Who can answer why women love big penises?

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Almost all men are concerned about the size of their penis. Most of them believe that it is not thick or long enough, which leads to a decrease in self-esteem, confidence, and disruption of the psycho-emotional state. For women, the question of which member is better is considered important, but not the main one.

Representatives of the fair sex pay more attention to their partner's sexual experience, intelligence, appearance and financial status. Not least important are relationships and a man’s sense of responsibility.

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The meaning of penis size for women

To obtain the highest pleasure, a large penis is not enough. Partners must physically match each other in size and structure of reproductive organs, which is observed in one pair out of 16. The location of the clitoris, foreplay, positions during sexual intercourse and other criteria are also important.

Women who receive sexual satisfaction from vaginal orgasm are more concerned about the length of the phallus. If the size is too small, it is difficult to achieve orgasm. In clitoral orgasm, the clitoris plays the main role. Its head contains 8 thousand nerve endings, which give the organ high sensitivity. Stimulation of the clitoris with the penis inserted into the vagina leads to blood saturation of the partners' genitals and the achievement of orgasm, regardless of the size of the penis.

Sufficiently long organs act on the cervix, which is classified by specialists as erogenous zones. At the same time, for some women such actions cause discomfort. The large width of the penis additionally expands the vagina, which has low sensitivity and therefore also does not play a leading role in achieving orgasm.

The only advantage of a large penis for achieving clitoral orgasm is the stimulation of the clitoris through the walls of the vagina. Therefore, it is not important for every woman to have a large or small reproductive organ in her partner. If a woman is not sufficiently aroused, any sexual contact is accompanied by unpleasant or painful sensations.

Why do women like “bigger”?

Not every woman openly admits that she would like “everything and more.” More likely. If there is a conversation on this topic, the ladies will sigh coquettishly, “Size doesn’t matter, as long as the person is good.” However, they themselves, as a rule, pay attention to men who are tall, long-legged, that is, those who, judging by their size, will not have a small penis.

This is understandable - women are ordered by nature to choose the best male for their own fertilization.

It was only later that they began to choose men just for sex, but nature speaks to them! And this nature clearly whispers, “What the hell do you need this underfed man with a tiny pussy?!” You can’t even call this misunderstanding a member! What kind of offspring will there be from him?! He won’t even bring the sperm to the “place!”

Therefore, ladies, although they talk about high, they look just below the man’s belt. To verify this, you can simply go to a sex shop. Artificial dildos are simply not made smaller than 17 cm. Why do women like larger sizes? Yes, because they are not in demand.

If you put nature aside, then... A large penis will bring much more pleasure than a small one. No, well, in fact, a small penis will not be able to “awaken” those areas that it itself cannot reach. It’s another matter if the owner of such a “treasure” turns out to be a jack of all trades, then the woman will forget about the size. Otherwise, it's a disaster.

That is, the owner of a small penis needs to know several positions that would allow him to give pleasure with his penis. But their (poses) number is limited. You also need to take into account the uniqueness of the female body. Some ladies have such a position of the vagina that even with a large penis it is necessary to get to the erogenous zone with great difficulty, and with a small penis there is nothing to do there at all.

At the same time, with a large penis, the gentleman may not bother too much - his organ will “serve” the most hidden corners of the female genital organ. And he can use any pose. At the same time, he can vary the depth of penetration himself. This means that in bed he will work more variedly.

When a large penis is in the vagina, it simultaneously stimulates several zones at once, which brings the woman into indescribable delight. A small penis cannot do this.

Many women also love large male genitals due to certain circumstances. For example, a woman gave birth. After recovery, her vaginal tissue stretches too much and cannot always return to normal. Therefore, such a woman would rather have a man with a big penis. Or if the woman herself is very large. It’s clear that she has more organs than a skinny woman. Hence the desire for a man with a large organ.

There is also a psychological factor. The owner of a large penis will always feel confident and superior, and women really like this. Next to such a confident man, the woman herself feels more confident. And vice versa, a small penis often even gives rise to complexes in men. Even during the period of acquaintance, the young man already becomes timid, tries to delay the time of meeting alone, and during sex he can become completely lost.

