How can you calm a crying girl down with words, text or text messages?

Life is not all happy days, and we all get upset from time to time. Regardless of whether this happened for a serious reason or because of trifles, these feelings are extremely important to us, and it is very difficult to remain without support and help at a time of sadness.

Attention! This will be doubly difficult for girls, who are known to be more emotional than men and more often show their sadness and bad mood.

But, faced with female sadness and especially tears, many men are lost and do not know how to console their beloved.

So how can you calm a girl down and not make things worse?

Sincere tears or a method of manipulation

When a girl throws a tantrum and starts crying a lot, it is important to decide whether there are really good reasons for this or whether this is an attempt to manipulate a man.

  1. If the tears are sincere, then the girl will not stop crying after she hears that you are ready to give her something as a consolation. But during manipulation, the young lady can say out loud what she needs in order to be comforted.
  2. If a young lady calls the reason for her tears that you don’t love her enough, and says that you can prove the opposite if you refuse to go fishing with your friends, then this is one hundred percent manipulation.
  3. If tears appear immediately after some controversial issue, most likely the girl is behaving feignedly, trying to make you feel guilty by such an act.

If you notice that a young lady is manipulating, you must explain to her in a decisive but gentle manner that such behavior is unacceptable, that no one will run at her beck and call. If you don’t calm down, you will be forced to take a break from the relationship or break it off altogether. You need to talk to her seriously only after she has calmed down and is able to soberly assess the current situation.

What not to say

Friends must in any way save their girlfriend from depression after breaking up. Before speaking words of consolation, they should be carefully weighed. Thoughtless phrases can hurt more than a knife blow. For example, you cannot say:

  1. “Only you are to blame for what happened.” A sharp statement will leave a feeling of guilt in your friend’s soul for a long time, which will be difficult to get rid of.
  2. “I think you were hasty in your decision. This is the biggest mistake of your life." In the future, the person will constantly doubt his actions and will seek approval from his family.
  3. “You won’t be able to build the same relationship again.” The girl will behave carefully with the new young man, afraid of destroying the new relationship by doing something wrong.
  4. “He will quickly find a replacement for you. You were unworthy of him." The phrase negatively affects self-esteem. The girl will no longer feel like an attractive person.

Only envious friends, delighted at the separation of the couple, are capable of throwing caustic words. If your girlfriend is suddenly dumped by your boyfriend, you need to think carefully before saying or doing anything, since unintentionally thrown reproaches usually cause irreparable harm to the recipient.


  1. Take a good look at the current situation. You must understand that there are many reasons that could cause a girl's tears. Think about whether you were the reason for her crying. And in general, is your help appropriate at the moment? There is no need to interfere if you yourself are upset; a girl’s tears are a manifestation of happiness or she is crying because she is offended by you.
  2. Make an attempt to calm the girl down, talk, become a good listener if she enters into dialogue. Do not use phrases like “If I were you...” or “When I found myself in a similar situation, I acted differently.”
  3. There is no need to persuade a girl to stop crying. You must understand that tears are a release of emotions, especially if something serious has happened.
  4. Try to share her sadness. Choose the right words: “I’m so sorry this happened,” “I guess you’re in a lot of pain right now,” “I’m not surprised that you’re so upset,” “the problem is really serious.”
  5. Use nonverbal techniques. For a girl, eye contact, correct facial expressions on your face, and tilting your head in her direction will be important.
  6. Hug a girl if you know she needs it. Take her hand or kiss her forehead. Assess the need for physical contact by the girl’s behavior; perhaps this is just what she is waiting for.
  7. Don't try to solve her problem, offer your help. Show your concern for her.

Psychology of breakups

At any age, a girl takes the news of her partner’s departure hard. Love suffering deeply wounds the soul and does not heal quickly. Therefore, at first, the friend will be immune to requests to stop suffering and shedding tears.

