Why girls love to be spanked on the butt: what girls say

Develop a system of “reinforcements”

For positive, desirable actions - signals of approval, “positive reinforcement”. What causes pleasant sensations in a child makes him happy and brings pleasure. This is affection, play, praise, a smile, a hug, receiving something desired.

For undesirable actions and behavior - signals of censure, condemnation, disapproval. “Negative reinforcement” - deprivation of something desired, ignoring, removing, canceling rewards. A spanking, of course, can also be considered a negative reinforcement. But its negative impact on the child is too great, because the matter is not limited to pain alone, a lot of strong negative emotions are added - resentment, a feeling of helplessness, fear. And their consequences for the child’s psyche may be too serious to recommend the use of spanking and slaps as negative reinforcers.

Ideally, every meaningful action should receive appropriate reinforcement. This helps a lot in education. But subject to the principles of consistency and commitment.

From a psychological point of view

For men, everything is always simple - I saw a girl, and if I liked her, I wanted to touch her, without thinking at all about why girls get spanked on the butt. This happens on an instinctive level, subconsciously. During sexual play, a man can also touch his partner’s bottom, because touching the firm buttocks is exciting.

It’s interesting that often girls don’t mind at all, but at the same time they want to understand why girls are spanked on the butt and how to use it in sexual games. The sensational film “50 Shades of Gray” made girls think that all the guys want to possess them harshly. Moreover, the passion for such possession is hidden in almost every lady.

The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud wrote that some ladies are very prone to the role of victim, masochism, and want to feel socially suppressed. At the same time, they try on the role of a passive beautiful maiden.

There is also a widespread belief that girls have learned to transform pain into pleasure, and spanking on the butt is used in sexual games because they remind of the strength of a man, that the girl is repressed, and the man plays the dominant role. At the same time, it is interesting that men themselves spank girls rather on a whim, because they love to look at beautiful women’s buttocks and touch them.

The only exceptions can be those representatives of the stronger sex who love to hurt a girl and spank her not only with their hands, but also with special whips and toys from a sex shop. In this case, we are talking about a dominant-recessive relationship, when a guy wants to feel strong and sexy, and by spanking a woman, he only makes sure that he really turns her on and turns him on at the same time.

However, in psychology there is another opinion regarding the fact that girls are actually subconsciously afraid of spanking, and men who love such actions cannot become beloved husbands and the best sexual partners due to great self-doubt.

Parents are ashamed to admit that they beat their children

“Parents will probably have an argument: “But if this idiot doesn’t understand differently, I told him a million times...”

— In order to teach a child, it is important to rely on his consciousness. Parents often have high expectations from their children: “Why doesn’t he understand?” Yes, because his brain is not yet developed. The brain completes its maturation by the age of 20–25. The last to mature is the prefrontal cortex; it is responsible for volitional processes, decision-making, responsibility, and so on. But here is a 5-year-old child, and they demand the same behavior from him as from an adult.

When parents come to me, they don’t say from the door: “You know, I hit my child with a belt, let’s do something about it.” Everyone is afraid of being judged. Talking to adults about these topics is generally a big problem.

If a child told a psychologist that he was beaten, this causes so much shame in parents!

It’s rare when parents confess; more often you hear excuses from them: “Well, I spanked once, but it was in their hearts, I was tired.” That is, they look away, speak in general phrases and try to avoid this topic altogether.

They are ashamed and silent, like partisans or transfer responsibility to the child. “No, that didn’t happen! I spanked him once and that was all to calm him down, otherwise I don’t hit him. What are you doing?! — this is what a consultation looks like. “He’s ungrateful and doesn’t appreciate what I do for him.” I tell him to study, he doesn’t study, I tell him to put away the dishes, he doesn’t clean up...” And that’s why I often ask the child to leave the office during such conversations, there is no need to aggravate his feeling of guilt.

- And what will solve the problem instead of a belt if the child is uncontrollable?