Dimensions of the penis: normal

Active penis enlargement begins when the boy reaches puberty (9-14 years) and continues until full puberty (18-22 years).

A sexually mature man becomes the owner of an erect phallus:

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  • medium size – 8-12 cm;
  • above average – 13-16 cm;
  • large – 17-20 cm;
  • giant - from 21-24 cm;
  • extreme sizes - over 25 cm, are extremely rare.

The length of the erect phallus less than 7 cm is considered pathological and indicates micropenia. The condition requires hormonal therapy or surgery. Extreme sizes are also not the norm. The final girth is also reached at the end of puberty and is 16 cm. The small width is ideal for anal sex.

Indicators depend on hereditary predisposition, androgen levels, nutrition, bad habits, nationality, the influence of external factors and other criteria. Measurements are carried out independently or in medical institutions. It is necessary to take a standing position and achieve a state of full erection.

The length is changed with a ruler or folding meter by determining the distance from the pubic bone to the extreme point of the head along the upper surface of the organ. To determine the width, use a tape centimeter. The widest part of the phallus is measured. You can take several measurements under different conditions and calculate the average value.

The importance of length

Psychologists say that for women, the length of the penis has only visual significance. The fact is that the reproductive organ, even of medium or small size, in a non-erect state, when it is excited, increases several times larger than the initially large penis.

Some young ladies are even afraid of penises whose size exceeds 15 cm. They begin to think that it will be difficult to have rough aggressive sex with such a guy (and almost every girl loves this kind of sex from time to time), because he will hurt her with frictions. If the average size penis is 14-16 cm, then with such centimeters you can completely relax and surrender to your partner, as the girl’s soul desires.

Such fear on the part of women is fully justified even by physiological data. The average length of the female vagina is 12-13 cm. That is, it is clear that 14-15 cm is quite enough to massage the most intimate female points.

Optimal penis sizes for girls

According to studies, for most girls, the most acceptable size of the phallus is from 12 to 18 cm. With these sizes it is better to have sex. Larger parameters often cause pain.

A phallus less than 11-10 cm long is practically not felt during sexual intercourse, and if it doesn’t stand well, then you shouldn’t count on orgasm. If a woman is looking for a partner for a superficial relationship, she intuitively chooses men with large penis sizes, which give them masculinity.

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If a girl needs a long-term relationship, she will subconsciously look for a man with a medium or small penis. This will give psychological and physical comfort. Skillful use of a small phallus with the appropriate approach can provide an unforgettable experience. The most acceptable circumference of a partner’s phallus for women is 10-12 cm.

With suitable sizes of the reproductive organ in women:

  • no pain during sexual intercourse;
  • it becomes possible to have sex in the maximum possible positions;
  • there is no discomfort after sexual pleasures.

When asked girls to choose a longer or thicker penis, the majority preferred width. However, with a large girth, trauma to the vaginal walls cannot be ruled out, especially in nulliparous women.

What do ladies really think about this?

Owners of giant XXL prove with all their might that only a large sexual giant is liked by women, as it is capable of delivering true pleasure. This is a rather controversial truth. To find out what penis size women prefer, just look at the statistics.

A sociological survey showed that the ideal penis size that girls prefer is 15-18 cm. 30% of respondents like this type of penis. This golden mean eloquently refutes the opinion that a huge penis is every girl’s dream. The same survey shows that the percentage of those who like a large penis is slightly higher than those who like modest babies.

Taking into account the above, it is obvious what parameters girls dream of:

  • Visual harmony of the penis against the background of the figure.
  • Preferred volume in excited state: 15-18 cm.
  • Impressive circumference.
  • Correctly chosen technique during sexual intercourse.

Everything is relative! It turns out that many ladies, only out of naivety, believe that they like everything about their partner. The study found that after they tried masturbating with a larger dildo, this confidence disappeared. Half of them admitted that they liked the big toy. This disappointing, but at the same time real fact makes it clear that an excessive tendency to experiment is not always good.

Girls' attitude towards circumcision

Most women do not attach importance to whether a man has a circumcised penis or not. Removal of the foreskin (circumcision) involves surgery. It is performed for religious reasons or medical reasons for ordinary, cicatricial phimosis, which does not allow full or partial exposure of the head of the penis.

