12 signs of how a real man behaves

Every woman thinks about how a man should behave in a relationship. The correct understanding of the roles and behavior of a guy allows you to form healthy, happy marriages. When a man treats his partner with dignity, she also reciprocates and a strong, strong bond develops between them.

He does not wait, but takes concrete actions

Real men go after what they want. They are like hunters, they will chase the woman they like and will achieve her no matter how hard it is. They will do everything possible to interest a woman and ask her out on a date. A strong man never gives up, even if serious obstacles arise along the way. He may be shy, but he always acts and takes action to achieve his own goals. He doesn't sit back and wait for things to happen naturally, but takes concrete action - that's how a real man behaves.

Is the solution always on the surface?

Photo by Katerina Holmes: Pexels
You can often hear women complain that nowadays most men are very indecisive, they prefer to act like teenagers. Men and women seem to change places. Women strive for independence and this is good, but it is important not to lose their femininity and not become an iron lady.

Sometimes the question arises, what to do if there are only indecisive men around? So a woman has to take on this role. Is it really? Think about whether there is someone in your circle for whom men are ready to perform feats.

Perhaps she knows little tricks that make any man next to her feel more confident.

He knows what he wants in life and in romantic relationships

A real man has a plan and a clear vision of what he wants to achieve in life. The same goes for romantic relationships. He knows how to ask a girl out on a date and plan it so that you both find it interesting and comfortable. A real man plans a date that is specific to the woman he is dating. Because he knows that a girl needs to be surprised, and every girl is individual.

His words and actions complement each other

He knows what he is saying and is always ready to back up his words with actions. If a guy says he is going to call at a certain time, he will definitely call, even if he is very busy. If he plans to pick up the girl at a certain time, you can be sure that the car will be waiting at that time. A real man does exactly what he says and you won't have to ask or remind him multiple times. He will definitely do what he said. Because he is a man of his word, and his own reputation plays a big role for him.

Honesty and integrity

If we are talking about how a real man behaves, then we must definitely talk about honesty and decency. There is no room for lies in the life of such a person. He is honest with other people and expects to be treated the same way. An honest person does not need to lie or manipulate because he is not doing anything wrong. He is as open as a book because he has nothing to hide. He doesn't talk behind his friends' backs or gossip about other women.

In romantic relationships, he is the same open and simple person; it is easy and simple to communicate with him. He can talk about his own feelings even though there is a possibility that the woman might reject him.

What kind of guys do girls like based on their character?

The main male characters in films and novels have those features that many girls dream of. These traits:


Strong, muscular, tough, tough, big hands, influential, alpha, dominant, protective, male, confident, strong-willed, determined, untamed, complex, moody, secretive, dangerous, mysterious, wild, rough , devilish, wild.


Honesty, individuality, self-esteem, nobility, sense of humor, self-irony, charming, charismatic, playful, passionate, good kisser, wild lover.

Hidden qualities

Weakness (weak point), resentment, shortcomings, openness to learning and development, caring, attentive, gentle (the secret is that he does everything possible to hide these qualities).

Read more: 15 masculine qualities that women value

He is not afraid to defend his opinions and positions

Such a person understands that he will have to compete in the social world and defend his own rights. Many guys in the modern world are used to complaining that they are not respected and their opinions are not listened to, that they are not considered and not taken seriously. But if we dig deeper, to the root of the problem, we understand that this person himself allowed other people to disrespect him. Therefore, every person should be able to defend their opinion and not allow people to “wipe their feet on it.”

He behaves with dignity

The next sign of how a real man behaves is that he never gets hysterical. Nowadays, it is a big problem to find a man who would behave calmly and with dignity. Unfortunately, now many guys are becoming hysterical. They act like girls, and the girls, in turn, begin to outshine and dominate the boys.

A real man does not get offended, does not whine or complain about problems. He values ​​and listens to other people's opinions. He does not quarrel and does not show anger if problems arise in life, but keeps himself under control even in the most difficult situations.

