How a man should behave in a relationship with the woman he loves

Every woman thinks about how a man should behave in a relationship. The correct understanding of the roles and behavior of a guy allows you to form healthy, happy marriages. When a man treats his partner with dignity, she also reciprocates and a strong, strong bond develops between them.

Respect 2

Often men perceive a woman only as a sexual object and look at her with lust. If you listen to what people talk about in all-male groups, there will be no room for life values, but there will be plenty of talk about available girls and variations on this theme: jokes, fables and stories.

A man needs to learn to control his feelings and raise them above his instincts. Therefore, a serious young man should have a relationship with one woman to whom he gives his time, attention and feelings. And discussing other options is unacceptable.

A man must not only not allow himself to insult a woman or speak rudely, but also protect her from the condemnation of relatives, acquaintances and other people. Some women even allow assault in relationships. This behavior leads to the fact that a man decomposes even more, since he allows such actions towards a woman.

She needs to become smarter not only for her own sake, but also for the sake of the man himself. Her life's purpose is to show him that it is wrong to behave this way; to do this, she must limit access to herself.

Also, you should not let a situation take its course when your beloved man has used you to achieve his own goals. What to do in such a situation, read further at the link.

Communication with the fair sex

As for all other women with whom there is no close romantic connection, you need to behave differently than with your chosen one, but no less respectfully. For example, a much older lady should be treated like your mother because, in fact, you are fit to be her son.

Women of the same age should be treated like sisters, without being lustful.

Accordingly, it is better to treat much younger girls as a daughter, even if you never had one. Everything seems logical, right? However, who now follows these simple rules? Some will say that this is idealism, but from the point of view of morality and morality, this is exactly how you need to treat a girl.

A man must consider a woman's purpose 6

The task and dream of any representative of the fairer sex is to continue relationships in a family with children. If a man thinks that he doesn’t need this, then he shouldn’t give false hopes to the girl and immediately outline his priorities. If a guy is not going to marry a girl, then it is absolutely forbidden to live together and continue the relationship for more than 3 years, and after 30 years the probationary period is 1 year.

Since he has no right to take away a woman’s chance to become happy. Having learned that a girl is pregnant, a man should not, even if he does not want a child, offer her an abortion. In order to avoid this situation, it is better, of course, to protect yourself and take responsibility for your actions.

Stages of the emergence of feelings in men

  1. First of all, a man evaluates a woman’s external qualities (face, figure, behavioral characteristics). Determines how pleasant she is to him at first glance.
  2. Then he evaluates her intelligence, hobbies, and interests.
  3. Then spiritual rapprochement occurs. At this stage, special attention is paid to common interests and hobbies.

Having gone through all the stages, the man makes a decision about what future awaits him with this woman (friendship, short romance, strong love that will lead to marriage). It is necessary to go through all the stages of the emergence of feelings, otherwise disagreements may arise between a guy and a girl, and the relationship will end very quickly.

When a man begins to have sincere feelings, the relationship goes through 5 stages:

  1. Initially, the guy experiences physical attraction and sympathy. This distinguishes women from men. Girls usually evaluate intelligence first.
  2. Then the guy's feelings fade away. He ceases to understand whether he is doing everything right, he is tormented by doubts. A woman just needs to wait a little, this stage will end.
  3. Afterwards, the man realizes that he wants to be with this girl and become special to her.
  4. Souls are intertwined together. Now the guy completely trusts his beloved woman.
  5. All these stages are closed by the engagement stage. A loving man is ready to marry his beloved and live a long and happy life with her.

There's no need to rush. It is necessary to go through each point so that the representative of the stronger sex comes to the most important thing - a happy family life.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Most guys understand that for a successful relationship, you need to be responsible for both yourself and your beloved, help her in everything, treat her with understanding and attention, and restrain yourself in some moments. But, you need to take into account the fact that the weaker and stronger sex have different concepts of love. For women, the main thing is to build a family, have children, for men - to own and protect what he has.

A man is the support of the family_8212

He should be the head of the family and make decisions. In a relationship, a woman wants to feel like she can always count on her boyfriend. A man must support her in any circumstances.

And if they have common children, even if he has a mistress and he will get a divorce, support the woman (especially until the child is 3 years old). The financial well-being of the family is an important part of a man’s concern. He himself will be satisfied if he can support his woman. And pleasing and pampering with gifts is a wonderful contribution to a relationship.

