Female body language: how to understand that she likes you

Some men find it quite easy to talk to women, they do it on a regular basis, and they feel completely comfortable. And all because they, albeit a little, still understand the language of the female body. But still, most men find it quite difficult to understand women.

In most cases, they simply do not understand whether a girl likes them or not. And the fear of asking about a date or phone number does not give them the opportunity to start a new relationship. This is why every man needs to learn to read women's body language. Indeed, as a result, this will allow you to better understand girls and build happy and harmonious relationships with them.

Secrets of female body language

Before you learn to read a woman's body language and determine from a girl's gestures and behavior whether she likes you or not, you need to understand one important point. Noticing positive body language is a good thing. But noticing that a woman's body language changes from closed to open and positive is a completely different matter.

In fact, observing changes in her behavior as your relationship progresses is much smarter than just looking for a couple of positive signs at the very beginning of your dating. Some women, and indeed all people in general, will naturally exhibit positive and open body language at first. But over time, everything may change.

Therefore, it is important to observe her behavior over a long period and when you see that the girl's body language becomes more and more positive, then there is no doubt that she likes you and will be able to establish a successful union with her. Now you know about this important point, it's time to know what changes to look for.

These are the specific gestures and signals that women show when they like someone. They don't have to go in this order. Just remember that if a girl doesn't show at least a few of these signs, then there's a good chance she's not interested in you.

Pay close attention to her eyes and face.

Exercise for training warmth in the gaze

And the most important thing. Your look should be warm. Try a simple exercise. For a week, mentally say to every representative of the stronger sex you meet, without exception (from a small child to an old man, attractive and repulsive - everyone) the phrase “I love this man,” looking into his eyes.

Try to speak sincerely - find or imagine something for which this person is worth loving, perhaps he:

  • hard worker,
  • loves his mom
  • he has very beautiful ears, etc.

Your task is to mentally sincerely confess your love to him, looking straight into his eyes. Believe me, after a couple of days of such exercises, you will understand from the reactions of the men around you that you have taught your eyes to look not just warm, but hot. By the way, this exercise is good because it removes:

  • basic distrust and dislike of men,
  • allows you to free yourself from the burden of old male grievances,
  • look forward to the future with hope.

Female body language when talking: head and face

  • Prolonged eye contact. The girl holds her gaze at you for long periods;
  • She begins to smile at you more and more often. When she smiles, you can see the muscles around her eyes crinkle slightly, indicating a genuine smile;
  • She nods her head when you talk. Showing that you agree with what you say, even if you don't express a specific opinion about something. Combined with wide eyes and a smile, nodding your head is a very strong sign that she likes you;
  • She tilts her head slightly to the side. This head gesture indicates that the girl subconsciously wants you to know that she is listening and interested in what you have to say. Tilting your head is not only a sign of attention to you, but also a way to show off your neck and therefore look a little vulnerable. This means that the lady finds you an attractive, dominant man, and wants you to know it;
  • A girl licks her lips more often, paying attention to your mouth, which is an important indicator that she is very attractive to you;
  • She often bites the inside of her cheek, and the more often she does this, the more likely you are to be with her;
  • Tilts his head down. Women do this to show their modesty and shyness. Which also suggests that there is a person next to her whom she considers interesting;
  • The girl looks at you sideways. Instead of positioning her face to look at you directly, she looks from the side. This is a woman's way of creating attraction between you. The side glance literally says, “chase me”;
  • Shakes hair from one side to the other. By doing this, she exposes her neck to attract your attention. This is a clear, attractive movement. It makes a man look at the person doing it;
  • She touches or strokes her lips. With this she wants to draw attention to her mouth;
  • Rubs face, head or neck with one hand. By doing this, she pulls her breasts closer to your visibility. This is an effective way to attract a man's attention.

The influence of facial expressions on human perception

The most important and most difficult thing is to wean yourself from negative grimaces:

  • frown gloomily
  • frowning painfully,
  • wrinkle your nose as if in disgust from your interlocutor.

If you think that this problem is not yours, try talking in front of a mirror. Better yet, record your conversation on video. In most cases, people are surprised to find that in reality they do not look as they expected. And they don’t make the impression they expected. Having seen your own mistakes from the outside, you will understand why others perceive you this way and not otherwise - and begin to work on your facial expressions.

By the way, by eliminating negative grimaces, you will be surprised to discover how the overall emotional coloring of your life will improve.

This is explained by the theory of facial feedback - when imitation of a certain emotion leads to its occurrence. And vice versa, by prohibiting yourself from facial expressions of grief, you will reduce the strength of the subjective experience of this negative emotion.

Flirting and attraction

  • She tries to overcome any physical barriers between you in order to touch you;
  • Emphasizes the size of her breasts. She presses her arms tightly to the sides of her chest, making them appear fuller and more graceful;
  • Her listening pose. While you are talking, she places one of her elbows on her palm and touches her chin with the other hand;
  • Strokes his hands. She gently hugs one of her wrists and slides it up and down her arm;
  • She exposes one or both of her wrists to you. This indicates that the lady recognizes your dominant presence and shows that she is happy to be around you;
  • Her body is always located only towards you. Her torso is pointed towards you with an even posture;
  • She plays with her jewelry with her fingers. This could be a sign of nervousness and an unconscious attempt to get your attention;
  • A woman touches your arm, shoulder, or thigh while talking to you.

