How a greedy man behaves: types of misers and options for communicating with them

In this article we will tell you:
  1. 4 signs of a greedy man
  2. Types of greedy men
  3. Greedy or thrifty man
  4. Behavior of women that provokes men to greed
  5. Should I build a relationship with a greedy man?
  6. Tips on how a woman should behave with a greedy man

At the beginning of a relationship, a woman in love does not see any shortcomings in her partner, but having noticed, she tries to somehow justify her beloved. But over time, it becomes more and more difficult to turn a blind eye to problems. One of the significant negative qualities of a man is stinginess. And if on the first dates one can take it for thriftiness and even be proud of what a thrifty young man he got, then later it will be noticeable and cause unpleasant feelings.

It is not always possible to recognize a hoarder right away. To do this, you need to penetrate the secrets of psychology and understand how a greedy man behaves. Seeing that this is exactly the type with whom you are already building a relationship, it is easier to decide whether to continue communication or break off a connection that may weigh on you in the future.

Types of greedy men

There are several types of greedy men:

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

  • He is stingy by nature. This character trait can be innate when a child hides sweets from others and then eats them secretly. Unfortunately, the situation does not change in adulthood. It will remain like this forever; it cannot be changed.

Specific features of greed in psychology

Greed can be traced not only in the field of finance, but also in relationships with :

  1. women;
  2. friends;
  3. children;
  4. relatives;
  5. colleagues.

Manifestations of a stingy person towards women

A greedy man is never generous or sincere.
He views contact with a woman as a game where he can hit the jackpot without making a significant investment. There is an interesting pattern in the development of personal relationships. During the candy-bouquet period, a greedy guy is driven by the desire to have a pretty passion.

During dates, he will make small gifts, perceived as investments in a profitable project . However, when choosing gifts, the greedy type will try to spend the minimum allowable or not spend any money at all. He will pick field daisies, but will not buy a luxurious bouquet of roses. A man will repair a worn-out shoe, but will not offer to pay for a new pair of shoes.

He will arrange a picnic in nature using the products of his chosen one, but will not invite the lady to a restaurant. In a word, a greedy man, striving to take possession of the spoils, will be inventive, guided by the benefits of investments.

As soon as the hunt ends, the woman agrees to live together, the greedy man shows his true nature. He focuses on a new project to satisfy his thirst for money, fame, power.

The guy becomes not a partner, but a demanding dictator. He spends his personal budget exclusively on himself, assigning household expenses to his chosen one. A disclaimer: if a greedy man decides that he only needs to eat squid and lobsters, he will buy them, regardless of the price. But in quantities that would only be enough for him.

A greedy person knows a lot about manipulation . He is talented in persuading others, persuading them to fulfill male duties. He will be charming, claiming that a woman can handle plumbing repairs better than a specialized master. He will give a lot of arguments, wanting to save energy, time, and not spend money on paying for services.

A greedy person strives to achieve what he wants in the short term. It focuses on quickly satisfying real needs. He leaves the elimination of undesirable consequences to his life partner.

For example , a man takes out a new model of the “needed” smartphone on credit, not taking into account that the financial burden of providing the family with food and essentials will fall on the woman’s shoulders.

With friends

The leading quality of a greedy person is egocentrism.
This subject is focused exclusively on himself. The word “I” (I want, I wish) dominates in the statements. It is alien to a self-centered person to show interest in the experiences, desires, and needs of others.

When choosing a social circle, a greedy subject is guided by personal interests, namely, the benefits received from a specific contact. In his environment you will not meet random, “unnecessary” people. Friends are chosen according to the principle: beneficial for career advancement, solving problems, receiving benefits, because of the opportunity to borrow money, get something for free.

A typical trait of a greedy man is envy. This type is very jealous of the acquisitions, achievements, and successes of his friends. He denies that they made efforts to improve their lives.

He complains about the injustice of fate: “You are lucky, but I get everything through titanic labor.” In relationships with friends, an extreme form of greed leads to an obsession with taking possession of other people's property. The annoying thought of becoming the owner of friends' property leads to deception, fraud, and sometimes theft.

In pursuit of material wealth, a greedy person knows no bounds. In order to achieve his goal, he will ignore the code of friendship and forget about moral values ​​without shame. A greedy individual is looking for loopholes to avoid reproaches if he acts to the detriment of the interests of his friends.

With kids

Lack of sympathy for family is a typical sign of a greedy man. Attention to the needs of children is not characteristic of a greedy parent. Such a father does not consider it necessary to invest time and money in the development and education of his children.

He is not afraid to hurt a child or teenager by denying them what they need . The inability to empathize and sympathize, lack of interest in the needs of the child, and focus on oneself makes a greedy man a bad parent.