— Principles of behaviorism. For example, the method of positive reinforcement. The child completes the task and receives a “reward” for it. But parents often promise incorrectly: “If you study well for six months, we will buy you an iPad.” And then they lament that even the iPad doesn’t help.

Katerina Murashova: Is it possible not to punish a child Read more

Guys' opinion3

When guys talk about beautiful women’s buttocks, their eyes literally light up, and when asked why spank a girl, some answer that the buttocks are like an elastic ball, which it is impossible to pass by without spanking.

Men also express their opinions on forums, and when one of the guys begins to admire the beautiful forms of the girl he saw today, excited whispers pass among the men: “I wish I could spank her.”

At the same time, they say that they want to do this because:

“Just because it’s possible. It turns you on."

“I saw how they do it in a porn film, and since then I can’t do without it. It's not just beautiful, but also very sexy and provocative. At the same time, the girl must trust me, know that I will not really hurt her.”

"Women love it." After reading books about sex or watching movies, men decided that women really like to be spanked. And it is so.

“I love spanking my wife during sex while I'm inside her. These are incredible sensations, it even seems to me that “there” it becomes very cramped and narrow when I spank.”

The concept of "baby spanking"

One of the problems that makes it impossible to evaluate children's spanking is the ambiguity of the concept itself. Basically, dad is always stronger than mom, so if he spanks the child even slightly, the baby may perceive it as serious physical pain. In addition, he may not even understand why he was offended. Therefore, it is logical to assume that you first need to specify the action, and only then translate it into reality.

There are situations in which, when wanting to punish a child with a spank, a parent misses the very destination - the buttocks. Then the blow (some slight physical impact) may fall on another sensitive part of the body. This happens if there is a need to punish a restless child. In this case, the adult commits an unacceptable action - he hits the child, which is categorically unacceptable.

There is an opinion among psychologists that there is no such educational measure as spanking. Instead, it is the emotionality of adults and their meager knowledge of child psychology. A calm, balanced parent is always able to find an approach to a spoiled child or during his hysterics, while an emotionally agitated mother and father do the easiest thing for themselves - they try to establish the “bad behavior - punishment” scheme.

Why Corporal Punishment Doesn't Work

Corporal punishment is a road to nowhere. By punishing a child, we only replace his internal control with external control. He does not need to independently control his behavior; we do it for him.

After a spanking, children only think about how to take revenge. Revenge can be expressed in bad behavior at school and kindergarten, fights, forgotten promises.

Perhaps you are familiar with the situation when, having physically punished a child, you observe such a picture. Roaring and very angry, he goes to another room, from which a few minutes later a little sister or brother runs out with a roar, and, perhaps, your beloved cat flies after him.

Yes, children may become more obedient for a while after spanking. But this is only the visible part of the iceberg. And then, without fail, a hidden act of revenge will follow.

The child perceives punishment as a kind of protest, and subsequently he carries this behavior into his adult life. He will achieve what he wants only with the help of violence and pressure on other people, since for him, over the years, this turns into the norm.

Such children become either very compliant or too stubborn. All this leads to a decrease in self-esteem and interferes with full development.

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General characteristics of the educational process

From the first movements, the baby is subject to correction of his actions by adults: “quit immediately”, “don’t go there”, “don’t do that” and much more. Parents do this for educational purposes, while developing a certain parenting style:

  1. Authoritarian - education is reminiscent of animal training or army drill. The baby must strictly follow the instructions of adults so as not to be punished. Children are forced to get used to such treatment, although some experience hysterical manifestations, causing adults to need to physically impose orders (they may spank them with a belt or slap them on the back of the head).
  2. Democratic – constant communication with the toddler, giving him the right to his opinion and position. This style is characteristic of parents who invest as much as possible in the educational process and strive to form a holistic personality in their child.
  3. Mixed – the famous “carrot and stick”, when adults navigate according to circumstances, tightening restrictions or loosening them. Typically, this technique is used when there is not a lot of time for education - in the case of an offense, light punishment and the introduction of restrictions, in case of obedience and good behavior - rewards and a comfortable mode of growing up.