But how to understand whether a man loves or uses a girl only for a temporary relationship, we will tell you in the next article.


Women love confident guys. Even if you are not exactly that kind of person, try to do everything to look confident and don’t make you doubt yourself. Being confident doesn't mean being an alpha male. It is enough to keep your word. If you decide to do something, then do it. Let there be excitement and fear. Even if this is visible, there is nothing terrible about it, because in the end it is you who does it, not the girl. Maybe she is even less worried about taking this or that action, but you do it and no one else.

Every person has their own phobias and there are no people who are absolutely fearless. Not every man is a superman, but history knows great people who do great things even in a wheelchair!

A man can't shout at a woman 7

This is the behavior of an unworthy man. It is wrong to adopt the manner of female behavior; if there are two women in the family according to gender roles, then the relationship has no prospects. He must be romantic, attentive, caring and show signs of attention to his woman. Show your love

It is very important for every woman to feel loved. When a girl knows that a man loves her, she feels beautiful and confident. Women's self-esteem is built in most cases on the attitude of her man. She becomes inspired.

If a man wants to get something from his partner, for example, for her to do some housework or any other services, he needs to convince her that he loves her. It is important that he supports her and listens to her.

Family relationship psychologist Satya Das claims that every day you need to devote at least an hour to listen to your woman. Because she just needs to talk it out. You need to show signs of attention and care for a woman at any stage of your relationship.

Money issue

If in ancient times money was not so important, now the world is completely mired in capitalism.
Money is needed everywhere and it is very desirable to be able to earn it. A man's self-esteem depends largely on these pieces of paper. However, this is not important to all girls. Rather, it is important specifically for the stronger sex. And it’s very nice to be able to give your love all kinds of gifts, or at least provide her with a stable life. It is clear that not everyone has a certain set of qualities to earn big money, but there is one most important point that cannot be ignored.

Never be greedy. Even if you’ve been wearing worn-out socks for a long time and can’t afford to buy new ones, never regret once again pleasing a woman. The socks will wait, but the girl’s respect for you may begin to disappear.

The ideal option is for the man to work and bring money into the house, and the woman to take care of the house and children, but in the modern world, where girls strive to have equal rights, exceptions may be allowed. Nowadays there are quite a lot of young couples who live and work, investing equally in providing for life. Therefore, everything depends on the specific situation and you should not hang heavy labels on each other.

If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my Instagram and my VKontakte page.

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Attitude towards wife8

How should a man behave in a relationship with his wife? Marriage is the logical result of the relationship between a man and a woman. And when the husband sees in her not only an object of sexual pleasure, a person who is tasked with maintaining the house, everyday problems, raising children and solving all issues of improvement, the girl’s happiness is not in danger.

A wife is also a person who needs to be taken care of, supported, provided for, and forgiven for her shortcomings. A man should allow his woman to be weak and capricious. However, you need to keep a line so that she does not perceive the man as a mattress.

A man can sometimes be strict, but every action must be done on the basis of love.

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask

Do not believe

We call a woman sincere who does not lie unnecessarily. Anatole France

Shades of female deception are characterized by great diversity: from omissions and distortion of the truth to outright lies.

Always be on guard with a woman and know that she is deceiving you if:
1) She convinces you of something with special enthusiasm

Contrary to public opinion, which is most likely based on the dialogues of grandmothers at the entrances, if women are good actresses, it is only because Stanislavsky is no longer among us.

In other words, if you have sufficient experience in communicating with women, and you have previously caught a girl in a lie, they will not be able to repeat this dirty trick against you, because there are not so many great actresses and memorable female roles. Pretense and overacting are frequent companions of women in attempts to mislead.

In any case, a woman’s overly convincing and emotional speech, aimed at proving something to you, should at least make you wary.

2) She starts to get offended and cry if she can’t convince you

Women's tears are a typical attempt at manipulation. You need to treat it simply - cry and calm down.

If you think that women have a habit of crying for any reason because they are weak and helpless, you are deeply mistaken.

Why a woman might cry:

  1. She wants to get from you what she cannot get in any other way.
  2. She is trying to hide the truth or lie. The purpose of this behavior is to pretend to be helpless and offended, thus shifting the blame onto you. And then, if you are a good teddy bear, maybe she will forgive you. Well, you will naturally swallow a woman’s lies, after all, you were promised forgiveness.
3) She pauses when answering your questions

Few women can answer questions quickly, clearly and to the point. Well, if a woman has to answer convincingly and at the same time lie, her reaction speed will slow down even more.