READ How to understand that a girl has stopped loving you: the main signs

In psychology, there are two phases of the breakup of a couple: protest and submission. At the first stage, a person does not want to believe in what is happening. He hopes that his partner will come to his senses and return. Therefore, if a girl tries, but does not understand how to console her friend, then it is not her fault. The mind is simply deaf to all beliefs.

Having survived the first period, the girl enters the submissive phase. A friend realized that the man she loved had left her forever, and she needed to learn to live without him. At this stage, you can already help and advise something. The girl will gratefully accept any help from a loved one.

If a girl is nearby

When a young lady is upset, it is undesirable to behave as follows:

  • try to cheer up with empty phrases;
  • hope that after a while she will stop crying;
  • persistently try to find out the reason for this behavior;
  • give the girl a sedative.

If there is a girl nearby who is hysterical, then you need to do the following.

  1. Pat her on the back, run your hand through her hair, hug her and hold her tightly to you. It is important for a girl to feel that there is a person next to her who is not indifferent to what she is going through now. Such a step will calm you down, make you feel not alone, and understand that you are under your protection. But you shouldn’t press it too hard so as not to break the ribs.
  2. Show that you care about her. Prepare your favorite drink or just bring a glass of water.
  3. Throw a warm blanket over your girlfriend to make her feel more comfortable. Of course, if it’s a hot season outside, then it’s better to open the window to let in fresh air.
  4. When the young lady comes to her senses, you can carefully inquire about the reason for what happened, but there is no need to put pressure or beg her too much. It is strictly forbidden to raise your voice or conduct an interrogation.
  5. Having learned about the cause of the incident, it is necessary to act according to the circumstances.

You can also use another method to calm a crying girl.

  1. Tell her how much you value her, show sincere interest in her problem.
  2. When you find out the reason for the tears, do not mock or belittle its importance in the girl’s eyes, no matter how strange it may be. Otherwise, you will only upset her even more.
  3. Ask the girl how you can help her. Say that you will gladly do everything in your power.
  4. Stay close until she calms down. If she needs to be alone, give her personal space. But don’t go too far, in case she needs your support.
  5. You can try to distract the girl from her worries by suggesting a walk in the park or going to a cafe. It is very important to ensure that the young lady does not become depressed.
  6. If you live together, create a cozy atmosphere at home.

How can I find out what the problem is?

How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she feels bad? First you need to find out what upset the beautiful lady so much. If not a single thought comes to your mind about this, then ask her about it directly. Be prepared for the fact that she will not give a complete answer, but, most likely, will get off with a banal “nothing.” No need to get angry about it. Be patient and try again to find out the cause of her upset.

Your job is to show how much you care about her. Moreover, you are always ready to support her in difficult times.

Ask the question: “How can I help you?” This will make it easier for you to understand what happened and what actions she expects you to take.

If she's far away

When a guy is far away, he can send a girl a bouquet of flowers to support her

When a guy is at a distance from an upset girl, he can try to calm her down with the help of modern technologies, for example, to console her via SMS or write something on a social network, or call her by phone.

  1. You need to worry about her condition in a gentle manner. Don't be surprised if the girl shows some aggression. You shouldn't respond like that, be more tolerant. Perhaps the young lady is simply angry because you are not with her now and cannot hug her and console her in person. In such a situation, it is important to use your behavior and the right phrases to show invaluable care and calm the girl down with your words.
  2. It is strictly unacceptable while talking on the phone to mock your loved one’s problem; if she bursts into tears, laugh at her tears. After such an act, the girl will no longer contact you.
  3. You can please the young lady with a surprise. This will take her mind off her problems and make her laugh. For example, you can post a picture of a cute cat on her wall on a social network or write some funny quotes. It will be especially pleasant to receive flowers through a courier service, which will be delivered right to her door. You can also simply place a targeted order at a pizzeria or restaurant. It is important that the girl feels that she is remembered and cared for.
  4. If the girl is upset due to problems with her health or, perhaps, has lost someone close, you need to provide moral support. If possible, come to her to personally support her.
  5. It is unacceptable to tell a young lady that she is behaving incorrectly or reacting illogically. Such an approach will only irritate her.
  6. If, when communicating on the phone, you don’t know what to say or what words to calm a girl who is crying, then it’s better to remain silent. But there is no need to say a phrase like “Don’t be upset, everything will be fine.” This will only upset her more. The girl will conclude that you are simply in a hurry to end the conversation.
  7. When reassuring your pen pal, it is important to let her know that she can count on your help and support at any time. Within reason, of course.

