23 signs a man doesn't want to show his feelings

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Communication tools for showing affection
  2. The main signs of sympathy on the part of a man
  3. 9 subtle signs of affection from a man
  4. Showing sympathy on an unconscious level
  5. Testing a man's sympathy for sincerity
  6. Should a girl take the first step towards dating?

How a man shows sympathy is known to any modern girl. However, these manifestations are not always sincere, because the interest of the stronger sex can be very limited. If you dream of real bright feelings on the part of your partner, then it would be nice to understand a little psychology and be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

Today we will talk about what signs of sympathy indicate sincerity of intentions in guys and, on the contrary, indicate superficial interest. In addition, let’s try to understand whether it’s worth reciprocating a man’s feelings or whether it’s better to hold your horses.

Manifestations depending on age

Age and marital status can influence how you show love. A young guy, a bachelor and a married guy will show their feelings differently.

Young guy's behavior

A young guy, having fallen in love, can show his feelings completely unpredictably. He will try to look at you closely. A shy person will do it on the sly. If you find yourself in the same company, the guy will give the impression that he is having a lot of fun, making jokes and openly bragging. But as soon as you leave, he will immediately become less cheerful and sociable, even gloomy, and perhaps abuse alcohol.

Important! An original way to show feelings can be to completely ignore the girl. Perhaps the guy is not yet ripe for a serious relationship, or he is driven by complexes. The guy will want to demonstrate his popularity among girls in every possible way, he may even begin to brag about his love exploits

All this is necessary so that the girl becomes convinced that there is no other like her in the world, and even begins to be jealous. The guy may try to establish contacts with your girlfriends, wanting to learn as much information about you from them as possible. He needs this in order to start communicating with the girl on topics that interest her. If a guy frankly doesn’t like the girl’s social circle, then he will try to overcome himself and treat his beloved’s friends loyally, so as not to alienate her. Wanting to win the heart of his beloved, the guy will give her unexpected gifts and surprises, even awkward ones, and show gentlemanly behavior

The guy will want to demonstrate in every possible way his popularity among girls, he may even begin to brag about his amorous exploits. All this is necessary so that the girl becomes convinced that there is no other like her in the world, and even begins to be jealous. The guy may try to establish contacts with your girlfriends, wanting to learn as much information about you from them as possible.

He needs this in order to start communicating with the girl on topics that interest her. If a guy frankly doesn’t like the girl’s social circle, then he will try to overcome himself and treat his beloved’s friends loyally, so as not to alienate her. Wanting to win the heart of his beloved, the guy will give her unexpected gifts and surprises, even awkward ones, and show gentlemanly behavior.

Grown man

Often, the intuition of married women gives the first signals that something strange is happening to their beloved husband. He begins to ignore his wife (he communicates little with her, stops performing his daily duties). The husband may develop new habits - going to the gym, radically changing his diet, spending long periods at the computer (passwords suddenly appear) or hanging out on the phone.

Important! You can’t regard a man’s politeness as falling in love. The fact that he greets you every morning, inquires about your affairs, opens and closes the door for you, does not yet speak of love... As for the phone itself, the husband begins to make sure that it does not fall into the hands of his wife

The husband’s appearance also begins to change: he constantly pretenses himself, changes his clothing style, trying to look younger. If you notice such signs in your husband, then you should be on your guard: most likely, he has fallen in love with someone else. The first signs of falling in love of an ossified bachelor are the same as those of any man. The difference is that at any stage he can break down and end the relationship, simply fearing an invasion of his personal space. Accordingly, a girl who decides to build a relationship with a bachelor must be prepared that at any moment her romance may fail

As for the phone itself, the husband begins to make sure that it does not fall into the hands of his wife. The husband’s appearance also begins to change: he constantly pretenses himself, changes his clothing style, trying to look younger. If you notice such signs in your husband, then you should be on your guard: most likely, he has fallen in love with someone else.

