How to test your husband for cheating: advice from a psychologist, using a test and fortune telling

Signs of betrayal

How can you find out about cheating if, at first glance, everything is fine? First you need to know about its main signs.

  1. My husband doesn't like it when you take his phone. He may motivate his dissatisfaction with the invasion of personal space or something else. But there is only one reason: he doesn’t want you to “figure out” his connection through calls or correspondence.
  2. The husband is late at work. If there really is an emergency at work, it doesn’t last too long. But when returning after midnight has already become a habit, this is an alarming signal.
  3. A man shows increased interest in his appearance. When he becomes fixated on appearance, takes a long time to select a shirt or tie, most likely he is not going to a business meeting.
  4. Income coming to the family budget is declining. If your spouse begins to bring in less money, or claims that he made a purchase for a larger amount, it would be a good idea to check whether the money is going to his mistress.
  5. The husband does not demand “fulfillment of marital duties.” When a man turns to the wall and says that he is tired, this is an alarming sign.

When a husband cheats, he becomes cold and dissatisfied. But it can also be the other way around. He often brings flowers and shows increased attention.

Psychological signs

Women's intuition helps you find out if a guy is cheating. Take a closer look at the behavior of a potential liar, talk to him. Signs of infidelity will be the following:

  1. Indifference to sex. His heart and head are occupied with something else - new relationships, experiences. There is not enough mental strength for a friend.
  2. Increased attention to the legitimate girl. This is the other side of lying. Sometimes cheaters feel guilty for what they have done and become more attentive, caring and affectionate. If a guy begins to often give unexpected gifts, is too active in bed, and tries to improve your relationship for no reason, there is a reason to think about cheating.
  3. Often talks about the need for rest. It’s hard for a man to be torn on two fronts, he gets tired, so he complains to the woman about fatigue. If a man doesn’t have rush jobs or health problems, check his phone book for new female names.
  4. I fell in love with work and going for walks with the dog. If this has not been observed before, you should be wary. Probably, his new passion is where he wants to get to faster.
  5. Unclear expenses. The man stops bringing home his entire salary and spends the money on unknown needs. Your loved one will try to hide this fact, so keeping his wallet under surveillance will be very useful.
  6. Phone related anxiety. He does not leave the room if his smartphone is charging, he always carries it with him, he has set a password for his personal pages on the computer, and hides messages and calls.
  7. Frequent business trips, trips outside the city. It takes time to meet your lover. If a man is sent on work trips more often, there is a reason to call his boss and clarify the purpose of the business trips.

One sign from the entire list of signs cannot be fundamental and confirm betrayal 100%. There should be several of them. Therefore, do not start a major quarrel with a breakup right away, take a closer look at the behavior of the man over a longer period of time.

Reasons for betrayal

Many women know how to identify betrayal, but wives are in no hurry to understand its reasons, and even more so to admit that sometimes they themselves are to blame for it. But still, why do husbands cheat?

There may be several reasons, let’s consider the main ones. Very often, the love boat crashes in everyday life, and everyday problems become the cornerstone of the relationship. Then men begin to be drawn to places where there is no need to solve them.

Men cheat due to dissatisfaction with intimacy. A woman refuses sex, or is too cold. Then the spouse begins to satisfy needs on the side.

Sometimes the reasons lie much deeper. Falling in love gradually fades away, and the person dreams of experiencing euphoria again. Or a man wants to increase his self-esteem and again feel that he is popular with the opposite sex.

Leaving “to the left” can occur under the influence of relatives, friends, or when changing life guidelines. Frequent business trips also do not promote fidelity. In other cities and countries, husbands cheat most often.

According to statistics, more than 60% of men have cheated on their wives at least once, but at the same time, only 3% of husbands are ready to marry their mistresses. The rest prefer to stay married. If a wife, having learned about the affair, files for divorce, 97% of husbands have a negative attitude towards this.

How to recognize your husband's cheating on a business trip

Business trips are one of the main reasons that men go “to the left”. Up to 40% of husbands cheat on their other halves when they go on business to other cities or countries. Why? Away from his wife and family responsibilities, the man begins to feel like a bachelor again.

After a busy day, signing a contract in a restaurant or bar, a man meets an interesting woman, and under the influence of alcohol enters into a relationship. It is likely that in the morning he will regret what happened. But at the moment of the meeting he feels like a hero.

It happens that frequent business trips to another city entail the creation of another family. It is difficult to convict a husband of treason. First of all, finances can give it away, but not necessarily. You can't do this without a detective.

How to expose your husband, suspecting him of cheating

Women often turn to detective agencies for help. But if their suspicions are confirmed, not everyone is ready to act decisively. Therefore, if you want to receive confirmation of your man’s infidelity, think: do you need it and why? Do you want to break up? Then take action.

If you find traces of lipstick or women’s hair on your spouse’s clothes, scratches on your body, or smell someone else’s perfume, it’s time to be wary. The husband tries to avoid serious conversation, is nervous, secretive, spends time on trifles - it may well be that he has a mistress. When his behavior changes sharply, a woman’s voice is often heard on the phone, and the same contact constantly “pops up” in the dialed numbers - this is almost one hundred percent proof that they are cheating on you. But there may be other reasons for this behavior. So first make sure you are right.

