Dominant‌ ‌in‌ ‌relationships‌ ‌men‌ ‌and‌women:‌ ‌who‌ ‌are,‌ ‌varieties,‌ ‌traits‌ ‌women‌ ‌and‌dominant men‌

What does dominant mean?

Dominance is the need to dominate and suppress. However, this is expressed differently in different situations, because... You can gain power over other people or an individual in different ways.

Dominance and submission are two mutually opposite states of human behavior, which are defined by psychiatry. Dominance is considered as an innate need of every individual.

A dominant is a person who strives for dominance in a relationship, demonstrating his psychological priority. The educational environment and the process of socialization often suppress this need in a person. Since man is a social being, he realizes that the ability to dictate his will to others and influence the thoughts and actions of people, contrary to their wishes, is not always necessary. Sometimes it is much easier to voluntarily give up the role of leader, remaining an outside observer.

As an example, we can cite the events of the film “Aty - Baty, Soldiers Came.” Leonid Bykov's hero, Corporal Svyatkin, an experienced fighter, in a difficult battle for the station, temporarily takes command of the platoon of the young and inexperienced Lieutenant Suslin, played by Vladimir Konkin.

This is the phenotype. Phenotype

(from φαίνω, phainō “reveal”, “discover” + τύπος, typos “sample”) - a set of characteristics inherent in an individual at a certain stage of development. The phenotype is formed on the basis of a number of external environmental factors. The phenotype of organisms is manifested.

Phenotype is a set of external and internal characteristics of an organism acquired as a result of (individual development).

Despite the seemingly strict definition, the concept of phenotype has some uncertainties. First, most of the molecules and structures encoded by genetic material are not visible in the external appearance of the organism, although they are part of the phenotype. For example, this is exactly the case with. Therefore, the expanded definition of phenotype should include characteristics that can be detected by technical, medical or diagnostic procedures. A further, more radical extension could include learned behavior or even the organism's influence on the environment and other organisms. For example, according to the dam, as well as their incisors, can be considered a phenotype of genes.

Phenotype can be defined as the “carrying out” of genetic information towards environmental factors. To a first approximation, we can talk about two characteristics of the phenotype: a) the number of directions of removal characterizes the number of environmental factors to which the phenotype is sensitive - the dimension of the phenotype; b) the “distance” of removal characterizes the degree of sensitivity of the phenotype to a given environmental factor. Together, these characteristics determine the richness and development of the phenotype. The more multidimensional the phenotype and the more sensitive it is, the further the phenotype is from, the richer it is. If we compare,,,and, then the richness of the phenotype in this series increases.

Genetic factors influencing the formation of the phenotype

... The history of any phenotype preserved by long-term selection is a chain of successive tests of its carriers for the ability to reproduce themselves in conditions of continuous changes in the space of variations of their genomes. …… It is not changes in the genotype that determine evolution and its direction. On the contrary, the evolution of an organism determines the change in its genotype.

— Shmalgauzen I.I. The organism as a whole in individual and historical development. Selected works.. - M.: Nauka, 1982.

These factors include the interaction of genes from one (,,,) and different (dominant and recessive,,) alleles, multiple, pleiotropic effect of the gene, gene dose.

Historical reference

The term phenotype was proposed by a Danish scientist in 1909 along with the concept to distinguish the heredity of an organism from what results from its implementation. The idea of ​​the difference between media and the result of their action can be traced already in the works (1865) and. The latter distinguished (in) cells.

Phenotypic variance (determined by genotypic variance) is the main prerequisite for i. The organism as a whole leaves (or does not leave) offspring, so natural selection influences the genetic structure of the population indirectly through the contributions of phenotypes. Without different phenotypes there is no evolution. At the same time, recessive ones are not always reflected in the characteristics of the phenotype, but are preserved and can be transmitted to offspring.

