He talks too much about his past: how a guy shouldn't behave on a second date

The fact that you are ready to go on a second date with a guy does not mean that he has already won you over. It just shows that you are interested and willing to give him another chance to impress you. And the guy must understand and realize this.

So pay close attention to his behavior on this date. There are several things that should never be ignored. If you notice at least one of them behind a man, then you better be prepared to run in the opposite direction, because this indicates that this person is simply not suitable for you. After all, you don't want to get stuck in a dead-end relationship.

Believe me, ignoring the things that will be discussed in this article is absolutely the worst thing you can do when you are just starting a new novel. You must be fully aware of everything that is happening and anticipate any future problems that may arise in the future. So, even if you feel like you have the most perfect guy in the world, if he does one of the following things, be prepared to not agree to a third date.

He talks endlessly about his ex-girlfriend

If a man himself starts a conversation about his former relationship, then this is a little troublesome. While it's a good sign that he didn't talk about his ex on the first date, the fact that he brings it up on the second isn't much better. So if you catch a guy talking about her endlessly, then you better go to the ladies' room and never come back.

Believe me, talking about your ex-girlfriend is the worst thing a guy can do on a second date. This suggests that he has not forgotten her and is not afraid to mention her to you. You shouldn’t let this fact slip away, even if mentions of her fit smoothly into the conversation.

Stages of the emergence of feelings in men

  1. First of all, a man evaluates a woman’s external qualities (face, figure, behavioral characteristics). Determines how pleasant she is to him at first glance.
  2. Then he evaluates her intelligence, hobbies, and interests.
  3. Then spiritual rapprochement occurs. At this stage, special attention is paid to common interests and hobbies.

Having gone through all the stages, the man makes a decision about what future awaits him with this woman (friendship, short romance, strong love that will lead to marriage). It is necessary to go through all the stages of the emergence of feelings, otherwise disagreements may arise between a guy and a girl, and the relationship will end very quickly.

When a man begins to have sincere feelings, the relationship goes through 5 stages:

  1. Initially, the guy experiences physical attraction and sympathy. This distinguishes women from men. Girls usually evaluate intelligence first.
  2. Then the guy's feelings fade away. He ceases to understand whether he is doing everything right, he is tormented by doubts. A woman just needs to wait a little, this stage will end.
  3. Afterwards, the man realizes that he wants to be with this girl and become special to her.
  4. Souls are intertwined together. Now the guy completely trusts his beloved woman.
  5. All these stages are closed by the engagement stage. A loving man is ready to marry his beloved and live a long and happy life with her.

There's no need to rush. It is necessary to go through each point so that the representative of the stronger sex comes to the most important thing - a happy family life.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Most guys understand that for a successful relationship, you need to be responsible for both yourself and your beloved, help her in everything, treat her with understanding and attention, and restrain yourself in some moments. But, you need to take into account the fact that the weaker and stronger sex have different concepts of love. For women, the main thing is to build a family, have children, for men - to own and protect what he has.

He constantly checks his phone

A man constantly checking his phone is the final nail in the coffin of your developing relationship. There is absolutely no justifiable reason why he should look at his phone even once. If his excuse is that he wants to know the time, then there is no need to buy it.

If you catch your potential boyfriend constantly checking his phone or responding to someone's texts, then it shows that he is not particularly interested in you. He is much more interested in seeing a new post on social networks rather than having a conversation with you. This is a big no for your future relationship.

This is the end

If a man intentionally makes you angry by predicting your reaction and still talking about other women, that's the end of it. He decided to break up with you. To put it bluntly, I don’t have enough spirit, which is why it leads to a scandal. He wants you to leave him yourself. What to do? Ask directly: “why are you telling me this?” Not a coward - he will tell the truth, otherwise he will find excuses or continue the offensive. The only way out is a break. He has already decided everything, drawn up a retreat plan and is putting it into action.

He makes some very strange and uncomfortable comments at times.

If at any point you feel awkward during a conversation on the second date, then there is no need to try to brush off this feeling. Just tell him straight away how you feel right away so he can understand that he has crossed a certain line because of the comments he made. Trust me, you don't want to give him the opportunity to continue to embarrass you.

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If you feel awkward while talking to a man, then this means that he is not the person you need. If he behaves a little strangely and you don't feel comfortable with him, then it's worth understanding what confuses you. But in any case, it would be better for you to go your own way.

