How to check: “Does a man have feelings for me?”

Every girl hopes that she has met the ideal chosen one and acquired a permanent life partner, plunges headlong into newly surging feelings, makes plans for the future and is very disappointed when the man does not live up to her expectations. A representative of the stronger sex may turn out to be flighty, unreliable, married, but at the same time he shows care, tenderness and beautifully looks after. Therefore, every lady has a question: “How does he really treat me? How to recognize the sincerity of feelings and emotions? The catch can be caught in a look, words, actions that at first seem natural and real to you.

How to check: “Does a man have feelings for me?” — 5 signs

In this article, we will analyze two situations, namely: when there is no relationship between you yet and when you are already a couple. Let's start with the signs of male interest when you are not yet in a relationship.

Sign #1 - Excitement

If a man likes a woman, he will feel excited. Adrenaline and norepinephrine (stress hormones) will be released into his blood when he sees an object of sympathy. At the root of this stress is the fear of being rejected by the person you like.

Therefore, when you communicate with a man, observe his emotional state. If he is worried and worried when communicating with you, then there is a high probability that he likes you. But if he behaves very relaxed and free, then either he is not particularly interested, or he has quite a lot of experience in communicating with women.

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Sign #2 - Looking for an opportunity to see each other

Remember: If a person really wants to meet, he will find time for this. No matter how busy he is.

If a man is looking for an opportunity to see you, invites you to a meeting and finds time in his busy schedule, then he likes you. But if he is busy every time and does not have time, then the likelihood of sympathy and feelings on his part is extremely small.

Sign #3 - Genuinely interested in you

We feel very well when a person asks a question just for show, and when he is sincerely interested in knowing our personality. If a man wants to get to know you better and has a lot of questions on his part, this means that he is not indifferent to you.

But if he doesn’t ask anything about you, talks only about himself, or discusses exclusively abstract topics, then the likelihood that he is interested in you is extremely low.

Sign #4 - Help

To understand how a man treats you, ask him for help. If he finds 1001 excuses why he cannot help, then there is no need to talk about high feelings. But if he immediately agrees to take part in solving your problem, then this is very good.

Men do not like to solve the problems of women who are not interested in them. But if a woman is valuable to him, then he will hurt himself, but he will help.

Start by asking him for something small. Because if you ask for something serious right away, the person may not agree. For example, helping to nail down a shelf is not the same as helping pay off a mortgage. Start with the shelf.

Sign #5 - He keeps in touch with you

Even if a man works as a president, believe me, at least once a day he will find time to answer you by SMS. But if the gentleman disappears for a long time, does not get in touch and is always busy for you, then sympathy on his part is unlikely.

But under no circumstances should you make a claim against a man if he doesn’t get in touch. Don't sit and wait for his answer or call. This is a waste of time. This way the man will understand your neediness and excessive interest. So just mind your own business and draw your own conclusions.

If a man writes to you, is interested in your affairs and takes the time to call, he likes you.

Body type

The German psychologist and psychiatrist E. Kretschmer identified three body types that determine the corresponding characteristics of temperament:

  1. Picnic. A man of full build

✓ Open to communication ✓ Loves comfort and delicious food ✓ Able to empathize ✓ Optimistic ✓ Quick to respond ✓ Emotionally unstable ✓ During periods of bad mood can be withdrawn and aggressive

Athletic. Man of strong physique

✓ Self-confident ✓ Calm, patient ✓ Determined ✓ Loves to compete ✓ Has a high vitality ✓ Insensitive to other people’s experiences ✓ Prone to aggression, including physical ✓ More often uninitiated, passive

Asthenic. A man of thin build.

✓ Accurate ✓ Conscientious ✓ Attentive ✓ Has a need for security ✓ Not indifferent to loved ones ✓ Distrustful ✓ Fear of responsibility ✓ Irritable

How can you tell if a man truly loves you?

And now we will talk about the signs of a man’s love and his feelings for you when you are already in a relationship.

1) He strives to make you feel good

A loving man is altruistic. He puts the interests of his beloved above his own, or at least on a par with his own. But if your chosen one demonstrates selfish behavior, not caring about your interests, then there is no need to talk about any love. You can be convenient, comfortable for him, but not loved.

2) Respect

Respect is not always a sign of love. But if respect without love can exist, then love without respect cannot. If a man is rude to you and demonstrates a disdainful attitude, then what kind of high feelings can we talk about? Such a union is toxic and codependent.