Girls note the positive aspects of circumcision:

  • decreased sensitivity of the head, which increases the duration and quality of sexual intercourse;
  • reducing the risk of developing balanoposthitis - inflammation of the head of the penis, and sometimes the inner part of the foreskin;
  • minimizing the risk of genital cancer, not only in a man, but also in his partner;
  • improving the appearance of the phallus. It becomes cleaner and neater, which brings joy to the woman.

Women cited the following as negative points:

  • increased susceptibility to pollution and bacterial damage;
  • absence of a frenulum, often used in sexual play;

In addition, surgery is a painful procedure. It is associated with the likelihood of developing complications in the form of common infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the genital organ.

Qualities of guys that girls like

We have already mentioned in general what qualities girls like in guys: social skills, neat appearance and responsibility.

Here is a more detailed list of what women like in men.

  • Independence. The ability to solve your problems, and not put them on a girl, is something that is definitely valued by everyone.
  • Responsibility. This is about offering a shoulder for support in time and not pushing back in conflicts, making someone else the culprit. The ability to take responsibility means accepting the need to deal with the consequences if something happens and voluntarily agreeing to invest in the process.
  • Charisma. The initial spark that attracts girls. Charisma is favored by confident people and shows that confidence and determination. Charismatic men attract attention because they feel powerful.
  • Politeness. As well as attentiveness, straightforwardness and other communication skills necessary to comfortably maintain contact.
  • Sense of humor. Without it, things get boring pretty quickly. A man who knows how to make people laugh is forgiven much more.
  • Passion. To the work of life, to the hobby, to the woman. The ability to energize and sparkle with something makes you much more attractive in the eyes of others and helps you develop.
  • The ability to surprise and make pleasant surprises. Just like a sense of humor, it helps not to get bored and wins over girls.
  • Intelligence. By the third date, it will become important: you need to have a broad outlook, understand your field and be able to support a variety of conversations.
  • The desire for self-development. In the age of the Internet, not having it is even somewhat embarrassing: we have all the information on the planet in our pocket, and the structure of society and life constantly requires us to develop new skills.
  • Gallantry. At least a minimal knowledge of the rules of etiquette, pleasant little things: give up your seat, help put on a coat, offer your hand, give you a ride or see you off, don’t come empty-handed.
  • Generosity. Willingness to pay for a girl, pamper her with gifts, and not ask her to split the amount spent on tea cakes in half.

Small penis: what to do

Large penises in any case have a more vivid impression on women compared to small ones. They are unique symbols of power, strength, aggressiveness and masculine energy, which is very attractive to the fair sex.

If a man is not satisfied with the size of his “manhood” or it is really small, there are many ways to improve the situation. Surgical intervention is a radical, but the most effective method of changing the length (by 4-6 cm) and thickness (by 2-4 cm) of the reproductive organ. The use of special gels, creams and ointments is effective. A positive result is achieved by activating blood circulation in the penis.

Drug therapy is intended to correct hormonal imbalances. Medicines must be prescribed by a specialized specialist. Penis massage involves systematic stretching of the phallus, which leads to its enlargement. The diet should be rich in red meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and seafood. It is recommended to drink green tea and pomegranate juice. It is important to normalize body weight and give up bad habits that contribute not only to organ reduction, but to the development of erectile dysfunction.

Cervical orgasm

Men dream of a long penis so that they can provide a girl with various types of orgasm. There are many types of orgasm, but the most common ones include: clitoral, vaginal and cervical. A man can provide the first two to a lady with his hand. But for an orgasm at the level of the cervix, you may really need a long penis or a vibrator.

But it is important to understand that here, again, not everything depends on the man. Because if a woman’s vagina is long, more than 13 cm, then it will be difficult for even the longest vibrator to reach there.

How did the stereotype about the unattractiveness of obese women come about?

We owe the emergence of a negative attitude towards women whose clothing size is more than 48-50 to podium experts. It's no secret that among fashion designers there are many people of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Homosexuality appeared in the 70s of the last century, and around the same time, androgynous models began to appear on world catwalks. Their distinctive features were narrow hips, flat chests, straight shoulders, and a square chin.

