How to get your ex-wife away from her husband: analysis of situations and advice from a psychologist

Hello, dear ladies. Judging by the fact that you looked into this topic, you recently married the man you love, for which I congratulate you! But the chosen one with a trailer in the form of an ex-wife and, possibly, children who do not allow you to calmly build your happiness. Let's figure out together on the blog how to get your ex-wife away from her husband, the advice of a psychologist will help us in this difficult matter. And they say that you first need to find out the motivation of the abandoned woman and, based on it, develop the right strategy for your own behavior.


Having taken someone else's wife away from the family, a man usually hypocritically declares that he did it out of great love . Although, most likely, the point here is a selfish desire to take possession of the woman he likes.

Everyone knows the predatory nature of the strong half of humanity. And there is no point in blaming them for this. Having set their sights on the next beauty, men take risks, even knowing about her marriage. And here it’s already difficult to talk about great love, because the prevailing feeling in such a situation is the man’s desire. No public opinion or established rules will force him to act differently.


Speaking about moral principles and decency, it is generally accepted that a woman devoted to her husband will never cheat on him, so if a beauty, as they say, takes your bait, either you are much more attractive than her other half, or she is simply a flighty person. And there is certainly nothing to regret here. Acting according to the laws of the jungle, the strongest takes its toll from the weaker (in this case, the husband). If you are comfortable together, there is nothing reprehensible here.

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So, if your woman’s current relationship is truly a nightmare in reality, and she cannot fall into your arms only because of problems that you are quite ready to solve, you can draw up an action plan.

Why can't you just take her away from her husband? Oh, if only everything were so simple.

Family is not just kisses and sweet walks. These are many connecting chains between people that are not easy to break off abruptly.

If you really want happiness for your woman, you need to win her heart not by kidnapping or running away, but by following these 10 steps.

Step 1: Presence

How to win a married woman? Just show up in her life more often. Chat, correspond, meet, cross paths at work or in the store.

Your constant company at the first stage is simply necessary.

The girl's world is divided into internal and external. Now you are in the outer world, which becomes not particularly important to her against the backdrop of the inner one, where the husband and family have already taken their place.

But flashing before her eyes all the time, you will cement your beautiful image in her memory. It's great if you are colleagues, neighbors or have mutual friends. Unobtrusive exchanges of words and glances are exactly what is needed.

Don't go overboard with the frequency of contacts. Your intentions should look as innocent as possible. Don't let yourself be discovered ahead of time.

Step 2. Contact

You'll love this part - it's time to turn your little phrases into full-fledged conversations. Talk about what is relevant and interesting to both of you.

Travel, hobbies, work, the latest news or even sports - look for the most exciting topics and present yourself as an interesting conversationalist.

A woman should increasingly be struck by the thought: “What a wonderful and interesting person he is!” This is exactly what we need!

Step 3. Consolidation

All this time, you were just a guy who was interesting to talk to. It's time to raise your level in her eyes.

Move from words to action - provide help, save her from trouble, protect her from danger. Do something for her that she will be grateful for.

But don’t be intrusive - by doing this you risk alienating the woman of your dreams.

Step 4: Getting Closer

You are a good person and conversationalist; such people are called friends and you share your most secret things with them. Time to move on to talking about personal life, family, relationships.

Do not arouse pity with your bachelor status and do not mock the bad husband whose wife you want to beat off - be understanding.

Accept the information with dignity and present it in the same way from yourself.

Don't be afraid to discuss problems in your relationship and how to solve them. Become a personal psychologist for a girl to show how sensitive a man you are.

Step 5: Opposition

A woman must realize that you are better than her husband. You pay attention to her, you care, you are not selfish or greedy. You love children and share her values ​​in life.

Women always subconsciously compare men, looking for the best among them. Well, help her with such a difficult task.

Try to prove your position to her not with words, but with deeds.

Step 6: Advance

You have shown your advantages - now is the time to put them into practice. Husband doesn't give flowers? Now you give them.

Husband doesn't give compliments? From now on, this is an integral part of your communication with the girl.

There is no need to forcefully pester or climb into kissing. Women love to make their own choices, leaving the final initiative for rapprochement to the man himself.

Once you sense her interest in response, hurry up and move on to the next step.

Step 7: Reveal

You are dealing with a girl who will not bat her eyelashes, not understanding your attempts to make a married woman fall in love with you.

She has already managed to feel your serious intentions, and therefore the time has come to show the strength of her masculine spirit and confess her feelings, love and sympathy.

Don't avoid the topic of marriage, having a family, or even children. On the contrary, the obvious awareness of obstacles will increase the seriousness of your intentions significantly.

“I know you have a husband and children, but I will become an even better husband and an even better father. Only I know how to make you happy, you have already seen this.”