In order to pause before answering a question, girls can do the following:

  1. Smile mysteriously.
  2. Hesitate or shrug.
  3. Look at you sideways.
  4. Cross your arms over your chest or go to the window.

And only after these manipulations will I give you an answer, speaking more slowly than usual.

If this happens, they are lying to you. Try rephrasing the question and asking it in a different form, in different conditions and at a different time.

4) She answers questions with questions
  1. Why you do not believe me?
  2. Why are you interested in this?
  3. Why do you need to know all this?

After the woman has had some time to think about what to answer you, the sweetest lies in the world will be poured into your address.

5) She moves the conversation to another topic or tries to keep you busy with something else.
  1. Instead of getting an answer, you inexplicably made love, after which you forgot you asked anything.
  2. Your friend suddenly remembered that she urgently needs to make a very important call.
  3. “Completely by accident” the plate broke, and your chosen one needs to collect the pieces.

And again a lie?.. Calm down. Don't freak out and don't freak out. You are a man, so use your logical thinking, collect more facts and analyze what happened.

Think about it, why does your friend do this? Perhaps this is an absolute nonsense. Maybe you are being too tough and you have to hide something. Don’t be a tyrant, but don’t allow yourself to be made a fool either.

If you have managed to identify a woman’s lies several times, tell the girl that you should not deceive you, because the next time will be the last.

Don't be afraid

Are you afraid that a woman will offend you?

No matter how much men swagger, fear of women still exists.

We are afraid that they will reject us, insult us with words, or treat us with disdain. In general, men are afraid of getting their self-esteem hit.

Treat these things completely calmly, because a woman is not able to evaluate you objectively. Women are different people. They will be able to evaluate your hairstyle, perfume, car. But they are unlikely to be able to understand what you really are.

So don't sweat it.

Are you afraid of being insolvent?

Yes, you are a man. But still, you are a person, not a robot. You will often have to make choices and decisions, sometimes even wrong ones, not without concessions and compromises. There is nothing terrible about this and such situations should be treated calmly.

You shouldn’t put yourself on the same level as God, since a woman doesn’t actually need the Almighty for a relationship. Each of us wants to see a person of flesh and blood next to us, and lovely ladies are no exception.

Don't be afraid that your friend will be better than you in some areas of life. This is as normal as having advantages over a woman in other matters.

Don't be afraid to be unsuccessful in bed. There are many negative factors: stress, alcohol, age. Women know this, and your companion also worries about you during sex. Well, if you hear banter, just point the lady to the door. By the way, in this case you have a better chance of getting enough sleep.

Don't tell dirty jokes or use dark humor in conversations

If we are talking about how to treat women correctly, then we must always remember to communicate politely and correctly with them. What I’m saying now is that you shouldn’t use swear words, vulgar jokes or black humor. Be sure to watch your words and phrases when communicating with a lady. Some guys don't know how to communicate politely with girls, and try to get their point across using swear words. But in a society of women such behavior is unacceptable. Using obscene language or dirty humor in front of a woman is a serious obstacle to building a harmonious relationship with her.

Dust in the eyes, or Rule Three

All men brag, but everyone does it in their own way: some with a beautiful wife, some with a new car, and some with the number of books they have read.

When a woman admires a man, he feels special. And at this moment a miracle happens: a simple guy suddenly grows wings behind his back. Now he is Superman and is ready to kill the villain, in the sense of coping with any problem.

Therefore, admiration is what every representative of the strong half of humanity subconsciously expects and dreams of. The thirst and need for admiration manifests itself in competition with friends, in the desire to show off women's eyes. He boasts himself and subconsciously waits for approval from the outside. As in childhood. After all, if he’s “wow” how wonderful, they should definitely notice it.

When you hear any revelations from a man, do not stop him, do not try to dispel his illusion of omnipotence. Fantasy, even if it is far from reality, can become reality if you allow yourself to believe in it.

Show a sense of humor

Women like men with a sense of humor. I think this is a known fact, but a lot of guys forget it. And they behave so seriously that the girl is even afraid to talk to him or ask him something. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and say something stupid. Try to make her laugh by telling a funny story from your life. You will look much nicer in her eyes if you are not too serious and will make her smile.

