How to punish a girl from a distance. how to punish a girl so that she realizes her guilt

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. And today I will tell you how girls are punished and why it is necessary. But first of all, about what punishment is. At all, it is a psychological tool that helps us achieve the right behavior from our partner.

Therefore, it is applicable not only to children, but also to adults. It must be said that many people simply punish themselves, so to speak, for prevention - in order to overcome laziness, fears, strengthen their will, and so on. And therefore, if we talk about such often stupid creatures as girls, then this is generally in the order of things.

Yes, it is very difficult, sometimes even impossible, to re-educate an adult. But it is possible to let her understand that she cannot do this. She will grind her teeth, be angry to herself, but try to please you - if you behave correctly in time.

What You Need to Remember Before Punishing a Girl

  • The purpose of punishing a girl is to change her behavior. If you are not going to continue the relationship with her, but just want to punish her for her wounded pride, it’s better to restrain yourself. By your reaction, you should show that you will continue to date her if she stops doing this. Otherwise, just end the relationship.
  • Don't hurt the girl, either physically or mentally. This will not improve the situation, but will only make it worse. In addition, the use of physical force and insults entails responsibility. The state, relatives, and friends can stand up for the girl. And then they can punish you for the wrong choice of methods of punishment.
  • If you decide to punish a girl, be firm and do what you promised her. Often, girls themselves unconsciously test your determination. If you change your mind, you risk losing respect.
  • Punish only serious offenses. Hysteria over every little issue is not a masculine trait.

Skillful trainer

Remember, in order to achieve the correct behavior of a girl, it is important to skillfully use not only the tool of punishment, but also encouragement. Using only one whip, you will only achieve hostility and loss of respect.

“There is a means to prevent crimes - these are punishments; there are means to change morals - these are good examples.” Charles Louis de Montesquieu.

Therefore, do not forget to encourage her good deeds, give compliments, give gifts, etc. And, of course, do not punish just like that, for a trifle (for example, if she was 5 minutes late). But if the offense is serious, without delay, take action:

  • deprive of affection, compliments and gifts;
  • talk seriously, coldly and calmly;
  • look straight into the eyes;
  • cut off any hysteria or manipulation in the bud;
  • Don't spend a lot of time talking or meeting.

That's basically all, the further course of events depends on the girl. Sometimes she may not react immediately, but this does not mean she has no feelings for you.

Remember that everyone's character is different. In addition, at the beginning of a relationship, couples often test personal boundaries, and if they are not set initially, then consider it a disaster.

How to best punish a girl

There is a way, or rather a sequence of actions, that will allow you to punish a girl with the most powerful effect for her


What to do:

  1. You must be able to change your face dramatically. The standard is a clearly dissatisfied look, lack of facial expressions.
  2. Look her straight in the eye. Ask her (the voice should be “heavy”, a little rough and unhurried): “Why did you do this?”
  3. You listen to what she is trying to answer without taking your eyes off her (this should last at least a few seconds). You leave confidently and decisively.

This will make her think seriously, realize that she did something unacceptable. It is logical that she will try to prevent this from happening again.

But remember that in this way you shouldn’t waste time on trifles.

. Otherwise it will simply lose its effect. So only resort to it if she really “messed up”.

This works even during a remote conversation via messages (of course, not as powerful). Everything is exactly the same - after a short question, go completely “ignore” (at least for one day), ignoring any of her answers.

Punishment must be inevitable and unshakable

Girls know how and love to influence men in such a way as to persuade us to show weakness. This applies most of all to those cases when a guy tries to be firm towards her.

Girls love to be capricious, trying to convince us that this is absolutely normal and we should put up with it. So, they may implicitly make it clear

that punishments can.
Also, women often try to expose an attempt at punishment as selfishness
on the part of a man.

However, if we are talking about behavior that you cannot tolerate in relation to yourself, then there can be no concessions. After all, this concerns your principles.

But everyone understands that a person who often compromises his principles does not inspire respect. Therefore, be firm until she understands and shows you herself that she is to blame. If a girl is not ready to obey you, then you should think about how to punish her.

The situations I have given are very common and... But this is only a part of the cases that can happen.

However, you already understand how to punish a girl, these tips always work. Now the main thing is to take them into account and not follow her lead, otherwise you will not build strong and long-term relationships.

With the help of punishment, they raise not only children, but also their other halves. If you know how to punish a girl for her misdeeds, then you can train her so that she will fulfill all your deepest desires and be ideal just for you.

On the other hand, incorrect punishment or even lack thereof can lead to you being treated like a man.

I decided to give a few examples of punishments so that you have an idea of ​​exactly how you should behave in order to maintain respect and strengthen relationships. And you can try them on yourself and choose the one that is suitable specifically for your case. However, you should also know about other possible situations and punishment options - it will come in handy.


“Dear, our life is monotonous, I miss romance,” she says, meaning that right now you will rent a hotel on the first beach line in Mauritius and buy tickets. Well, what kind of romance is this? You call old friends, take out from the closet a rain jacket with the symbols of a construction team that stinks of sweat and fire, and you go camping with tents. What could be more romantic? The main thing is not to forget to take Vovan with you with a guitar from the Leningrad furniture factory, and that Vovan sing bard songs in a hoarse, soulful voice. “My dear, forest sun.” At this time, you need to put your sweet hand on your knee and look tenderly into your eyes. We guarantee: all this time, the sweetheart will be thinking about the fact that her legs are unshaven, that the last time she washed herself was the day before yesterday, that today she was bitten by mosquitoes in places that are embarrassing to talk about, and that tomorrow she will have to load a backpack on herself again. Very light (we are gentlemen!), no more than 17 kg. If even after that she doesn’t stop talking about romance, we recommend going on an expedition. Archaeological girls, by the way, claim that this is very useful, it makes the breasts grow and become stronger. Romance!