Such words will allow a woman to perceive you as a worthy alternative.

Step 8. Preparation

Finally, she expressed her desire to be with you. All that remains is to get rid of the burden of the past.

Don't make rash decisions. Ideally, your beloved should break up with the man, complete the divorce procedure if they are married, and enter into a new relationship as a completely free woman.

Love is impulsive and unpredictable, but try to lay a pure and unblemished foundation for your relationship.

Don't build them on the remnants of past connections and unresolved disagreements. Otherwise, everything will collapse sooner or later.


Public morality, as a rule, advocates the preservation of the family, where small children grow up and their future must be taken care of. This is done to scare the man and force him to retreat.

But, as experience shows, the “predator” is not at all interested in what will happen to her children, on what means they will live and how their lives will turn out in the future.

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For him, the primary passion is to take possession of a woman; the rest does not concern him. What will be the ending when divorcing her husband or he becomes aware of his wife’s “adventures” - this is her problem .

There are many examples when another took full responsibility for supporting his beloved’s family. It all depends on the strength of a woman’s character and her ability to subjugate a man. But even in this case, it can hardly be called love. More like a virtuoso ability to manipulate.

How to marry a single man

If you want to legitimize your romantic relationship with a man who is free but in no hurry to marry you, then the techniques will be approximately the same. You just need to apply them more delicately and in a different sequence.

  1. First of all, become friends and like-minded people, do not rush into close relationships.
  2. A free man can and should also show off his culinary abilities from time to time, but without going to extremes. There is no need to rush to live together and perform all the functions of a wife without actually being one. If from the first days you start ironing a man’s shirts every day, preparing three-course meals and providing other bonuses of life together, then he will not even have the thought of getting married, because he already has everything he needs.
  3. Your allies can be the man’s mother or his other relatives. It is equally important to make a good impression on his friends. In general company, try to be natural and caring towards your companion. When getting to know your mother, you should listen more than talk. It would be a good idea to find out about the interests and preferences of your future possible mother-in-law and ask her for advice on what she is good at. You can play along with her from time to time by adopting the manner of speaking or gestures.
  4. Try not to focus all the time on how you want to get married and have children. More often, proposals are made to independent women who are not obsessed with the idea of ​​marriage. It is important to be a self-sufficient, interesting person. Radiate positivity and enjoy your relationship here and now.

Is it necessary to destroy a family?

Sometimes just a couple of months are enough for faded feelings to completely neutralize ardent love . All that remains is the joy of victory because the goal has been achieved and the seemingly impregnable fortress has surrendered almost without a fight. Returning back to her quiet haven, the woman will continue to live with a man who is ready to continue to tolerate all her antics.

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Marriage is a union of two happy people. Before you interfere with it and destroy it, disfiguring people’s lives, you should think about it. If you want to take a man away from your family, it is important to understand whether he will also go to another heart hunter. Based on this, we can identify several factors that should be observed in order not to end up in the place of your lover’s ex-wife:

  • The moral side of the issue. Before taking active action, you need to consider the situation from all sides. If there were children in the marriage, is there a willingness to leave them without one of the parents or to take them in with their father? Will it be possible to live peacefully with the knowledge that someone’s happiness has been destroyed through your fault?
  • The presence of reciprocity. It is worth asking a man how great his desire to leave the family is. Maybe, by saying that his wife is tired, everything is terrible at home, he is simply lying, thus unconsciously shielding himself. But in fact, everything suits him - his wife is at home, and his mistress is nearby.
  • Are your intentions serious? You should decide to take such a step only if you really want to start a family, and not take revenge in this way by taking your husband away from the family. After all, a passing hobby can get boring, which will push you to look for a new lover.
  • Lover's reliability. He left his family for you. On the one hand, this pleases, on the other, it leads to certain thoughts. Will the mistress become another ex-wife? Will he betray your feelings, just as he betrayed the feelings of his wife? Are there any deceptions or omissions? In general, before taking a man away from the family, you need to be sure of his feelings.

Having realized that all factors have been taken into account, you can begin to take active action. Using the psychology of a mistress, you can tie a man very tightly to you and then pull the strings, controlling him like a doll. The beauty is that he won’t even understand it, thinking that he made the decision on his own.

But it is worth remembering that in order to understand how to take a man away from the family, the advice of a psychologist is not required. You just need to put pressure on men’s instincts and listen to him carefully.

Submission to your will

Oaths of love have little effect on smart and insightful ladies who are far from pure love romance. A careful woman knows one thing - you can’t get enough of love .

But when you firmly declare your desire to be near her and have her undividedly, such determination will force her to submit to you. A bit of negative prospects with your spouse will also play a positive role.