The first signs of falling in love of an ossified bachelor are the same as those of any man. The difference is that at any stage he can break down and end the relationship, simply fearing an invasion of his personal space. Accordingly, a girl who decides to build a relationship with a bachelor must be prepared that at any moment her romance may fail.

How to understand a man's hidden feelings

But, if a man does not demonstrate ostentatious indifference or hostility, how can you find out what he feels for you? How to recognize a man in love?

Quite simple - pay attention to his body: eyes, gestures, habits. The body is not a language; as a rule, it doesn’t lie

And start with the eyes.

Man's look

It is not for nothing that the psychology of relationships advises looking into a person’s eyes, this is how you inspire confidence in yourself and what you say. After all, if you like a person, you literally cannot take your eyes off him. And a man in love is no exception. The reverse is also true.

A man's gaze is sometimes very eloquent. If a man is sure that the woman he likes is not watching him, he examines her, literally admiring the curves of her body, her movements, etc. Some men, on the contrary, cast sidelong glances, surreptitiously, imperceptibly, considering that it is indecent to hold their gaze point-blank for a long time. Therefore, while watching a man, you can easily notice his gaze on you quite often.

Sometimes dilated pupils give away a man in love. It’s no secret that love, passion, acts on a person like a drug. This occurs under the influence of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, which is released due to strong hidden feelings.


Hugs also often show that a man has strong hidden feelings for a woman. A man shows the depth of his feelings by hugging a woman from the back. This is how he subconsciously demonstrates the seriousness of his feelings and intentions. After all, the back is one of the vulnerable places. This is how he shows that he is quite capable of protecting you from life’s adversities.


Body contact is very important for a man in love. Often he involuntarily touches a woman, her arm, shoulder, hand, etc. This is the “attraction” of his body, which is difficult for him to control. Although most often he tries to portray the “accidentality” of such touches, because... not sure of a woman's reciprocal feelings

Therefore, pay attention to how he “accidentally” brushes against you while passing along the corridor, or touches your palm while holding out coffee, finds himself standing quite close to you in the elevator, or, going down the stairs, again “accidentally” covers your palm with his . All these are signs of his love.

Man's pose

Noticing a woman he likes, a man sucks in his stomach, straightens his shoulders and chest, trying to appear taller and slimmer. We inherited these traits from animals that behave similarly in the wild during mating season. Task: to appear taller, stronger, more attractive. If not an alpha male, then at least larger and stronger than usual.

The man’s body turns towards the woman he likes, while he tries to spread his legs wider in order to take a more stable position in space. After all, mating games are a kind of duel, during which you need to stand firmly on your feet.

Many men, when communicating with a woman, keep their hands in their pockets, with their thumbs on the outside. This demonstration is not only erotic in nature, but primarily hierarchical. This is how a man demonstrates his dominance, strengthening his authority.

Stroking objects

At the first stage of falling in love, a man often cannot afford to touch the woman he likes, so he is forced to stroke small objects: the stem of a glass, a keychain, the handle of a cup, etc. This is a subconscious desire, indicating his excitement and desire to touch, stroke and caress his chosen one.

These are signs of the body by which you can understand the hidden feelings of a man.

How does a man in love behave?

Loud conversation

When a man is in love, one of the ways to attract a woman's attention is to talk louder than usual. In this way he tries to attract the attention of a woman dear to his heart with his jokes, phrases, laughter and statements

This is reminiscent of the roar of a male in the wild during mating games. But it is quite suitable for distinguishing his attitude towards you.


Jealousy, open or hidden, always indicates that a man is not indifferent to you. This is one of the most obvious signs that a man is in love.

As soon as he sees a competitor, a man uses more obvious ways to attract the attention of the woman he likes or shows open aggression towards his rival.

He's a romantic

You might be surprised to know that a man is capable of winning over any woman with just this one quality. A breath of romance is what every woman craves: a poetic expression of feelings, a small heartfelt surprise, warm signs of attention. A romantic approach can compensate for the lack of any other desirable qualities. Using romantic tools, an ordinary man is able to get the most attractive woman, simply because he will give her what she was missing in life and make her feel in seventh heaven.