Greedy or thrifty man

Some women cannot find the difference between frugality and greed, mistaking both qualities for one. However, they are significantly different.

There is a popular belief that greed accompanies wealth. But everything is not so simple. It’s just that people who are able to earn a large amount of money will not spend it thoughtlessly. Especially on capricious women. The latter believe that when starting a business, a man becomes greedy, since there is income but no expenses. But the point here is practicality and the desire to save up funds for a breakthrough in business. He invests resources in the development of his business. At such times, a woman should just wait a little.

But not all representatives of the fairer sex are ready to endure. They have the same argument - he can leave for another woman. Which, I must say, is not uncommon. But you should know your man and understand what he can do. For example, he constantly feeds with promises of marriage, but puts it off. In this case, the risk of his leaving is high. We need to weigh everything and make the right decision.

Differences from Lean

Thrift and thrift are based on financial literacy.
These are useful qualities that allow you to preserve and increase benefits. Thrift implies purposeful actions and making thoughtful, logical decisions. Thrift is a justified choice of areas for spending money, time, and internal resources.

Unlike frugality, greed is often meaningless, harmful, and aimless . For example, a person seeks to increase capital, replenish his wallet with a large number of banknotes. To save cash, stinginess is added to greed.

The subject does not allow spending on vacations, hobbies, or travel. He leads a routine lifestyle, because quality leisure time at a resort implies a reduction in capital. The result is apathy and blues due to boredom, lack of rest, and new experiences. The person has no ideas regarding further development. He freezes at a dead point. Accordingly, there is no increase in material wealth.

A thrifty man takes care of personal relationships . He is attentive to his life partner. Realizes that purchasing a powerful vacuum cleaner will save a woman’s time and physical resources. Unencumbered by everyday burdens, she will pay more attention to the man.

As a result, he will receive a moral benefit, remain calm, and be insured against claims and reproaches. A greedy man does not consider the consequences of his own greed and stinginess. He does not calculate what hypertrophied tightness will lead to.

Behavior of women that provokes men to greed

A woman’s behavior often provokes a man to have a certain attitude towards her. Being a reasonable person, he can offer her to pay the bill for herself. Especially on the first date. Or he will choose an inexpensive establishment.

Such representatives of the stronger sex use their first meetings not only for getting to know each other, but also in order to understand the girl’s attitude towards money and draw appropriate conclusions.

Young people display this attitude:

  1. To those women who order expensive dishes in a restaurant. In this case, the man will most likely decide that his companion wants to use him as a sponsor. This especially applies to girls who, after dinner, want to quickly end the date and break up with him.
  2. To those representatives of the fair sex who constantly hint to a man about their requests. The suspicion that the girl is trying to improve her status at the expense of his money can make a partner stingy. Buying branded items, going to trendy cafes - everything that a girl doesn’t really like, but is only prestigious. And the man himself must have a suitable position and be willing to spend money on her. There are few guys who would like this state of affairs.
  3. To those women who evaluate others according to their income. For example, if a girl is not interested in a man as a person, but seeks to find out his income and expenses, where he spends most of his time, etc. She will most likely be suspected of commercialism. Most men prefer to part with such young ladies quickly.

This behavior quickly leads the curmudgeon to think about the selfish purpose of getting to know him. And a woman can simply test him for generosity without being mercantile. Young ladies need to remember that it is sometimes impossible to correct the first impression. Therefore, if you like a man, perhaps you should not do this. This will only push him away from you or make him distrust you. You can find out how miserly a man is in other ways.

How to understand that no methods will help?

It all depends on how much greed is running in a man.
For example, if he only recently started earning money and is still getting used to his new status, over time the young man will change, without much outside effort. In most cases, a temporary form of greed rather looks like tight-fistedness or thriftiness, which will not interfere in the future.

It’s another matter when the guy is a pathological cheapskate - it’s almost impossible to correct such a defect . All thoughts and actions of such a person are motivated only by saving and earning money, which he will not want to spend even during a period of great love for a woman.

Definitely run away spouse and don’t look back. No one and nothing will force him to change his lifestyle. Even if he loves you madly, stinginess is in his blood - and nothing can be done about it. Over time, the problem will worsen, any attempts to change something will end, because without the desire of the person himself this is simply impossible.

Only the woman herself can decide whether she is ready for such a relationship, because this is a huge amount of work that requires huge moral investments. Moreover, it is unknown whether there will be fruits of hard and painstaking work. Perhaps love and warmth will melt the heart of the heaviest miser, or he will completely harden. Sometimes sincerity of feelings can work wonders.

Should I build a relationship with a greedy man?