Act natural

There is no need to pretend to be someone you are not. “Don’t put on the mask” of a macho man, a smart guy, or anyone else. Be yourself and act natural. This will make you much more comfortable treating women correctly. If you hide behind the image of another person, you only make things worse for yourself and show your weaknesses. Be natural, but get better. If you don't like something about yourself, try to change it. Women like men who work and take care of themselves. So become a better person, work on your shortcomings, and treat women with respect.

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Want to know how to achieve your life goal? This blog will help you learn how to apply psychology to your relationships, health and well-being. My goal is to teach my readers how to maximize their effectiveness in life.

A real man protects his partner physically and emotionally

This does not mean that a woman cannot stand up for herself, but he is nearby in any case. He protects her in many ways, including providing financial security, comforting her, and making her feel like everything will be okay. He is willing to fight if necessary to protect her from physical danger. However, he thinks before he acts. He will never take a step unless he is sure that all the details are in order. All his actions are calculated, deliberate and confident. Abuse is not an issue when you are with him. He surrounds you with care and attention.

Hug her if you're already in a relationship

It is extremely important to show love and affection to your partner if you are already in a romantic relationship. If you are saying goodbye to your lady, or meeting after work or school, then be sure to hug and kiss her. If you won't see her for a long time, then you can make the hug longer. In fact, I really love these long hugs, like many girls. Because they make us feel needed and loved. But don’t try to hug a lady if she refuses and you don’t know each other well yet. There is no need to force a woman into anything or put pressure on her. By doing this, you will push her away, and she will question the relationship with you.

He always says what he thinks

He is not afraid to be shy to say what he thinks. He will say “no” and will not be afraid that he disagrees with someone. He will discuss with you even those topics that he considers inconvenient, and will not lose his cool. He will simply talk to you as an equal, and after that he will allow you to draw your own conclusions and act as you want. This doesn't mean he treats you badly or doesn't care about you. He just doesn't agree with you. He knows that a man who constantly says “yes” cannot be called a real man.

You won't be nice by force

It is impossible to force someone to love you. This is obvious, but for some reason some ladies still try. Example: my sister Sveta has long been hopelessly in love with Roman, a handsome guy who lives next door. Romka always treated Svetka well, but did not burn with passion and did not consider her for a serious relationship. The sister did everything she could to entice him, but to no avail. Roma has a girlfriend. Sveta went crazy and tried to separate them by any means necessary. She set up a quarrel, got Roman drunk, jumped into his bed, lied that she was pregnant, and forcefully married him. Three months after the wedding, the entire deception was exposed. Roman left, hating Svetlana.

The third rule is don’t keep men by hook or by crook. If he doesn’t love you, then no amount of tricks, even having children together, will correct the situation. Sooner or later he will leave anyway.

There is a quote: “a stupid woman grabs a man by the throat, a smart woman holds him by the hand, and a wise woman doesn’t hold him at all.”

Be polite to girls

Women love men who are polite to them, and this is one of the best ways you can really make a good impression on her. Say “thank you” often and show gratitude for what she does for you. Show attention and care. Be a good listener, and under no circumstances interrupt when the girl is speaking. There are a few things that irritate women the most. And one of them is when a man constantly interferes in the conversation and tries to express his opinion. So don't interrupt and be polite to women.

Look after her

The next way to treat women correctly is, of course, to be a gentleman. Invite the lady to wear your coat or jacket if she gets cold outside. Accordingly, in a cafe or restaurant, help remove outerwear. Pull up your chair in a restaurant so she can appreciate your advances. Open car doors. In general, whenever possible, try to court a girl. This will show that you are a truly caring person and that you will be a comfortable person to be in a relationship with.

What to pay attention to

Men are often interested in the question of how to behave with a girl. After all, every person is afraid of losing their loved one, of doing something wrong. You need to understand that every young lady, when communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, pays attention to his appearance, behavior, education, and character.

  1. Appearance does not always mean an ideal physique and pumped up muscles. The main thing is that the man is neat, knows about the rules of personal hygiene, has a normal hairstyle, trimmed nails, clean clothes, well-groomed shoes and has a pleasant aroma.
  2. Manners of behavior imply courtship and adherence to the rules of etiquette.
  3. Education. What matters here is not what kind of education the young man received, secondary specialized or higher education, but how developed and intellectual he is, how interesting it is to communicate with him.
  4. Character. It is important for a girl that her partner is self-confident, caring, knows how to take responsibility, is purposeful, kind and brave.