Gestures that show lack of interest

But there are nonverbal gestures that show lack of interest. One of them is crossing your arms over your chest. Such a gesture says that the man does not want to contact you, he is protecting himself, and feels awkward. In addition, crossed legs are also a sign of lack of sympathy.

Reluctance to communicate is expressed in hiding hands in pockets, hiding ears, and also bringing strangers into the conversation. Thus, the man turns on his defenses, builds a wall so as not to meet with you. In addition, signals that indicate a lack of interest are expressed in a boring look that a man looks away from you from time to time, a long face, and yawning.

With the help of other objects, he tries to entertain himself: he picks up objects at hand and spins them, sorts them out. This is evidence of apathy.

Female body language: legs and feet

  • She touches her thigh to yours, and does this more than once;
  • Crosses his legs and points them in your direction. This does two things. Firstly, it makes her legs look longer. What is exciting and attractive to the subconscious male mind. Secondly, by pointing them in your direction, she wants you to notice her attractiveness;
  • Crosses his legs. Women who wear high heels often do this. This is a subliminal message that, along with the one described in the previous paragraph, says: “I’m a little tired and want to rest.”

It's all about the flying gait

Marilyn knew what she was doing when she filed off the heels of her shoes. Exciting hip swings drove men crazy. We do not recommend damaging your shoes. There are more reliable ways to develop a beautiful gait.

Try this exercise. Stretch a rope on the floor and walk in an elongated line, holding a thick book on your head so that it does not fall. When you master this art and are able to move along a line with a book on your head in a relaxed manner, you will be surprised at how smooth and harmonious your movements will become.

Voice and body language when talking to you

  • A woman's body language is expressed not only through gestures and behavior, but also through her voice and words. Therefore, if a girl utters enthusiastic words and phrases like these: “really?”, “really?”, “mmm...”, “how interesting.” This shows that the lady wants you to know that she is interested in what you have to say;
  • Her speech matches your speaking speed and tone. This means that she speaks at the same speed as you and with the same inclinations and nuances. She adapts her behavior to yours, thus trying to please you even more;
  • She repeats your words. For example, a few minutes after you say something, she says the same words and phrases;
  • Her tone of voice becomes more enthusiastic. The girl reacts faster to what you say and is not afraid to interrupt you. This shows that she feels comfortable in your presence;
  • She uses the words “I” or “my” more often to make you think about her as often as possible and imagine her in your mind.

A smile will make everyone warmer

A smile is the very first sign of interest. This is especially true for strangers. If suddenly someone on the subway smiles at someone just like that, then this is obvious sympathy and an invitation to communicate. Of course, you don’t need to rush through the crowd to say: “Hello, I’m Vasya!”, but keeping the person in sight or even continuing on your way after him, if time permits, is quite a good idea. So a smile is a great start to getting to know each other, unless, of course, the response was a contemptuous “fie.”


Understanding when a girl is worried about something will help a man take the initiative at the right time and take the situation into his own hands, demonstrate masculinity and strength.

When a girl is worried or stressed, she blinks more often.

At such moments, fine motor skills come into play: in stressful situations, a woman can not just straighten a curl in her hair, but simply rhythmically twirl it around her finger, for example.

Alternatively, roll up tubes or tear paper napkins, break toothpicks or snack skewers. If we talk about facial expressions: very often, with an increase in emotional stress, women purse their lips.

How stress and empty worries break a woman from the inside and ruin relationships with men, you can learn in the free online course - Man: Honest Instructions.


Very often, women complain about the lack of sympathy and support, consolation from men when necessary.

It's one thing to learn how to tell a man how you feel. It’s quite another to watch a woman get offended and remember the telling moments.

In order for a man to provide timely help and support, he needs to understand when a girl is sad. The reasons may be completely different, but it is the manifestations that are important.

If a woman cries bitterly, she’s definitely sad (just kidding).

In fact, it is very easy to recognize an upset person: drooping corners of the lips, a lifeless apathetic gaze (sometimes with a focus on one point), frowning eyebrows, drooping shoulders or literally a slouch.

Appraising glance

This is the very first technique that can let you know whether a woman likes you or not. The most standard situation: you appear in the girls' field of view, and they will look at you anyway. Someone will take a quick look and go back to their business. And someone will linger on you with their eyes.

Your reaction should always be open: let the woman look at you. Don't try to blend into the wall, don't look away and don't get nervous. These first couple of seconds are the most important for a girl. She looks at you and decides whether you are suitable for her or not.

It is in the first appraising glance that the girls’ hidden signals lie. She looks at you thoughtfully for a couple of seconds, then looks away and returns her gaze to you again, this time with interest. This is a direct call to action, consider that you have been given the green light to continue communication. So don't miss your chance.

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