How to behave with a girl in a relationship and at the first meeting - what you can do and what you can’t do

It’s very important for guys in a relationship not to ruin everything, so it’s worth learning how to behave with a girl. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether a man is dating a woman or is just about to get acquainted, you need to know the basics of communication with the opposite sex so that the relationship brings only joy, and the young lady herself does not run away in fear shouting “Boor!” Many guys believe that it is enough to remain yourself: be confident, courageous, charming, joke more often, and the girl herself will not want to lose such a “treasure”. But in reality everything turns out to be much more complicated.

What does a girl look at when she meets you?

There are five main criteria that are primarily noted in a man by representatives of the fair sex of all ages.

  1. Appearance. It is important for a woman to see next to a man with a toned body, in clean and stylish clothes, with a neat haircut and a pleasant aroma of perfume.
  2. Education. This does not mean that the interlocutor must have several higher education diplomas. It will be enough to listen to how he speaks, what he is interested in, whether he reads books, what cultural events he likes to attend, what films he watches most often.
  3. Manners. Most girls like it when they open the door for her, give her a hand when exiting a vehicle, help her put on a coat, and other manifestations of gallantry.
  4. Character. Important male character traits for women often include kindness, sincerity, determination, determination, caring, and the ability to be in charge.
  5. Reliability. It is important for a girl to feel support and support next to her, and not to be in a relationship with a person who needs to be sponsored. If a guy doesn't work, he doesn't have goals and potential, he won't be able to win over a woman.

Also, representatives of the fair sex pay attention to the smell of a man’s body. If it is pleasant and fresh, then the lady will be attracted to you like a magnet.

Pros and cons of open relationships

Many guys prefer open relationships and willingly agree when a woman offers just this type of connection. But more often than not, the guys themselves become the initiators of open relationships. To begin with, let us recall that an open relationship is a connection between a man and a woman, consisting in the absence of obligations, jealousy, reproaches, and resentment. Each partner can communicate or make love with the other person, but cannot demand anything from the person with whom he is in an open relationship or have claims. A guy who is thinking about an open relationship needs to know that the girl in such a relationship dates other guys, makes love with them and just has a good time when she wants it.

The advantages of such a relationship:

  • Lack of obligations, demands, reproach and jealousy.
  • Lack of dependence on a partner.

Disadvantages of an open relationship:

  • Negative attitude of society towards those who are in open relationships.
  • The fragility of relationships.
  • The risk of falling in love with your partner and getting extreme stress.

Each person makes his own decision whether he needs such a relationship or not. In any relationship between people, there are certain rules that must be followed, otherwise you may end up lonely. It is important to be able to listen to yourself and make decisions, weighing the pros and cons. Only then can you find true happiness in life.

How to behave with a stranger

Guys often have difficulty meeting a woman. Not everyone can immediately make a good impression. Many guys wonder how to approach the girl they like in the subway, cafe or right on the street. For this, psychologists have developed a number of simple rules.

  1. Finding the right moment. Wait until the girl leaves the restaurant to get some fresh air, you can invite her to dance at the disco, get off with her at the subway stop and start a conversation there.
  2. Confident behavior. The guy should overcome his inner agitation, speak confidently and act calmly.
  3. Originality, but without going too far. Not every girl likes phrases like “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” It's much better if you compliment her, introduce yourself and start a simple conversation.
  4. Deed. You can offer your help, for example, carry a heavy bag, or show your attention and send a cocktail to her table.
  5. Invitation to a meeting. If a woman is in no hurry, then invite her to a cafe for a cup of coffee or ice cream. Indecisiveness can lead to you losing your only chance to meet this particular woman.

If a girl gave her phone number when meeting, then the guy should clarify when it is convenient to call and keep his word. If your attempts to get acquainted are unsuccessful, do not get angry or upset. Learn to maintain composure, then next time you will definitely be lucky.

Don’t despair and don’t be afraid to make an effort to get acquainted, so as not to regret your inaction later.

How to behave on a first date

If a girl agrees to go on a date with you, it is important to consider five basic rules of behavior so as not to disappoint her.

  1. Find a comfortable place. The meeting should take place without obstacles, calmly and naturally. You can ask the girl’s preferences, but also take into account your own characteristics. For example, if you don't like going on extreme rides, then you won't be able to relax and perform your best at a meeting.
  2. Help your companion get rid of anxiety and embarrassment. You can compliment her on her appearance and add a sense of humor to the conversation. It is important to choose topics for conversation that are interesting to the girl, and in which she understands no worse than you.
  3. Act confidently without showing inner anxiety. You can prepare for the date in advance and think through topics that will be interesting to both of you.
  4. If suddenly the conversation reaches a dead end, it is important to quickly find your bearings and switch to another topic. You can ask about the girl’s occupation, what she is interested in, how she spends her leisure time. It is important not to bring up deeply personal topics on the first date, such as family matters or past relationships.
  5. Show the girl your interest, be courteous, tactful and gallant, do not use rude words or ridicule in the conversation. The interlocutor will like the kindness, politeness and smiling nature of the gentleman.

