What does a woman want from a man in a relationship? 7 things you need

What is the most common question men ask – at trainings, seminars, and to themselves? Of course, among all the “ Why do women cheat?”, “How to get your ex back” and “How to make a girl fall in love with you”, the very question that is indicated in the title stands apart.

This is precisely the question of questions. It would seem that if you know what a woman wants, then you can easily control and manipulate a woman.

Well, or - if we consider a more humane option - you can simply give the woman everything she wants, and then she, happy and satisfied, will forever be with the man who gave her such happiness, will belong to him with all her heart, and will follow him to the edge of the world, yearning for love.

However, if you ask yourself this question, if you are reading this article now, trying to find an answer to it, then you already know that no one has yet given a definite answer to this question.

Hundreds of thousands of books have been written, tens of thousands of writers have translated tons of paper, painting the woman inside and out. Poems, poems, novels, novellas, short stories, philosophical treatises, and scientific research were composed. The psychology of women has been studied. However, no one really gave an answer to this question, at least, an unambiguous and understandable answer. Moreover, opinions were so divided that everything only became more confusing.

And yet, in this article I will answer the question - what does a woman want. You just need to follow my conclusions and read the article to the end, despite the fact that there will be quite a lot of text.

Errors of the candy-bouquet periodi

Often, wanting to make an impression and achieve a goal, people try to show themselves in the best light. Such cunning turns into a not very good impression in the future. Relationships that have grown into serious ones take off their rose-colored glasses and partners appear before each other with their hearts and souls. A woman falls in love with a man’s non-existent qualities and subsequently demands from him what he cheated in the past. It could be responsibility, romance, attention, honesty.

Sometimes the woman herself is to blame, because in a state of love she added the best masculine qualities to her chosen one. Subsequently, when she opens her eyes and does not find what she has invented, she will not blame herself. She herself believed in her own inventions.

Attention and gifts

Girls love attentive guys. Moreover, this can manifest itself in different ways. Meeting her after school or work, remembering her mother’s birthday, calling her again and asking how her day went - these small details can greatly influence the overall impression. And, of course, compliments and nice words make all girls happy.

It is worth remembering about gifts. However, they do not necessarily have to be expensive. A simple bouquet or a pleasant little thing just like that, for no reason, sometimes brings much more joy than formal congratulations in honor of a special date.

By the way, let's say a few words about surprises. They are beautiful. And it’s even better if they turn out to be truly successful and desirable. How to find out what a girl wants to receive as a gift? There is one good remedy. You need to hint that a surprise has been prepared for her and invite her to guess which one. Most likely, at first the girl will name what she would like to receive.


The most important thing a woman expects from a relationship is that the man will be honest with her. And if at the beginning of the relationship it was not possible to build trust, later you should make up for lost time. It will be much more pleasant for a woman to honestly admit her shortcomings than to pretend to be ideal. Sooner or later, the whole truth will come out, and the woman will feel betrayed. She won't appreciate lying for the sake of a relationship.

Attempts to hide some of your mistakes can also be a failure. It’s better to be honest from the beginning so that you don’t have to remember the whole made-up box and look stupid.

Sense of humor and intelligence

Girls are attracted to guys who are cheerful and witty and who are able to enjoy life. It’s nice not only to communicate with such people and have a good time, but also to build a family. A good sense of humor sometimes plays a vital role, and an optimistic, cheerful person always has a better chance than an ever-grumpy bore. So the ability to make a girl laugh is already a significant step towards gaining her favor. However, it is important to observe moderation here, since constant and inappropriate gaiety is no less annoying than boring. And one more important point. Do girls want to be made fun of? The answer will be obvious - of course not.

Girls also like smart and educated guys. It is a fact. A man with whom there is something to talk about, who himself can teach his companion something, will always be interesting and attractive. Especially if the mind serves him not only for conversations, but also for action. Therefore, girls also want to see purposeful and ambitious guys next to them. Those who strive to develop and reach new heights.