The fate of evil - you will love a married man too

Have you ever thought about the fact that two people meet in life for a reason? All this contains some kind of original meaning. After all, a person comes into contact with a large number of people every day: neighbors, work colleagues, fellow travelers on public transport, customers in a store, and so on.

We walk past them, exchange a few words, carry on conversations and everything is fine. And suddenly, bam! Our brain or consciousness is hooked on something. A person has invaded your life and will gain all your attention. All thoughts and desires will be about him. What kind of obsession is this: a reward, a test or a punishment? And if the man is married, then what consequences will this relationship cause in your life?

Thoughtful plan

When a woman's determination to leave her husband has reached its peak, it's time to take decisive action . Confess your love, tell us about your plans for your life together with her.

Draw her a bright future, where for the sake of happiness with her you are ready to do a lot - you will work “like an ox” to earn good money. Yes, it looks like bribery. But if it’s difficult for you to live without her, and her attitude towards you is still a little blurred, try all the options to charm your beloved.

What does she need

The third situation is more complicated and requires detailed consideration. Let's say you are not even a “hijacker”. He left the family on his own for various reasons, but this happened quite recently. The ex-wife has her own psychology and truth. She, like any abandoned woman, should be pitied. She's in pain now. It is she (and not you) who is the victim of circumstances. Just take note of this to boost your self-esteem. And let's look at the most likely motives for her interference in your life.

Is it easy to leave a married woman later?

When hormones are fed up, many of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the recent ideal of female beauty come to the fore. If we add here the obvious problems of divorce, small children from the first spouse, and many other difficulties, it becomes clear that it is better to separate now than to carry this enormous burden on your shoulders later.

A man most often leaves a married woman without any problems. How her future relationship with her husband will develop is of little concern to him . And there are many examples of this, you just have to look around.


Dating a married woman does not oblige a man to anything. Having received his, he, as a rule, easily abandons her to the mercy of fate.


Vladimir Yaglych

They met Oksana Domnina during the filming of the Ice Age project. Oksana was married.

She had a stable marriage and family, but the brutal, handsome Vladimir literally burst into her life. Oksana left her husband Roman Kostomarov.

The couple lived in a civil marriage, but they actively discussed the wedding. Only there was no wedding - Vladimir and Oksana quickly broke up, and less than a year had passed. Then Oksana returned to her ex-husband, and he forgave and accepted her.

Evgeniy Tsyganov

This handsome Russian film actor was married to Irina Leonova, the former wife of the notorious Igor Petrenko. When the lovers began dating, Ira was still married to Igor. For the sake of Evgeniy, Leonova left her husband and started a new life. But this idyll did not last long; Evgeny Tsyganov left his wife and children for the sake of the young actress Yulia Snigir, who bore him a son.

Evgeny Tsyganov left his wife for another. Photo:

Sergey Bezrukov

The young artist met Irina during the filming of “Crusaders 2” and immediately fell in love. At that time, the woman was still married to actor Igor Livanov and was raising a son. But she still did not refuse the advances of a persistent admirer. Soon she divorced and took her son. In 2000, Irina and Sergei got married. They lived in marriage for 15 years, after which Sergei Bezrukov found himself a new love. By the way, only after his wedding with Anna Matison did the actor become the father of two children. Irina Bezrukova was left alone; her only son from her first marriage died.

Sergei Bezrukov chose children. Photo:

Vyacheslav Grishechkin

This famous actor, known for his role as Colonel Starokon in the series “Soldiers,” stole his wife from his best friend Oleg after 5 years of marriage. But this unpleasant event did not quarrel with the bosom friends, and they are still friendly. Oleg's ex-wife Anna is now happily married to actor Vyacheslav Grishechkin.

Vyacheslav Grishechkin stole his friend’s wife. Photo:

Is it possible and worth it to pick up a girl from another guy: pros and cons

Is it possible and worth it to take a girl away from another guy: pros and cons
Do you doubt it, torment and dialogue with conscience? Is it possible and worth it to pick up a girl from another guy? All the pros and cons:

  • Why take someone else's happiness if you can find your own. There are many free girls in the world, in the country and even in your city. Look around, perhaps among your friends there is the one with whom you will live your whole life.
  • “You can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune” is a proverb that has been around for many years, and people have learned from their own experience that this is true.
  • If a girl is really “removable” and can easily leave for you, then keep in mind that she will also easily leave you for someone else.
  • If a girl is unhappy in a relationship, then you should wait until she and the guy break up and then you can safely act.
  • On the other hand, you have to fight for your happiness and you have to win yours. As they say: “Good things will not come on their own, and you have to dive deep for pearls.”
  • If a girl is in love, then she cannot be repulsed.

Your lover is worth fighting for, then go for it. Perhaps this is your destiny. Give her the opportunity to compete for you and then she herself will make a choice in your favor.

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