How to interest a girl by correspondence to meet her

If someone knew how to make a girl fall in love by correspondence, this sacred knowledge would most likely be carved in stone and hidden in a secret safe.

We hope that you, like us, understand perfectly well that there are no universal phrases that will help make anyone feel feelings for anyone. But there are secrets of productive and successful communication that we will now share with you.

With them, your chances of the match turning into dating, and then into a relationship, will increase significantly.

How to pick up a girl by correspondence

Correspondence is a unique way of communication. You can think through every word in advance, get advice from a friend before sending a reply, or take a break to think about your next SMS.

At the initial stage of communication, we advise you to adhere to some rules that will allow you to achieve quick contact:

  1. Be polite. Wish the girl good morning or evening. At the end of the dialogue, when saying goodbye, wish you a good day or good night.
  2. Write an original compliment or an offer to communicate. Indicate the reason why you singled out the stranger online.
  3. Don't stretch the rubber. Say right away that you want to meet and have a nice conversation.
  4. Don't be rude, don't be rude. Don't confuse assertiveness, which girls like, with rudeness. Choose polite expressions, a calm tone and rhythm of conversation.
  5. Carefully inquire about your marital status and whether you have a boyfriend. Don't ask the question directly. A girl can lie to show her popularity with the opposite sex.
  6. Ask about hobbies.
  7. Do not write as carbon copies or stamps, avoid clichés.
  8. Forget about the phrases: “Hi, how are you?”, “Yesterday I met an angel...”, “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” A cute girl receives hundreds of such messages and has long stopped responding to them. It's cheesy and boring. You must be an original person.
  9. Give compliments. Beautifully praise the appearance of the interlocutor, her photo, interests.
  10. Try to evoke positive emotions and a smile. You can joke, but in moderation, tease, play pranks, if the girl has a good sense of humor. Give virtual gifts with comments, emoticons, and upload funny videos.

How to behave

Be careful what you say and write. At the moment, the ideal figure is considered to be a combination of a big butt with a thin waist. If a girl posts a photo from the gym with an emphasis on her toned butt, feel free to write about admiration for her figure and, in particular, her butt, be sure to ask how much time she spends in the gym to stay in shape. But it’s better not to compliment your breasts, it sounds overly vulgar. The main thing is not to overdo it, the goal is to interest, not to repel and scare.

Compliments are never unnecessary. Write that you have never seen such a proportionate figure and it is built perfectly, which you absolutely admire. But you shouldn’t give compliments exclusively to the body; representatives of the opposite sex are often offended by this; they think it devalues ​​their personality. Don't forget to compliment your incredibly beautiful eyes, well-groomed hair and dazzling smile. The girl will appreciate it.

Carefully study the social network page of the object of your sympathy, it is advisable to find coincidences and intersections of tastes in music/fashion/films. Then it will be easier to start communicating, write: “I accidentally came across your profile, you have an awesome taste in music, by the way, I also like the latest album...”. The girl received a compliment and is automatically interested in communication due to common hobbies.

Successful themes

It is useful for guys to know what topics they can talk about with a girl. There are quite a lot of them, choose one from the list presented and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You can change the topic in the chat at any time, the girl herself will tell you what interests her more.

  1. Psychology of relationships
  2. Hobbies, interests of a woman
  3. Achievements in life, at work
  4. What is love and does it exist?
  5. Films, actors
  6. Art (painting, music)
  7. Rest
  8. Questions about the past: when I first fell in love, school friends
  9. Flowers: which ones you like, which ones you don’t?
  10. Travel dreams
  11. Books
  12. Life goals
  13. Dreams, their meaning
  14. Favorite cafe, club

As soon as the topic has exhausted itself, switch the dialogue to another. At the same time, you should not show boredom in discussions or answer in monosyllables. Show real interest, ask questions, react violently to the girl’s emotional outbursts or stories about her secret past.

What to write to make you interested

Now it is necessary to interest her in communication; dialogue is possible if both parties participate. After asking everything you are interested in, tell us about yourself.

A girl might be interested in:

  • Sense of humor;
  • Unusual talents and skills;
  • Success in any areas;
  • Athletic build;
  • Level of education and good manners.

You must demonstrate your strengths, talk about your achievements in sports, studies, work, etc. By doing this, you will significantly increase your importance.