A man should be a man3

A woman expects from a relationship the opportunity to be weak and fragile. She doesn’t want to take charge of a little boy, treat him with everyday needs, feel sorry for him, say that he is the best and please him in his bed. She expects that she will not be devalued in the family field. Therefore, it is important for her that her companion be reliable and self-confident. A woman wants everything a man says to match his actions. This is important in all matters of life. From childhood we are taught to be responsible for our words. Therefore, all excuses and justifications should be excluded. If something doesn’t work out, a loving woman herself will find an excuse, and a man must continue to fight. This quality gives confidence in the future. The woman will calmly look into the future and know that she is behind a stone wall.

The man said it, the man did it!

What all girls want

Attracting the attention of the person you like is not so difficult. It's a completely different matter to build strong relationships. Many guys who fail to do this begin to talk about the notorious feminine mystique and willfulness. But understanding what girls want is actually quite easy.

The answer to this question lies at the genetic level - any woman looking for a serious relationship views a man primarily as a father for her future children. Usually this happens unconsciously, but one way or another such a girl will choose a companion who can protect her and their family. In every way. At the same time, the basic requirements for a guy will be extremely simple. Let's try to consider them in order.

I see you4

The couple's emotional connection is equally important. If partners do not feel each other on an emotional level, it is as if they are mute. Watching couples who have been in a relationship for more than two years, you can see that they communicate with just one glance. It is important to feel each other. To do this, you need to observe your partner, study his habits, facial expressions and associate certain emotions on his face with the circumstances of the moment. Yes, an emotional connection sometimes arises between people who really seem to be made for each other. If this is not the case, you need to learn this. Without a developed emotional connection, you can often hear from partners about misunderstanding, lack of attention to each other, and lack of usual compliments.

Is physical strength important?

Guys often think that physical strength and pumped up muscles play a decisive role. Therefore, they spend long hours in gyms, train until they sweat, and then are surprised to notice that their impressive muscles have virtually no effect on the attitude of the opposite sex towards them.

No, of course, girls love strong men who lead the right lifestyle. After all, the health of their future children directly depends on this. But you don’t have to become a bodybuilder to do this; a few workouts a week are enough to stay in good shape.

Broken dreams5

In a relationship, a woman expects that she will have her personal space for creativity, development, time to communicate with family and friends. Women who have lived long lives often accuse men of sacrificing their dreams for him. They dreamed of becoming an artist, a poetess, and were fond of fashion. But then he appeared on the horizon and took her away from her plans, made her a child, put on an apron and sent her to the kitchen. Or the same story only with my mother, sisters and girlfriends. For a woman, love is her whole life; she is ready to sacrifice for the sake of feelings. But such victims often kill something mysterious and dreamy in her. Do not deprive a woman of the opportunity for spiritual development and communication.

“Friendship with other women is the main factor influencing women's longevity.” Results of research by Doctor of Psychology Len Syme, University of California, Berkeley.

The woman wants children

Maybe not right now, but instinctively she will immediately consider you as a potential father of her children. This is why talking about children should not be avoided. Tell me how you had fun with your niece, that you love kids. For a girl, such conversations are like a magnet, which encourages action, as a result of which children appear. To show that you are the one she dreams of, you can do the following:

  1. Tell her that you always dreamed that your children would have the same freckles as hers, blue eyes, dark skin. Highlight an attractive feature of her appearance and use a weapon that is more serious than a simple compliment.
  2. Show understanding to a child screaming in a cafe or supermarket with the phrase: “These are children, it’s not always easy with them! But they are cute when they laugh.”
  3. While walking, treat your child to a chocolate bar or help a woman and her child enter an elevator or a store.

Just don’t scare her with statements that you want children right now, and “a whole football team.” Walking pregnant all her life is definitely not her dream. What matters to her is your willingness to take responsibility for her and the child “if something happens.” She wants to be sure that if two unplanned lines appear on a pregnancy test, you won’t hide by saying that you didn’t promise her anything.

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Shared values6

A woman believes that she and a man have the same life values ​​and the same dreams for both. That they both dream of a quiet house outside the city, three children and a front garden. Or that they both want to travel the world before they're 50. Priorities do change with age; for a loving couple, they adapt to each other. Dreams can also become common if you talk about them, and most importantly, ask. One has only to ask a woman what she dreams about, and her eyes light up and the question is already perceived as a proposal. She can talk about her dream in great detail. It's easier to make dreams come true together.

