What kind of girls do guys like - TOP 10 body parts, character, appearance and clothes

What kind of girls do guys really like?

Every girl, starting from high school, dreams of beauty and attractiveness in order to attract and conquer the opposite sex. Looking at herself in the mirror, every young lady looks for strengths and weaknesses. If her collarbones protrude unnaturally, and her body cannot acquire the desired rounded shape, she wonders: will a guy fall in love with her? If the height is below average, and the legs do not seem so slender, she is looking for flaws in herself.

There are no unambiguous criteria for a girl by which the degree of her attractiveness is determined, just as there are no men who know exactly their type of girl.

The ability to forgive

Even a beautiful woman can lose her attractiveness in men's eyes when she has a bad temper. Why are guys attracted to the ability to forgive in girls? Mistakes are inevitable on the path of life, but often in a couple they lead to conflicts, resentments or misunderstandings.

In the book “Love alone is not enough. 12 questions to answer before you decide to marry,” writer Gary Chapman writes that major or minor grievances erect an emotional barrier between lovers, which contributes to the separation of partners. It is impossible to destroy this obstacle by demands for justice, reproaches or moralizing. Only sincere forgiveness will help improve relationships.

Forgiveness is a decision to reconcile, which opens the way for the harmonious development of relationships. It does not take away the pain, it does not remove unpleasant memories, but it becomes the first step towards restoring trust, understanding and love.

What kind of girls do guys like by character?

Guys love to dominate, they love to lead not only like-minded people, but also a woman. A man will give preference to a girl who is balanced, holistic, who knows what she wants and what a man wants. A girl should exude peace and kindness, but she should not be a defenseless lamb. A dream girl is the one who leads a man to victory, walking next to him. A cheerful, smiling girl will also not leave a guy indifferent.

Expert opinion

Anna Kolyada

Psychologist, poet and just a good person

We are all selfish by nature and this is not a bad thing at all. Men are also selfish natures. A man, first of all, likes his condition next to a woman; if he is in a state of some kind of happiness, then it will definitely not be easy for him to remain without you.

Why do some people prefer older partners?

There are many marriages in life when the partner is younger than his chosen one. And such unions are often strong and long-lasting. Many girls of the same age, observing this trend, ask the question: “Why do men love older women?” And here everything is explained simply.

Sometimes men are driven by the desire to be close to a wise and experienced woman, a kind of teacher. But often such partners were deprived of maternal affection in childhood and now look for this in their companion, instinctively choosing an older one. If you understand this psychological aspect, it becomes obvious why men prefer older women.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their appearance?

“They greet you by their clothes.” No matter how rude it may sound, it is true. First of all, a man evaluates a girl’s appearance, then – her content. It is impossible to define a common ideal for all men, but is that a bad thing? Scientists have proven that there are some preferred features in appearance that are inherent in men at the genetic level.

What is important is a well-groomed appearance, shaved legs, armpits, hairstyle, outfit - everything should be neat.

What size girls do men like?

There is an opinion that men will rarely choose a tall girl, but this is not so. This world is built on balance. That is why a short man will subconsciously look for a taller girl in order to somehow “enrich” his offspring, and overly tall men will look at girls a little shorter than themselves.

If we talk about comfort, then a man will be much more comfortable communicating and building a relationship with a girl shorter or of the same height as him - this way he will feel that his chosen one is “on the same wavelength” with him or under his protection.

What hair color do guys like girls with?

Preferences for hair color are formed in the same way as preferences for skin color - topographically. Slavic men prefer fair-haired girls, Caucasians prefer brunettes... Mentality forms the basis, while the top is our perception and society.

A number of studies have confirmed that a man chooses a girl in most cases according to his color type: a burning brunette will choose a girl with dark hair, I assume that hair color directly shows the impulsiveness of her character; the peaceful blond prefers a fair-haired, radiant companion, also believing that her color type reflects character traits.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their figure?

Everyone has long known that health is something that needs to be protected. Men prefer girls who are in full health - fit and well-groomed. The most ideal figure, from the point of view of men, is an hourglass. And 90:60:90 is not at all important, the whole point is in proportionality. The hips and bust in such a figure should be approximately the same volume, and the waist should be clearly defined.

Expert opinion

Anna Kolyada

Psychologist, poet and just a good person

According to scientists, men subconsciously pay attention to the pelvis; if it is too narrow, it leads them to the conclusion that childbirth with such parameters will be difficult. But in general, a man cares about silhouette and proportions .

What kind of guys like chubby girls?

Plump girls attract guys who are focused on creating a family, for whom home and harmony in this home are always a priority. Like a balance beam, a skinny man will choose curvier girls.

What kind of men like skinny girls?

Skinny girls attract ambitious guys who can’t sit still and are always striving for something. Subconsciously, such girls form an opinion of themselves as lively and active, which is why active men, extreme men like them.

