How to understand that you can grow old with this person

Incredible facts

Can you imagine a world in which there is no deception? It is unlikely that anyone will have enough imagination to realize how much we will lose or how much we will gain if we stop lying to each other. The man is lying

every day, so the skills of bringing an interlocutor to clean water will be useful to everyone.

Moreover, each of us has once made mistakes about people. At such moments, we think about how it was possible not to immediately notice that the person is unreliable and cannot be relied on. And it also happens that we simply cannot find a common language with someone because we did not bother to observe the person in order to create his portrait.

But how do you really get to know a person? Colleague, potential partner, friend? There are a lot of articles on the Internet like “ask these questions to really get to know a person.” But how do you imagine this? Do you sit a person in front of you and start interrogating them? Not many people will agree to this.

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The other extreme is to believe that a person can only be known over a long period of time. However, coach John Alex Clark is confident that the key in this matter is not time, but observation and the ability to connect the information received into one chain.

There are several very simple and at the same time powerful techniques that will help you identify patterns in a person’s behavior and learn about his character. Let's talk about them.

Fate or your own decision?

One can argue endlessly about the existence of fate. Some are sure that it is impossible to escape fate, and you will certainly meet a person with whom you will walk hand in hand throughout your entire life. Others believe that everyone is the architect of their own happiness. Who is right?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. But it’s important to remember that when you meet a man with whom you really feel good, you can’t let everything take its course. By relying on only one fate, you can miss out on a huge number of opportunities. Passive behavior and irresponsibility can be intimidating. Don't be afraid to show your feelings and take care of the chosen one with whom you want to live your whole life. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Watch your speech

In addition to body language, it is also worth analyzing the features of speech.

Usually we know well the personal qualities and behavior style of loved ones, so it is not difficult to replace changes in their behavior and speech. But if in front of you is a stranger or an unfamiliar person, you need to work on his basic behavior, as they do in the FBI.


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We first calm people down to understand how they behave in normal, minimally stressful situations. Thus, by finding out what their baseline behavior is, we can track changes in behavior regarding a specific issue.

Some people begin to speak faster, their voice may become higher, or they begin to make more mistakes in conversation, forced interjections appear, they begin to cough, etc.

Liars are more about convincing you than just making a point.

Therefore, sometimes they will repeat the same thing several times - just to be believed. Their words become weak at the beginning or end of a statement.

You need to be aware of strategic delays, such as when someone answers a question by saying, “That's a good question.” This kind of beginning is used to “forge” an answer. It just so happens that this tactic is used by both honest and dishonest people, so in itself it does not indicate deception. Some people are very careful in their answers, so a lawyer of Bill Clinton's caliber will be very careful in constructing his sentences, choosing his words carefully.

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How to understand that he is your destiny: signs

  1. The clearest indicator that your partner is destined for you is the feeling that you have known each other all your life. You feel a kinship of souls, you understand why your loved one acted in one way or another, you are completely confident in him. And the most important thing is that your beloved experiences similar feelings towards you.
  2. Next to your beloved, you feel calm and easy; communicating with him is as easy as breathing. You don't constantly analyze your relationships.
  3. Your life partner gives no reason for doubt, since he does not even allow the thought of hurting you with his rash act.
  4. If your chosen one is not around, everything falls out of your hands, nothing works out, even ordinary and familiar things become difficult. And only next to him are you ready to move mountains. When your lover is nearby, everything works out. At these moments you realize that you can breathe deeply and live fruitfully.

  1. With a person destined by fate, there will always be topics for conversation, and at the same time it is even comfortable to remain silent next to him. The mental connection is never interrupted.
  2. How to understand that a man is destined for fate? You will definitely have common interests. Do you both like to watch comedies or go fishing? Do you enjoy playing football or cross-stitching together? There is no doubt - this person is destined for you.
  3. You are attracted to each other sexually. In the process of making love, you intuitively adapt to each other and both receive true pleasure.
  4. You both want to spend as much time together as possible. You call each other every free minute, and spend your free time alone.

  1. You forgot about past unsuccessful romances and stopped worrying about the failures that happened, because without them you would not have met your lover.
  2. You do not feel anxious that you will be alone: ​​you are completely confident in your spouse and his feelings for you.
  3. In the company of your beloved, you lose the sense of time: while walking, you do not notice that evening has come, but you can talk on the phone for hours on end.
  4. On a subconscious level, you imagine your future life together. This indicates that your intuition is telling you that you are making the right choice.
  5. You feel confident that in any situation you can lean on the strong shoulder of your lover, and he will indeed always come to the rescue and do everything possible to solve your problem.