Phenotype and ontogeny

The factors on which phenotypic diversity depends, the genetic program (), environmental conditions and the frequency of random changes (), are summarized in the following relationship:

genotype + external environment + random changes → phenotype

The ability of a genotype to form, depending on environmental conditions, different phenotypes is called. It characterizes the share of participation of the environment in the implementation of the characteristic. The wider, the greater the influence of the environment and the less influence. Typically, the more diverse the habitat conditions of a species, the wider it has.


Sometimes phenotypes in different conditions are very different from each other. Thus, pine trees in the forest are tall and slender, but in open space they are spreading. The shape of water buttercup leaves depends on whether the leaf is in water or exposed to air. In humans, all clinically detectable characteristics—height, body weight, eye color, hair shape, blood type, etc.—are phenotypic.

Types of people

In society, a conditional division of its members into leaders and subordinates is accepted. Psychologists have identified types of characters, according to which one can determine how a person behaves in society:

  • Alpha;
  • Beta;
  • Omega.

The first type includes the leader of the group, the dominant, who is not afraid to take initiative and responsibility, while withstanding competition with other alphas, defending his position. These people are characterized as selfish and willful, aggressive and assertive, intolerant of disagreement and defending their point of view. Leaders of society are able to quickly navigate and adjust to changing circumstances, making smart decisions. Very few people have these qualities.

Beta people, by virtue of their nature, do not strive to take a leadership position, but due to circumstances they will be able to temporarily lead a social group. In other conditions, such individuals may be subordinate to stronger dominants or rise to the level of omega type.

Omega-type members of society are passive enough to even think about the position of a dominant. They do not strive for leadership and competition, preferring a calm, worry-free, simple plant life. Life in unquestioning submission to leaders is their norm. And any society of each state overwhelmingly consists of omega-type people, for whom no fish is a toad - a nightingale.

It is interesting that the same person can, in different situations or social units, simultaneously represent all hierarchical levels. For example, the head of the family, as a rule, is the dominant figure for the household. But he can also be a beta type among friends, and in the workplace exist as a “gray” average omega.

It's recessive. Recessive trait

A recessive trait is a trait that does not appear in heterozygous individuals due to suppression of the manifestation of the recessive allele.

Recessive traits are traits the manifestation of which in first-generation hybrids is suppressed by crossing two pure lines, one of which is homozygous for the dominant allele, and the other for the recessive one. In this case (with monohybrid crossing), in accordance with the law of segregation in the second generation, the recessive trait reappears in approximately 25% of hybrids.

They also talk about the recessive manifestation of a trait (for example, if the color of peas is considered a trait, then the recessive manifestation of this trait in peas is green, and the dominant is yellow).

Often recessive traits are encoded by alleles whose function is impaired as a result of mutations. Thus, the nature of the recessivity of one of the traits studied by Mendel—the green color of pea seeds—was recently clarified (this trait is recessive to the yellow color of the seeds). The green color of pea seeds is determined by a mutation in the sgr gene (“stay green”). This gene encodes the senescence-inducible chloroplast stay-green protein (SGR), which ensures the destruction of chlorophyll in the chloroplasts of the seed coat during seed maturation. When chlorophyll is destroyed, yellow pigments called carotenoids become visible. Half the amount of SGR protein is sufficient to ensure its normal function, so complete dominance is observed; only if both copies of the gene are mutant (genotype YY), the color remains green.

Recessive traits of higher animals and humans, which have a chromosomal mechanism for determining sex, are usually divided into autosomal recessive traits and sex-linked recessive traits. This division is especially often used for traits characterizing hereditary diseases. Autosomal recessive diseases include, for example, diseases such as phenylketonuria (the corresponding recessive trait can be considered reduced or absent activity of the enzyme phenylalanine-4-hydroxylase in the liver), and sex-linked recessive diseases - for example, hemophilia A (reduced or absent clotting factor VIII activity).