You can determine how a man behaves, whether he is greedy, at the dating stage. Then decide whether to continue the relationship with him. Take a closer look at him, look at his face, clothes, car, etc. The presence of old, worn things, if the man is far from poor, should alert you.

The offer to split the bill at a cafe or buy ice cream on a date should definitely make you think of greed.

The absence of flowers presented on first dates can indicate a man’s stinginess. However, not all representatives of the stronger sex believe that a bouquet can interest a woman. Well, there are such representatives of the stronger half... Ask him to give you flowers and watch his reaction. If you still don’t get what you want, it means the man is greedy.

Reasons why I became stingy

  1. Primal Greed. Men with this “vice” usually grow up from boys whose parents saved money on their child. At first, it was hammered into the kid’s head that it was better not to give things (be it a scooter or a ball) to strangers, otherwise the neighbor Pasha would break the wheel, and the owner would be to blame, because he allowed him to ride. For this, he will be deprived of the opportunity to receive gifts for a certain time.

    Thus, in the perception of a future man, the concept of “mine, and therefore no one else’s” is formed; as a result of such upbringing, we get a greedy man from the cradle who will not rush to share this “mine” with you.

  2. Sudden. Even the guy’s mother is sometimes horrified at how such a greedy and callous type grew from a sweet, generous and sympathetic child. This time it is the woman who is to blame for the man's stinginess, not his parents. Not you, of course, but the one (or those) with whom he had a relationship before you.

    Often, men experience the first attacks of greed when they realize that it is their money that attracts women's attention. The more clearly he understood this, and the more selfish young ladies he met on his way, the more you will be disadvantaged in gifts and everyday expenses.

Tips on how a woman should behave with a greedy man

If it so happens that your husband is a greedy person, don’t be sad, but move on with your life. Call on all female wisdom and listen to our advice:

  • The wife of a stingy husband must monitor her desires as well as his intentions. Your husband will decide all financial issues in your family. The wife should make sure that he perceives all her aspirations as his own. The main thing is the ability to convey your thought to your spouse in such a way that he perceives it, processes it and considers it his own.

  • An item needed for the home will be purchased after proof of its benefits. You should draw your husband’s attention to the fact that such products are much more expensive.
  • As a woman, you should think about your own income. You will have free funds to go to the theater or buy a gift for your husband.

We looked at the behavior options of a greedy man and how a woman should behave with him. Finally, I would like to say that representatives of the fair sex should be savvy and get to know their spouse well in order to find levers to control him. This will make your life much easier.

What errors might there be?

  1. Under no circumstances should you ask to buy something you like; eliminate the words “buy”, “I need”, “give me money” from your vocabulary. It is better to replace these irritants of the male ear with “what a comfortable inexpensive sweater I saw,” “it would be nice to wear new pants,” “help me find additional income.”

    Over time, such behavior should stimulate a normal loving man to show his feelings more generously.

  2. There is no need to emphasize the presence of stinginess as a fait accompli at any opportunity, especially in the presence of prying eyes. This approach is fraught with the development of the opposite effect - your life partner may regard your words as a call to action. He will decide that you are positive about his behavior.
  3. Experts do not advise directly expressing complaints to a man about excessive miserliness. It is advisable to lead him to discussing the problem as gently as possible, so that a scandal does not break out based solely on the emotional component.
  4. In your arguments and explanations of what is happening, you do not need to stoop to humiliation of the human person, insults, accusations of professional failure, as well as unfounded threats a la “I will divorce you” or “you will never see your children.”
  5. Do not force a man to unconditionally agree with your opinion. Prove in practice what the real consequences of a spouse's stinginess are. For example, postponing the purchase of a freezer does not allow you to save money on vegetables and fruits in the winter.

Greed shows emotional and spiritual immaturity

Since among a man's personal qualities the main one is greed and other negative emotions that accompany this state: fear, the desire to have more, selfishness, the rest of his emotional mind is likely to be somewhat underdeveloped.

This is because most of his conscious and unconscious attention will be focused on what he lacks, rather than on what he has.

Greed will manifest itself not only in underdeveloped emotional qualities, but also in spiritual immaturity. A stingy man will be less open to deep conversations and will avoid discussing complex moral issues, preferring a simplistic, sometimes cruel view of life and the world around him.

Help from a psychologist

As a last resort, you can contact a family psychologist. There is nothing shameful or shameful about this, you just need to try to solve the existing problem together. This means that you have come across a manipulator who only cares about his own comfort and his personal savings. You can't encroach on men's money. But if the husband does not spend it on general coziness and comfort, many psychologists advise getting a divorce; it is very difficult to re-educate such a person.

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