Signs of hidden male love

Psychologists assure that you can guess if you are in love based on a number of signs:

Loss of self-control. Any meeting with the lady of his heart knocks a man out of his usual balance. The usually self-confident, serious and reserved “master of life” gets lost, begins to behave unnaturally and speak inappropriately. A fan may joke stupidly, actively gesticulate, instinctively tug at his hair, or involuntarily pull down his clothes. A characteristic gesture is straightening the tie, which refers to phallic symbols

The way a man does this speaks about his thoughts and feelings at the moment. Increased attention. A man is constantly looking for the slightest excuse to chat and “accidentally” meets in the most unexpected places, including, for example, a lingerie boutique

Many representatives of the stronger sex are even willing to listen for hours to chatter about the office "serpentarium" or endless stories about the problems in raising a four-legged friend. Desire to help. The lover begins to behave like a true gentleman who thinks about the convenience of the lady of his heart. He will not forget to open the doors, push back the chair, hand over the coat. He is sincerely interested in a woman’s mood and health, which he asks about as if by chance. And, of course, if a man is in love, then at the first call he will drop what he’s doing, push aside his friends and rush to help. Bravery. A knight, guided by true feelings, always tries to protect and protect a woman from any aggression and attacks. Personal care. Having fallen in love, a young man shows increased interest in his appearance: he begins to monitor his weight, hairstyle, clothes and shoes, and wear perfume.

As for verbal signs (from the Latin verbalis - verbally), when asked how a man behaves if he likes a woman, but he hides it, experts answer this way:

tries to attract attention in different ways; laughs at your jokes; constantly gives compliments; gets jealous when another man is next to you; does not mention the names of other women; becomes a model of politeness; in conversation he often uses the pronoun “we”.

Interesting! If a man doesn't truly love, how does he behave?

There are two more signs of hidden love, which the “great conspirators” themselves spoke about:

“If a man is in love, he behaves like a real peacock: he spreads his tail like a fan and proudly demonstrates his virtues in front of the lady. As if to say, here is the alpha male who is ready to do anything for a beautiful lady. But seriously, when a man is obsessed with a woman, he will try to catch her fleeting glance, every word and smile. An irresistible desire appears to “hang around somewhere nearby,” periodically passing by her for no apparent reason,” shared 34-year-old Roman.

According to 29-year-old Timofey, one of the most obvious signs that a woman is interested is the desire to send her special-for-you signals: “If a man, for any reason, even the most insignificant, tries to touch the object of his dreams, you can be sure that he he’s breathing unevenly towards her.”

Experts advise not to make hasty conclusions about emerging love. Beautiful words and even actions themselves may mean nothing. Perhaps in front of you is an experienced womanizer who has “set a net”, trying to catch the next victim in them. It is worth maintaining common sense, soberly comparing the conversations and actions of the admirer.

How does a lover behave?

Not all men in love always hide their feelings

A man in love does stupid things, behaves strangely, attracts a woman's attention, and is not afraid to be funny.

A man in love is characterized by:

Awkwardness. Feels awkward, shy, clumsy in the presence of a woman.

Looks into the eyes

Having met the eyes of the girl he likes, he looks away.

Attracts attention. Speaks louder, straightens his shoulders/puffs out his chest/maintains his posture when passing by, attracts attention with loud sounds.

Becomes more caring

She asks how she got to her destination and how she’s feeling/feeling.

Trying to make you laugh. Jokes, tells jokes/funny stories.

Open pose. The lover sits/stands in an open position, with his body turned towards the woman.

Persistence. Shows persistence (meetings, requests to tell something).

Tactile contact. Tries to accidentally touch the arm/shoulder/cheek/nose/waist/hair.

Behavior. Shakes off invisible specks of dust, straightens clothes/belt, freshens breath before a conversation.