Although among biochemical traits many are inherited as recessive, among human morphological traits it is much more difficult to indicate recessive and dominant traits, since most of them have a complex polygenic nature, and their manifestation depends on non-allelic interactions of genes. Recessive monogenic human traits include brachydactyly, fused earlobes, the ability of the thumb to bend strongly when raised, the absence of freckles on the face and dimples on the cheeks when smiling. However, most of these traits can also be considered polygenic, since the degree of their manifestation varies widely and depends on the state of many genes.

Characteristic features of a dominant

Not all representatives of any social stratum possess high-quality, leadership character traits in a social group, since dominance implies the desire and ability to occupy a leading position in a certain group of society. But the desire to become a leader is not enough, since one needs the skills to become one and skills that allow one to maintain a dominant status. In order to gain a degree of dominance in a social group, you need to value yourself highly and, at the same time, force others to respect your aspirations and life position.

Dominants, regardless of gender, must have a whole set of qualities, both positive and negative, so that people can recognize them as a potential leader.

Positive character traits and behavior include the presence of:

  • Assertiveness;
  • Stubbornness;
  • Waywardness;
  • Independence;
  • Self-sufficiency;
  • Independence;
  • Ability to defend your point of view.

The list of negative qualities of leaders is slightly smaller and the main ones are:

  • Authoritarianism;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Desire for worship and admiration;
  • Reluctance to submit to another system, laws, or authority.

The leaders of social units are often former rebels who achieved their level of power and leadership position by overthrowing previous leaders. And sometimes, not quite adequate people who are accustomed to making decisions in a strong emotional outburst can become leaders at different levels.

In the countries of the USA and Western Europe, dominance is identified as a positive quality. This is explained quite simply: it is better to be a leader than a helpful subordinate.

To achieve a dominant position in a relationship or social group, you should first of all use favorable moments of the environment, which encourages new achievements. The path to leadership achievements consists of five components:

  1. Having high personal self-esteem;
  2. Ability to manage your emotions;
  3. Self-sufficiency;
  4. Skillful construction of value judgments;
  5. Having social status.

It should be noted that dominants have the ability to evaluate any situation from the position of reason, and not emotions or feelings.

This is the genotype. #Genotype

Genotype is a set of genes of an organism and their relationships with each other, including alleles and linkage of genes in a chromosome. In the narrowest sense, this concept can mean all alleles of a gene or group of genes that control any trait of an organism, and in a broader sense, the totality of all hereditary characteristics of an organism recorded in its DNA (including non-coding sequences) that determine its phenotype - appearance and internal structure.

The term “genotype” itself, together with the terms “gene” and “phenotype,” was introduced by the German geneticist Wilhelm Ludwig Johansen in 1909 in his work “Elements of the Exact Doctrine of Heredity.” Genotype should not be confused with genome: in the first case we are talking about the hereditary information of a particular organism, in the second - about a set of characteristics characteristic of an entire species.

In the early stages of studying the genotype, it was believed that all the genes in it act separately and each of them corresponds to one protein that performs a specific function in the body and manifests itself as a specific trait that can be qualitative or quantitative (for example, growth, the ability of E. coli to break down what - a nutrient, the color of the petals of a night beauty, or the smoothness or wrinkling of a pea in Mendel’s experiments). Even in the first half of the 20th century, this principle - “one gene - one enzyme” - was considered advanced. Thanks to him, scientists now have the opportunity to decipher the genetic code. However, it was later proven that the genotype is a single system of elements that interact at different levels. For example, one gene can code for more than one protein, not all DNA is made up of coding sequences (exons), and not all non-coding sequences are useless. The same growth is not controlled by one gene. In addition, genes influence each other, as a result of which several genotypes can give the same phenotype, or the effect of several alleles or different genes is summed up and gives one trait. Among these mechanisms: incomplete dominance, as in the night beauty, when when crossing a purple and a white flower we get an “arithmetic mean” - pink flowers in the offspring; epistasis, when one gene suppresses another; codominance, which determines the inheritance of agglutinins and agglutinogens, on the basis of which four human blood groups were first identified.