Flowers every day

All the girls say that it is better to give a rose every day than 365 roses once a year. OK. Let's forget about wholesale discounts and get started. Give her a small rose every day for a month.

It doesn’t matter that she loves daisies: we are men, we follow instructions. In just a week, all the vases in the house will be occupied

In ten days she will sense something is wrong. By the end of the month, all the dishes will be occupied, including beer mugs (sigh), tall glasses, tea cups and even a porcelain teapot. Roses will be on all surfaces, including the washing machine and desk. Sweetheart will inevitably become sad, and between attacks of these “microorgasms” she will begin to beg you to stop. Here you need to make innocent round eyes and say: well, you love flowers, right?

Daily sex

“You don’t want me at all! Why are you lethargic all the time? When was the last time we made love,” she tells you? And here, of course, you want to fly up in righteous anger. Because you have a new project at work, everything is also complicated and her head hurts, a new season of some Homeland has been released, but it turns out that it’s your fault. Stop! Sex is cool and pleasant, your daily dose of endorphins will make you feel better, it's great exercise, and sleep - what's sleep? We'll sleep in a coffin. In short, the best revenge in this situation is a daily routine. In three days she will be bragging about you to her friends. A week later at work she will be asked what happened to her gait and where this clubfoot came from. In ten days she will be VERY surprised. In two weeks, he will start hinting that he might as well watch TV. In four years you will fuck her completely, and she will ask for mercy.

Your determination is important in punishment

Girls are designed in such a way that almost every time they try to show weakness. Especially when you are trying to punish them.

They may hint

that if you continue to behave this way, she will leave you.
Or accuse
you of being “an egoist who thinks only about himself and doesn’t want to understand her at all.”

But when it comes to your self-respect, about your principles, it is important to “keep your mark” and continue to follow your line until she realizes her guilt. You must learn to understand whether she is ready to agree to your terms or not.

If not, then there shouldn’t be a good attitude towards her.

Otherwise, you will lose her respect over and over again. Until there is none left at all.

Now you know how to properly punish a girl depending on the “type” of her offense. The examples I have given have made you more prepared for difficult situations when communicating with a girl, and you will know how you should behave correctly in each of them.

She knew about all my shortcomings when she met me online. I punished my girlfriend for cheating, humiliating her for many years to come. Read my real story.

What a vile virtual lie.

Beautiful words come from her lips that betrayal is a sin that a girl will not dare to commit at gunpoint.

Empty vows and promises, and moral support in the form of an air kiss.

I posted my photos, retouching them a little with a special program.

My nickname is cricket. I'm short and skinny.

But I’m a decent guy, and the girl who met me decided to have fun and laugh.

I wonder what I will feel on the bed of love with an ugly young man?

What if everything works out there? Unlikely.

Nothing flowed between us, but I felt warm and pleasant.

She punished me with such a whirlwind that the seventh heaven seemed like a basement floor.

As soon as we finished, leaning back, the girl’s phone rang.

She answered breathlessly.

Yes, Max, I found out. Today I won’t be able to. Sorry. Come to my place tomorrow. Relatives will not be home until 18-00. Yeah, that's it, I understand. Bye - Lying in my crib, the girl exhaled.

I ask, who was it?

The impudence made me vomit right on the floor.

Tomorrow I'm meeting someone else. I didn't like you. You can forget what was there on the Internet. This is a stupid deception. “In real life, I imagined you completely differently,” the girl said calmly, got dressed and slammed the door.

I wiped the bitter vomit from the floor and began to think about punishment.

Being a smart guy, I registered online under a different name.

He began to play out a virtual romance, putting all his charm into the correspondence.

I punished my girl for treason, promising not only mountains of gold, but also a rich marriage in the stuffy capital.

He pretended to be noble, generous, with a high income and a muscular body.

We often called each other.

It took us about 4 months to “choose” a wedding dress, and for me a groom’s suit.

I punished my girlfriend for cheating by completely replacing objective reality with fictional images.

Is it really possible to buy something like that? - I thought.

And then our first (sorry, second meeting) happened.

Well hello, “bride without a place.” You probably thought that this is how you can mock an innocent young man. Rejoice at the sight of a modest boy, thinking that you are cooler than others. Here's your black wedding dress. Specially sewn to order. And a “device” that will go much deeper than manhood. “Now go and brainwash the next scribbler,” I muttered through clenched teeth and handed the demon a wedding gift.

Caucasian principle of education

In Islam, people live according to certain religious traditions. Caucasians are considered the most courageous defenders. They do not forgive insults, evil and cowardice. Any girl who lives in the Caucasus knows all the local norms of behavior and does not violate them. This is especially true for disrespect towards your man. Girls are punished for stupid actions exclusively morally without the use of male force. A real man does not raise his hand to a woman. Otherwise he will be punished.

A woman must constantly obey her man and create a cozy environment in the house. She must treat all relatives in the family with respect, honor older people and take care of the younger generation.

Typically, in Caucasian families, women do not commit illegal actions that could anger a man. They perform all their duties with due respect. In families, there can be no talk of betrayal. In case of infidelity, the couple is divorced and the girl has no right to remarry.

