Is the guy acting strange? Let's try to decipher his behavior!

Every person has moments in life when emotions are at odds with nerves. If your partner periodically cannot control his behavior, do not rush to blame him for it. Nature created people imperfect. But what you can really do is not let weirdness affect your romantic relationships. The best way to help you understand the feelings and desires of your chosen one is observation. If you notice that your boyfriend is behaving strangely, you can easily decipher his motives by listening to the findings of psychologists. Here's what experts say about the "weirdness" of men.

He looks nervous and closed

Men find it difficult to express their emotions, which is why they choose their words carefully and sometimes don’t know what to say. Based on the change in behavior of a romantic partner, it is not difficult to guess that something has happened in his life. But if he is nervous and emotionally closed, he will muster the strength to make some kind of confession to you. Here's what relationship and dating coach Jonathan Bennett says: “Closed gestures, increased sensitivity and nervous responses are a clear sign of a stressful situation. It may be related to work or a medical diagnosis. Your partner will have to gather the courage to openly talk about it. In this case, do not try to put pressure on him and force him into an open dialogue. Be wise, excluding an accusatory tone. Even if you suspect your chosen one of something, be guided by the presumption of innocence until the situation becomes clearer.”

He gives you short answers

Another sign of strange behavior is short and concise answers. Previously, it was impossible to stop your boyfriend in a conversation, but now he sits in front of you, as if he had filled his mouth with water. This may be due to anger or unpleasant feelings towards you. Experts explain that men very often choose this tactic if they are secretly angry with their beloved. They give short monosyllabic answers and temporarily turn off the positive reaction to your words. Unfortunately, society and parents teach boys to control their emotions. That's why your chosen one is in no hurry to talk to you frankly. You will have to initiate open communication, especially if you can guess the reasons for the anger. Accept the situation with understanding and sensitivity.

Shortens the distance

He wants to keep her in sight all the time. If you notice in a general group at a party that an acquaintance, friend or colleague does not take his eyes off you and constantly falls into your field of vision, there is no doubt, most likely he has fallen in love.

He constantly catches your gaze. This is the most important non-verbal sign of his love. If he manages to look into your eyes, he tries to smile. He is trying to read in your eyes how you feel about him. He also likes to look at the object of his attraction, while his gaze becomes gliding and moves over the woman’s body - quickly and carefully.

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A man is trying to touch you. Believe me, if a woman is not attracted to you, it will not even occur to a man to take her, say, by the waist to let her through the door. They behave this way only with the beauty they like.

A man tries to communicate more with his beloved. In general company, he tries to talk to her, start a conversation. If she gave him her phone number, she can start calling him, often inviting him somewhere. He is bursting with feelings, and he, of course, wants to constantly be with his beloved. Moreover, his calls will be without any special reason.

A man in love does not hesitate to introduce his beloved woman to his friends and acquaintances, especially if he already knows that his feelings are not unrequited. He also doesn’t mind meeting your family.

Your partner is unkind

It is very difficult for men to openly show their affection. As we already know, society does not encourage this. Only a limited circle of guys manage to cope with stereotypes. If your man was raised in strictness, he is unlikely to want to publicly demonstrate his love for you. Come to terms with it and accept it as a fact that you can’t do anything about. Most likely, his parents taught him to protect a woman and take care of her. Love and affection were not on the list of priorities. If this depresses you greatly, you may not have found your happiness yet. If you look at this strangeness with understanding, then your couple has a chance for the future.

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He became quiet and distant

When life starts to get out of control, men become distant. And again they are dominated by stereotypes imposed by society. A representative of the stronger sex cannot afford to complain about his problems. However, emotions, without finding a way out, accumulate. This feature also applies to romantic relationships. For example, when a man wants to confess his love for a woman, but at the same time experiences panic fear. This is a normal state if you really have tender feelings for your chosen one. No one wants to hear a refusal, so instead of moving on, some people prefer to keep the relationship at the same level. With the help of detachment, a man prefers to maintain emotional balance.

In the case when the relationship deepens and the guy is confident in his partner’s feelings, he can also “hold his horses” a little. This is necessary to find the golden mean between complete immersion in love and your own independent self-awareness. Either way, moving the relationship forward can be scary for both parties. Therefore, allow your chosen one to have an independent mental space. Psychologist Deborah Offner argues that for many men, emotional intimacy with a partner is something scary: “Some men need to step back for a while to understand their feelings.”

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Sudden mood swings, excessive emotionality

There is such a disease - bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive psychosis. It manifests itself precisely as mood swings, but with this diagnosis we are not talking about the fact that it seems to you that a person is cheerful or depressed for no reason. In the case of this disease, the phases last up to several months. At the same time, the depressive phase can be severe, as if someone had died, but no one died. Next comes the manic phase, which is characterized by high spirits, disturbances of appetite and sleep, increased excitability and talkativeness, everything is as if a holiday has been going on for several weeks, only there is actually no holiday.

But I note that if you think that someone has “unreasonable” joy, perhaps you simply were not informed about its reasons, but psychosis is usually still far away.