Also, individuals with the same genotype may exhibit different phenotypes during the individual development of the organism, since some genes appear only under certain conditions. In addition, if two organisms have the same phenotype, this does not mean that they have identical genotypes (with complete dominance, we get a dominant phenotype in both heterozygotes and dominant homozygotes). In this case, the phenotype can change throughout the life of the organism, but the genotype as a whole remains unchanged (not counting errors during DNA copying and other mutations).

Dominance in personal relationships

There are relatively standard examples of how dominant relationships are built between a man and a woman, since it is in a couple that the dominance-submission combination is quite clearly manifested.

Alpha + Alpha

At first, the relationship will be passionate and romantic, causing outright envy of others. But, with the passing of the first bright impressions, alas, the battle for leadership will begin. Such an alliance, with a sound approach and common commitments, can last quite a long time. But more often it falls apart.

Alpha + Beta

This symbiosis occurs quite often, being a union of two confident people. The beta type does not strive for leadership, while maintaining its independence in judgment. Such couples, based on mutual respect and trust, have existed for quite a long time.

Alpha + Omega

A mixture of dictate and submission, and sometimes sadism and masochism, is doomed to collapse due to the lack of mutual respect and interest in each other. Outbursts of passion and, sometimes even rage, eventually turn into boredom and monotony.

Beta + Beta

A fairly harmonious union based on partnership and mutual respect. Without open dominance and subservience. A sincere desire to make a healthy compromise, accepting the partner’s point of view and not insisting on one’s decision contributes to such relationships for a long and happy existence. The initial passion in such a couple smoothly turns into sincere and conflict-free friendship. This union is ideal and is an example for many couples.

Beta + Omega

A rather unstable connection between people who do not strive for either leadership or friendly partnership. Such families live by the principle: the day has passed - and okay. In such cases, the beta should either grow to leadership and take everything into his own hands, or “sink” to the level of omega. Changes towards increasing status are more optimistic for the continued existence of the couple.

Omega + Omega

This is where the “revelry” of despondency and loneliness is. Two partners completely devoid of the desire for initiative and self-development. “It’s all the same whether it’s will or whether it’s captivity.” Such unions, as a rule, are brought together by more proactive people from close circles, believing that the quiet Mana will be perfect for the boring Vanya. The daily life of carousel horses with unpretentious desires and actions becomes a trigger for further quiet hatred of themselves and each other. But even for a break, emotions, initiative and expression of will are needed, which are completely absent from the parties. Again, outside help, again, leads to a break in such a dull existence and, possibly, the creation of new, more promising alliances in terms of development.

Block 6. Submission. Example of negotiations.


– You didn’t complete the order on time, it’s your fault!


– Vasily Petrovich, the mistake made is a consequence of the lack of regulations in our organization, when each action is clearly defined. Everything must be written down and documented. Then there will be no mistakes.


– Don’t make excuses, you’ll still be punished!


– Vasily Petrovich, I have already been punished for discrediting myself in your eyes. Now you will think badly of me, consider me a bad specialist. I have lost your trust, which I need to earn again, and this is difficult to do.


- You have not only lost trust, but you will also lose money, because I will fine you!


– Vasily Petrovich, a mistake in my work is an opportunity to review the current vehicle maintenance standards and replace them with more adequate ones, taking into account operation in difficult conditions, fines will not help this, systemic solutions are needed here.


- Well, make these system solutions so that orders reach customers on time!


– Vasily Petrovich, this is a difficult question that we all together have not been able to answer for several days now, and we cannot cope with it quickly, but if on Wednesday at 13:00 before lunch we gather the leaders and set such a task, then in an hour you can get a couple of solutions. Should I notify everyone?

In this way, the subordinate took the conflict situation into a productive direction, and the issue of the fine ceased to be important for the boss. You can learn how to cope with all sorts of difficult situations in negotiations when you are under pressure in my trainings.