According to statistics, women with wide hips are less scrupulous in choosing partners

An amazing fact: by the width of a woman’s hips, you can estimate how likely it is that your first date will end in sex. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Leeds (UK). Experts studied several aspects of the sexual behavior of female volunteers, including the number of sexual partners and the age at which they lost their virginity, and then checked how these indicators correlated with the physical parameters of their waists, hips and buttocks. It turned out that women with wide hips tend to practice “sex without commitment” more often, while women with narrow hips are more predisposed to long-term relationships and are more careful in choosing partners.

Of course, the objectivity of such a study leaves much to be desired - it is quite possible that the participants simply exaggerated the activity of their sexual lives. However, scientists argue that this phenomenon can be explained by biological factors - women with a wide pelvis often have much less problems with giving birth to children, so nature itself sets them up for procreation.

7 signs this is your man

If you cannot understand whether a person is destined for you, and your intuition does not give any clues, pay attention to the signs that will help you know that you have met your soulmate. The following signs indicate that your lover is your destiny:

  • he tries in every possible way to improve your life: he greets you from work, corrects minor breakdowns, worries whether you are dressed warmly. He doesn't need a hint to help you;
  • the chosen one is trying to make you laugh. A sense of humor indicates high intelligence and a desire to cheer you up;
  • he spends all his free time with you and does not look for excuses if you yourself suggested meeting him;
  • the guy is interested in how you are doing, asks about your work, hobbies. He wants to get to know you better;
  • the man often gives compliments and gives small gifts;
  • Next to him you feel comfortable and calm.

Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Shape matters: facial geometry

  1. "quadrangular" people

    – born activists, often achieving professional success, which is more important to them than personal success. It is about these people that they say: “energy flows like a fountain.” But, despite this, it is not easy for them to interact with the environment due to excessive demands not only on themselves, but also on the world.

    Their temperamental traits are characterized by hyperactivity and persistence in achieving goals, but often this develops into an angry and rude disposition, and energy combined with cruelty leads to difficulties in communication, excessive ambition and the desire for fame.

  2. for a rounded face shape

    , in tandem with a high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones and an open gaze, you can recognize a true leader. The character of such a person always inspires trust, despite high emotional sensitivity and lack of patience. They say about these: they light up easily, but go out quickly. All this is compensated by natural kindness, sensuality and developed sexual fantasies.

  3. oval face type

    characteristic of complex individuals who do not understand themselves. They seem to be in a state of “eternal search” in the desire to find out the answers to all their questions. They are often under the influence of impressionability, passing everything “through the soul”, constantly changing their views on the world and their attitude towards others.

    All this most often prevents them from achieving their goals. However, they are practical and hardworking due to their innate inspiration.

  4. human face in the shape of a triangle

    characterizes a creative individual with a hot temper and inconsistency of actions. However, natural cunning and caution, a sharp mind and resourcefulness give him the opportunity to easily find a common language with the right people.

You can also determine specific features by the chin: wide - strong-willed nature, square - fixation on material wealth, sharp - resourcefulness and cunning.

How do you understand that this is your destiny?

To understand whether a person is destined for you, you can do a simple test:

  1. Go on a hike together. If during your mini-trip you did not quarrel and endured all the trials with dignity, then this is your person.
  2. Ask him to help you. If a person does not have tender feelings for you, he will have a lot of reasons not to help you. If he loves you, he will come to your aid in any case.
  3. Show up to your lover in casual clothes and without makeup. If his attitude towards you has not changed, and he continues to compliment you, then his love is truly strong.

Behavior of a drug addict

You can usually recognize a person who uses illegal substances by their behavior.

How drug addicts behave:

  • During the period of action of the substance, a person may be overactive, too talkative, or, conversely, lethargic and drowsy. A drug addict may look like a drunk person, but there is no characteristic smell of alcohol on his breath.
  • During withdrawal, the addict's behavior changes dramatically. He becomes irritable and twitchy. Then all other symptoms appear: anxiety and restlessness, dilated pupils, insomnia, chills, sweating, muscle pain, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea.

Does your son use drugs?

You need to take immediate action and seek help:

Signs of self-deception

Often, when alone for a long time, a woman sees her destiny in every man, trying to be deceived for the sake of future happiness. However, it is impossible to cheat fate, so such relationships are doomed to collapse from the very beginning. Girls want their chosen one so much to be destined that they begin to paint an ideal picture and deliberately turn a blind eye to obvious “inconsistencies.”

Women convince themselves that they will live their whole lives with this person, and therefore they need to do everything possible to prevent him from leaving. Or, on the contrary, they expect a man to independently prove his chosenness, while they themselves do not want to give anything in return.