These are the laws that all female representatives adhere to and do not violate. Men protect their family from harm and are the main defenders of their fortress.

Rules of a real woman

1) I am valuable. Just as I am. To feel my own worth, I don't need to be or appear to be someone different or better than I actually am. It's enough for me to be myself.

2) I am valuable. And therefore everything I do is also valuable. First of all for me. Whatever I do—cook soup, plant flowers, write articles, communicate with people, create relationships—is valuable. Because there is a piece of me, my energy in this.

3) I am valuable. And the value of what I create is measured by my internal contribution to it, not by external evaluation of my activities. Only I truly know how much effort was put into what I created. And only I can appreciate it. By shifting this onto others, I show disrespect - both to them and, first of all, to myself. What I create is valuable. And if it is not in demand, this does not mean that what was created does not have any value. It’s just that at the moment there is no one next to me who is willing to pay for it as much as it actually costs.

4) I am valuable. And I don't have to prove it to anyone. If someone doesn’t agree with this, let them just pass by. Everyone chooses their own, looking outside for what they are filled with from the inside.

5) I am valuable. Just as I am. I don't have to conform to others' ideas of what I should be in a futile attempt to feel valued through their evaluations. I am who I am and I don’t want to be someone else. And who doesn’t like it - see the point above.

6) I am valuable. And I won’t allow anyone to devalue me. First of all, to yourself.

7) I am valuable. And my imperfections, bad mood, hormonal changes, and mistakes made in no way diminish this value. Everything that is negative at first glance is my life experience, which allows me to be even more valuable. First of all, for yourself.

8) I am valuable. And I consciously choose those with whom I interact. I value and respect myself, I value and respect Others. People close to me are a great value in my life. Even when they do not meet my expectations, they make mistakes and show weakness. I am not responsible for their lives. But I am responsible for my choice - with whom, when, where and how I communicate. And I consciously choose those with whom communication is valuable to me.

9) I am valuable. And my time is valuable. And so I consciously choose what to spend it on. My time is mine. And I choose to occupy him with what is valuable to me. No matter how strange, stupid or useless it may seem from the outside.

10) I am valuable. I was created by God in order to take my place in the World. I am needed as I am. I am valuable just the way I am.

11) I am valuable. Regardless of how I live now and what I have. Or what I don't have. Even if I have no one and nothing, I am valuable on my own. My sense of self-worth is internal, and does not depend on the external resources that I currently have. Circumstances change, but I remain myself - in wealth and in poverty, in sickness and in health, in popularity and in obscurity, in a village house, in a metropolis, in a designer dress and in a simple knitted T-shirt. I am me. And I am valuable because of what is inside me, and not because of what I am currently surrounded by outside.

12) I am valuable. And therefore my wishes and dreams are valuable. This is part of me. I allow myself to fulfill my desires and dreams. I appreciate what I have and allow myself to want more - exactly what I like. For myself I choose the best.

I am valuable. I value, respect and love myself. And this is my natural state. Published by

Tamara Arkhipova

If you have any questions, ask them here

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! econet

Dress well

This is a difficult number, but it's worth it. “Why do you always dress like a homeless person?” Well, in particular, my dear, you dress well, I would like to say here. But it will be an insult (and then punishment), so no, let’s make the dream come true. We go to some “Mega” (and yes, reluctantly, we take our sweetheart with us and listen to her advice, answer very politely) and dress well. Expensive. We buy designer jeans. We buy an inexpensive jacket to go with them, about thirty thousand. We buy T-shirts not for 250 rubles, as usual, when old T-shirts decay, but good, thick cotton T-shirts with designer prints. We buy soft, wonderfully flowing lounge trousers so that we don’t have to walk around the house in stretched sweatpants. We spend two-thirds of our salary on this. For the rest of the month we limit ourselves in everything, we eat buckwheat and lentils, we don’t go to restaurants, we don’t buy boots, we answer all questions: “Well, you wanted me to dress well.” If it doesn’t work, you can repeat it next month. And on vacation, go to your mother’s dacha - walk in the forest and fish, while my dear takes care of the potatoes.

Just in case, let us emphasize once again: we men are very peace-loving. We need to de-escalate the conflict and avoid it in the future. We want to live calmly and moderately, scratch our dignity, watch TV, eat borscht, bring home a salary, kiss and hug, and be brainwashed as little as possible. And for this we are ready to do a lot.

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How to punish a girl?

However, we must immediately warn that punishment is a powerful tool; it can be both very effective and very destructive for relationships. If you don't know how to use it. Therefore, if you do it incorrectly and at the wrong time, she will either lose interest in you or stop respecting you. In this article I will try to give you the most clear examples of why and how you can punish a girl.