Male dominance

Frankly speaking, a man’s dominance in a relationship, his dominance, is the most understandable, most common and correct position. Throughout the existence of civilization, in the upbringing of boys, in addition to studying various sciences and acquiring the necessary skills, great importance has been given to acquiring leadership qualities. With the simultaneous ability to bear responsibility for his decisions, which he made for the entire family.

This is a patriarchal, pragmatic and established model of the existence of the family as an important unit of society.

In the post-war period, when there was an acute shortage of physically capable men, women were forced to become the dominant part of society. But in our time, we still need to give the main positions to the stronger sex again.

This is the locus. The meaning of the word "locus"

  • Locus (Latin locus - place) in genetics means the location of a specific gene on the genetic or cytological map of a chromosome. A variant of the DNA sequence at a given locus is called an allele. An ordered list of loci for a genome is called a genetic map. Gene mapping is the identification of a locus for a specific biological trait. Diploid or polyploid cells that carry the same alleles at any locus are called homozygous for that locus, and those that carry different alleles are called heterozygous.

How dominant men behave

Male representatives, due to their natural inability to veil their actions, are often too rude and straightforward when dominating. They almost always want complete submission and servility from a woman. They have the following behavior:

  • An alpha, successful in financial, physiological and social status, often chooses a girl who is not brilliant, but very attractive, as his life partner, becoming her friend, sexual partner and sponsor. Such dominant relationships between a man and a woman are very noticeable to others, since they are initially too pronounced in their classicism. A man, having got himself a Barbie, treats a girl like a doll who needs new outfits, houses and gifts. In return, complete and unquestioning submission is required. In everything.
  • There are hidden, domestic dominants who are accustomed to “putting on a mask” of integrity in public. At home, behind closed doors, they arrange scandals for their woman for the slightest real or imagined offense. They blackmail everyone - from deprivation of finances to complete rupture. Sometimes children are involved in a dispute, and their parents begin to “divide” them among themselves.
  • There are situations when the dominant in a relationship between a man and a woman grows out of a former beta or even, rarely, an omega. This happens with a sharp jump in male financial well-being, when the newly-minted nouveau riche overnight begins to consider himself the center of a small, family “universe,” demanding praise and worship.

The most correct form of male dominance is defined in Valentin Chernykh’s book “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The hero said: “Remember, I will always decide everything myself on the simple basis that I am a man.” And let the whole world flourish or collapse, but a woman has reliable support in the form of a beloved and caring partner. Whether he is always right or wrong is not subject to discussion. After all, a wise companion will always find a “loophole”, through the heart or through the stomach, to get to the man’s brain in order to tactfully correct his behavior.

How to react if a woman dominates

There are women who sincerely believe that with a good wife, even a man can become a man. And then, from the first days of communication, she begins to literally creep out her chosen one, adjusting him to her internal standards by changing his hairstyle, manner of dressing and behavior in general. Like Papa Carlo, whittling out a male “blank” from the “blank” given to her – an ideal. The alpha male immediately sharply suppresses such attempts, defending his individuality. But simpler partners, especially those who are deeply in love with such a lady, obey almost immediately, turning into the anecdotal character of a typical henpecked man.

Subsequently, with the expansion of the family, the power of the wife, without weakening on the husband, extends to the children. Moreover, the moral and physical freedom of all subordinate members of this social unit is determined by the length of the “chain” allowed by the alpha woman. If she is smart, self-sufficient and has the common sense of initiative, then such unions are positive and can exist happily ever after. But in cases of open manifestation of despotism and waywardness, everyone in her family feels like servants, who are periodically sent to public execution, and at the last moment a manifesto for pardon is read out. Until tomorrow.

How men behave

For men, communicating with a strong, dominant woman can be interesting, but not easy. And here are several options for developing relationships.