How not to behave

Now that we have figured out a little about what girls want, it’s worth saying a few words about what the fair sex simply cannot stand. First of all, rudeness and rudeness. They disgust most women. Girls also do not tolerate excessive self-confidence and concentration on their own appearance. A guy who endlessly looks in the mirror and straightens his hair will look more funny than attractive.

However, you cannot go to the other extreme - completely forget about taking care of your appearance. Sloppy guys who completely forget about hygiene repel girls no less. Also, infantile and self-doubting young people will not be successful - this goes against traditional ideas about masculinity.

Thus, the question of what a girl wants from a guy turns out to be not so difficult. Of course, this list may change, because all people are different, and everyone has their own vision of an ideal relationship. Therefore, when trying to please a girl, you must always remain yourself and not mislead her, otherwise you can end up in a very awkward situation. After all, almost all girls first of all value the honesty and decency of the chosen one. Therefore, having been deceived, any representative of the fair sex is unlikely to give a second chance.

What do you want from life? Why is it so important to understand what you want from life?

The modern economy requires people to do more and get tired less. And people themselves want to worry less about survival issues, develop more and fill their lives with bright emotions. Topics of personal effectiveness such as time management, self-motivation and self-discipline are gaining popularity.

Personal effectiveness is setting personal goals and achieving them. Many trainings and books on personal effectiveness begin with a call to set goals. Like, having a goal in itself makes you more effective than 90% of people. And it is true. But when a person does not have the habit of setting goals, he formulates it from the desire that first comes to mind. Very soon this desire disappears somewhere, but the goal remains and continues to influence the person, as if from the outside, like a supervisor, generating dissatisfaction with oneself and driving his self-esteem to the floor.

The 21st century provides a huge choice of development paths and great opportunities for realizing your wildest dreams. Successful young people earn a lot of money, travel around the world and do not deny themselves anything. The Internet is teeming with artists, designers, actors, directors, singers, businessmen, politicians, bloggers and writers. They live a bright and eventful life, change the world as they want and do not worry about finances.

A person has never had such a wide choice of options for self-realization until today. But this same endless choice of possibilities creates chaos from desires and a person rushes from one opportunity to another. Chaos pulls the rug out from under your feet and turns life into that swamp of uncertainty. It is impossible to be effective and competitive without defeating this chaos. You can’t take everything from life when you don’t know what exactly is included in this “everything”. You need to know exactly what you want, because high efficiency and a sense of freedom are based on this.

Male relationship psychology

The main essence of male psychology is laid down by nature: men are strong, protectors, brave, courageous. The guy wants to feel like a hero, to become one in real life, to protect his loved ones. It’s good if people – elderly parents, wives, children – don’t mind. The situation becomes tense when a second representative of the stronger sex appears at home in female guise. And when the wife begins to radically suppress the man, the relationship deteriorates.

Such behavior kills the natural instincts in guys, turning a strong male into a couch potato. Why hammer a nail: there is a beloved wife who will scold you, do something better, or call a specialist. Feeling constant pressure, the partner begins to pull away.

From the point of view of guys, a partner should always accept advances. When a husband tries to please his wife by inviting him to dinner, but the latter cites being busy or tired, the man feels disappointed. It is clear that there may be reasons for refusal. But, if the lady refuses for the tenth time, the man acutely feels his own uselessness. And some even think about looking for a woman on the side.

She needs care, he needs trust

A woman feels happy when her chosen one is interested in her feelings, takes care of her, and gives her the feeling that she is special and loved for him. Seeing such an attitude from her partner, she blossoms and feels more and more trust in him.

A man, receiving complete and unconditional trust from his partner, experiences a feeling of psychological comfort, without pressure, suspicion, reproaches and insults that poison relationships in a couple.

Personal space

And this is also what a man wants from a woman, although many girls do not share this need. Sometimes you want to curl up, close the door and be alone. If a guy wants to go to the garage, go fishing or drink beer with friends, you cannot dissuade him.

A woman who violates personal boundaries and tries to keep her husband on a leash will never understand what a man wants. Reluctance to let your spouse go fishing indicates mistrust. And the desire to hold an adult man near his leg is real possessiveness. And if you think about what women want in a relationship – isn’t that the same thing? Everyone has personal boundaries, but not all people know how to respect them.

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