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He began to spend more time with friends

The key to a long-term partnership is having personal space. The social life that lovers spend separately cannot be discounted. That's why men prefer fishing and hanging out with friends at a sports bar, while women go shopping with their friends. Typically, partners agree on the amount of time they will spend apart. If your boyfriend has shifted his priorities towards long-time friends, this may indicate his interest in maintaining the friendship. Although at first glance it may seem to you that your chosen one is trying to escape. In fact, he is happy with everything, but he cannot destroy the interpersonal connections that were formed before meeting you. According to psychologists, this desire is commendable. After all, if a person cannot remain faithful to a friendship, he is not able to build a long-term relationship with his partner. Be lenient and give him more freedom. You will both benefit from the time you spend apart.

Behavior of a man in love

A man in your presence begins to raise his voice and pay attention to all sorts of minor details of the world around him.

Refutation: It is not difficult to understand that a man is in love. When this is really the case, he does not raise his voice; on the contrary, his voice becomes rougher and quieter, and all sounds become one and a half times longer. It seems that he doesn’t want to talk, but in fact he is waiting for a response phrase in order to understand the pace of your communication.

A young, or not so young, man in love with you looks very closely at your figure.

Refutation: Another mistake - a man who is in love is not interested in your forms, he drowns in your eyes, he doesn’t need anything else, only your attention.

He avoids your attention.

Refutation: Alas, if a man resorts to this method, he does not need your spiritual part, having your body is enough for him and nothing more. Another professional scamming women for sex. Don’t think that he’s shy or just somehow special - he just read some brochures with “tips” on the Internet and is now trying to apply them in life.

Unfortunately, the only thing that is truly correct about the advice of the network is that a man in love is trying to introduce you to as many of his relatives and acquaintances as possible. And this is not at all because he decided to show off his next trophy, no. It’s just that men are big children, and they, at a minimum, need the tacit consent of their relatives to continue the relationship.

How to understand that an adult man is in love

You just need to be attentive and see the signs that he himself gives you. Under no circumstances try to find more pros or cons in a man’s behavior towards you, men are primarily subject to instincts, even more than women, and therefore if you show a little patience, you will be more than rewarded.

Men in love are practically no different from women in love. Their feelings may be heightened or diminished by how they are responded to;

There are no barriers for a man in love. In fact, they can work miracles. And if girls in love try to regulate the storm of emotions inside, then men, on the contrary, splash everything out without being embarrassed by anything;

A man in love undoubtedly desires his beloved sexually, but never pushes events forward. They enjoy any sign of attention from you and this is already intimate for them.

He doesn't listen to you attentively

You can observe how your partner keeps asking questions or is in some kind of prostration during the conversation. In fact, this behavior is typical of those who have already become comfortable within a romantic relationship. Yes, yes, you heard right, and you will have to get used to the true face of your man. It was at the beginning of the relationship that he made every effort to win your trust. But now that the goal has been achieved, you can relax. Consider this situation adequately and understand that you cannot work to the limit of your strength every day. Psychologists warn about one nuance: such behavior may be a sign that you have made a mistake in the person, and he is not at all the person he initially claimed to be. However, do not make hasty conclusions. You always have a chance to discuss problems that arise in your relationship.

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How does a man in love behave?

The behavior of a man in love changes dramatically when the object of his love appears. Even if he hides his feelings, it is not difficult to recognize them. It is enough to observe him and his behavior around a woman to understand the seriousness of his intentions.

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A man in love behaves a little inappropriately, gets confused in his words and watches the woman when she doesn’t see it. Nonverbal signs and behavior changes in the presence of a girl give him away. And if she likes a young man, she will help him open his feelings by showing goodwill and sincere interest in him.

It is not always that a guy strives to reveal his feelings to a girl. Many men are vulnerable and touchy by nature. Refusal does not affect them in the best way and plunges them into a depressive state for a long time. To avoid this, a guy in love looks closely at the object of his love for some time, evaluates his chances, and only then confesses his feelings or invites him on a date.

The period during which a man alone “enjoys” his love is different for everyone. It depends on the character, temperament and degree of shyness. An assertive and aggressive man is characterized by intemperance; he will not be able, and will not want, to hide his interest in a girl for a long time. He is betrayed by an interested look and close attention to the object of passion. He declares his intentions openly and expects the same direct answer from the girl. If a guy is impatient and ill-mannered, he begins to behave aggressively, seeing indifference to his person.

He ignores arguments or gives up quickly

When it comes to conflicts, women, as more emotional natures, find themselves in their native environment. They can argue and sort things out for hours, but men don’t like it at all. Representatives of the stronger sex are more rational; they do not lay out trump cards on the table in the form of reinforced concrete arguments, but prefer to quickly forget about the conflict. Men will not remember the essence of the dispute and will prefer to move on without bringing up the bad experience. Be reasonable and don’t get hung up on sorting things out. Understand that your partner does not like to play these games.

He behaves differently with friends

You may notice that your partner changes beyond recognition when he ends up with his old friends. It seems that he has one mask for you, and another for a group of friends. Of course, these observations are unpleasant. According to coach Tony Coleman, this situation is typical for men who are immature and insecure in their relationships. Most of all, they are afraid of losing friends, not partners, and are very susceptible to the opinions of others. Probably, the guy has not yet figured out whether he needs this romantic relationship in the long term or not.

Gets romantic

A guy in love is very attentive to the needs of his beloved. His memory, intuition and all other senses become sharper. He will definitely find out whether she is comfortable, whether she is happy with the choice of restaurant, and will constantly be interested in such trifles. He wants to take care and, in fact, is already doing it.

A man in love changes his behavior towards being more in the clouds. He constantly hums something, whistles, and is in high spirits. And when he sees his beloved, his emotions can go off scale.

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