Special skills will help to impress a girl; the ability to sing/draw, dance/take pictures beautifully, confirmed by video or photographs, will raise your status in the eyes of your chosen one.

The ability to joke and approach various life situations with humor appeals to people. If you make a girl laugh, you can consider that you have almost achieved your goal.

A beautiful pumped up figure will instantly attract a girl. Athletic guys are more trustworthy because they can protect themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle. Don't forget to post a couple of photos from the gym.

Show that you are not at all arrogant or boastful; modesty and sincerity are highly valued. A girl is more likely to start dating a well-mannered guy.

Message templates

How to write to a girl on VK, Instagram to meet her. Use the following unusual phrases and ready-made message samples:

I look at your photo and don’t understand why you are so sad. I can help you with something, want to have some fun?

I noticed your account and couldn’t pass it by. May I give you a few compliments?

You probably have a lot of fans, can I join them?

I noticed that you are interested in the same music as me. I have a recording of the latest album (name of artist, group), should I share?

I enjoy traveling. Judging by your photos, you do too. Where were you last? Will you tell me?

You have so many friends on social networks! Surely you are a wonderful person.

Looking at your photo, it seems to me that we knew each other in real life? Where we could see each other, let's remember together.

I want to make an unexpected proposal: let's be friends!

What to ask a girl

During the correspondence, ask the girl questions about her education, work, hobbies, plans for the future, travel. Show interest in everything she says, ask clarifying questions to show interest.


You can ask the girl:

  1. What university/college do you study at?
  2. What specialty are you studying for?
  3. Why did you choose this direction and this university?
  4. Do you like studying?
  5. Do you study on a headscarf or on a budget?
  6. What subjects did you take for the Unified State Exam for admission?
  7. What form of study are you in?
  8. Do you like the group?
  9. Favorite subject?
  10. What specialty are you going to work in after graduation?
  11. Do you like the teaching staff?
  12. How long does it take to get to your place of study?
  13. Do you get very tired?

It’s better to ask without changing the order, but don’t ask everything, choose a couple of ones you like. Remember that you are having a conversation, not an interrogation.


The topic is close to almost every person, try using it in correspondence. Also, by corresponding with each other on this topic, you can find out how the girl you like approaches finances.


  1. Where and in what position would you like to work?
  2. Have you thought about starting your own business project?
  3. Would you like to try going freelance?
  4. Are you satisfied with your current job?
  5. Are you satisfied with the salary?
  6. Good relationship with the team?
  7. Are you planning to change your job?
  8. Would you choose to work in a low-paid, but loved and interesting job, or in a boring job, but with a high salary?


By asking about a person's hobbies and interests, you will learn about his personality and character.

Sample list:

  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. Do you do any sports?
  3. Favorite artist/band?
  4. Favorite book/author?
  5. Favorite movie/series?
  6. Do you prefer creativity or sports?
  7. Do you play any musical instruments?


The topic of travel is quite new and relevant, many girls like to talk about travel destinations, which means the conversation will be rich and interesting for both parties.

Sample list:

  1. Have you been on an airplane?
  2. Traveled by train?
  3. Have you traveled to foreign countries?
  4. Which countries have you visited?
  5. Which country did you enjoy vacationing in most?
  6. Where do you want to go on vacation?
  7. Which Russian cities have you visited?
  8. Do you prefer relaxing on the beach or visiting the sights?
  9. How do you feel about extreme recreation?
  10. Do you prefer holidays at foreign resorts or in Russia?

The list doesn’t end there, improvise, ask whatever interests you.

Future plans

It’s one thing to write to a girl and interest her, but you need to understand whether you can move from correspondence to something more. Talking about plans for the future will help with this.

  1. Where do you see yourself in the future?
  2. What do you think about moving to another country/city?
  3. Are you planning to start a family in the future?