  • One of the most common offenses is that she didn’t show up for a date. The main thing is to show her how disappointed you are in her after this. To do this, you can write her something like this in SMS - “I could have warned her that I was scared, although you created the impression of a strong and brave girl,” or something like that, to touch her to the quick. That is, you show her that in your eyes she turned out to be worse than you expected and what she presented herself with. But if such words don’t hurt her at all, and she doesn’t make excuses, then she’s simply not interested in you properly, or even completely indifferent. It is better to break off communication with such a person altogether. But there is another option. Just come home and call her, ask why she didn't come. Then make another date and don’t come again. Then come up with a euphonious reason that will let her know that your world is not focused on her, and you may have more important things to do. However, you have forgiven her, you are ready to meet, but you are not going to humiliate yourself for this.
  • Another common option is to ignore SMS and calls. In fact, in her opinion, such behavior may generally seem “not fatal”; she may even deliberately “warm up” you this way, or rather, your interest in her. But all this, of course, is very offensive and will not lead to anything good for you in the end. If this happens sometimes, then the option of unintentionality may naturally be present. However, regular ignoring should lead you to the appropriate thought.
    At the same time, if she has complaints about her, and you are not yet in a relationship, you should not lead to this provocation. Otherwise, she will feel your weakness and her importance. How to teach a girl a lesson for disrespect in this case? First of all, don’t show that you’re offended, just don’t take the initiative for a few days. If your ignoring has no effect, then write her a message. At the same time, begin to actively tease her about the available reasons, ignore some questions, and generally answer briefly and dryly. Use a kind of ignore ladder - with each new jamb, increase the duration of your own ignore. Of course, this could end in a complete breakdown of the relationship, but this should not bother you or stop you. After all, if she neglects you, then you don’t have any relationship yet.
  • Raising her voice and even insults on her part should also not go unpunished. If you let such behavior go, you will certainly lose respect and authority, which should remain unquestioned. The worst thing is, of course, insults, even the most innocent-looking ones. First you need to calmly and strictly find out why she told you all this. She can try to immediately turn everything into a joke, but you shouldn’t agree to that either. Punishment for a girl must be tangible. Note that the smartest people can try to logically explain their bad deed, but no logic gives her the right to talk to you in such a tone. Remember this. Therefore, you must do everything here so that she apologizes, and understand that doing this in the future is against your principles. It goes without saying that it can “turn on” both indifference and misunderstanding. However, in this case, you need to immediately ignore the girl, and if she continues to stick to her theme, then think about whether you need one at all. After all, she is either stupid or doesn’t think about respecting you at all.
  • Another relevant point is disobedience. That is, you forbid her something, but she does it anyway. How to punish a girl in this case so that it goes well? There is no need to talk about it, because she simply ignored your request. So respond in kind, just forget her for a few days. And again, think about whether the relationship is worth continuing if she does not understand why she is being punished.
  • She may argue with you. Such disputes should not formally affect you in any way; it’s as if you don’t take them seriously. However, if the argument is really serious and she is wrong, then you should punish her. If she uses humor, wants to turn everything into a joke, then do the same. The main thing is that she understands that you do not agree with her and think she is stupid. But don’t even think about dragging out this game for too long. Tell them you just don’t talk to fools.

Give up the computer

Are you spending too much time on social media and not paying enough attention to her? OKAY BABY! No, it’s clear that someone is wrong on the Internet, and political fights on Facebook have not been canceled. But no, no. Armchair warriors are on the warpath. We put Facebook aside for a week and... and start talking to her. About her work. About your work. About the international situation. About how good it was during the scoop. Or, conversely, bad. Have a political discussion with her. Finally, talk about tanks. This will end very soon: at some point you will come home, and a smiling wife will be waiting for you, dinner and a laptop standing right in front of the plate. Because a) you won’t tell her anything new, you talked about all the burning topics during the first three dates, b) she’s not interested in dancing at all, c) now she also had to not log into her VKontakte account, not play the “dress up” game fashion model”, do not discuss with indignation how famous TV presenters dress and do not solve other eternal questions of existence.

Why can you punish a girl?

Naturally, there is not and cannot be a universal list of actions for which any girl will automatically receive punishment. Everyone creates such a list for themselves. If you intend to build a long-term and strong relationship with this girl, you must know in advance what actions on the part of your significant other you will under no circumstances tolerate around you. These actions will inevitably cause discord in your relationship and disrupt your peace and balance.

The most common offenses of girls:

  • the desire to speak in a raised voice and insult;
  • the desire to constantly and without much sense argue and insist on one’s own at all costs;
  • demonstrative or secret disobedience, violation of what was previously agreed upon;
  • showing interest in another guy, cheating;
  • systematic delays, lack of response to calls and SMS.

It is better to eliminate such actions in the bud rather than live with them in a state of constant conflict.

When it's better not to

People who are far from BDSM culture do not always know that its main principle is safety. And even such a seemingly harmless thing as a gag can cause serious harm to health or even cause death in your sexual play. And this is no joke. The use of a gag has a number of contraindications: asthma, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and even old maxillofacial injuries. Don't take unnecessary risks if any of these points apply to you or your partner. There are quite a lot of other sexual practices in the world that will add spice to your relationship, try something different.

Also, do not forget about hygiene. A gag is an item for personal use, you don't share your toothbrush with other people? It's the same story with him. No matter what kind of trust you have, personal hygiene is paramount, and using a gag from a previous relationship with a new couple would be a bad idea. Just buy a new one.

An effective way to punish a girl

How to punish a girl so that she realizes her mistake? If a girl repeatedly commits an act that you consider unacceptable (after you have clearly explained to her why she is wrong and why it should not be done), the best way to punish her is to ignore her. Let her know that if she continues to behave this way, she will lose you. If a girl shows that she is ready to change, forgive her. After this, your relationship will improve. If she insists on her way, then this is not your girlfriend. You failed to interest her. The best course of action in this case is to find your other half.


- a universal tool that helps achieve correct behavior.
This applies not only to children, but also to adults. Some even punish themselves - to develop will, kill laziness, overcome fears. What can we say about such foolish creatures as girls? Knowing how to punish a girl, you will correct her behavior
the way you need.

This is a powerful tool. It is effective when used correctly and destructive in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing. Punish her the wrong way and she will stop respecting you and then lose interest in you.