All women know well how a young man in love behaves

It’s worth paying attention to it - assumptions will be confirmed, cards will be revealed

How to understand that a guy is in love but hides his feelings

There are other signs by which you can determine whether a young man is in love with you.


Excitement. If a man experiences this feeling when he sees you, he may be in love. Of course, unless you are from the tax or bailiff service, and your meeting with him is not a work one. When the desired object is nearby, we all get a little lost. Of course, it all depends on the character and self-esteem of the young man, but sometimes the most confident ones also experience a little anxiety. For example, he is a talented speaker, but next to you he cannot utter a word. Or he plays the guitar masterfully, but when he sees you, he is not able to play a single melody.

Appearance. When we are in love, we want to look special

So that your beloved will pay attention and appreciate it. Not all, of course, but many men in love take clothes more seriously

Previously, he was ready to go to work in ordinary sweatpants, but today he is dressed like a real gentleman. Well, this is certainly an indicator that he cares about the woman. True, if you are not the only lady in the team, it is better to take a good look at the other competitors. What if he didn't dress up for you?

Behavior. Watch him. How does he behave with other female representatives? If he openly flirts with others, it means he doesn't have serious feelings for you. It’s another matter when he gives you sincere compliments - that is, not typical, but individual. For example, he notices that your hairstyle is different today, or that you are in a good mood. And with other women he shows politeness and tact, but does not try to interest them.

If you have only a friendly relationship for now, a man in love will want to introduce you to his close circle, that is, to his friends. Thus, he emphasizes that he considers you not a stranger.

The young man will talk about plans for the future: work, children and family. So he wants to show that his intentions are serious. And this is another way to find out what you want and whether your life priorities coincide.

He has an attractive body

We cannot get around the fact that a beautiful body is never overlooked by both sexes. Men always pay attention to a woman's figure, but the same goes for women - they sometimes have higher standards. A man has a good chance of making a woman gasp in admiration if he shows off a well-proportioned, (but not overly) muscular body. Women notice a great physique even under clothes. A negative side effect of having an ideal body can be self-confidence and arrogance - so if a well-built man shows empathy and respect, he can easily win women's hearts.

Test of Jealousy

In the modern world, girls often find it difficult to understand their feelings. Therefore, the vast majority of representatives of the fair sex rely on the “Am I in love test”.

Jealousy has always shown the true attitude towards a person. If in the presence of another lady with whom a man is having a casual conversation, you experience the most unpleasant feelings, then the test has been passed successfully.

A girl in love strives to intercept a man's attention in any way. Even stupid questions and funny behavior are used

If you experience burning jealousy, then with almost 100% probability we can say that you are in love.

How to know if a girl is in love with you

If you like a girl, how can you be sure that she likes you too? After all, you don’t really want to ask her to meet and run into refusal, finding yourself in a stupid position. But you can’t ask directly whether the girl fell in love with you or not. There are ways to understand this without resorting to questioning. And these methods are based on the assessment of non-verbal signals, which only, of course, need to be noticed and correctly assessed. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How a girl behaves when meeting

– If, having noticed you, a girl tries to straighten up and take on a beautiful posture, this means that she wants you to be able to evaluate in detail her feminine essence - waist, chest, hips, slimness, etc. Don't let this pass your attention. If she hasn't fallen in love with you yet, then, in any case, she definitely sets you apart from the rest of the opposite sex.

– If a girl reaches her hands to her ear, puts her hair behind it, straightens the strands, twirls them around her finger, rubs her forehead, runs her palm over her cheek, then this is done unconsciously, but precisely so that you pay attention to her face. And also because when she raises her arm, her chest rises at the same time

All these movements are embedded in a girl’s head on a subconscious level so that she can charm the guy she likes.

– Another very characteristic gesture by which you can understand that a girl has fallen in love is her arms crossed on her chest. This gesture has nothing to do with the so-called closed gesture, or rather, it is similar to it, but when it comes to a girl who likes you, it only says that instinctively she would like to hug you.