When starting to communicate with a nice person via the Internet, many guys want to seem more brutal, more experienced and make a lot of mistakes. We list the most common of them:

  • The first message is written banally, like everyone else. Phrases: “Hello!”, “Let’s get to know each other!”, “How are you?”, “What are you doing?” cause women to be rejected, and they ignore SMS.
  • For dating on VK, WhatsApp and other social networks, they use fake pages and someone else’s ava. Starting a conversation with a lie is in itself absurd. And girls are very sensitive to deception. Even if you manage to intrigue a stranger now, nothing good awaits you in the future.
  • They talk sadly about past love relationships, exes, failures in life. It’s definitely not worth causing tears of pity from a stranger during the first conversation; your task is to hook the lady, to interest her in an original way, to arouse feelings of sympathy in her.
  • They write too long, flowery letters without a clear meaning. This is how you can communicate with an old friend, girlfriend, mother, but not with a girl you are supposed to like. There is no need to quote poets, talk tediously about trifles, or answer questions at length. Otherwise, it seems that you are a narcissistic macho, looking for an object for recognition of his beauty or intelligence.
  • They use slang that is completely incomprehensible to the interlocutor. It’s good if you have a common circle of acquaintances and similar interests, then special words and jargon will be clear in the dialogue. And if not. Then the girl will be confused, she will have to ask again what you mean. This makes it difficult to get to know each other and get used to each other.
  • They become familiar without permission, become familiar, and forget to say hello. Respect the boundaries between being off-hand and being intimate. You shouldn’t address an almost unknown girl as “Kisulya, Lapulya, Irishka, Marinochka” until the lady gives permission. A sharp reduction in distance frightens young people and pushes them away.
  • They write SMS with emoticons. Emotional faces are a great invention, but don't go to extremes. For love correspondence, words and hints are much more important. A real compliment will make a much more impression on a lady than 10 kisses and 5 braces.
  • They get bored with messages and impose themselves on you. End communication if the girl clearly refuses to meet you or does not respond to SMS for several days.
  • They don’t know what to write to a girl on VK and use standard phrases. Learn to flirt, get acquainted, practice more on Tinder, on Mamba. Then it will be interesting to correspond with you.
  • Hints of intimacy, virtual, invitation to a real meeting in the first correspondence. Be careful with compliments. “Your breasts are so big, wow!” — decent girls respond to such an enthusiastic message by blocking the interlocutor’s account.
  • Mat in speech. Girls don't like poorly educated, uncultured guys. Your messages should be beautiful and pleasant to read.
  • Grammatical and spelling errors in SMS. Illiteracy is easy to hide during oral conversation, but in correspondence 2 and 3 in the Russian language at school become visible to everyone. Brush up on your humanitarian knowledge, it will be useful not only in correspondence with beauties.

How to start a conversation

It’s easier to start a long conversation by asking a girl a question about her hobbies and tastes. People are more interested in chatting about topics that interest them. By asking about a girl's hobbies and preferences, you focus her on a topic that she likes to talk about, which means she will view communication with you from a positive point of view. The main thing is to show sincere interest in her stories.

Ask her a question about her:

  1. Study/work.
  2. Hobby.
  3. Attitude to various events.
  4. Plans for the future.
  5. Places she has been/wants to visit.

During the further conversation, ask about her pets, political beliefs, views on what is happening in the world, etc. But be extremely careful when expressing your opinion, try to maintain a neutral position.

Try not to be overly intrusive. Start a conversation with an unfamiliar girl with phrases like, “I accidentally saw your profile, you have a beautiful smile.” Nothing extra, simple and sweet. In most cases, you will receive gratitude for the compliment in return. Then write: “Do you mind chatting?” Even if the phrase is quite hackneyed and primitive, but thanks to it you will show that you want to continue communication. If she agrees, then you have achieved your goal and were able to interest her; if she refuses, then the girl is clearly not interested in further communication.

Preparation of the questionnaire

Before writing to a girl, prepare a profile on a dating site:

  1. There should not be a lot of personal information.
  2. Please indicate your real age.
  3. Don't hide your marital status. Marriage, a relationship with another girl cannot be hidden. This will definitely come out during communication, so why ruin the beginning of the relationship, it will be difficult to regain trust. So write that you are disappointed in your soulmate and are in search, but have not yet broken off past ties.
  4. Real photo on the avatar. At the same time, remove photos from your profile that create a negative image (drunk, with a sloppy background, with a naked torso).

Why tackles and pickups no longer work

If you type into Google “how you can interest a girl,” you usually come across a bunch of resources that teach pickup. This trend arose a long time ago, but all kinds of tackles became widespread just a few years ago. I went to such sites and studied basic pickup tips. Let me briefly tell you what the problem is here.

Essentially, any pickup is manipulation. It is based on template phrases, NLP, psychological tricks, a clear sequence of steps... In general, everything in order to make a girl run after you. But we are not robots, and naturally we immediately notice that you have prepared phrases even before meeting us. Any person generally reacts sensitively to falsehood and immediately recognizes it.