But everything is learned by comparison, so in this article I will show you clearly how to punish a girl in order to achieve your own goals and strengthen your union. We will look at the most common situations when a girl cannot be left unpunished, and I will tell you what “preventive measure” should be chosen so that this does not happen again


To understand and to forgive

It sounds a little strange, but it actually works. You must internally forgive the girl who has offended you, otherwise resentment will creep into your every action. And she certainly doesn’t make the guy look good. Feeling her power over your emotions, a girl may begin to manipulate. Therefore, keep your head cool and act logically and prudently.

Tell her: “You have the right to behave as you want, but I don’t have to put up with all this.” And really, think about it, do you need such a relationship? Isn’t it easier now to find someone who will treat you with love and respect? In general, cool your ardor, look around and remember what you don’t need to do (until the conflict is settled):

How to punish a teenager for the benefit of his developing personality

  1. Punishment should be based on rules developed jointly with the child and accepted by him. This is a kind of “agreement” between parents and child.
  2. Among the forms of punishment, all forms of violence should be absent.
  3. Punishment, if possible, should follow immediately after the offense. A deferment is possible in case of illness of a teenager, his stay in stressful and other unfavorable emotional states.
  4. One offense cannot be punished twice.
  5. The punishment must be commensurate with the offence.
  6. If a parent has warned about punishment for an offense, then you must stick to the chosen line.
  7. When punishing, demonstrate sincere emotions, but do not give the teenager a reason to think that now you love him less than you loved him before the offense.

As practice shows, disobedience is most often observed in families where emotional contact between parent and child is disrupted.

This is possible in families with hypoprotective care, where the teenager feels unloved and unnecessary, left to his own devices, and with his inappropriate behavior he attracts the attention of significant adults

This also includes families with overprotection, where the teenager’s demonstrative behavior is a desire to escape from the yoke of excessive care.

If there is harmony, mutual understanding, and trust in the relationship between parents and children in the family, then punishments are used quite rarely.

One more thing. Before punishing a teenager, answer the following questions:

  1. How would I feel if I were punished in this way?
  2. Does the teenager understand why exactly he is being punished?
  3. Will punishment benefit the child?

Only then make an informed decision. Keep in mind: frequent use of punishments devalues ​​them.

A teenager is no longer a child, many things are clear and accessible to him, therefore the most effective punishment is understanding of what he has done and remorse.

Margarita Logvinova

Your relationship with a teenager A teenager doesn’t want to communicate, you can’t come to an agreement peacefully - what to do in such a situation? Take the test and get information about the characteristics of your parenting style and your teenager's view of how you raise him. Take the test

It is important to know!

Let us repeat once again that safety comes first. One of the main dangers during oral sex games is salivation. Swallowing with a gag in the mouth is quite problematic, and drool will accumulate in the mouth and even leak out. So if seeing your loved one drooling makes you feel uncomfortable, try some other games. And under no circumstances lie on your back with a gag in your mouth, so as not to choke on your own saliva. It's unlikely to kill you, but violent vomiting is almost guaranteed.

To stop uncomfortable practices in the BDSM community, it is customary to use safe words, but with your mouth closed it will be impossible to say anything, so you will have to agree on gestures. Take as an example the gestures of wrestlers who signal submission by slapping the palm of their hand on the floor.

If your sexual practice also involves fixing your hands, which is quite common, there is another option - hold a bell in your hand and ring it if something goes wrong. You can buy it in stores for hunters and fishermen.

How to punish a girl?

However, we must immediately warn that punishment is a powerful tool; it can be both very effective and very destructive for relationships. If you don't know how to use it. Therefore, if you do it incorrectly and at the wrong time, she will either lose interest in you or stop respecting you. In this article I will try to give you the most clear examples of why and how you can punish a girl.

  • One of the most common offenses is that she didn’t show up for a date. The main thing is to show her how disappointed you are in her after this. To do this, you can write her something like this in SMS - “I could have warned her that I was scared, although you created the impression of a strong and brave girl,” or something like that, to touch her to the quick. That is, you show her that in your eyes she turned out to be worse than you expected and what she presented herself with. But if such words don’t hurt her at all, and she doesn’t make excuses, then she’s simply not interested in you properly, or even completely indifferent. It is better to break off communication with such a person altogether. But there is another option. Just come home and call her, ask why she didn't come. Then make another date and don’t come again. Then come up with a euphonious reason that will let her know that your world is not focused on her, and you may have more important things to do. However, you have forgiven her, you are ready to meet, but you are not going to humiliate yourself for this.
  • Another common option is to ignore SMS and calls. In fact, in her opinion, such behavior may generally seem “not fatal”; she may even deliberately “warm up” you this way, or rather, your interest in her. But all this, of course, is very offensive and will not lead to anything good for you in the end. If this happens sometimes, then the option of unintentionality may naturally be present. However, regular ignoring should lead you to the appropriate thought.
    At the same time, if she has complaints about her, and you are not yet in a relationship, you should not lead to this provocation. Otherwise, she will feel your weakness and her importance. How to teach a girl a lesson for disrespect in this case? First of all, don’t show that you’re offended, just don’t take the initiative for a few days. If your ignoring has no effect, then write her a message. At the same time, begin to actively tease her about the available reasons, ignore some questions, and generally answer briefly and dryly. Use a kind of ignore ladder - with each new jamb, increase the duration of your own ignore. Of course, this could end in a complete breakdown of the relationship, but this should not bother you or stop you. After all, if she neglects you, then you don’t have any relationship yet.
  • Raising her voice and even insults on her part should also not go unpunished. If you let such behavior go, you will certainly lose respect and authority, which should remain unquestioned. The worst thing is, of course, insults, even the most innocent-looking ones. First you need to calmly and strictly find out why she told you all this. She can try to immediately turn everything into a joke, but you shouldn’t agree to that either. Punishment for a girl must be tangible. Note that the smartest people can try to logically explain their bad deed, but no logic gives her the right to talk to you in such a tone. Remember this. Therefore, you must do everything here so that she apologizes, and understand that doing this in the future is against your principles. It goes without saying that it can “turn on” both indifference and misunderstanding. However, in this case, you need to immediately ignore the girl, and if she continues to stick to her theme, then think about whether you need one at all. After all, she is either stupid or doesn’t think about respecting you at all.
  • Another relevant point is disobedience. That is, you forbid her something, but she does it anyway. How to punish a girl in this case so that it goes well? There is no need to talk about it, because she simply ignored your request. So respond in kind, just forget her for a few days. And again, think about whether the relationship is worth continuing if she does not understand why she is being punished.
  • She may argue with you. Such disputes should not formally affect you in any way; it’s as if you don’t take them seriously. However, if the argument is really serious and she is wrong, then you should punish her. If she uses humor, wants to turn everything into a joke, then do the same. The main thing is that she understands that you do not agree with her and think she is stupid. But don’t even think about dragging out this game for too long. Tell them you just don’t talk to fools.