When a detective brings you evidence, you accidentally see a love correspondence, your friends caught your spouse with another woman, the man does not deny having an affair - then you can be sure that he is cheating.

However, there may be situations when there are people who want to “frame” your spouse, for example, his ex. Therefore, treat all messages from “well-wishers” very carefully.

Physical signs

On women's forums they often discuss how to tell if a guy is cheating on you by his testicles. This ancient test is indeed very effective, but it is extremely difficult to carry out without the man’s consent. You need to do it like this: the guy lies down in a bath of water. If he has recently had sex, the testicles will lie on the body under their own weight. If there was no sex, then the male “balls” will float freely in the water. Unfortunately, this folk method does not confirm the accuracy of infidelity 100%, so we advise girls to pay attention to other physiological signs of infidelity:

  1. Decreased libido. The lover not only avoids going to bed with his girlfriend, but actually does not want sex with her. Libido decreases due to the fact that he has enough pleasures on the side.
  2. Increased attention to your appearance. A man begins to lose weight, go to the gym, and is interested in fashionable new items in clothes and perfumes. This is due to the fact that he wants to look better for his mistress.
  3. Asymmetrical face during quarrels, a woman’s attempts to sort things out. Psychology has recognized the fact that sincere emotions are displayed on all parts of the face, but false ones are not. If a husband wants to hide a deception, he will try to lie, smooth out the conflict, and evade the answer. At this point his face will be asymmetrical. An example of this is a crooked smile.
  4. Straight back, chin raised up. If before the guy was hunched over, walking, looking at his feet, now his posture and head position will change. He is pleased with himself as a man, a male, he is filled with pride. His new love gave him confidence.
  5. Sight. Becomes wandering, secretive. If a guy does not want to part with his beloved, but started an affair out of boredom, then he is afraid that his eyes will give him away. He tries not to look at his deceived girlfriend, avoids talking face to face.

The most important reasons for cheating in married couples are getting used to each other and the desire for adventure and risk.

How to find out if your husband is cheating (test)

Even a very confident man can give himself away if he decides that his wife “knows everything.” He begins to get nervous, his palms become sweaty, and his skin turns red. If you think that your husband is cheating, a heart-to-heart conversation will completely remove or confirm your suspicions.

It’s better to start a conversation from afar, with the question “Is there anything you want to tell me?” When a man feels guilty, he gets lost or starts talking nonsense. Then it’s time to resort to manipulation phrases.

  1. “You were seen with a woman yesterday. Who is this woman?". The usual answer is “colleague”, “old friend”. Here you need to not give up and continue asking leading questions. If a colleague, then what did you do with her there? Why did we meet outside of work hours, etc. Pay attention to your husband's reaction.
  2. “I already know everything. Come on, tell me yourself.” Although nothing may actually be known, the question will puzzle the spouse. By his reaction and answer it will be possible to understand whether he is lying or telling the truth.
  3. "Give me phone. What are you afraid of if you have nothing to hide? It is very possible that the man will raise a scandal and begin to accuse you of something. This fact suggests that the matter is unclean. But even in the transferred phone, you need to check deleted SMS and photos.

Psychologist's advice

To experience betrayal, namely betrayal from a loved one, means suffering, torment, and worry. To prevent despair from turning into psychological self-destruction, follow this path:

  1. Do not waste time on suspicions, even if they are obvious and do not require proof. Have an honest conversation with your loved one. It's better to hear the truth from him than to guess.
  2. Come to terms with what happened.
  3. If you decide to continue a relationship with a traitor, take his nature for granted. Be prepared to constantly be on the warpath with your significant other.
  4. Stop controlling your spouse if you have ever forgiven him for cheating. Don’t remember the insult every time you quarrel.
  5. Take a break from your relationship. You need to move away from stress and make an informed decision.
  6. If it is impossible to live together or date after cheating, break off the relationship completely.
  7. Seek help from a psychologist.

Family or divorce: so that your husband does not cheat

If betrayal occurs, it often leads to the collapse of the family. Therefore, women do not always want to know the truth and find out where their husband actually was. But then make sure that the family maintains a reverent, trusting relationship.

  1. Look for common interests. Visiting theaters and exhibitions, cycling, country walks will enliven your life and make it more interesting.
  2. Be an individual. Your husband should be interested in communicating with you. Therefore, communicate more, go to work, and do not turn into a nanny for your husband.
  3. Watch your appearance. Be a regular visitor to beauty salons and follow fashion. Always be beautiful and attractive.
  4. Reconsider your intimate life. Make it more diverse, don’t be afraid of unusual ideas and bold decisions.
  5. Don't limit a man's freedom. Let him meet with friends and have hobbies. Remember that prohibitions can have a negative impact on your relationship.

As you value your relationships and family, be considerate of yourself and your spouse. Don't let your relationship become a routine, find a way to bring something new into it.

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