This is not to mention the fact that before you, three more guys could have approached this girl with the same “strategy”. Agree, this is tiring and discourages any desire to communicate - even if the sequence of your steps makes sense.

In short, it’s 2021—a time when sincerity and naturalness are valued in every sense. And if you want girls to stop manipulating with tears and complaints, it would be fair for you to remove any “schemes” from communication.

Personal page on social networks

A social media account can say a lot about its owner. If you want to meet a girl online via VK correspondence for a serious relationship or flirting, put your personal page in order.

  • Set photo. Girls do not respond to SMS from invisible accounts in 99% of cases.
  • Create several albums with photos and notes. Organize information by interest or date. For example, create an album “My Hobby”, “My Friends”, “Family”, a folder with quotes from books, wisdom. Girls are attracted to men who engage in sports and intellectual self-development.
  • Use a recent image as your main photo. It is better if you are alone in the photo, in a decent place (theater, park, at a social gathering).
  • Clear the like history on your wall. If you constantly comment on photos of women in nude style, vulgar jokes of friends as a status, the girl will see this in the story and is unlikely to want to communicate with such a young man.
  • Get out of groups that teach seduction. Participation in communities like “Pickup School”, “Dating Masters” on VKontakte, on mail will not add advantages to you. The stranger will feel like a guinea pig for practice.

The result should be a profile that will help you win over a girl, get her on a date, and start a long-term relationship.

Guys in a macho style, wearing sunglasses and with a bare torso look like pickup artists. Posting one photo with family and friends is better than posting a whole album of pictures prepared specifically for online dating.

Anton Glamozda, a trainer for personal growth and comprehensive training of men, gives advice on how to interest a girl in VK and on dating sites and where to start correspondence:


A guy should remain himself, not lie to a girl via correspondence, and not pretend to be someone else

  1. When thinking about what to write to your chosen one on the Internet, tell her about your active life. Write down how you spend your free time. Great if you play sports.
  2. Your correspondence must be active. But this does not mean that you need to be intrusive and constantly write something to your chosen one, especially if she stops responding to your messages. You need to maintain virtual contact. Be a good storyteller. Try not to disappear from the network for a long time so as not to lose communication with her.
  3. Show interest in her activity on the page. Comment on photos, like, pay attention to what she is interested in. When communicating, do not forget to be interested in events in everyday life, in reality.
  4. Amaze with your talents. Tell your beloved about your hobby. If you are excellent at creating art in a graphics editor, send screenshots of your work. If you have mastered the guitar skillfully, record your playing and send it to the girl as an attachment to the message.
  5. Try to be unusual and unpredictable. Today you can behave seriously, but tomorrow there will be mischief.
  6. Your communication should be easy and relaxed.
  7. If you want to know how to interest a girl in VK, then you need to maintain intrigue and understatement. You may deliberately not talk about some moments in your life, hinting that over time, in a personal meeting, she will find out about everything. This is an excellent option for those chosen ones who are very curious and try to find out as much information as possible about their pen pal.
  8. Surprise with your sense of humor. Make a girl smile on the other side of the blue screen.
  9. Before you think about what to ask a girl to interest her, you need to make sure that your page on a social network makes a good impression on her. Analyze your account, remove all unnecessary information. Review all your photos, keep only the best ones. It is unacceptable for photos with other girls to appear, especially with those you hug.
  10. Ask questions more often, but only adequate ones, those that the chosen one herself wants to answer.
  11. Add emoticons to your virtual communication. They will add liveliness.
  12. Try to act like a girl. If your chosen one responds instantly to your message, then do the same. If she is silent for a long time, and only then writes her answer, there is no need to rush with your message. Never sit waiting for a message from your chosen one. Continue to live, mind your own business.
  13. If you are curious about how to understand what a girl is interested in, then she herself will begin to show interest, ask various questions and hint at a possible meeting outside the virtual world.
  14. If you have been chatting on a social network for quite some time, you can arouse curiosity in your interlocutor. When communicating, always leave something unsaid. If she asks questions, methodically avoid answering. For example, you can talk about how you visited a super place the other day. The girl will be interested in which one. And you write that she will find out about him when she personally goes there on a date. Don't forget to specify that, for example, she should be wearing comfortable shoes. This will intrigue the chosen one even more.
  15. If you notice that you have sufficiently interested your girlfriend, then you can try to proceed to the next step, talking to her about a personal meeting. It is better to do this some time after the start of the correspondence. If the young lady refuses, you should not immediately get upset or blacklist the girl. You will continue to be able to communicate with her. It is possible that the girl will eventually agree to meet you, and perhaps she will be the first to take a step.

