Body and gesture language: how a man in love behaves

They say that a person can be read like an open book by his body movements, and girls often use this knowledge. After all, I really want to understand how you can recognize the gestures of a man in love and what men use to get closer to the woman they like.

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The first signs of falling in love in men

Manifestations of love are quite difficult to hide, and even a person with incredible self-control will not be able to suppress them. Gestures and changes in behavior will tell about the indifference in communication between a man and a woman.

Women's magazines and forums are full of headlines about the psychology of relationships, because girls, falling in love, desperately look for signs of a guy in love that will reveal his emotions during non-verbal communication. Indeed, psychologists say that the body language and gestures of a man in love will tell much more about his feelings for a woman than words.

Body position

To determine whether a man is in love, it is enough to look at the entire pose and the manifestation of individual parts of the body. But here, to clarify, it would be appropriate to take into account the guy’s character and self-esteem.

Confident men with all their gestures and external manifestations say: “Look at me, I am the one you need,” “I am strong, brave, courageous, with me you will feel safe.” Representatives of the stronger sex with high self-esteem always “stretch out” in front of a woman, wanting to appear taller, straighten their shoulders, stick their chest forward, and lift their chin. This is how they try to please the one they are in love with. Psychologists often compare such chosen ones to peacocks, showing off in front of the peahens. The body is always turned towards the beloved, legs are widely spaced. A person who stands firm demonstrates his confidence and determination.

If a guy is not too confident in himself, he will have his own signs by which one can determine whether he is in love. His head will be slightly lowered, his posture will be tense, his shoulders will be tense, and his gestures will be stingy. If you stand opposite each other, the man will not be able to stand calmly and evenly. The legs will dance every now and then, change their point of support, pick the ground, etc.

If a man can show off his figure to his companion, he will do it with great pleasure. He will play with his biceps, expose his torso, show off his abs, wearing a tight T-shirt. He will be happy to help his beloved physically: lift something, move something, catch up with someone, show endurance, etc. Guys who ignore sports will not focus on their appearance, so they suck in their stomach, wear clothes of universal sizes, They prefer quiet leisure to active leisure.

Gestures of a man in love

The girl, suspecting that her new acquaintance is showing sympathy, begins to study the body language of her interlocutor and compares it with the description of the gestures of the guy in love. In this case, you need to evaluate the situation as a whole, taking into account what he says and how he acts towards you. But there are gestures that clearly reveal a guy who likes a girl.

For example, a man in love subconsciously copies the movements and facial expressions of the person he likes, without knowing why, and the guy’s behavior seems to say to other men: “this is mine,” for example, when, introducing a girl to friends, he hugs her around the waist or swipes her in a possessive manner a speck of dust from clothes.

Changes in the body

Love can be judged by one’s attitude towards a woman and by body language during a conversation. During this period, a number of changes occur in the human body caused by the hormone norepinephrine, which leads to a state of euphoria.

It is the release of hormones that causes the very “symptoms” of love, because of which it is poetically compared to a disease:

  • dilated pupils when looking at the object of adoration;
  • flushed cheeks;
  • shrunken voice;
  • trembling in the body;
  • elevated temperature.

Not all men are ready to take the first step, but even if a young man hides his feelings and tries not to attract attention to himself, his body will continue to send signs of sympathy to the woman he likes.

He doesn’t want to miss a single word of hers, so he tilted his head closer in conversation, he casually touches the woman’s hand at every opportunity, he catches her gaze: it’s difficult for a man to resist the temptation to be with his beloved.

The guy wants to be closer to the object of his adoration, literally closing the distance.

Of course, every girl waits for the loving look of her chosen one, but sometimes this is not enough to cast aside doubts about her feelings. Therefore, when you fall in love and cannot understand whether you should hope for reciprocity, pay attention to the man’s body movements.

Gestures of a man in love: facial expressions

The meaning of the gestures of a man in love will be complemented by the expression of his eyes, the timbre of his voice, his facial expressions - take them into account when calculating the admirer. They say more than the words and touches of a man to a woman.

Some girls know exactly when they like the opposite sex. They attribute this to women's intuition, but this is nothing more than the ability to read non-verbal signs.

It is worth considering if a person

  • always looks into the eyes or, conversely, quickly looks away, embarrassed;
  • when meeting you, he raises his eyebrows and smiles broadly;
  • while laughing, looks to see if you are laughing too;
  • behaves out of character for him - a quiet person suddenly tells jokes loudly, or the guy who is the soul of the company cannot utter a word in a conversation with you.

When a young man is in love, he constantly looks at his chosen one, a shy one - secretly until she notices, a decisive one - diligently catches the eye when they meet. A friendly handshake and other everyday touches become more gentle and careful, because for a man they are very valuable.

Determining whether a guy is in love is quite difficult, especially if he is secretly in love. But a smile, raised eyebrows, a “glimmer” of interest in a man’s eyes and frequent touches indicate, if not love, then certainly sympathy.


Touching is something that a man in love finds difficult to resist; the stronger a man’s feelings for a woman, the more he will touch her. He will hold you by the elbow in a crowd, carefully straighten a strand of hair that has fallen out of your hair, hug you when you meet, take your hand if the opportunity arises - these little things speak of feelings.