– If a girl likes you, then when she meets you, she will try to meet your gaze in order to understand what kind of person you are. After all, it is believed that you can understand the soul of your interlocutor by looking at your eyes.

What to pay attention to when talking

– First of all, on how the girl behaves. If she likes you, she may be embarrassed, blush, look away, hesitate, etc.

– How can you tell that a girl has fallen in love? If, when talking to you, she continually smoothes her skirt on her knees, adjusts her dress on her chest, tries to show you her wrists, adjusts her pendant, and the like, this all means that she is unconsciously trying to draw your attention to her erogenous zones. Of course, she herself most likely does not notice this, but we are talking specifically about unconscious non-verbal signals

However. Keep in mind that if you are not alone, but in a large company, then all this may not be intended for you at all. So the main thing here is not to get confused.

– Another very telling signal is the intertwining of legs

Quite often, girls cross their legs, or even cross them in any way, just to attract your attention to them and show how beautiful they are.

– Does the girl listen very carefully to everything you say and laugh wildly even at your worst jokes? Congratulations, you can be absolutely sure that she has fallen in love with you. And this laughter suggests that she is simply happy that there is a person next to her whom she really likes.

– You can understand that a girl has fallen in love with you by the fact that every now and then she asks you to either pass her a napkin, or hand her a purse, or take her to the balcony. All these little requests indicate that she definitely makes you stand out from all the other guys present.

– Of course, if we consider all of the above separately, then it may have some other reasons. But if you notice that at least three signs that a girl has fallen in love are present, you can have little doubt about what they mean.

Soft and non-aggressive sexuality

You can attract a man's attention with your eyes. For him to notice you, it is enough to hold your gaze on your chosen one for 5-6 seconds, and, after waiting for visual contact, turn away. Try practicing in front of a mirror in advance, then involve a friend. Learn to look sexy and languid, leaving a mystery in your eyes. But preliminary training is mandatory; without it you can look extremely stupid.

Show the man with your eyes that you are interested in him. Learn to shoot with your eyes. Instantly look away when a guy tries to catch him. Try to look at it briefly.

Being at a sufficiently large distance from him, look intently, slightly squinting your eyes. Show that he is interested in you. Avoid acting like a bitch who sets the bar too high. Many ladies tend to think that only through outfits, flashy makeup and a vulgar tone can they look sexy. It's not like that at all. Sexuality is characteristic of even the most modest girl.

It is also a mistake to think that only a very revealing outfit will help attract the attention of men. This is partly true. But such outfits attract only those men who are in the mood for a short intimate relationship. It is impossible to take a serious man who knows his worth with vulgarity; it will only push him away. No promiscuity or swagger in the image. Clothes should perfectly highlight the advantages of your figure, only slightly fitting it. When wearing a tight skirt, focus on the high slit and beautiful legs. Decorate your beautiful breasts with a small neckline. Avoid vulgarity in either dress or behavior.

Develop in everything. Play sports regularly, walk in the fresh air, be selective about outfits, shoes and accessories. Always control your facial expressions, gestures, speech, body positions and gait.

  • Learn to step from the hip. Give up sneakers in favor of feminine shoes or boots. Replace the sporty style with light romance.
  • When talking to a man you like, coquettishly tug at a strand of hair, twirling it around your finger. Keep your back straight in any position. Cross your legs. Avoid sudden gestures or movements. Do everything smoothly.
  • Don't shout, make sure your voice is as gentle and romantic as possible. You must be in complete harmony with yourself, because sexuality is not taught, it comes from within us.
  • Let the man conquer you. Don't be intrusive. Men love to hunt. Having chosen a worthy couple, he will definitely make every effort to conquer her. Give him this opportunity.

Don't shy away from flirting, but don't let yourself look stupid or vulgar. First, give him a light, beautiful smile. Make jokes and be positive.