Boundless trust

I'll start with the most harmless reason - unlimited trust. What does it mean? For example, my man discusses with me every day the women with whom he happened to communicate during the day - colleagues, neighbors, salespeople, unexpected acquaintances he met, and others. He just tells me everything that happened to him. Knowing that I might get jealous if I hear that I communicated with someone from my friends, he prefers to inform me himself. He says: I don’t want to hide anything from you. Recently, one of his colleagues’ car broke down. I don’t like her - she is a young, flighty and unmarried person, although she is the mother of two children. She is constantly looking for a benefactor and a good stepfather to her children. It's a long way to get to work, but we live in the same area. She asked my husband to drive her there and back for a few days while the car was being repaired. He might not have told me anything, I still wouldn’t have found out. But he said it because he wants us to trust each other, and honesty is the key to boundless trust.

He doesn't bother planning anything new.

If he thinks you can do the same thing on the second date that you did on the first, then let him think again. It's actually quite easy to choose a different place to eat or do something fun together. If your potential boyfriend doesn't bother with this even at the beginning of your relationship, then something is seriously wrong.

There are two possibilities for this behavior - either he doesn't care about the date at all, or it's just his personality type. And you definitely don’t want to date a man who is too lazy to spend five minutes figuring out exactly where to go. If he takes you to the same place he took you on the first date, then it shows that he is not too interested in making a good impression.

He always tries to be right in a conversation

The best part of any date is getting immersed in a conversation that is interesting to both parties. Any small talk on the second date is a very bad sign, as is the fact that your partner always tries to have the last word.

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In fact, you should understand that if a man is not ready to compromise with you during this period, then in the future, when solving serious issues in the relationship, everything will be even worse. You don't want to suffer from stress and headaches, do you?

He talks too much about his past

Of course, we all want to know some secrets about our lover. However, recognizing them on the second date is a little early. If you catch a guy trying to tell you as much of his story as possible this early, you should know his intentions. It is possible that he is trying to arouse emotions in you or needs additional support.

And while honesty should be appreciated, it's better to keep some things a secret until the relationship becomes a little more serious.

Sign language speaks for him

A man can remain silent about his sympathy, but body language will give him away. The main signs are as follows. Firstly, he will dignify and straighten up every time in your presence, as if trying to show himself taller and more open to communication. Secondly, he may show nervousness (fiddle with his tie, cufflinks, belt, button), constantly look at his watch or touch his own face. Thirdly, he will definitely preen himself or at least straighten his hair or clothes before turning to you.

He makes assumptions about women

If you catch a man making some assumptions about women in general on your date, then you definitely shouldn't ignore it. He may still feel anger towards his ex, taking it out on the entire female population.

Let me guess that you don't want to date a guy who takes his anger out on a group of people who have done him no harm. Don't try to prove anything to him - he simply doesn't deserve your time.

How does a lover behave?

Not all men in love always hide their feelings

A man in love does stupid things, behaves strangely, attracts a woman's attention, and is not afraid to be funny.

A man in love is characterized by:

Awkwardness. Feels awkward, shy, clumsy in the presence of a woman.

Looks into the eyes

Having met the eyes of the girl he likes, he looks away.

Attracts attention. Speaks louder, straightens his shoulders/puffs out his chest/maintains his posture when passing by, attracts attention with loud sounds.

Becomes more caring

She asks how she got to her destination and how she’s feeling/feeling.

Trying to make you laugh. Jokes, tells jokes/funny stories.

Open pose. The lover sits/stands in an open position, with his body turned towards the woman.

Persistence. Shows persistence (meetings, requests to tell something).

Tactile contact. Tries to accidentally touch the arm/shoulder/cheek/nose/waist/hair.

Behavior. Shakes off invisible specks of dust, straightens clothes/belt, freshens breath before a conversation.

All women know well how a young man in love behaves

It’s worth paying attention to it - assumptions will be confirmed, cards will be revealed

He orders the same thing as you

It must be said that this is definitely not as problematic as the others discussed above. However, the last thing you really want to do is date a wannabe. Instead, you want someone who is confident and can make their own decisions when necessary and not just copy you.

And if he still tries to complain that he doesn’t like the food, or blames you for it, then you should just get up and leave. After all, you don't want a person who blames others for their own mistakes.

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