And if he takes into account your opinion, respects your thoughts, decisions and views, then this is very good. This is one of the manifestations of love.

3) Physical attraction

Physical intimacy is the foundation of a relationship. Perhaps this is the most important aspect around which everything else is built. And if you are desired by your man, then everything is fine in your couple. Love and feelings at the right level. But if for some reason his libido has dropped, then we can talk about either a psychological problem or a physical one.

A psychological problem is stress (at work or just in life) or a strained relationship with your partner. If the relationship begins to cause discomfort and attraction drops, then love may also soon drop.

Physical problems are diseases. Any disease can have a bad effect on men's health. From cardiovascular diseases to infections.

Why did I write about the reasons why there may be problems in bed? Because if your partner no longer wants intimacy with you, this does not always mean that his feelings have passed. Perhaps his health has declined and the problem needs to be looked for elsewhere. Always look at a situation from a different perspective.


Every man has a mechanism for protecting his beloved woman at a deep level. He will always stand up for her if any danger arises. Always - this means in any situation, even when there is a threat to his life. But if in a situation where danger hangs over you, a man moves his legs, then he does not love you. This is a 100% criterion by which you can check his feelings.

Let's understand it with an example. Have you ever seen the following picture: a man and a woman (couple) in a public place. And someone starts hitting on his woman, and in response he doesn’t shut up the offender, but tells his companion to calm down and apologizes to the other person who first started hitting on her.

This situation not only demonstrates that the man is not in love, but also shows his cowardice. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether his woman was right during the conflict or not, for a man in love, she is always right in his eyes and he will protect her to the end.

Dressing style

Clothing style contains a lot of important information about a person’s character.

  • The desire to dress brightly or provocatively is characteristic of people who need to attract attention, positive social evaluation and approval from others. Such people take compliments well and are sensitive to criticism; they are very often creative people.
  • Clothes in a classic style are chosen by people who strive for status, are purposeful, and sometimes even with a bit of coldness. These people always know clearly what they want and how to achieve it, even at the risk of seeming soulless. Achieving their goals is their main priority in life.
  • Clothes for comfort are chosen by people of various types, who are not very focused on themselves, but rather direct their energy outward. Often such people are spiritually oriented or not very self-confident.

What to do if a man doesn't love you? — Instructions

If you understand that a man does not love you, then there is one way out of this situation - to stop communicating with him.

I highly recommend following one rule in life.

Rule: Communicate only with those people with whom you have complete reciprocity. If a person is not interested in you, then don't stick with him.

It can be difficult at first to let go of the person you love. And understanding his indifference makes it even more difficult. But you need to develop the habit of not communicating with people who don’t like you. It’s really a matter of habit; once you develop it, your life will become easy and you will be surrounded by people who are interested in you.

Men can be roughly divided into three groups:

  1. Interested;
  2. Neutral;
  3. Uninterested;

Let's start with the last type - the uninterested.

We immediately discard them from our lives. And it is also very important to understand that if a man is not interested, then the problem is not with you, but with biological or psychological incompatibility. To better understand how people choose their soul mate, I recommend reading the article: How chemistry manifests itself between a man and a woman (Opens in a new tab).

The second type of men is neutral.

These are men who like you, but not enough to build a relationship with you. Again, it’s not about you, it’s about how the other person perceives you and what their inner beliefs are. You can turn a neutral man into an interested man so that he wants a relationship with you and is in love. But for this you need to have a good understanding of male psychology and behave correctly with him.

But as practice shows, neutrality from the very beginning of communication is not good. Of course, you can use psychological techniques to make him run after you, but the question of how long-term this will be remains open. I have learned from my own experience that any kind of manipulation does not work in the long term.

The third type of men is interested

This is the type of man who is interested in you immediately and without any reason. Or rather, there are reasons, but they are not of a logical nature, but of an unconscious nature. Such a man is usually interested forever. Unless, of course, you go to extremes and make a difficult life for him next to you.

An interested man will be sincerely interested in you, ask questions, his non-verbal signals will indicate sympathy for you.

Advice: Chat immediately with interested men. Immediately filter and eliminate those who are neutral and uninterested from your life.

The more self-confidence, well-groomed appearance and developed personal qualities you have, the more interested men will be around. Therefore, you should not run after those who do not care about you. Better spend this time on yourself and your development.

Mystery and ambiguity

Any sexologist will tell you that a man can only be judged by comparison. It is necessary to evaluate what he was like before the moment of falling in love, and what he became after it. If you notice strong changes for the better in him, then you can be sure that your relationship can continue. If changes have not come, then most likely he is indifferent to what is happening.

