwanted pregnancy, although not a disease, is also not the most pleasant consequence of sex, as the name suggests. So a separate cauldron in hell (boomerang, karma - depending on what you believe) is reserved for myth-makers who convince that it is impossible to get pregnant after interrupted sexual intercourse, during menstruation, or if a woman has not experienced an orgasm.

Does misontropia need to be corrected?

Scientists agree that misanthropy needs to be fought. It is advisable to do this before it becomes a mental disorder.

If misanthropy is not controlled, it can go beyond reasonable boundaries. A misanthrope can harm members of society.

It is possible to overcome the feeling of hatred towards a person or the whole world, but this must be done slowly and consistently. It is worth influencing a misanthrope gently and wisely, giving the right arguments and explaining the consequences of behavior.

Flu-prone workaholics

Colds, unlike STDs, are easily transmitted through airborne droplets. So one sneezing person, who believes that they can’t get by at work without him, can put the whole office to bed - but not for pleasant pleasures. Of course, along the way, he risks infecting passengers on public transport and other people who had the misfortune of being close to him.

Going to work sick is not a labor feat, but pure selfishness.

How to Recognize a Toxic Relationship Early on

Unfortunately, many signs of a toxic relationship with a man are difficult to detect early on. Therefore, American psychologist Sherry Bur Carter in her book “High Octane Women: How the Super Modern Can Avoid Burnout” suggests asking yourself a few simple questions, and honest answers to them will help you understand whether a relationship with a man is toxic or not. After spending some time with a man, try asking yourself these questions and answer them sincerely:

  • Are there facts that make my life worse and change my personality?
  • Has my self-esteem worsened?
  • When you are with this person, do you feel a sense of security and satisfaction, or, on the contrary, do you feel dissatisfaction and uncertainty?
  • Do you try to satisfy your partner's desires just to avoid criticism or intimidation from him?
  • Do you experience fear and an unpleasant feeling that you are not accepted for who you are?
  • Are you being asked to change or change the basic principles of your life?
  • Does your partner get angry when you disagree with something?

If more than half of the answers are affirmative, your relationship with a man bears all the signs of toxicity and this relationship needs to be terminated.

Inadequate dog owners

Let’s agree right away: dogs are nice and are not to blame for anything. Although they are smart animals, they are not smart enough to participate in human agreements. This is the law of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 137. Animals recognize: its owner is responsible for the behavior of a pet. But some owners are truly real pests.

Do not put a leash on your dog when walking

Dog lovers have all kinds of excuses for bitten victims, and they all boil down to the fact that the victim himself is to blame: there was no need to be afraid, and in general, animals sense bad people and do not bite good people. But it’s much easier to pacify a dog than a feeling of panic. If someone is able to control the surge of adrenaline 100% in any situation, let him share this knowledge with everyone.

The problem is solved with a leash. By the way, appearing with a dog without it in places not intended for walking is, in principle, illegal.

Walking on playgrounds

If you can find the least suitable place for walking, this is it. A sandbox is a bad choice for a dog's pee.

They do not remove excrement

There seems to be no need for long introductions here. Few people like to see feces, step in them with clean new shoes, or wash their children off dog poop.

Feeding stray dogs

You don't have to have a dog at home to harm others. You can do this in another way. Among animal lovers, there are those who help them and those who “help”. The first ones take dogs from the streets, sterilize them, give them to foster care and place them in good hands. They also organize or support animal shelters with rubles, work there as volunteers in their free time and generally do a great job.

The latter calm their conscience by taking scraps or cheap food into the yard. As a result, a pack of stray dogs gathers in the yard, unpredictable in their behavior and multiplying uncontrollably. It’s only worse when animals are fed not in their own, but in someone else’s yard.

Are you a good person

First of all, you need to remember that all people are multifaceted. To the people around you, you can be both a bad and a good person. There are three ways you can measure how other people perceive you:

  1. Think about how you behave around strangers. Do you thank the store clerk for your purchase? Do you say hello to your neighbors? Do you give directions to random passers-by? Being friendly towards others creates the first impression of you as a person. If you are impolite to people around you, behave arrogantly and ill-mannered, others may consider you a bad person.
  2. How you behave with friends and family. The main traits of a good person in relation to others: sociability, responsiveness, selflessness. If you treat those around you as a consumer, you should think about your behavior.
  3. How do you behave with those closest to you? If you are capable of causing mental or physical pain even to those closest and dearest to you, you definitely cannot consider yourself a good person.

Is it good to be a misanthrope?

In the modern world there is a lot of betrayal, anger and negativity, so sometimes it’s even safe to be a misanthrope. When describing what a misanthrope means, it is worth noting the fact that most of these people have above-average intelligence because they are engaged in self-development so as not to be a gray mass. In addition, they are responsible workers, but only if they work alone or with people who have passed their face control.

Famous misanthropes

Many people will be surprised to learn that a large number of famous personalities hate people. We invite you to find out who these famous misanthropes are:

  • Hitler;
  • Nietzsche;
  • Chaikovsky;
  • Boyarsky;
  • Bill Murray;
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Books about misanthropes

There is a lot of interesting literature that talks about who a misanthrope is, his life characteristics, and so on. Suggests dwelling on some works:

  1. “Contemplating dogs” I. Edelfeldt
    . The hero of the novel is unsociable; he prefers to communicate with dogs rather than people. This novel can be called a letter that he writes to his psychiatrist.
  2. “Steppenwolf” by G. Hesse
    . A novel that examines the psychology of a person searching for himself. He criticizes society and rushes between the animal and human principles.
  3. “The Wild Life of Gondwana” D. Gorchev
    . This book also contains misanthropic stories, black humor and absurd situations.

Tolerance is the path to harmony

People who hate people are called different things. Since their hostility has different shades of manifestation. To summarize, we can draw one clear and correct conclusion: any hostility towards people is unnatural for a person. And therefore it leads to aggression, destruction of man and the world.

According to statistics, up to 3 percent of the world's population suffer from such disorders. And these are millions! Of these, only a few turn to specialists for help. The rest consider it a style or philosophy of life, their own ideology, politics. To resolve the situation, you need to understand the reason and try to find ways to solve it. And act! As a rule, the first shoots of human hostility usually take root in childhood. Therefore, it is very important to instill in children a sense of tolerance and equality between people, regardless of their gender, social status, nationality and race.

Why do they become misanthropes?

It’s worth saying right away that dislike for people and negative traits has nothing to do with illness and mental disorders. Let's highlight the main reasons why people become misanthropes:

  1. Psychological trauma received in childhood. Such violations can cause people to lose faith in humanity as they grow up. Many begin to live with the idea that it is better to live alone than to face betrayal, aggression and other terrible manifestations of society.
  2. Bad Education. Many parents, unfortunately, miss the moment in raising their child when they need to convey information about the peculiarities of communication and life in society.
  3. Developed intelligence allows you to quickly identify narrow-minded and stupid people. Here it becomes quite justified that many great minds of the past were misanthropes.
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