Do not scream

Even newborn kittens can raise their voices at opponents, so the ability to make loud sounds in moments of excitement does not give you weight at all. Representatives of our species use screaming in order to: a) call other members of the pack for help; b) bring yourself into a sufficiently excited state, preparing to repel the enemy; c) scare the enemy.

Therefore, screaming is a sign of weakness, a sign that you are almost losing control over the situation, for which you are already attracting your last reserves.

Children scream more often than women, women scream more often than men. Very strong men do not raise their voices at all. Because they don't need to.

Irina: “Everything about Yaroslav became clear to me when after dinner he took me home. In the car, he screamed like a woman at everyone who cut him off, overtook him, slowed down in the wrong place, or turned the wrong way. And if, getting into the car, I was thinking about what to answer him if he wanted to come up to my house, then, leaving it, I knew for sure that this dinner was our last meeting."


Common sense says: people want a buzz and don’t want pain, but... The point is in our biological structure. When pain signals are received, the hippocampus part of the brain is activated, and endorphins - pleasure hormones - are released. They not only block pain, but even work like natural drugs, causing warmth, joy and a pleasant fog in the head, giving a state of euphoria.

“You’re so hot, oh my god, yes, more.” “You’ve already got it, masochist, put the iron in its place.”

This phenomenon is well known to athletes. During the most intense physical activity, the so-called. “training high.” Lactic acid acts on the muscles, on their pain receptors, they send SOS to the brain. He responds with endorphins and adrenaline, the pain subsides, vigor and excitement appear. All this helps the body adapt to stress. Evolution knows what it's doing.

Example scripts

Scenarios for BDSM sessions can be varied. A few examples:

  • owner and his pet;
  • the master and the guilty maid;
  • a sexy doll that takes the poses the owner leads her into;
  • punishing the waiter for poor quality work;
  • a strict teacher and a depraved schoolgirl;
  • a criminal and a representative of the law who punishes him.

When developing a scenario, the sexual preferences of both partners, the time and place of the session, possible restrictions and the availability of equipment are taken into account.

Who started it?

Most often, men initiate games in relationships. Their instinct demands variety in relationships. It is important to understand that sex is one of the most important components of a relationship. Marriage is not a guarantee of fidelity. If you don't want your partner to look the other way, surprise and add variety to your sex life. Relationships need to be nurtured with care, and role-playing games should be consensual.


So we have a woman. Assignment: punish her. Let’s immediately agree that the woman is the most ordinary: beautiful, with a good figure, kind, decent... Well, in general, she’s a charmer, not a woman!

And this woman was guilty. Yes, imagine this happens sometimes. We will not consider options such as betrayal or belated advice to your mother that she should not raise children. If she did this, then she is definitely not next to you - because she has already left you.

We are considering a small offense: she called you a fool, said that you don’t understand handbags, didn’t bring you coffee in bed, said that she wouldn’t prepare you a salad from a young ostrich, didn’t share with you the viewing of the Spartak-Dynamo football match. I watched TV shows all day and didn’t pay attention to you.

I, of course, will list all the methods that my husband tried on me and I know. But I’ll say right away that only one works. But, everything is in order.

We will not consider such methods as making a catch on her stockings. Because it's stupid! You are the one paying for these stockings! And she always has spare ones in her purse.


Second way:

cook her dinner. This method begins to work after two siestas. The woman immediately begins to get nervous and think: Why is he doing this? Has he gone crazy? Cons: - she may like it and will constantly demand dinner from you.

Third way:

pretend to be a victim, or in other words, the most unfortunate man in the world. Then the woman may worry that you are unhappy with her, and will begin to look for another man who will appreciate her! and watch the first half of some stupid football with you! How to implement this method? At lunch you have to look blankly at your plate, pick at the porridge with a spoon and sometimes sigh. When the wife moves to the sofa, sit at her feet and watch Kolya Baskov’s concert with her, thereby showing that she is lucky with her husband: you are with her in joy, in sorrow, and in Kolya. Make yourself the face of a Chinese dummy with three braids on your bald head and look out the window every five seconds. You can sometimes turn your gaze to the door. In order not to waste time, you can dream that the door will now open and Angelina Jolie will burst into the room, jump on you and say: There you are, my Macho! How long have I been looking for you! Cons: - if Baskov’s concert is interesting, and it cannot be uninteresting, the Chinese idiot’s gaze will not be noticed.