You can follow these rules of conduct if you want to transform your relationship with a girl from friendly to romantic. When you meet, surprise your chosen one with a small gift so that she appreciates the generosity of your soul and the seriousness of your intentions.

A bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates or a small souvenir is enough. The main thing is that the gift is inexpensive and non-committal, otherwise the girl may feel awkward.

What to talk about on a date

Many men do not worry in advance about how to conduct a conversation with a girl, and often encounter difficulties in communication. I highly recommend coming up with a list of neutral topics to prevent awkward pauses in your meeting. The main topics that both understand include:

  • favorite music and films;
  • hobbies with which you can surprise your interlocutor and show yourself at your best;
  • the girl’s hobby, based on this information you can figure out how to conduct the next meetings;
  • the type of activity of each;
  • funny stories from childhood that will touch your interlocutor and make the dialogue relaxed.

If a guy notices interest on the part of a girl and sees that they managed to establish contact, you can superficially touch on love topics. For example, find out what character traits are important to her in a man, her views on family life, whether she likes romance, what male habits are unacceptable to her, and so on.

It is forbidden to ask questions of an intimate nature or touch on the topic of former relationships at the first meeting. This can make her angry or put her off.

Is there friendship between a man and a woman?

The debate about whether there is friendship between a man and a woman has been going on for thousands of years. Some people vehemently insist that friendship does not depend on factors such as age, gender, nationality, while others claim that even nature does not allow friendship between representatives of opposite sexes. One of the two sooner or later begins to experience sexual attraction to the other and falls in love. Who is right in this endless debate? So what should you do if you really want sex with a friend or if this has already happened?

First of all, you need to find out whether it is possible to have sex with a friend? The beauty of intimate relationships between friends is that they are not associated with any obligations. People agree to have sex as a friend in order to get pleasure in bed. And this is the only correct decision in this situation, because otherwise problems may arise in your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Sex with a friend can only happen if you have directly and openly discussed all the rules of the “game.” And there aren't many rules.

Have fun, give pleasure and don't worry about obligations. Sex for many unparalleled orgasms.

But it often happens that one of the friends falls in love with another and ends up in the friend zone. Desperate to get out of the friend zone, he agrees to have sex with his girlfriend in the hope that intimacy will help him get closer to the object of his love. As a result, young people not only do not become close, but also lose friendships, since one of the partners expects what the other is unable to give and is not obliged to do so. After all, everything was discussed between them initially. You can have sex as a friend to get pleasure, become more experienced in bed, and even increase your self-esteem. But psychologists remind us that such an intimate relationship leads to scandals and discord in relationships, even when both partners initially discussed everything. Over time, the line between sex without commitment and full-fledged relationships among friends begins to blur, which causes unpleasant consequences.

In order for the friendship between a guy and a girl to survive after sex, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. No jealousy. (You have no right to do this).
  2. No reproaches, insults or omissions (Friendship between a guy and a girl should be more important than sex).
  3. No falsehood. (In any situation, discuss everything that worries you and be honest with each other).
  4. No romance. The mind should always remain clear. Only orgasms and cold calculation.

And the last rule says that, while in an intimate relationship with a friend or girlfriend, you can and should look for a permanent, real partner. Only after carefully weighing everything can you take a risk and make love with someone you consider a friend. Sex with a friend will not result in disappointment and the collapse of the relationship only when all these rules are followed. Violating these rules is the answer to the question of why my friend stopped communicating with me.

How to build a relationship with a girl

The most common mistakes men make in relationships

There are no ideal relationships between people, especially between a man and a woman. From time to time, in every family, every couple, disagreements, misunderstandings, and quarrels arise. It is important to be able to get out of critical situations correctly, but even more important is to learn how to prevent them. To avoid quarrels, disagreements and scandals in relationships, men should know what mistakes should not be made when communicating with the fair sex? How to create a strong, lasting connection with a girl? If a girl refuses, you need to analyze your behavior and understand the reason for the refusal.