Now you know what you can do to interest your beloved while communicating on the Internet. Keep the girl's interests in mind. There is no need to ask questions that will make her blush. Never be disingenuous and do not impersonate another person if the young lady is really dear to you.

Advice from psychologists

Some tips from psychologists to help you avoid making mistakes in communication:

  • Dominate. It’s nice for a woman to feel a man’s strength, to sometimes be led. Develop your inner leader.
  • First you need to make friends with a girl, become close to her mentally, and identify common interests.
  • Don't delay correspondence. Ask for a phone number quickly. You can flirt via SMS for 1-2 weeks, then try to transform the relationship into a closer one. Make a call. Immediately invite the lady on a date, for a walk.
  • Organize the first walk on the street, do not invite the lady home or to the country, to the countryside with friends, even as a joke.
  • When meeting in person, entertain the girl, try to please her, make a good impression.
  • Happy holidays. Give a small gift with a postcard via delivery if you know the girl's address. Such a tackle will be appreciated with the highest score, although a woman may flirt and allegedly refuse gifts and congratulations.
  • SMS texts should be casual and unusual. Attract attention with correctly formulated compliments and your erudition.

According to young people, hitting on a girl online is much easier than on the street, in real life. Think in advance what to write to the girl you really like, how and what you will talk about. React to refusal calmly. Perhaps your true love is not online yet, but is just about to register an account.

The transition from virtual to real communication

If correspondence with a beautiful girl lasts more than three months, it’s time to think about developing the relationship. A man’s task is to show a woman that he wants to build love in real life, and not in virtual space. For this:

  1. Start corresponding with the lady on other planes. Take her phone number and periodically write pleasant SMS.
  2. Offer to chat. Call at any time convenient for her and discuss all questions over the phone.
  3. Use video calling for communication. Share real emotions using a webcam.

When the girl is happy to support all the ideas, it’s time to start talking about a real walk. Make a date in a cozy place and continue acquaintance face to face, not only seeing each other, but also feeling touches.

There is no need to rush to move from a virtual conversation to a real one. Get to know the girl better, then there will be no problems with communication when you meet.

What guys do girls pay attention to?

You can attract the attention of a stranger by standing out from the crowd. To do this you need:

  1. Constantly monitor your appearance. Appearance is no less important for women than for men. It is not necessary to seek advice from stylists, but it is necessary to keep your clothes clean and tidy. Also, before meeting, you should check the condition of your nails, hairstyle, and the presence of growing stubble.
  2. Use good manners. Politeness and manners are always in fashion.
  3. Don't complain about problems. Problems should be mentioned in passing; at an early stage of a relationship, constant complaints and dissatisfaction cause a negative reaction.
  4. Don't compare a girl with others. Comparisons make a woman nervous about possible rivalry, and stories about former relationships make her wary.
  5. Provide constant attention. Compliments, small gifts, and remembering important dates help a girl feel special.

Psychology has helped to calculate that girls prefer men who are similar to their father or another significant representative of the stronger sex who has influenced the girl’s life. To arouse interest, it is useful to first find out what traits in men attract a particular woman and focus on them. After all, not all women are liked by men, there are those who attract the attention of many at once, and a man can do the same, having understood the necessary tactics of behavior.

Questions to ask a girl to interest her

And more interesting questions that you can ask a girl to interest her:

  1. How can she describe herself in one sentence?
  2. Do dreams mean anything to her?
  3. Favorite games.
  4. How he imagines his future family.
  5. Does she like flowers and plants?
  6. Which of the relatives is the closest and dearest?
  7. Three wishes that a genie would make.
  8. Favorite drinks.
  9. Should people be given a second chance?
  10. Favorite smell.
  11. Priorities, life values.
  12. Is there friendship between women and men?
  13. Forbidden topics.
  14. Where do you want to live?
  15. The best way to ask for forgiveness.
  16. Qualities that he values ​​in a potential partner.
  17. What does he like in courtship: classics or originality?
  18. Field of activity. Are you satisfied with the choice, would you like to change anything?
  19. Attitude to social networks.
  20. What does he think about love at first sight?
  21. Favorite memory.
  22. Is there an era in which you would like to live?
  23. The perfect holiday when the possibilities are endless.
  24. A desired superpower.
  25. The most radical solution.
  26. Lark or owl.
  27. What would you do if you only had 24 hours left?
  28. How he imagines himself in a year, five or ten years, where and with whom.
  29. Participation in organizations and movements.
  30. The most significant life lesson.