Fourth way:

pack your things, children (if you have the courage) and go to your mother. Cons: - a woman may like being alone and very soon you will live with your mother... forever

Fifth way:

make a scandal. This is one of the stupidest ways, because the woman will still outplay you! She knows how to do this out of nothing. Disadvantages - cannot be done in the presence of children

The only way that doesn’t have any downsides is to say: “Honey, what a BOOM I am! you are right as always! Here's your new diamond ring! new fur coat, car or credit card"

And don’t say that all the smart books say that such techniques cannot be used! First, look at who the author of these statements is! Naturally - a woman. AND WILL SHE BE YOU? MEN? LEARN? HOW? ADDRESS? WITH WOMEN? Rave! And also, dear men, there is no need to even hint that a woman can be spoiled this way! In the end, this ring is not so expensive - YOUR WOMAN is worth much more! This is probably her first offense!

Maybe there are other ways to punish a woman. If you know about them, please share! Understand, dear men, that only together, together, supporting each other, sharing our failures and successes, we will raise a woman the way you want her to be.

And finally, one popular wisdom: “When God wants to punish a man, he deprives him of his mind, when he wants to punish a woman, he deprives her of her beautiful legs.”

To paraphrase a little, I will note that: Even if God offended your woman, this is not a reason to offend her again!

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There often comes a time in a relationship when spending time together becomes boring and the passion subsides. Girls sometimes start to behave too freely.

As an educational moment, men can come up with special vulgar punishments, at the same time adding a spark to the relationship. However, it is important to know how to punish a girl without causing offense or unpleasant feelings.


In addition to physiological factors that contribute to pleasure from pain, there are also psychological ones. One of them is waiting. A lover of spicy food, when biting a pepper pod, knows exactly what he will feel, and that is why he enjoys it. But if you unexpectedly slip him a spicy filling, say, in a cake, then it will be unpleasant, because it is not expected.

And (ordinary) people may like pain that does not cause serious harm. Tolerant. People realize that these sensations are not a signal of danger, but the result of simple irritation of nerve receptors. (Same spicy food). Animals are incapable of this; they can be taught to harm themselves in some way, but only for a reward. Only humans can derive pleasure from a certain sensation of pain.

- Darling, I brought you so much pain... where should I put it?

In one experiment, subjects had to hold their hand in extreme cold for a long time, and after that they were given a cake. The devices recorded that the sensations from the taste of the cake after suffering were more pronounced than in the control group, so chilled beer is much more pleasant to drink after a hard day, and a hot drink after a winter walk. It turns out that the unpleasant can make further pleasure even brighter.

Other scientists have used tomography to study the brains of women during orgasm. At the peak moment, the activated areas of the brain included those responsible for pain. And if a person’s spinal nerves are blocked, then along with the disappearance of pain, he will lose orgasm. Pain and pleasure are truly intertwined; during orgasm, facial expressions are almost the same as during pain.

When a person is turned on, pain sensations are reduced to such an extent that any strong stimulus not only does not interfere, but even promotes arousal. During a fight, you won’t even notice a fracture, but during sex, a friend can tear your entire back, and you will only feel it later. Yes, with strong arousal, pain can really transform into pleasure .

-Have you ever beaten women? – Never – There are still real men! – Painful holds, strangulation, lethal fire. But never hit.

Well, since now we are theoretically savvy, we can move on to practice.

Before playing “punishment” games, you need to consider the following details:

  • Can only be used by partners who have previously had sex together more than once, or are a permanent couple;
  • You need to come up with a safe word, it’s best that it has nothing to do with sex (well, “I hit a car”). Then the girl will be able to finish the game at any moment and this will calm her down.
  • Your friend must agree to everything you have planned, this is only a game, not real violence.
  • Safety precautions. If this is tying, then you need to put a knife or scissors nearby to quickly cut the bonds, and not untie them for half an hour while she is hysterical. If there are handcuffs, then there should be a key nearby. Don't leave her tied face down or gagged unattended, even for a couple of minutes, an emergency may happen.
  • You also need to spank skillfully. It is dangerous to even hit lightly on the joints, on the collarbones, on the spine, in the kidney area; it is better only on the soft places.
  • Take your time for fear that she will change her mind. It is enough to overdo it the first time - there will not be mutual joy, but resentment, anger and possibly a break in the relationship.


Psychologist F. Perls believed that aggression is necessary not only for survival, but also for good sex. Of course, spiritual kinship and tenderness are also important; if there is no required level of aggression, then there will be no desire, alas. (It won’t be sex, but semolina porridge).

Almost the same neural connections and hormones are responsible for aggression and sexual behavior. The line is very thin, for example, at the moment of orgasm or pain, people’s facial expressions are almost the same.

Nowadays various spiritual techniques are very popular, because people are often looking for ways to cleanse their minds. Pain is wonderfully suitable for these purposes, because it just gives you the opportunity to be here and now, with it you definitely won’t delve into the past or dream about the future. Although she herself does not give pleasure, she prepares the conditions for it. And when it passes, this is real happiness.

Bandits rape a nun. She stood up, shook herself off and whispered, “Thank you, God, without sin and to the full.”