Many girls tend to build their own illusory world. The man let the lady go ahead; thoughts about the altar, a beautiful dress and flowers are already appearing in her head. To be objective, a man in love is not always logical in his behavior, since he often makes attempts to confuse the person he likes in order to avoid rejection.

The manifestation of such behavior may depend on various reasons and, unfortunately, it all ends in disappointment in the relationship. A woman becomes uninterested in a man who does nothing, and she turns her attention to a more determined suitor. It is unlikely that any girl will wait forever for action from a guy.

Borrow money from a person or lend it to him

There is no simpler and more effective method to learn as much as possible about a person.
Of course, it’s better to never borrow from friends, but change your principles at least once. Moreover, someday you may need financial help. In this case, you will know whether you can count on this person. Ask to borrow money. If a friend lends you money without hesitation, it means you can rely on him in difficult times. But don’t take advantage of his kindness all the time and try to repay the debt as quickly as possible.

When a friend has financial problems, offer to help him. It’s better to let it be a small amount. If after a while he does not return your money, then this means that you are dealing with an irresponsible person. It is better not to have any common financial affairs with him.

Talk about relationships with mutual friends

Of course, not every person likes to gossip, but if you want to check a person, you have to. Talk about relationships with mutual friends or colleagues if you work together. Listen carefully to what exactly the interlocutor will say about them.

Usually people notice in others those traits that are inherent in themselves or that cause a feeling of envy.

If he notices kindness, politeness, emotional stability, it is possible that he possesses these qualities.

If your friend speaks poorly of everyone, most likely he is jealous of them or belongs to the type of “eternally dissatisfied” people. It is very difficult to communicate with such a person. Be especially careful if he notes pretense for profit, sycophancy.

Romance from a callous man6

Love makes men very romantic, even if they try to hide it. Nice notes, bouquets of flowers, chocolate at lunchtime. Cute pleasant things that your chosen one will definitely like. At such moments a man becomes very kind and a little absent-minded, he smiles stupidly and gives gifts. He behaves normally with other young ladies and literally “melts” next to the one he likes.

You can learn how to understand a man's feelings if you observe him from the outside. All feelings are heightened, especially responsibility. Even if the girl is not his, he strives to protect and protect her. He defends the lady’s opinion at work and in the team, defends her point of view, and openly comes into conflict with “opponents.” Modern model of an office knight.

A man in love has his head in the clouds. He can whistle a melody, look out the window for a long time, get lost in thoughts about her. A blissful smile and a blank look are indicative signs of undisguised love. For young guys, falling in love turns into a series of courtships, for mature men into a demonstration of their own advantages.

Another factor is that the guy does not seek to appreciate the lady. On a date where he turns his nose up and snorts while she talks about his hobbies, the standard “suitable” or “not suitable” assessment occurs. A man in love will be absorbed in her story, looking at her with an admiring gaze full of delight!

Read more about how to understand a man by following the link.

Hidden love4

Psychologists and sexologists agree on one thing: most men try to hide their feelings. The famous psychology magazine twice published the result of a sociological survey: 74% of guys deliberately hide their feelings. Of these, only 21% decide to take the first step in the next couple of weeks.

Everyone else either drags out the story endlessly, cherishes their fears and old grievances, or decides to step away. It is noteworthy that 9% of those surveyed decide to give up the relationship without even knowing whether the chosen one is attracted to him.

It is difficult even for a professional psychologist to predict the actions of a lover. Lyrical outbursts, passionate compliments, sudden conversations about art. Men are even worse at controlling mood swings when falling in love than girls.

He strives to be there in every possible way. Does your chosen one like sports? This means that instead of drinking beer in front of the TV, he will sign up for the same fitness center. Does she like to run in the morning? Go for a run at the same time. To help a man means to show his interest. He will help you carry bags, hang a picture, fix your computer.

How to understand that a guy likes you? After reading our article, this question will no longer arise.

The guy is ready to compromise, even to the detriment of his own interests, only for the one for whom he has strong feelings and interest. Makes concessions, agrees with opposing opinions, supports her views on any issue. He does not pretend to be an authoritative expert, but rather listens attentively and nods.

Boris, 19 years old

“When I fell in love with Tanya, I couldn’t refuse her anything at all. I bought everything I wanted, did any things. I understood that he was taking advantage of me, but I couldn’t help myself. We broke up three months later, as soon as I analyzed the relationship and refused to buy her a tablet."

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