Herd instinct, or the Sixth rule

The herd instinct is not a relic of the past; it still drives modern representatives of the strongest half of humanity and is manifested in the male desire to unite in companies. There are three signs by which men join groups.

The first is by age. People of the same age have something to remember, because their childhood passed at the same time and the culture of this period will always be close to them.

The second is based on interests. The direction of men's interests can lie in any area.

The third is based on the presence of a common enemy. These groups have the highest levels of adrenaline and testosterone and the most intolerant attitude towards life, often coupled with a heightened sense of justice.


In each men's group, there are topics in which our boys show the most reverent interest. Sex, sports and/or politics are what occupy the heated minds of men when we are not around.

If you are not happy that a young man spends too much time in company, you can either enter his environment and become part of the group, or accept frequent absences from friends as personal space and calmly go about your business. You can enter the closest circle of your loved one by adopting the following settings:

  • The first is that your man has great company.
  • Second, you like the place where they gather.
  • Third, we talk about the desire to meet and chat with his friends. If we get a refusal, we return to point three in a couple of days or weeks.
  • Fourth - his friends are your friends!

It is not affirmed at the expense of women

A real man never asserts himself at the expense of the weaker sex. Unfortunately, there are many guys who try to assert themselves at the expense of girls and dominate them with the help of their strength. A strong man will always respect and protect a woman, no matter what she is. He will treat a woman with respect and will never allow himself to raise a hand against her. Because this is in many ways beneath his dignity. This is how a real man behaves.

He doesn't give up

Even though a lot of things don’t work out in life, a real man never gives up and never gives up. He is looking for any ways and opportunities to fulfill what he promised. He can find the strength to move on, even if it seems like the whole world is against him. And despite the fact that he now has a loss of strength, he does not give up and moves forward.

Naturally, he wisely distributes his strength and energy. Monitors his own health and the health of loved ones. He cares about loved ones and does not forget about them.

Correct state when communicating with girls

Get into the rhythm

Be relaxed, carefree and calm. Feel safe, secure and confident. Feel fun and good. Trust yourself. Open a few girls quickly (3 second rule) before doing anything else.

Don't be passive. Don't stand there watching what's happening. 'Let yourself go' and give your all to the action. Get involved, do something, be part of the action, give in to the music, move/walk around, be in front, get ahead of everyone, wave and talk to people, etc.

Don't get lost in thought

Concentrate on your feelings. Let your feelings be inflamed by music or something else happening around you. Avoid deep thinking - don't analyze - turn off your internal dialogue. Forget about your social, property, financial situation, about your projects, about your plans for the day. Avoid mirrors, watches and other thought triggers.

Work on yourself

There is another important rule that all guys should adhere to - this is to always develop themselves. Develop your body, your mind and consciousness. A strong man always remembers this and works on himself. He knows that there are more important things in life than money and status. That we have a heart and soul that cannot be forgotten. And if he remembers this. If he lives in accordance with his spiritual needs, then he will be happy.

Compassion and helping others

The last sign of how a real man behaves is charity and helping other people. Such a person knows that he needs to help others, but only if he “stands confidently on his feet” and was able to help himself. He helps people who are weaker than him, who do not have the same skills or resources. He lives not only for himself, but also for others, and receives great joy and pleasure from this.

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One comment
  1. Andrey 05/28/2020
    And so, let's start analyzing the article.


    Dear men, be yourself and do not try to meet any demands, criteria and expectations that society (that is, women) presents to you. A man doesn't owe anyone anything. But a real man is just a fictional character from a fairy tale)

    1. A man does not wait, but takes specific actions.

    In general, everything is correct, except for one thing. None of this applies to women. A woman is not prey to be hunted. A man owes only himself, namely, to move towards his goal! If a man goes towards his goal, then a woman will definitely appear who wants to be close. And if this is a real woman

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