Unobtrusive touches become appropriate only after getting to know each other. While sitting at the same table with a man and chatting, take a moment to go to the ladies' room for a few minutes. When standing up, be sure to lightly, as if by accident, touch him with your chest or thigh. Let him know that you are ready to continue your relationship.

When he tells a funny story, it will be very appropriate to laugh and touch his arm, thigh or shoulder. Try to be real, you can feel the fakeness right away.

How to understand that a lady likes you

The first sign that women use to notify men that they are interested is their glances. Long, intent, alluring, crafty - different. The main thing is that there is no outright aggression in them. If a lady looked askance, secretly looked at a man and immediately looked away as soon as he noticed it, she probably has an interest in this man.

2-3 such glances - and you can be sure that the girl is interested. If she decides that her partner is suitable for her in terms of status, physical and other parameters, she will begin to give more explicit signals. The most striking nonverbal signals of interest are all kinds of touches of your body.

An interested person will touch her hair, preening and playing with curls

By doing this, a woman attracts the attention of a potential partner, as if inviting him to appreciate her advantages: beauty, health, etc. Touching her face, playing with jewelry and “preening” have a similar meaning (a woman, as if by chance, adjusts the straps of her dress, the hem of her blouse, etc.) etc.)

Body position is also important. If a lady likes a man, she will unconsciously turn in his direction and, as it were, “open up” to him

If before this the woman stood with her arms crossed over her chest, she will change this position to a more relaxed one. Then the “heavy artillery” will be used: an unobtrusive demonstration of the chest and legs. A lady can, as if by chance, touch her bodice or, sitting on a chair, play with her leg.

He's famous

Men who are in the public eye (especially if they have rightfully earned popularity) will never be left without the admiring eyes of women. Fame, which is supported by talent, makes a man more attractive and has a huge influence on women's hearts. Many women dream of meeting popular actors, singers, politicians, businessmen and other public figures and receiving even the smallest sign of attention from them, be it a smile or a handshake. They cherish the memory of such a meeting years later with inspiration.

How to understand that a man is in love with you

One of the elements whose actions no one has yet been able to predict with one hundred percent accuracy is love. She, like a spark, can flash and ignite two hearts, but also go out at the same moment.

How men can show their feelings

The restive representatives of the stronger sex prefer to hold their emotions tightly, rarely letting them out.

  • At some point, it may even seem that they are afraid of the woman who is with them.
  • However, this animal fear can over time develop into a real problem that will prevent further relationships from developing.
  • Even if the feelings are strong enough, the lover may be in no hurry to show them.
  • Most often this happens if there is an overwhelming fear of starting a new relationship.
  • In addition, if the gentleman notices that his chosen one is not yet ready to be together, his steps towards rapprochement will not move in the right direction.

He's rich

A man with a large bank account is very attractive in his own way. Women are driven by the understanding that such a man can provide everything she wants and fulfill all her whims. A rich man is associated with rampant shopping, when he does not care how much money a woman spends and the thought of having the whole world at her feet makes many women feel dizzy. Money has power over women's hearts, and if a woman meets a rich guy who is also decent and considerate, she will feel that her prayers have been answered.

Behavior of a man in love

Sign language

In addition to obvious signs, pay attention to non-verbal, unconscious ones. The main thing is to read body language and facial expressions correctly

No matter how the lover tries to hide his feelings, his body is tense, a little constrained. Hands may shake from embarrassment or excitement, and palms may sweat. Arms crossed on the chest indicate an attempt to close

When a man opens up, straightens his shoulders, he shows off his body, shows off, and attracts attention. Physical attraction can be assumed if during communication a man periodically touches the belt or puts his hands on his hips

Reducing the distance when talking. When falling in love, a man tries to get closer at every opportunity, to penetrate personal space.

Facial expressions and gaze

Unconscious glances towards the object of love. An interested person wants to enjoy, admire the image of his beloved.