Original phrases for meeting a girl on the Internet: TOP-100

And you can print out the following cheat sheet and hang it on the wall. It will help you meet at least a hundred good girls. But let me remind you that you are not the only one reading our site. Be inspired, and don’t copy, so as not to get into that awkward situation when someone else wrote the same phrase to the same girl before you.

  1. Let me introduce you, charming creature. And even if you make three grammatical errors in the word yes (in the form of the letters n, e and t), I will not pay attention to it. Beauty can be forgiven a lot.
  2. Before I saw your profile, I considered myself a happy man - a man who has everything. Now I understand that something is missing in my life - you. Are your legs tired during the day? In the morning I saw your profile, and all day you stand before my eyes. Sit down, let's get acquainted.
  3. I know what you look like. I know your name (according to your profile information). But I want to know you more. Will you allow me?
  4. I am an employee of the employment service and I really want to keep you busy with something interesting in the very near future. Do not mind?
  5. Hello! I am a guest from the future and came to Mamba to save you from loneliness.
  6. Until today, he was a confirmed bachelor. But it seems my preferences have just changed.
  7. Have you ever met a charismatic, purposeful, intelligent, wealthy, well-built and, most importantly, very modest young man?
  8. Let's not tempt fate, hoping that we'll meet somewhere by chance on the street, but let's get to know each other right now.
  9. I propose to debunk the misconception that dating on the Internet is not serious. Shall we prove the opposite?
  10. I’m sure coffee and dessert won’t spoil your impeccable figure tonight.
  11. I wrote you a long letter about how beautiful you are. And suddenly the lights turned off. So I'll be brief. Hello. Let's get acquainted.
  12. Do you have a strong thread to start our acquaintance?
  13. It’s somehow irrelevant to ask about your son-in-law today, but I really want to.
  14. I don't believe in love at first sight. That's why I had to look at you twice to understand for sure - this is love.
  15. If I were a unique girl like you, I would pay attention to a special guy like me.
  16. Hello, my future love life. And what are you doing here in my absence?
  17. I'm writing a book about online dating. I want to ask you a couple of questions.
  18. I’m writing an article about what beautiful girls want. I'd like to hear your opinion.
  19. I'm a journalist and I want to interview you. Tell me what it's like to be a beautiful girl.
  20. I want to change your plans for tonight. Will you allow me?
  21. What are you going to do tonight after our date?
  22. Hello amazing. Tomorrow we have a date. What time is convenient?
  23. What are your plans for life? I want to make a little adjustment and become part of them.
  24. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to meet you. But I'm the best. And I can prove it.
  25. Hello. I just read a romantic story about how a guy met a girl and they lived happily ever after. Do you know how they met? He wrote to her: Hello. I just read a romantic story...
  26. Your beauty will turn even a gay man into a normal man. Now imagine what you do to normal men like me?
  27. You shouldn't think that I just want to get to know you. I have other, more serious plans for you.
  28. Do you want to chat with a person who really likes you? You will learn a lot of new and pleasant things about yourself.
  29. Such spectacular girls should not spend time online. Beauty needs to be walked. Let me take you out to a very decent place?
  30. Wasn't it painful to fall from heaven, beautiful Angel?
  31. Can you tell me where heaven is? You look a lot like an angel.
  32. Girl, are your parents pirates by any chance?.. Then where did they get such a treasure?
  33. Your parents should be given a Pulitzer Prize. Or what do they give to the creators of unique masterpieces?
  34. Something happened to my eyes. They are stuck on your profile.
  35. Do you remember me? I'm from your dreams. True, when we met, I was on a white horse and in armor.
  36. May I know your real name? I want to try it on with my last name.
  37. I feel sorry for the girls on this site. Your presence turns them into a gray mass.
  38. When I saw you, I thought how lucky it is that I’m not married.
  39. When I saw your profile, I was glad how great it was that I was free and we could meet.
  40. Girl, you hurt my heart. Give me first aid.
  41. Girl, I'm drowning in your bottomless eyes. Help me.
  42. Your eyes tell me a lot. The only thing they don’t say is their phone number.
  43. In one of your photos you are looking into the distance. I think you and I are looking in the same direction.
  44. I can give you my free time in exchange for a phone number.
  45. Girl, can you tell me the recipe for cactus jam?
  46. Please advise what can be made from dumplings.