I’ll tell you a secret, one of the favorite erotic fantasies among women is rape. Well, not the real thing, of course, but a game one. So that passion, and high (for both!), so that he wins, takes it almost by force. There is a cunning psychological trick here, and the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe, and the pleasure is received, but there is no guilt on her, as if she herself did not want this. (Attention! It’s a fine line, you can make a mistake and get into trouble if she really doesn’t want it).

Main directions

As mentioned above, in the original BDSM acronym, each letter has a meaning (some of them even have a double meaning). The name of the subculture stands for a set of interconnected principles characteristic of this sexual practice. There are three groups of principles in total, each of which is characterized by two letters from the name.


These two letters stand for the words Bondage (bondage, binding, fixation) and Discipline (bondage, education, submission, submission). They describe common scenarios in which the bottom partner is fixed in a certain position in order for the top partner to punish him for a certain behavior. For punishment, special accessories and pain are often used, from which the bottom receives pleasure and even orgasms.


These two letters stand for the words Domination (dominance, dominance, submission of a partner) and Submission (dependent position, submission to a partner). They characterize the form of relationship between two sexual partners, in which there is clearly inequality - one clearly dominates the other by prior agreement. Roles are not strictly fixed, and partners can change them in different sessions.


These two letters stand for the words Sadism (sadism, desire to cause pain, pleasure from subjugating another person) and Masochism (masochism, desire to receive pain, pleasure from submitting to another person). They characterize sexual scenarios in which one partner derives sexual pleasure from “violent” acts against the other partner. He, in turn, receives sexual pleasure from “violence” over himself.

58 types of sexual fetishes - from ordinary to strange


For some fans of BDSM sex, their passion goes beyond the sessions. Such couples really begin to live, completely immersed in their roles (they, as a rule, do not change). One of the partners dominates the other in everyday life and even in public places (of course, within the bounds of decency). Previously, the couple enters into a contract, which predetermines the boundaries of what is permitted.

Such vicious and secret relationships allow you to maintain passion and maintain interest in the game and in sex with each other. In Russia, BDSM lifestyle is not very common.

How to teach a wife a lesson for disrespecting her husband, 11 tips from a psychologist

Author: Site Administrator | 01/31/2017

You, of course, can teach your wife a lesson for disrespecting her husband. And the advice of a psychologist will be heard right now. But the main thing in this difficult matter is justified rigidity.

You must be furious in a heart-rending fever that the word of a man in your house is not law.

Raise your hand to a woman even once, and you will instantly lose the rest of your respect.

How does the wife’s imperturbable behavior manifest itself?

* She does not respect your personal opinion, relying only on her own.

What are these games for?

Such vulgar punishments for a girl allow you to get rid of complexes, learn more about your own sexuality and increase your self-esteem. In addition, many psychologists note that sexual games can relieve stress and get rid of feelings of dissatisfaction. When choosing a particular role, do not rely on stereotypes. Try to gently and carefully learn about your partner's preferences and fantasies. You can watch a movie together (“50 Shades of Gray,” for example) and ask along the way whether it is acceptable or not.

Don't forget about foreplay, caresses, touches, caring for each other.

Daring depilation

Speaking of making changes, try an unexpected move. Surprise your husband by completely removing hair from his intimate area. It is better to do this with depilatory cream (no cuts or ingrown hairs).

You will also like the amazing smoothness: many women admit that they feel like just “walking sex” when they do waxing.

Your appearance and your confidence will pleasantly surprise and excite your beloved man.

Common types

Here are some options for role-playing games:

  1. Sexual maniac and his victim. This is a good option for vulgar punishment for a wife. Living with a maniac is an idea that not everyone will like. But if you don’t overact and discuss the juicy moments in advance, you can enjoy the unusual plot. The main rule of the game is surprise. You can organize it at home or in an unusual place for you.
  2. Extravagant nurse and her patient. Did you know that massage is one of the therapeutic and preventive procedures. So, from light stroking you can move on to foreplay. The corresponding suit can be easily found in a specialized store.
  3. Sexy dancer and her client. To do this, you need to practice and take a closer look at your plasticity. You may need to take a few strip classes to help you gain confidence and master a few basic movements. Don't forget about beautiful underwear. Let your man enjoy the beautiful picture, love with his eyes. Do something nice, arrange an erotic show for your loved one.
  4. Lovers. Not husband and wife. The intrigue lies in the fact that one of the partners committed treason. This plot can heat up your sex life. Take your kids to their grandparents for the evening, cook a romantic dinner and take your partner on a date.
  5. Prostitute. Classics of the genre. Allow your partner to do whatever he wants. Don't forget about the appropriate wardrobe. A man must understand that in front of him is a priestess of love who can make all his fantasies come true.
  6. Boss and subordinate. The role of a boss can be either a man or a woman. The plot can be non-trivial: an overdue report, a financial scam, being late for work, cold coffee, etc.
  7. Punishment with BDSM elements. For those who like it rough. Handcuffs, belts with buckles and rivets, leather suits, etc. The corresponding paraphernalia can be purchased in specialized stores. One nuance should be taken into account here - in such games it is important to agree with your partner in advance what is considered permissible.
  8. Cute costumes. A girl can put on cute ears and a ponytail - sometimes even such a little thing can spur her partner to do more.
  9. Nymphomaniac. For those who don’t need to get up early and can sleep the whole next day.
  10. Secretary. Dress in a business suit with sexy lingerie - your “boss” will like it.
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