In order not to be deceived by yourself, you need to know the signs that will help you understand that your hopes for a future together are false and you are behaving incorrectly towards a man. The signs listed below will tell you that this is not the person with whom you are destined to walk your entire life, but just a random “passenger”:

  • first of all, you are interested in the guy’s appearance, his position in society and financial condition;
  • you don’t care what your partner’s life is like, what his hobbies are;
  • you feel great alone with yourself and do not want to start a serious relationship;
  • you are not ready and have no desire to delve into his problems and provide him with all possible help;
  • you have no desire to introduce your partner to your friends, parents and other relatives.
  • you expect sacrifice from your chosen one and that he will give everything you want, while you are not going to reciprocate;
  • you are not interested in what the chosen one is telling you about, but only pretend to listen, while at that moment you are thinking about something else or turning the conversation to yourself;
  • you go on dates with other men and you don’t feel guilty about such dates;
  • you will not follow a person to the ends of the world like the wife of a Decembrist.

These are signs of self-deception regarding your attitude towards the chosen one, whom you want to think is your destiny. Usually women behave this way, pursuing selfish goals. Some representatives of the fair sex need financial help, others simply do not want to be lonely, they need care and tenderness.

But this is how a man behaves who will not stay with you for long or is not able to make you happy:

  • he avoids any responsibility associated with you. He does not want to take on any obligations, and if he makes a promise, he does not fulfill it or does so only after you remind him of it a hundred times;
  • the guy doesn't see the need to let you into his life. You have no mutual friends, and your relatives do not know each other;
  • he doesn't tell you what he did when you weren't around. He stubbornly ignores your sympathy and does not react in any way when you start talking about the future;
  • you yourself offer to meet and organize dates. In this case, most often the lover refuses to come to the meeting, citing the fact that he has urgent matters;
  • the chosen one does not respect your time, he promises to come or call, but he himself disappears for several days. He doesn’t give a damn about you, although in words everything is completely different;
  • You are far from the only one with your loved one.

They say how to know that he is your destiny is quite simple: you feel him with your heart. However, sometimes the heart can also be wrong. Therefore, if you really want to understand whether your spouse is destined for you, be objective and do not deceive yourself. It’s better to wait than to make a mistake and then pay for your mistake. Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

What drug addicts look like: distinctive features of eyes, face, body

Exactly what substances a person uses can be roughly determined by the eyes and characteristic facial changes.

Drug groupWhat are the pupils of drug addicts?Other appearance features
Marijuana (weed, plan)AdvancedThe eyes of the drug addict are red, the eyelids are closed, the face is reddish, the look is either sluggish or excited
Stimulants: amphetamine (hairdryer), pervitin (“vint” - an injection drug), salt (psychostimulants in powder form), ecstasy (psychoactive tablets), cocaineWhen taking them, as well as during withdrawal, the pupils dilateAn excited and “running” look, a joyful, surprised or aggressive gleam in the eyes. With long-term use, blue bags appear under the eyes due to insomnia. When using powdered drugs - a red, inflamed nose, possible bloody discharge from the nostrils
Heroin, desomorphine ("crocodile") and other opiatesThe pupils of drug addicts who use opiates are constrictedDull look. Poor skin condition (pallor, earthy tint, dryness, flaking). Swelling. Drooping corners of lips. Untidy appearance. Bruises on the arms in the vein area

Psychological techniques

How to understand that a man is destined? This can be done using various techniques, paying attention to how he communicates and behaves. But in order to increase the interest of your chosen one, you can use psychological techniques that will contribute to rapprochement. Let's consider several effective ways:

  1. When you communicate with your lover, pay attention to his eyes, carefully examine their color. This technique will help ensure eye contact, which increases trust in the chosen one and self-confidence. Psychologists recommend looking your interlocutor straight in the eyes, then an honest answer to the question will be ensured. As a rule, such visual pressure puts a man in an awkward position, and he tries to fill the silence with conversation.
  2. To increase your attraction to yourself, ask your beloved for a small favor. This could be asking for a ride home, pouring a glass of water, or calling a taxi. When making a request, be sure to say the person's name.

There are a huge number of psychological techniques that will allow you to attract the attention of your partner and not miss your destiny, but the above are the most effective.

If you are sure that your destiny is the man with whom you broke up, but whom you still love very much and want to return, then listen to the advice of an independent psychologist. Watch the video below very carefully.

Take the test and find out what your chances are of getting your husband back

Attitude towards service personnel and subordinates

Hypocritical, evil people most often show their “dirt” on those who are below them on the social ladder. If you notice rudeness or disrespect for service personnel, then this is a serious reason to think about it. If your interlocutor calls the waiter by snapping his fingers or whistling, then this is the first sign that the person is, at a minimum, poorly brought up with all that that implies.

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