  47. Hello. Tell me how best to spend my salary.
  48. Do you know why this site is better than others? This is where we met. By the way, my name is Sergey.
  49. I thought dating sites were a waste of time. Until today I saw your profile.
  50. What should an interesting guy write to a very beautiful girl so that she gets to know him?
  51. You probably don’t believe in love from the first message, but I’m ready to write to you again and again.
  52. I want to treat you to a delicious dinner and, if you allow, an equally delicious breakfast in bed.
  53. I would like to offer my courageous hand to support you on your walk this evening.
  54. I think you too are very bored in this gray crowd. I suggest you go somewhere from here. For example, in a cafe.
  55. I’ve been looking for a cafe for a long time where I can invite a special girl like you. And today I found it. Reward me with your presence and smile.
  56. I want to invite you for a cup of coffee with very serious intentions.
  57. How about casual flirtation with commitment?
  58. Next year I'm running for president. Leave your number - I want to tell you the details of my election program.
  59. The creator of the Internet needs to erect a monument. Without him, I would never have met a girl like you.
  60. And how can you call the Internet a time waster if you meet girls like you there?
  61. You spend a lot of time online. It's bad for your health. Let's get divorced in real life?
  62. You can’t spoil such beautiful eyes by sitting at the monitor for a long time! Let's go to a cafe.
  63. From your profile I learned that you love Italian cuisine. Unfortunately, it is impossible to enjoy the taste of food on the Internet. I want to treat you in real life.
  64. If you print out all the compliments you deserve, the planet will be left without a forest. Let's get acquainted, beauty.
  65. Today I promised my hamster that I would meet the most beautiful girl on the site.
  66. Let me make you happy. But first, let's get acquainted.
  67. Amazing style. Are you a stylist or an innate sense of taste?
  68. Don't you have a spare heart? Mine was just stolen.
  69. You're so beautiful that I forgot everything I knew about pickup.
  70. And where were you all my old life?
  71. I'll drown in your eyes, okay? (Eduard Asadov).
  72. I have never seen such beautiful ones (Sergei Yesenin).
  73. Seeing you, I realized that I needed to cancel all plans for this evening.
  74. I have an excellent vacancy for a trip to a cafe. Will you respond?
  75. While you are a mystery to me, I am ready to guess your secrets, secrets and desires.
  76. Can you tell me the way to your heart or at least to your phone number?
  77. I am a distributor of happiness. Do you want me to give you all the happiness that I have, for free?
  78. I suggest changing. You will give me all the sadness that is frozen in your eyes. And I give you all my joy.
  79. A stunning girl like you must have a stunning font. I'm right?
  80. Lead me out of the labyrinth of loneliness, beautiful stranger.
  81. There are things that cannot exist without each other - day and night, river and riverbed, you and me.
  82. You have a good taste. True, some accessories are missing. But I can fix it.
  83. I wonder if your inner world is as beautiful as your appearance?
  84. The form is impeccable. What about the content?
  85. You know, you fit perfectly into the interior of my life.
  86. You are probably often invited to the registry office? But you can start with a cafe.
  87. What a stunning dress in this photo. True, it will look much better on the back of a chair in my bedroom.
  88. I know exactly where our communication will lead. But let's not rush. The candy-bouquet period has not been cancelled.
  89. I suggest you play the next game. You tell me your number. I will call you. And then, holding hands, we will go have dinner.
  90. If you don't answer me, I won't be able to sleep all night. Will you not be tormented by remorse?
  91. What feat must I accomplish for you to agree to have coffee with me? For your sake I am ready to be Hercules.
  92. I saw you on the street today. Everyone walked with gloomy faces, but you smiled. What were you thinking at that moment?
  93. From now on, I cannot imagine my life without you.
  94. What do you think, beauty, what do I ask you now?
  95. I have a problem that only you can solve. The thing is, I don't have time to spend hours on the site, but I don't want to lose you. Would you mind leaving your phone number?
  96. You have beautiful wrists. Previously, these were considered a sign of aristocracy.
  97. Would you mind taking me to a restaurant this evening? I'm very afraid of the dark.
  98. I don't want to fill your pretty head with all this pickup truck nonsense. Let's just get to know each other.
  99. There are a lot of original phrases running through your head, but I don’t want to fool you. Maybe we can do without beautiful but meaningless words? My name is Ivan. I like you.