How to treat a girl without losing her

Not all men in relationships know how to properly treat their chosen one during periods of crisis and the appearance of chills. To solve this problem, psychologists have developed the following recommendations:

  • take care of your loved one every day;
  • maintain passion in intimate life;
  • organize romantic meetings;
  • make unusual presents;
  • give compliments regularly;
  • show tenderness and attention;
  • be interested in the affairs of your beloved, her hobbies, dreams;
  • build relationships with her family and friends;
  • spend more time together;
  • do not lie even in small things;
  • be able to listen without interrupting;
  • Do not criticize excessively if there is a reason.

Anger, aggression, reproaches, insults and humiliation will lead to a breakdown in relationships. Even if a girl is wrong, you need to behave with dignity and not lose your composure.

Learn to catch the wave.

Waves in a relationship are the ups and downs you experience together. And through which any normal couple goes.

Some of these periods can last a few days, some a couple of months, and some even a couple of years. There's nothing wrong with that. You need to accept this condition and learn to live with it. Support your partner and look at problems as something passing that you have to work on together.

The life of each of you can be affected by a huge number of factors: changing jobs, quarrels with friends and family, moving, difficult financial situation. We need to be as loyal as possible to such changes in life and try to support each other.

How to communicate with a girl correctly

I'll give you some simple tips on how to talk to a woman.

  1. Don't be boring. Any story should be told emotionally, and not monotonously and tediously. Women value intelligence and erudition in men, but at the same time they need to be able to arouse interest and excitement for further communication.
  2. Speak quietly and slowly. You should not jabber incoherently, otherwise the interlocutor will not understand anything, and too much information will tire her and cause irritation.
  3. Talking is not enough. There is no need to tell the girl all the information about yourself at once, otherwise the dialogue will turn into a monologue.
  4. Be original. Do not burden your interlocutor with everyday problems, stories about work and pets. Know how to present information in an interesting way, with humor, in order to surprise a woman.
  5. Ask the right questions. Choose questions that can be answered in detail. Then the woman will be able to think about something new, express her point of view, and philosophize.
  6. Get to know each other. A man must inspire confidence in his interlocutor. Try to be honest and sincere in your communications. You can talk about your family, remember a couple of funny stories, but don’t embellish them.
  7. Turn on your imagination. To prevent communication from being banal, come up with interesting questions so that the woman can express herself. For example, you can ask what animal she associates herself with or how she would spend a million dollars.
  8. Don't put pressure on the girl. If the conversation suddenly turns to sex, watch her reaction. If the girl smiles sweetly and is not angry, then you can continue. Treat her with understanding and try to feel her reaction to your words.

You can learn more about how to properly communicate with a girl on our website and from the video.

Be prepared for both of you to change.

You can't know what a girl will be like in a few years. And what will you be like? This is one of the main problems of many couples. They are not ready for the changes that happen to them.

They do not understand that it is absolutely normal for a person to change his appearance, beliefs, outlook on life, and circle of friends. And they demand that the partner be the same as when they met. Such relationships will not last long.

This is unrealistic, and you must clearly understand this. In order to better prepare for these changes, you need to be more often interested in your girlfriend’s life, her hobbies and interests. And the most important thing is to respect everything that happens in her life.

How not to behave with a girl

When communicating with a girl, it is important not to show the following character traits:

  • diffidence;
  • greed;
  • cowardice;
  • indecision;
  • talkativeness

Women don't like men who talk too much. They have girlfriends for frequent and long conversations. A woman primarily appreciates a man’s reliability and the way he keeps his promises. She will be fascinated if you make some big decision yourself and bring it to life.

No normal girl will like it if you start praising another girl in front of her. At a minimum, she will perceive this with suspicion, and at maximum, she will think that you are prone to cheating. Then there is no chance for you to develop a relationship.

If a girl asked you for something and you didn’t do it, she will remember it and in the future she may turn not to you, but to someone else. In addition, a scandal cannot be ruled out. However, it is not necessary to be at the beck and call for all women’s whims. It is better to voice your opinion and decision immediately, regardless of whether you can fulfill the request or not. Behave like a man, don't shirk.

I don’t advise doing women a favor. If you did something, it was of your own free will, because you decided so. You should not show that you are expecting something in return.

You cannot promise a woman what you cannot or do not want to fulfill. It is better to refuse first, and then think about it and agree at will, and not vice versa.

If a woman is in a bad mood and is all emotional, the best way to find out about the problem is to ask in a calm and gentle tone what is bothering her. A heartfelt conversation will help her calm down and share her experiences with you.

Girls don't like it when men criticize her tastes, interests, hobbies and outlook on life. Such interlocutors are trying to elevate themselves in this way, which means that they have problems with self-esteem. If you think that your chosen one is mistaken, do not stop her from expressing her point of view. Otherwise, she may find a more delicate man with common views and preferences.