  • A confident and self-sufficient man can occasionally allow a woman to show commanding qualities. Just not in public and within the bounds of reason. Or he once and for all gently, but categorically and categorically, stops these attempts.
  • A partner who is constantly told, like a dogma, “if it weren’t for you, we would be an ideal couple,” either one day, after prolonged humiliation, begins to defend his rights in a very harsh form, or silently leaves without a hearing. There is another option to try to “grow up” to the ideal invented by your partner, but this is difficult to do, because... The bar of requirements is constantly rising.
  • The husband, with the humility of a ram led to the slaughter, patiently endures all the instructions of his wife, which become more and more demanding and humiliating every year. When visiting, they show him which piece of chicken he is allowed to take from a common dish, when he is with neighbors, they check whether he is using the right screw to repair the fence, and when he is with children, they notice that he is wearing the wrong T-shirt. Long-suffering, in this case, can be explained either by moral blindness, due to great love, or by an absolute lack of self-respect. Such submissive men always live in this atmosphere, until one day an epiphany comes to them, revealing to him his true, insignificant position in the couple. And then - either an explosion of emotions and parting, or a continuation of the usual type of existence, at which everyone around them laughs so as not to cry.

There is an unusual version of mutual existence in which a man, smart and confident, initially demonstratively supports the thesis: “my wife has one dignity - that’s me,” and accepts himself in an eternally secondary role. He is, as a rule, intelligent and well-read, has a good character and is considered a good conversationalist. But not in front of his wife. In her presence, he behaves as quietly and unnoticeably as possible. This is a skillfully adaptable beta type who has transferred all responsibility for the existence of the family to his wife, skillfully “playing” the role of a weakling.

What is a dominant person?

Mister. post pinned

12 signs of a true Dominant.
1. He does not allow you to call him Sir, Master, Master or any other title at the beginning of the relationship. As long as the relationship, limits, taboos are not agreed upon, he understands that he is exactly the same person as you and he is on exactly the same level. This is an element of respect that the Dominant should show to you at the very beginning, unless, of course, you immediately agreed that you would call Him by one title or another.

2. He has your best interests at heart. He will be on your side and want you to be in a relationship and will be willing to end it if he realizes that your interests and desires would be better served with someone else. Moreover, he will take pleasure in introducing you to someone else whose interests suit yours better, even if this means a complete severance of your relationship with him.

3. He never criticizes other people, especially Dominants, behind their backs; doesn't feel threatened by the other Tops and doesn't see them as competition, so he doesn't say anything disparaging about them or try to "eliminate the competition."

4. He does not dominate conversations, especially in companies, and never tries to prove to anyone that he is right and how much higher and more dominant he is than others. He will allow other people to express their opinions, is tactful in communication and is interested in the success of the entire group, and not in personal gain.

5. He doesn't prey on the vulnerable. You won't find him hanging around the club entrance looking for fresh meat. He will not use inexperienced lowers and their inexperience and lack of knowledge to his advantage; on the contrary, he will do everything possible to protect them, to guide them on the right path.

6. He speaks in a conciliatory tone and tries to build bridges rather than burn them.

7. He is friendly, accepts everyone as they are, keeps his ego in check, and does not show swagger or arrogance.

8. He admits his mistakes and easily says “sorry” because he knows that being a Dominant does not mean being perfect. If a mistake happened during a session, he will apologize and do everything to prevent it from happening again.

9. He feels comfortable with a sub who is more educated, experienced or capable than Him, because he understands that being a Dominant means mastering everything perfectly. He will gladly listen to the advice of the bottom and allow himself to be taught something new.

10. He doesn't prove anything to anyone. He is comfortable in his own skin, and he does not try to show what an alpha male he is, and certainly does not try to live up to anyone's expectations of what a Dominant should be. He knows who he is and doesn't need to justify himself to anyone.

11. He does not take liberties. He will not act like a boss just because his partner obeys him. On the contrary, he will be clear about his desires in the game and clearly formulate them before the session begins. He is polite to waiters and other employees.