Why do you need support?

A friend can remain in a state of depression for quite a long time. Being depressed can lead to serious consequences in all areas of life:

  1. Social and economic difficulties .
    Long-term low mood depletes the psyche. At the same time, not only performance decreases, but also the desire to achieve goals.

    The friend will begin to work worse, moving away from professional achievements, and will need funds for a normal existence.

    Interpersonal relationships will also suffer - the ability to build trust with others and maintain friendships. Over time, she will simply forget how to love and experience a sense of empathy.

  2. Health problems . It is no secret that all physiological processes occurring in the human body are closely related to the mental state. Long-term depression is often accompanied by refusal of normal nutrition, adherence to work and rest schedules, and healthy sleep. Often, after a breakup, people begin to drink alcohol, becoming dependent on accompanying bad habits.
  3. Changes in character . Depression after breaking up with a boyfriend distorts the worldview, system of values ​​and beliefs, gives rise to self-doubt, fears, and reduces self-esteem.
  4. Risk of suicide . When hope for a bright future is lost, a friend may attempt suicide. As you know, someone who really wants to commit suicide does not demonstrate this intention to the public. Once everything becomes known, nothing can be changed.

Finally, depression after a breakup can lead to promiscuity in an attempt to find an object to take out love. Support from a friend is a kind of prevention of all the negative consequences of depression.


A man is obliged to support a girl in a moment of weakness. There's no need to ignore her tears

  1. In any situation, it is important that the girl receives a willingness to listen and empathy from the guy. The most effective thing you can offer her is attention and your participation.
  2. Don’t forget that tears are just a form of communication, a manifestation of some feelings or problems.
  3. You don't need to take your girlfriend's troubles too seriously and start getting depressed along with her. You must be strong and support her.
  4. If you notice that a girl cries too often, and for no apparent reason, most likely, this condition may be a symptom of an anxiety disorder, depression, or the presence of a phobia. In this case, it is better to consult a psychologist.
  5. Sometimes a girl needs to be allowed to cry, to throw out her emotions. In this way he can cope with his stress.
  6. There is no need to fuss and be nervous, or worry too much. You must be a support and support for her, so you must remain serious and stand firmly on your feet.
  7. There is no need to cajole the girl with gifts or promise to do everything she wants. So, the young lady will understand that with her tears she can get what she wants, and in the future she will often resort to such blackmail.

Now you know how to calm a girl down if she is upset or crying. Remember that choosing the right words and showing empathy are of particular importance. Don’t forget that you can support a girl, no matter how far away she is, you can calm her down over the Internet.


In my own words
* * * I want you to know that even in this moment you are not alone. There are many like you. So many. You just don't know each other. And this confirms the fact that it can be survived! * * * To reach the goal, you must first go. If something happens, it means you are not standing still. This is just an event that happened along the road of life. Nothing just happens. * * * The biggest mistake you can make in life is the constant fear of making mistakes. * * * Life is not suffering. It's just that you suffer from it, instead of living and enjoying it. * * * There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this well anywhere. * * *

* * * When you feel very bad, raise your head. You will definitely see the sunshine. * * * When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true. * * * You can only see what you believe in. Believe it and you will see. * * * To hell with everyone who doesn’t believe in you. Remember once and for all: self-confidence is the main incentive to achieve your goal. * * * If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t achieve anything. Therefore, avoid those who make you doubt your own abilities. * * * Do not waste your thoughts, emotions and feelings on unworthy people. * * * By helping others you improve your own life.