What's good and what's bad

Every man to his own taste. However, there are some nuances in the appearance of the fair half of humanity that are categorically not accepted by male representatives.

Most guys don't like:

  • bright provocative makeup;
  • pink infantile image of a Barbie doll;
  • inflated lips, false eyelashes and other unnatural body parts;
  • sharp suffocating odor;
  • whims, hysterics, unreasonable demands at the first stage of dating;
  • clothes contrary to common sense: high-heeled shoes at a country picnic, a short skirt on a frosty day;
  • negligence and untidiness: broken nails, dirty hair, yesterday's makeup, wrinkled dress;

The listed factors are not to the liking of an intelligent man, because they scream about the lack of intellectual development, education and common sense of his partner.

Men like:

  • housekeeping: ability to cook, create comfort;
  • ability to hear and listen;
  • common hobbies and tastes;
  • respect for personal space;
  • nice words and compliments.

For the owners of these qualities, it becomes unimportant what kind of appearance the chosen one likes. After all, as you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. And delicious food in a cozy home and a pleasant conversation for dessert can conquer the gourmet.

What clothes do guys like on girls?

Guys care not only how well the clothes fit you, but also whether they are appropriate in a particular case. Don’t forget that men are rational people and they don’t understand why they should wear pumps with huge heels and uncomfortable clothes for a long walk in the park.

Men prefer elegant and feminine outfits that highlight your natural beauty. Dresses go great with these outfits.

What dresses do men like on girls?

Men prefer girls who are mysteries, so you shouldn’t show off all your charms right away. The dress should be sexy, highlighting your figure, and not aggressively sexy, revealing all your assets. If you are choosing which dress to wear, remember the main thing - either a mini or a neckline; together - never.

Men are not attracted, on the contrary, they are rejected by aggressive, “acidic” shades. If you are a fan of such tones, don’t be upset, make it an incredible accent in your look: shoes or handbag, accessories.

What hairstyles do girls like on guys?

Everyone knows that long hair is the most chic accessory of any girl. But when choosing between length and quality, choose the second. Your hair also tells a man's subconscious about your health and neatness. What styling to do depends only on you.

Loose hair will highlight your facial features and give your image a certain air of mystery; collected curls will reveal the fine lines of the neck and décolleté.

Practical advice

If you understand what kind of appearance men like, start working on yourself. Striving for the ideal is a reliable path to owning the man you like.

Engage in self-criticism, honestly admit your shortcomings and weaknesses, outline the path to perfection:

  1. Start with the appearance. Make it a rule to regularly, and not occasionally, visit a beauty salon or solarium. Arm yourself with expert advice, determine your skin type, hair quality, and use recommended cosmetics and hygiene products for home care. Remember, what is good is what is useful, not what is expensive and popular.
  2. In a healthy body healthy mind. Therefore, improve your health. Change your diet, get enough sleep, schedule a consultation with a personal trainer, or exercise on your own. The main thing is regularly and responsibly.
  3. Educate yourself. After all, “what is beauty - a vessel in which there is emptiness.” Try to fill it with valuable content. Sign up for courses, read books, learn languages. Do what is interesting, useful and exciting.

Effort, patience and persistence will pay off. Knowledge and intellectual development will increase self-esteem. Good physical shape and a toned figure will help you gain confidence. The ability to look good and the formation of individuality will make you attractive and interesting.

And then you will stop looking for an answer to the question of what kind of behavior and appearance men like, because your personal life will improve.

TOP 10 Body Parts That Men Like in Girls

For centuries, it has been the case that beautiful breasts, hips, plump lips and a thin waist dominate the pantheon of attractiveness, but these are not all the remarkable and desirable parts of the body.

An indisputable fact is that men are most attracted to a beautiful bust, but after dozens, or even hundreds of social surveys and tests, it turned out that not only the neckline can attract the attention of a man.

Here are the "Top 10" body parts that attract men:

  1. Eyes – We often focus attention on the waist, hips and neckline, but how many men have become “slaves” just from one alluring look.
  2. Buttocks – The beauty of the buttocks can captivate the gaze of men. According to some surveys, men considered a woman with beautiful buttocks attractive, even if her breasts were of modest size.
  3. Breasts - Beautiful breasts can encourage the opposite sex to make not only everyday concessions, but also to perform real feats! Often, girls with large breasts put them on public display, and hardly a single man is able to complain about this.
  4. Lips – Plump lips can not only attract a guy’s attention, but also focus his attention on your face. Do not forget that naturalness is more harmonious for men; you should not paint your lips in unnaturally bright, pretentious colors.
  5. A smile is not only a mirror of your mood, but also a real instant weapon. It’s rare for a man to resist a sweet woman’s smile. Next to a smiling girl, a man feels not only more confident, but also happier.
  6. Hips – what could be sexy about alluring movements of the hips? Based on surveys, men prefer more rounded hip shapes.
  7. Hair – Long hair is not only a distinctive feature of girls, but also a kind of intrigue. The condition of the hair also indicates well-groomed and healthy hair. How great it is to stroke silky long hair!
  8. Belly – Rarely in any surveys did men not mention their belly. Men said that they love to look at a beautiful, toned tummy, but the “cube” abs do not delight them and do not seem natural.
  9. Back - No matter how strange it may sound, the back causes no less delight in men than the bust or legs. Dresses with an open back can turn heads with their sex appeal and mystery.
  10. Legs – It’s definitely not the first thing that came to mind, but many men are able to enjoy the sight of women’s legs, especially if they are in heels, for quite a long time.