12. He wins over and inspires confidence with the integrity and scale of his Personality. He will strictly adhere to agreements and fulfill his part of the contract, even if he loses. His word is his power and law. "net "


What to do

Knowing the basic principles of dominance, you can successfully develop the missing good qualities in yourself and get rid of the unwanted ones. Because man is a rational and constantly developing being.

You can feel equally comfortable being a follower or a leader. And it doesn’t matter who is dominant in a relationship between a man and a woman, as long as it suits everyone in the couple. You don’t even need to start “pulling the blanket” over yourself, trying to defend your leadership position with foam at the mouth and stomping your feet. It is very easy to lose existing relationships, but whether it will be possible to create new ones is a big question.

Alexandra Marinina in her novel “Alien Mask” wrote: “When a weak man is next to you, there are two options: either leave him or pretend that he is strong.” You have to fight for your happiness. With yourself first. Fighting in different ways for supremacy is an empty and unnecessary exercise in which there are no winners. After all, the one who runs to the finish line first finds himself alone.


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This is variability. Subject . Variability of organisms.

Variability, its types and types.

Genetics studies not only the phenomena of heredity, but also the variability of organisms. Variability is the property of living things to change, expressed in the ability to acquire new characteristics or lose old ones. The causes of variability are the diversity of genotypes and environmental conditions that determine the diversity in the manifestation of traits in organisms with the same genotypes.


The formation of various types of variability is a consequence of the interaction of the external environment and genotype.

Characteristics of phenotypic variability.

Phenotypic variability is changes in the phenotype that occur under the influence of environmental conditions and do not affect the genotype, although the degree of their severity is determined by the genotype.

Ontogenetic variability is a constant change in characteristics during the development of an individual (ontogenesis of amphibians, insects, development of morphophysiological and mental characteristics in humans).

Modifying variability is phenotypic changes that occur as a result of the influence of environmental factors on the organism.

Modification variability is determined by the genotype. Modifications are not inherited and are seasonal and environmental.

Seasonal modifications are genetically determined changes in characteristics as a result of seasonal changes in climatic conditions.

Ecological modifications are adaptive changes in phenotype in response to changing environmental conditions. Phenotypically, they manifest themselves in the degree of expression of the trait. Ecological modifications affect quantitative (weight of animals, offspring) and qualitative (color of human skin under the influence of UV rays) characteristics.

Modification properties:

    Modifications are not inherited.

    They appear gradually and have transitional forms.

    Modifications form continuous series and are grouped around the average value.

    They arise directionally - under the influence of the same environmental factor, a group of organisms changes in a similar way.

    All the most common modifications have an adaptive (adaptive) nature.

Thus, an increase in the number of red blood cells and the Hb content in the blood of animals and humans in the mountains represent an adaptation for better use of oxygen. Tanning is an adaptation to the effects of excessive sun exposure. It has been established that only those modifications that are caused by ordinary changes in natural conditions are adaptive. Modifications caused by various chemical and physical factors have no adaptive significance. Thus, by exposing Drosophila pupae to elevated temperatures, it is possible to obtain individuals with curled wings and notches on them, which resemble mutations.

    Environmental modifications are reversible and with a change of generations, subject to changes in the external environment, they may not appear (fluctuations in milk yield, changes in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes due to diseases or changes in living conditions). If conditions do not change over a series of generations, then the degree of expression of the trait in the offspring is preserved. Such modifications are called long-term. When development conditions change, long-term modifications are not inherited. It is a mistaken belief that education and external influence can reinforce a new trait in the offspring (example of dog training).

    The modifications are adequate, i.e. the degree of severity of the symptom is directly dependent on the type and duration of action of the factor. Thus, improving the living conditions of livestock causes an increase in the weight of animals.

    One of the main properties of modifications is their mass nature - the same factor causes the same change in individuals that are genotypically similar. The limit and severity of modifications is controlled by the genotype.

    Modifications have varying degrees of durability: long-term and short-term. So, a person’s tan goes away after the insolation ends. Other modifications that arise in the early stages of development may persist throughout life (bowlegs after rickets).

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