In verse

* * * While we are alive, we can fix everything... Realize everything, repent... Forgive. Do not take revenge on your enemies, do not be disingenuous on your loved ones, bring back the friends that you pushed away... While we are alive, we can look back... See the path from which we left. Having woken up from terrible dreams, push away from the abyss to which you have approached. While we are alive... How many have managed to stop loved ones from leaving? We didn’t have time to forgive them during our lifetime, but we couldn’t ask for forgiveness. When they go into silence, To a place from which there is definitely no return, Sometimes a few minutes are enough to understand - oh God, how guilty we are... And the photo is a black and white movie. Tired eyes - a familiar look. They have already forgiven us a long time ago For being around too rarely, For not calling, not meeting, not being warm. Not faces in front of us, just shadows... And how many times the wrong things were said, And about the wrong things, and with the wrong phrases. A tight pain - the final touch of guilt - Scratching, plaguing the skin with cold. For everything we haven't done for them, They forgive. We ourselves cannot... * * * When a tear drips from pain...

You sit quietly in silence... Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired... Tell yourself in private... I will be happy! Through thick and thin! * * * Yes, everyone is missing something... For some reason the snow is melting quickly, Then the morning comes late, Then there are not enough warm days. There's always something missing. But, living the rest of my days, Suddenly I see that there is no shortage of anything... just not enough years to stop being angry at life and enjoy it. * * * You don’t need to live to get to heaven, but you need to create heaven! Do not slander, do not betray, and do not steal the lives of others. It happens that an atheist, in his conscience, is closer to God than an artist, who is in a cassock for people... Since God is in the heart, then heaven is in the soul! And if it’s dark there, then you won’t be able to get into heaven anyway…

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* * * A person who betrayed love can find an excuse, but a person who betrayed friendship cannot! Draw the right conclusions and learn to live without this person. * * * Pull yourself together and understand that a true friend could not do this to you! Dry your tears and start singing! * * * They say that true friends cannot be replaced, your friends easily replaced you. The conclusion is that there were no “real” ones. Everything is ahead, believe me!

* * * I wonder what your former best friends are doing now, probably talking bad things about you to the people they used to say bad things about. You don't need people like that. You are better, and communicate with the best!


* * * Life provides us with experience in the form of communication with different people. Seasoned and not so, good or bad. Learn from this and move on with your life. Now you are one situation more experienced! And that's a plus! * * * Let this only be a good lesson for you, and not suffering. Draw conclusions about this person and communicate with him only about work. * * * The main thing is to remain human in this situation, do not act out of spite. * * * Don't stoop to someone else's level, and don't let other people drag you down.


* * * You will now calm down, because you have already been given the full measure of our sincere sympathy. And now there is no time to cry, the matter is waiting. * * * I understand that it’s hard to realize his betrayal, but now you see who surrounds you. And you can change this by communicating only with the worthy.

Inspirational and Encouraging Words for Women

  1. “I never dreamed of success. I worked for it." —Estee Lauder
  2. “You are strong, beautiful, smart and brave.”
  3. “You owe yourself the love that you give so freely to other people.”
  4. “Everything will be fine in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end!”
  5. “We are who we are, and that is more than enough.”
  6. “I may not be perfect, but there are parts of me that are amazing.”
  7. “Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed and prosperous!”
  8. “If you don't have shadows, you are not in the light.” —Lady Gaga
  9. “Be a girl with brains, a woman with attitude and a lady with class.”
  10. “If you feel helpless, help someone.” — Aung San Suu Kyi
  11. “Optimism is faith that leads to achievement.” — Helen Keller
  12. “The most effective way to do this is to do this.” — Amelia Earhart
  13. “You are loved more than you can imagine.”