The gestures of a man in love during a conversation can say a lot. He is nervous in the presence of the lady of his heart, his movements and gestures become chaotic - he unnecessarily straightens his hair, nervously drums his fingers on the table, fidgets with the buttons on his clothes, shakes off an invisible speck of dust from his sleeve. When a man feels sympathy for a woman, he unconsciously copies the gestures of his beloved - for example, looking at his watch when she checks the time, or laughing in unison with her.

At the same time, the male awakens in the man - he unconsciously straightens his shoulders and straightens his back, trying to become taller and more attractive. If you unexpectedly notice that even when the man is not nearby, his body is turned in your direction and the toes of his shoes are pointed at you, then rest assured, this is poorly hidden sympathy.

A man touches a woman's hand. Basic Types of Positive Touch


A formal greeting indicating predisposition. The signal of predisposition is enhanced if the usual shaking of the right hands is supplemented by the application of the left hand, or by touching the partner’s shoulder with the left hand.

Hug around the waist

A signal indicating an intimate relationship between partners (sometimes the process of courtship). A heterosexual gesture, as the man's hand is close to the woman's genitals.

Kiss on the lips

A gesture “reserved” for couples in love. Young people often practice it in public, others in a more intimate setting, or also in public, but in especially “pathetic” moments (for example, after a long separation).

Hand on head

It means unconditional trust, as it involves hand access to one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Thus, even the slightest hand-head contact signals a close connection.

Head to head

A gesture similar in meaning to a kiss on the lips. Practiced mainly by young couples. Signals an absolute desire to be in constant contact, isolated from the environment.


The sexual side of the relationship between partners, since caresses are part of erotic foreplay. In public, the weasel conveys a signal of close connection to others.


The parents are holding the child in their arms, or the girl is sitting in the arms of the guy. A gesture of support. In adults, it is practiced only when it is necessary to help.

Fake Attack

Pushes, blows, kicks, performed in a humorous manner that does not provoke pain. They do not mean aggression, but friendship. Sometimes this is the only way to demonstrate the “cordiality” of relationships among guys and men.

Accompanying contact

One leads the other with a light hug around the shoulders, or supporting the hand. A controlling and patronizing gesture.

Pat on the back

A common gesture meaning praise, friendship, support.. Sometimes it has a humorous meaning: “Hmm.. What a great fellow you are!”

Hand holding

The most common gesture signifying a connection between partners. Has a symbolic meaning of protection and possession. It is performed in public to convey its meaning to everyone.

Full hug

Common among children with parents and among lovers. In adults, this is a gesture of sexual connection or a ritual symbol of “break-reunion.”

Hand on shoulder

A predominantly masculine gesture. Practically the only socially accepted way to express friendship between men through physical contact.

How a woman should behave

Not everyone knows how to behave if a guy shows signs of sympathy. The main thing is to decide what you want. If you like a man, you can let him know that the feelings are mutual. Smile back, keep up the conversation, sometimes be weak and allow him to look after you.

Sometimes psychologists advise asking a man directly about his feelings. But still, you shouldn’t take this step if you have only recently met the guy. Firstly, the young man may be put off by assertiveness, and secondly, you could be mistaken. For example, accept signs of attention addressed to your friend. Get to know the person better so you can understand them correctly.

If you don't feel the same way, gently make it clear.

Gently move away from the guy’s touches, break long eye contact, and remain aloof in a friendly manner. He will understand everything, because not only women understand non-verbal gestures.

To read people like an open book and understand them better, be more attentive to nonverbal communication. With its help, you can not only find out whether a man likes you, but also send him a “return signal”. Remember the non-verbal gestures of a man towards the woman he likes and you will be fully armed.



Let's consider the language of these gestures. A woman who shakes hands with her palm facing down indicates that she wants the man to kiss her hand. This, according to psychologists, is a manifestation of coquetry and an invitation to light flirting.

If a man offers his hand with his palm down, then you should not kiss it. Such a gesture means his desire to completely subjugate the lady and even crush her with his authority. In this case, the woman can cover the hand given to her with her palm. Such a gesture will be an unspoken challenge to love rivalry.

With regular traditional handshakes, a lot depends on who extends their hand first. If a woman does this, then she indicates that she sees her companion as an equal partner. If, on the contrary, such a handshake can be regarded as an indication of the man’s sympathy.

Sometimes a handshake indicates an increased desire to gain trust and be liked. In this case, the man covers the woman's palm with both hands. It’s as if he encases them in a living glove.

Why do we touch?

The most important tasks that touch solves:

  1. Friendly message. Another person's invasion of personal space causes rejection. But if a slight friendly touch occurs during an intrusion, then contact is established even between strangers.
  2. To attract attention. Often a person screams and does not hear other interlocutors, but even one touch on the arm or shoulder will make him pay attention to you or shut up.
  3. Touch as a way to restore mental balance. If a person is “knocked out” and cannot calm down, often a sympathetic hug is enough for the person to become calm and balanced.
  4. Power struggles. Often a light touch is enough to make the target of communication retreat from their positions. This technique is most often used by women.
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