Familiar and Unfamiliar

Many girls like it when their acquaintances clap them, stroke their butts and curves. This is perceived as a possessive sign - like, yes, I am his female. In addition, such pranks promote a rush of blood to the pelvic organs - this excites and puts you in a playful mood. But only if the guy is nice.

Do women and girls like it when strangers stroke them, slap them on the butt and generally below the waist? More likely no than yes. This is perceived as arrogance, rudeness and harassment. Actually, such a Don Juan can be attracted under the article. Not to mention getting a good slap in the face.

About how to do it

Butt spanking is also called spanking. One of the best poses for him is over the knee. It is intimate and makes the person being spanked uncomfortable. This is where the game comes in.

Before spanking the butt, you need to make sure that all rings and bracelets are removed from your hand. Otherwise, there will be no talk of any pleasure - these parts can cause a lot of pain, scratch, and leave bruises on the body.

It is important to warm up your buttocks before starting spanking. If you start hitting them right away, the reaction will be negative

Instead, you need to massage the area that will be hit. A characteristic pink color should appear on the skin.

Is injury always

“Children are different,” says Kristina Odegova, “there are vulnerable ones for whom any physical impact will be perceived as a universal catastrophe. And there are those who are lively, prone to aggression, for whom a spanking will not be something very important, since they themselves can slap the offender in the sandbox or in the kindergarten.

I want to make a reservation right away: I am strictly against any corporal punishment. This is dishonest, always degrades personal dignity and, most importantly, never brings results. The child will begin to be afraid, become embittered, close himself off and, possibly, retain this trauma for the rest of his life. At the same time, the picture of the child’s behavior and his actions will not change. This is worth remembering. Yes, the parent will let off steam - but this is also ineffective, not to mention harmful to family relationships.

Why do guys like to spank girls' butts?

There are many more explanations why men like to spank girls’ buttocks, even if we do not resort to scientific interpretations. Namely:

  • In this way, a man compensates for his inability to dominate in a relationship;
  • against the backdrop of a desire to use force, but social rules, morality and boundaries, he can only do this in a similar form;
  • by spanking the butt, a man evaluates its elasticity, which determines the degree of sexuality and sexual activity of a girl (lack of sex and low levels of sex hormones make the butt flabby);
  • by the ideality of the shape of the butt, a man evaluates a woman as a potential mother for his offspring and a carrier of good genes;
  • in the animal world, mating is mixed with aggressive behavior of the male, which often manifests itself among people;
  • in this way a man expresses his sense of possessiveness towards a woman.

Sexologists say that the feeling of aggression, fear and causing pain to each other helps people increase the level of hormones in the body, blood pressure, which accompanies faster and greater sexual arousal.

How often do you spank a girl?

Not really

Why are physical education methods dangerous?

Many parents are confident that having suffered assault at an early age without consequences, they can use the same methods on their children. Is this so, is it possible to spank a child on the bottom if upbringing requires it? It is strictly forbidden to beat children, even for educational purposes!

This can offend the baby, hurt him and cause retaliatory aggression. By spanking children, adults are then surprised by the manifestations of cruelty as they grow up. Other consequences are also possible: lack of self-confidence, fear of taking initiative.

What does domestic violence lead to:

  • receiving mental trauma;
  • bodily injuries;
  • increase in aggression;
  • responses in the form of attempts to do things exclusively in defiance;
  • vindictiveness.

All these symptoms do not appear immediately in childhood; they become noticeable as they grow up and gain independence. Why can’t you hit a small child with your hand (even lightly); why is such an impact dangerous?

The fear of being punished in a baby has a physical basis - problems with the excretory systems begin (enuresis), the throat tightens, and the breath is taken away. Parents should constantly remember these possible problems, especially when they wonder whether it is possible to hit a child on the butt with a hand.