Features of behavior

Treat your girlfriend with respect.

  1. Never lie to her. Don't lie even about small things. You need to understand that over time the whole truth will be revealed, the girl will get the impression that you are deceiving her in everything, that you cannot be trusted.
  2. Respect women's logic and intelligence. Agree with her point of view. You should not assume that only you know what is right in a given situation. Listen carefully to what she tells you, enter into dialogue, support. It will be very important for the young lady to feel that you are interested in her, that what she says is important to you.
  3. Spend more time with your partner. When you are together, concentrate your attention on the girl, and not on computer games or TV, and certainly not on other young ladies.
  4. Respect her boundaries. If a girl doesn’t want to expose your relationship in public or show her feelings in a movie theater, since she is quite shy in nature, respect her wishes.

Show care.

  1. It is unacceptable for a girl to ask to take her hand or hug her.
  2. You spend enough time communicating. Try to always be in touch. If a girl has any trouble, she should know that she can contact you at any time, that you will provide support and help.
  3. Call her, find out how she's doing, take an interest in her life, but don't be too intrusive.
  4. You shouldn't be mercantile. It is important that love relationships take first place in your life. It is unacceptable to neglect them because of computer games or to disappear for days at work, forgetting about your beloved.
  5. Do beautiful things without waiting for any reason. You can give the girl flowers or arrange interesting adventures. For example, you can go outdoors with tents, if, of course, the girl likes such a vacation.
  6. When you are with your loved one, do not try to be someone else, always remain yourself. Natural behavior is most valued by girls.
  7. It is important that your partner feels valuable to you. But don’t resort to hackneyed compliments, be original and creative. Be sure to emphasize how glad you are that she is with you, what a wonderful partner you have, you couldn’t even dream of a better one.
  8. The time spent together should bring maximum pleasure to both partners. If there is a special date coming up for your couple, you need to try to surprise the girl. To do this, you need to become inventive, for example, you can go to a place where you have not been before, do something that you have not done before. Especially if you know that the girl has a positive attitude towards this activity, but she did not have the opportunity to try this activity.


My uncle’s wife tells all her relatives and acquaintances at every opportunity that she lives not with a man, but with an armless nonentity and a shameless drunk. Now this is true, but... Even 20 years ago, my uncle didn’t drink at all, he worked as a high-rise installer at a thermal power plant, painted amazing pictures and made European-quality renovations at home with his own hands. Why did such dramatic changes happen to him?

A man sees himself through the eyes of his beloved woman and, if she is wise, she will never intentionally belittle his dignity. My aunt tirelessly scolded my uncle, convincing him that he was an insignificant and pathetic person. It cost him:

  1. Having a glass on holiday, he immediately heard addressed to himself: “come on, come on, drink yourself to death.”
  2. If he dropped something, he immediately turned into “armless” and “armless.”
  3. Lie down on the sofa and turn on the TV - like an “insolent lazy troglodyte.”
  4. Expressing an opinion is an “empty lie.”

As a result, my uncle started drinking, quit his job, and gradually turned into the person my aunt saw him as.

Rule five - do not belittle the dignity of your men, but rather praise them more often. Then after a while your man will really turn into a strong, smart, kind, brave, caring, generous, attentive, talented, successful and loving person.

There is a parable on this topic about a woman who believed in a leader. The tribe was once attacked by a saber-toothed tiger. People hid in a cave and were trapped without water or food. And they would have died from hunger or the claws of the beast if one young but wise woman had not told the leader that only he could save the tribe. After all, he is stronger than a bear, smarter than an eagle, braver than a lion and faster than a hare. And that if he sneaks out of the cave unnoticed and sneaks up on the beast from behind, he will take him by surprise and kill him. And so it happened. The leader subsequently took the woman as his wife so that there would always be at least one person nearby who had unlimited faith in him.

Don't invite her home immediately after meeting her

Successful relationships take time to develop. Therefore, you should not rush things and invite a woman to your home after a recent acquaintance or first date. This will show that you only want one thing and are not interested in this woman as a person or as a romantic partner. Let a little time pass and you will get to know each other better. The girl herself will let you know when she is ready for this. If you rush things, it will end badly. You should also not behave vulgarly with women. They don't accept this kind of behavior. You can tell all your dirty jokes to your friends. But in the company of a woman, behave with dignity.

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