In your own words

* * * Honey, you will get better and soon we will be running to discos :) * * * Everything will be fine, it’s no one’s fault that this happened! * * * The Guardian Angel protects you, because he gave you a chance to live. * * * Nothing terrible happened, everyone is alive, and this is the most important thing. * * * I’ll come to you for tea, bring cookies and heal you :)

In verse

People, cherish every day, Cherish every minute. We only live once on earth, Rejoice, morning has come again!

God gave life and blessed us, so that we could walk the righteous path. It’s not in vain that He instilled a soul in us, To ask later, beyond that threshold.

We must live, love, help each other, it cannot be otherwise. And for this - God's grace, And you will become richer spiritually.

The years will fly by unnoticed, Rejoice and enjoy life! Don’t be stingy with kind words, make everyone happy and smile more often!

Animal death

Briefly in your own words

* * * Sorry. It's like losing a loved one. I understand you. Everything will be fine, hang in there. * * * Just believe that your dog is there, invisibly nearby. * * * I understand how you feel, time will pass and you will feel better. * * * You've had worse situations. And nothing, you did it! And you can handle it, I’m sure! * * * Everything will be fine! We will get through this together. * * * I see how dear he was to you, but continue to live.

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Find out and help a person who is feeling bad. For him, this is the same as losing a loved one.

To a friend

In your own words

* * * This world is yours, just always remain yourself! * * * Remember that you will remain a winner in any situation. * * * Any problem must be met with a smile. The problem will think that you are stupid and will run away :) * * * Tomorrow the one who reads this SMS will find his happiness :) * * * Until tomorrow comes, you will not understand how good you had today. Therefore, believe in the best and don’t give up. You are the best friend in the world! * * * You, the best and most faithful friend, I am very glad that I have you.

In verse

* * * When a tear drips from pain... When the heart beats from fear... When the soul hides from the light... When life is torn apart from grief... You sit quietly in silence... Close your eyes, and realizing that you are tired... Tell yourself in private... I will happy! Through thick and thin! * * * Each of us has a breaking point, When our hearts become heavy, When it seems to us that we are falling off a cliff, And life becomes like a black spot... Each of us has a ray of hope, And someone very close and dear He won’t let you fall into the abyss, And he will say: “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” * * * Smile! There is no place for sadness in such a beautiful and young soul. After all, to be honest, there is no point in us being sad at any point. Every day is filled with new happiness, And a glass to the success ahead. You are capable of a lot in life, just believe, don’t give up and wait!


In your own words

* * * Every finish is the start of something completely new. Everything will be as it should be. Even if it turns out differently. * * * I understand how difficult it is for you now. But hold on, you are strong, you will succeed. * * * If you want to discuss something, you can always count on me. * * * Everything will definitely be fine. Everything will end well, and if it’s not good yet, then it’s not the end. * * * You are a good worker, you still have everything ahead of you! * * * Everything will work out, you will find your dream job, most importantly, take care of your health. * * * I can’t go through this for you. But I can live through this with you. And together we can do everything. * * * Chaos and troubles precede great changes - remember this. * * * Most likely, the problem will not disappear in 24 hours. But in 24 hours your attitude towards this problem can change. Let's change this together. You can always count on my help.

In verse

* * * “She has no chance,” circumstances declared loudly. “She’s a loser,” people shouted. “She will succeed,” God said quietly. * * * You will win - I know for sure. You will get through everything - I believe in it. And you will not be bent or broken by blows and losses. Let it be smooth only on paper - Although there are many trials, You will overcome them all step by step! Through thick and thin!


In your own words

* * * The fate of a person who sits still does not move. Go for it, I believe in you! * * * You cannot change the direction of the wind, but you can always raise the sails to achieve your goal. * * * There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere... * * * Remember that when you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.

In verse

Look into your eyes again. Fly forward again. You can't just go back. Everything that has passed does not count.

And it's easy to let go. Believe: movement is life. The past is far away, Just don't look back!

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