If you find out about violence against someone else's child

Punishment differs from punishment, and sometimes ears and butts are not the only witnesses to fleeting parental anti-humanism. Alas, sometimes under the guise of parent-child relationships there are many unpleasant things that are unsightly to society.

And if you have witnessed (seen, heard or learned) violence against a minor, you need to take action. Wrong tactics: knock on your neighbors’ door and announce that you will go to the local police officer or give a short lecture about the education system. Correct: consult with a lawyer, a school psychologist, a police officer you know, and then take action together with the guardianship authorities or the same psychologist. Perhaps by discussing further behavior with them and the child in advance.

Why do men like to touch a woman's butt?

Any guy, of course, will say that he likes both a woman’s breasts and butt. But during sex, according to statistics, the buttocks are touched much more often. And they just admire the breasts.

Stroking the thighs causes arousal, which improves the quality of sexual intercourse. That's right, because you can look at breasts in everyday life. And you can only see attractive naked butts on the beach. Well, or in the women's bathhouse. Accidentally.

Another reason why men like to touch a woman’s butt is the desire to please their partner. We know where women's erogenous points are, and the buttocks are one of the strong zones. And further:

  • A spank stimulates the nerve endings around the genitals, and accordingly, the act brings more pleasure. The happier a girl is, the more active she is in bed. And everyone is happy.
  • Well, in everyday life, stroking the bottom is a hint to the girl that it’s time to finish with everyday issues and relax.

By the way, you can learn about which legs men like the most and why they like them from the link provided.

The consequences of physical punishment in different children

Why does a man want two women? what men say about women: is it possible to love two women?

The cumulative consequences depend on the complete innate set of vectors. For example:

Holders of the visual vector have a huge emotional range. Their moods are changeable, tears are close to them. If you physically punish such children, they suffer from fears and phobias, become hysterical and anxious.

Those with the sound vector are self-absorbed; they are natural introverts. Adults can get upset when such kids simply don’t hear them, and they have to repeat everything over and over again. When a sound artist loses his sense of security and safety, he withdraws even deeper into himself. Up to loss of contact with the outside world and mental illness (schizophrenia, autism). He is especially affected by the screaming that often accompanies punishment. It causes irreparable damage to the psyche due to the special sensitivity of the little sound player’s ears.

Slow, thorough carriers of the anal vector are by nature the most obedient and loyal daughters and sons. But when they grow up in a rhythm that is uncomfortable for themselves (they are rushed, interrupted, pushed on), then they can be stubborn, touchy, and argumentative. And for this reason they fall under the hot hand of adults. With physical punishment, they develop a very difficult life scenario: resentment towards their mother. And already an adult sees the whole world in black: he is offended by everyone, thinks that he has not been given enough, is not respected, is not appreciated.

Any child receives psychological trauma from beating. Modern children have a much larger psyche than the previous generation. And the susceptibility to any influence is much subtler. So is it okay for parents to hit their children? Just know that today beaten children are the killed future.

What does a butt with a handle mean?

In various dictionaries, this phrase is classified as colloquial, disapproving, vulgar, contemptuous and even offensive. So what does a butt with a handle mean? Here are some meanings:

  • An awkward person, incompetent, unadapted both to any specific activity and to work, real life in general. The one who does not succeed, everything falls out of his hands.
  • Someone who causes disapproval or irritation.
  • A cunning, resourceful guy.
  • A disapproving statement about a man. The handle here refers to the organ of the male reproductive system.
  • Something useless, non-functional.
  • Children's ice sled with a handle, visually similar to this part of the human body.
  • Expressing your negative attitude towards someone or something: a certain person, action, result of work, as well as the state of affairs in general.
  • An incomprehensible event or an unpredictable person.
  • In a professional environment, a slang expression that characterizes a mediocre writer or journalist.
  • Octopus.
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