When to text a girl

Once you have a girl's phone number, you must write to her within 24 hours. Not later than.


Because if you wait more than a day, she will decide that she is not interested in you and will switch her attention to other events in her life. And when you show up in a couple of days, she won’t need it anymore.

It wasn’t such a super-exciting acquaintance that you had that she would sit and sigh for several days, thinking about you and abandoning everything. True, if you are Bradley Cooper, you can show up in at least a month, she will be happy. But only in this case.

Modern life is very mobile and hectic, many new events happen during the day, and you will get out of your head. And then she will not want to communicate again with a person who disappears from the radar for a long time.

And it’s very easy to write an SMS. Why not do it while she remembers you and while you both are interested?

Ability to meet women

Familiarity is the key point that determines further communication. When winning a girl, you need to follow the rules of successful dating:

  1. Find the moment. You should not propose an acquaintance to a girl who is late for work, returning from training, or simply looking irritated. In a bad mood, an invasion of personal space will negatively anger you, cause aggression, resentment, and irritation.
  2. Set intentions. Some women are willing to go on a date with a stranger, others need more time. You should immediately make it clear what the guy wants: one meeting, a second date, possible development of the relationship.
  3. Leave the last word to the girl. Women are flattered by the attention of gentlemen; they appreciate the opportunity to independently choose the lucky man whom she will bestow with favor. When meeting a girl, you should invite a girl without intrusiveness, unnecessary pressure, causing bewilderment or a sense of obligation.

It is impossible to learn how to make acquaintances correctly right away. It will take time to determine what tactics will be successful, which will help attract the attention and interest of the girl. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of mistakes - at first they are inevitable. But with practice, you can easily interest any beauty.

How to make an unforgettable impression?

Girls love guys who know how to impress. To make it enjoyable, you need:

  1. Show the girl special treatment. A real Casanova can meet a hundred girls in a day, but each one will be sure that she is the only one.
  2. Show your imagination. Proven methods like a bouquet of roses, a date in a romantic cafe or going to the cinema always work, but they do not help you stand out. To make an impression, you need to give unusual gifts
  3. Be able to listen and express willingness to help. What women value most is care. A man who knows how to provide help and psychological support always stands out among narcissistic egoists.

To awaken a girl’s curiosity, you need to be able to disappear from sight in time. Having gotten used to constant attention, she will become worried and will look for a meeting herself.

Don't make mistakes at the start

Writing an original message to a stranger so that she smiles, melts and even falls in love will not work right away. At the start, just avoid mistakes. No, if nature has gifted you with the beauty of Jude Law or the charisma of Javier Bardem, even for vulgarity you will receive a smiley face. I'm not Lowe, you're not Bardem. Make no mistake.

Platitudes and cliches

What, trying to interest a girl in a “hi-how-are-you” way? Remember duckface. “Hi-how-are-you” irritates a girl just as much as “ducky lips” irritates you. It’s easy to filter out cliches and platitudes: the first thing that comes to mind is to put it in the trash.

Not a word about sex

Even in direct style there is not a word about sex. The Internet frees your hands, but keep them on the keyboard. “Sexy babe. I want to get to know you better,” - with such a tackle you will go farther. Although….

As Yesenin correctly noted, “always and at all times, good, kind girls went crazy from hooligans.” So psychologists say: girls love aggressive, vulgar and rude guys. Good boys end up in the friend zone.

Don't load it

Writing hello to the girl and following up with a claim for IQ-150 is also not an option. The young lady will not sit in an intellectual knockout. If you see a tattoo on your shoulder, don’t write about the chemical composition of the ink. Tell me you want to stuff yourself too. Ask what tattoos girls like, where it’s best to get them (on the arm, stomach), from which artist.

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