You can learn more about male mistakes at the stage of meeting a girl in the video:

Internal positioning:

  1. Change your beliefs.
  2. Stop being nice.
  3. Pump up your inner state.
  4. Say no.
  5. Achieve harmony.

Change your beliefs.

All your troubles and problems are solely in your head. And correct positioning starts from there, and then external signs are added.

You must become cool, the best, confident, self-sufficient for yourself. And then try to convince others of this.

Find your strengths, think about what you can respect yourself for. Set new goals, even small ones, but achieve them.

Stop being nice.

Being good to everyone is a complex from childhood. When you wanted to be praised.

Now you have grown up and are waiting for approval from other people. This means you do everything to be good for them.

Pleasing others should not be on your schedule at all!

You know girls love bad boys.

Pump up your inner state.

Not only the body, but also the brain requires constant stress and work on oneself. You have to pump it up endlessly.

Watch your thoughts, don’t let negativity overcome your sober mind.

This will take more than one day, but it will greatly help you avoid many problems in the future and achieve your goals.

Don’t overestimate the importance of a girl, know how to put her in her place and dominate.

Say no.

Never bend in front of a girl! This is how your self-esteem falls, and you yourself in her eyes.

How to behave in front of a girl? Don't agree to everything just because you're afraid of losing her. It only shows your insecurity.

If you understand that you don’t want to do what she asks, feel free to refuse. Your life and comfort should be most important to you. Be a man!

Achieve harmony.

You should feel very relaxed, at ease and comfortable. In other words, be completely comfortable with yourself. But don’t slip into narcissism; you still need to always work on yourself.

Ideally, you should achieve harmony in your internal and external positioning at the same time. Work on yourself.

What negative male character traits attract girls?

Men can use negative character traits and some bad habits for good and attract women with them.


Women usually like healthy male egoism. They like it when their partner is self-confident, proud, and knows what he wants to achieve in life. A woman thinks that such a man will be able to protect, take care of her and will always achieve any of his goals.


Ruthlessness and heartlessness, determination and masculine strength often conquer women's hearts. A man's rudeness does not always tell girls about bad upbringing. Sometimes it seems to them that a rude partner can achieve a lot in life and will never stop halfway. And successful men are always popular with women.


Some women like resourceful and cunning men who can emerge victorious from any situation. These ladies are not at all embarrassed that on the way to achieving their goals, their chosen ones will be cunning and manipulate people. Perhaps someone will consider this wrong and stop communicating with the cunning man, but there are women who will immediately trust the leader and will sincerely admire his successes.


A man who admires himself may attract a woman because he exudes confidence. She will be pleased to be in the company of someone who knows her strengths and is not afraid to tell others about them. However, you should not constantly talk only about yourself, otherwise the woman will soon become bored.

Be realistic.

Know how to distinguish love from infatuation and euphoria.
It is only at first that it seems that she has no shortcomings. A little later you will understand that not everything will always be so simple and cloudless. That sometimes she has a bad mood or problems in life. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship; your connection can bring unexpected surprises. Sometimes it will eat away at your nerves. But if this is your loved one, you need to be prepared for such unpleasant moments and value your connection. You're a guy, a man - be wiser.

Yes, it is not as magical and fabulous as it seemed at the very beginning. But it’s honest and adult. Don't be afraid to take responsibility. Be ready to solve not only your problems, but also the girl’s problems. In return you will receive the same support and complicity.

How to start respecting yourself

In order not to experience awkwardness and uncertainty when communicating with the opposite sex, I recommend paying attention to six important aspects.

Your achievements

Every man should have achievements that he is proud of. If you doubt the success of something, remember your achievements; they will motivate you to move on. It is important to achieve your goals in order to enjoy a positive result.


To feel your best, eat right. It’s better to cook yourself a salad and steak rather than heat a semi-finished product in the microwave. Try not to eat cheap and low-quality products. This way of eating will negatively affect your mood and health, and take away your strength and energy.

Goals and their implementation

It is important to plan your affairs for the day, month, year and implement your plans. You can break one large-scale goal into several small points and gradually implement them. Set simple goals for yourself, but implement them every day.


Men with small salaries do not feel confident; they cannot even give a bouquet of flowers when meeting a woman. They often consider themselves losers who cannot achieve anything in life. If you are not satisfied with your current income, be sure to change your job. Try something new, don't stick to your usual but low-paying job.


It is important for a man to pump up his body. To do this, you need to go to the gym, pool, and play your favorite sport. Never miss a workout, achieve results. When a man sees the fruits of his efforts in the mirror, he begins to respect himself.

Beautiful women

Surround yourself only with beautiful women, try not to waste your time. You should admire the person who is next to you. It should be interesting and cool to be with him.

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