What kind of pedicure do men like?

Men will prefer a discreet, natural pedicure in some cute pastel shades.

What kind of manicure do men like?

Manicure should not be aggressive. Avoid long, sharp nails and unnaturally bright colors.


Every girl dreams of having an ideal figure. But it must be remembered that all men have a different understanding of the ideal female figure. Which girls do guys like best? Men like women with a well-groomed figure and toned body skin. Often the figure should be slim, but you should have everything with you. To maintain shape, you need to regularly perform physical exercise (running, shaping). You can also practice dancing and yoga. Guys pay special attention to the even tan of the skin of the opposite sex.

What kind of girls do rich men like?

A man’s status is determined not only by his social circle, but also by his choice of companion. An influential man will choose a girl to match himself, and this is not at all about material wealth. His chosen one is, as a rule, an erudite and holistic person, she knows what she wants and goes for it; in addition to being concerned about the well-being of the family, she will also be concerned about personal spiritual fulfillment.

Korean guys

As a rule, Korean men choose cute, weak girls whom they can take care of and from whom you will receive gratitude for your efforts.

Turkish men

Turkish men will prefer strong-willed women with strong opinions. A little obstinate. But he will never look at a woman who does not respect her family, her husband and herself.

Caucasian guys

Caucasian men like flexible, but at the same time fiery women who can awaken the flame and stir up the insides.

How to behave

The main rule of behavior is to be yourself. If a girl tries to behave quietly and modestly, but in reality she is completely different, this will sooner or later become known, and men really don’t like pretense.

It is important for women not to get hung up on material goods and not to demand too much from their potential man. At the same time, you need to clearly understand the requirements for the guy and voice them correctly.

In addition to sincerity, a girl should show some mystery. Men don't like direct confessions. This is scary because they see it as an attempt to take over the initiative in the relationship. For guys who are all hunters, this behavior is unacceptable.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their zodiac signs?

Some ladies resort to love spells and conspiracies, others simply tell fortunes about their future husband, but it’s better to find out who your chosen one is according to your horoscope and re-read the article! =)


The Virgo man is an avid bachelor and loner; he is not able to maintain the “flame of love” for a long time. Such a man will give preference to a woman who looks at life soberly; a realistic girl will not suit him.


It's no secret that the Aries man is, first of all, a conqueror. Such a man will like a soft, feminine nature; and the one who will try to try on the leading role will scare away.


Such men like girls who are intellectually developed, girls who are full of harmony and who want family well-being.


A Capricorn man will choose a girl who will be able to emphasize his importance and specialness. His companion is usually a kind and romantic person.


A Libra man will want a woman who can control him unobtrusively. A girl of persistent character who knows how to cope with the situation and approach it with feminine wisdom.


Pisces men, in most cases, choose their companions based on their appearance. It is important for them that she not only takes care of herself, but also maintains the general well-being of the couple.


Scorpio men like confident women. Such a woman should walk on the edge of emotions and complete stability.


Leo men don't like it when their identity is questioned. Leo’s girl must seduce him in every possible way and erect a cult of his personality, in a good and bright understanding, of course.


The beauty of everything around him is important to a Taurus man. This will make him not only choose an attractive girl, but also one who can see and create beauty around him.


An Aquarius man is ideally suited to a girl with a huge Ego, a girl with ambitions and desires, with whom he will go hand-in-hand to an interesting and intriguing future.


First of all, it is important for them to see next to them a person who will not be afraid to go “to new horizons.” Openness and eccentricity are important to him. The girl next to him should be able to carry him along.


The Cancer man is looking for a protective woman who can provide him with domestic and emotional comfort.

What kind of girls do guys like - statistics and conclusions

Psychologists conducted many tests, and then systematized the answers of the surveyed group and drew conclusions after systematizing the data. Many parameters were taken into account: smile, face, figure, height, hair and many others... But the main conclusion is that a man falls in love with one feature of a girl, and often the one with which she is embarrassed.

Love turns a blind eye to any shortcomings, but the advantages turn out to be completely ordinary traits. Therefore, no matter what your appearance is, if you have feelings, everything becomes loved.

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