It is very difficult for a lover to control his gaze, unless, of course, he is an intelligence agent. By noticing how a man looks, it is easy to determine whether he is in love. Admiration shines in the eyes of a man towards his beloved. Often, when talking, the gaze unconsciously stops at the lips. Realizing that it is indecent to closely examine their beloved, men begin to hide their gaze and look on the sly. But these glances are so common that they are not difficult to catch.


The behavior of a person in love is often unstable. Constant change of mood from thoughtfulness and lyricism to fun and relaxedness.

How to distinguish falling in love from physical attraction: 5 signs

A man's liking for a woman begins with physical attraction. That's how nature ordered it. Some of her external qualities seem irresistible to him, and he “sticks.” At this very first level of rapprochement, the brain does not turn on, and passion blinds.

Girls often mistake this first flash for love. But the man is still far from real feeling. Next, he should feel emotional sympathy, when he wants not only to possess her body, but also to do something good for her, to help and be there.

Be sure to read:

How a man in love looks, we learn to distinguish between looks: intimate, flirting, furtive, languid

Then the man in love becomes interested in talking with his chosen one, he begins to like her way of thinking, character, he notices that their temperaments suit each other perfectly. At this moment, the man experiences the third stage of attachment - intellectual.

And only if a lover is able to experience the last stage of a relationship with the woman he has chosen—spiritual intimacy—can we say that he truly loves her.

There are several moments in a man's behavior that will tell a girl whether he is in love with her or whether he is experiencing only a fleeting passionate attraction.

Changes appearance

This is the first thing he will do. The guy will finally visit the stylist and get his haircut. He will start keeping his shirts fresh. Maybe even buy a couple of fashionable clothes and perfume.

Will try to get your attention

Gradually, the gentleman will begin to make attempts to attract the attention of the woman he likes. Any psychologist will confirm that when a man falls in love, he changes beyond recognition

His gaze will constantly follow the object of desire, admiring the girl. He will hide his eyes in embarrassment if she notices the surveillance and looks back. All this looks quite comical from the outside, but it will be very easy to notice the emerging interest.

He will try for you, look after you, protect you

A clear sign of sincere interest in a girl is the lover’s efforts to do something good for her. By asking a man for help, you can test his feelings. He will do everything in his power to solve the problem of the woman he loves.

Will be embarrassed and act like a fool

Unable to cope with the surging emotions in the presence of the girl he is interested in, a guy can behave like a fool:

  • Say stupid things;
  • laugh inappropriately;
  • to be embarrassed;
  • blush;
  • gesticulate a lot;
  • stutter;
  • not being able to formulate a simple thought or pronounce a word.

Be sure to read:

How to understand that a guy is jealous: reasons and signs, what to do, advice from a psychologist

In fact, such behavior is a good sign, indicating a feeling so strong that the person is unable to cope with it.

Ability to give compliments

Any woman is pleased to hear a compliment addressed to her. It is important to be able to give compliments correctly, avoiding rudeness, vulgarity, and ambiguity. When meeting a girl for the first time, the easiest way is to praise her appearance, because nothing is known about her personality yet. It is acceptable to give compliments about appearance as long as they are polite and unobtrusive.

The problem with praising one's appearance is an unpredictable risk: girls attach great importance to appearance and a man's praise may be inappropriate. For example, a brunette who dreams of blonde curls will probably get angry when someone compliments her natural hair color. A short girl who wants to appear taller will be offended by words that emphasize her diminutiveness. Therefore, compliments of appearance should deviate as much as possible from unchangeable physical data. It is better to praise the general image, dress sense or makeup.

Giving a compliment to a girl you know is much easier. Knowing about her hobbies, interests, and aspirations, you should build on her achievements: praise specific skills, celebrate successes. One can note taste in literature, cinema, music. Such types of praise simultaneously make it clear that the man is interested in the individual and has similar tastes. But most of all, a woman is attracted by sincerity; when a man is in love, he behaves honestly, openly, and such attention cannot be indifferent.

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