The question of whether men love fat women was not of interest to the couturiers of European fashion houses.

Rounded shapes and curves have always been the subject of admiration for poets and artists. A model with such features was considered the standard of femininity and beauty. In addition, steep hips and full breasts have always been a sign that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Homosexuals, due to their orientation, looked at representatives of the fair sex with pronounced forms with disgust, and gradually this attitude seeped from the world's catwalks into everyday life.

Stereotypes are beneficial

The entire beauty industry - hairdressers, makeup artists, fashion designers and style consultants - is based on generally accepted model parameters. And tall and thin are in fashion today.

Millions of women, in pursuit of this ideal image, spend a lot of money on bringing themselves to fashion standards. In addition to the beauty industry, manufacturers of mixtures and dietary supplements for weight loss, plastic surgeons and massage therapists benefit from this.

Nobody wonders whether men love fat women. Advertising, social networks and the TV screen show slender models with toned stomachs. All representatives of the fair sex want to be like them, which is not surprising.

The stronger the desire of women to fit themselves into standards, the higher the income of “beauty sellers.”

Psychological nuances

Experts say that a man subconsciously evaluates his partner as a potential mother of his children. Large breasts and prominent hips are indicators of fertility. In addition, guys who had an overweight mother often choose girls with a fat body as girlfriends or wives. Such preferences are explained by the impressions of early childhood, the sensations that the baby experiences during tactile contact. This is softness, comfort, calmness. The child likes these feelings and they are associated with the mother. And we are not talking about incest at all. It’s just that the comfort and coziness that a man experiences during intimate contact with a magnificent lady reminds of pleasant sensations from childhood.

In addition, sexual attraction also plays an important role. A girl in her body eats for pleasure and is not inclined to torment herself with diets.

Therefore, guys think that such a partner will be relaxed and passionate in bed. Many people also believe that representatives of the fairer sex, with a slimmer figure, know how to cook well and pamper their spouses with delicious dishes. Unlike skinny women and fans of a healthy lifestyle, they do not criticize their husbands for poor nutrition.

When do you really need to lose weight?

Losing weight is necessary when a woman is not comfortable in her own body. When she decided to lose weight on her own, and not in order to seem more attractive. A diet for the sake of bringing oneself to a standard is rarely completed. The motive is too shaky, and the risk of failure is quite high.

If a woman decides to become slimmer herself, develops a program or signs up for classes with a trainer, her chances of favorable success increase.

She will note that the process of losing weight brings her satisfaction (after all, physical exercise contributes to the release of happiness hormones - endorphins) into the blood. Besides, there is nothing more pleasant for any girl than realizing that her old skirt is too big for her and she will have to go get something new.

The statement that obese women are unpopular is nothing more than a myth. Different men have different tastes, but they all value in women kindness and responsiveness, grooming and self-esteem, the ability to appreciate every moment and enjoy life.

What guys don't girls like?

We figured out what a guy should be like to please a girl. But how to navigate this minefield without making mistakes? There are definitely traits that turn girls off. We won’t be able to list them all, since the same qualities attract some girls and irritate others. But there is a list of things and actions of guys that girls definitely don’t like. This is what we share:

  • Rough. Not charismatic, not arrogant, but rude.
  • Inattentive. Showing no interest in the girl and not noticing her feelings and reactions.
  • Narcissistic. Why do such people need it if they already have someone to pay maximum attention to?
  • Sloppy. It’s unpleasant to come home to them, it’s unpleasant to go out in public with them.
  • Dependent. Those that, along with the relationship, promise a dozen new problems that the girl will have to solve.
  • Irresponsible. Those who do not keep their word and are unable to admit their own mistakes. The girl is unlikely to want to be responsible for the consequences of your decisions.
  • Stupid. It's unpleasant to discover that there is nothing to talk to a person about. Especially when stupidity causes mistakes.
  • Vain. Most likely, she does not imagine life as a race in which she needs to take the lead. And she is not preparing for the fact that she will have to serve such interests of her young man.
  • Vile . There’s no need to even explain here - these are definitely not the men that girls love and adore.
  • Seeing no boundaries. If she doesn't want something, and you insist, push, or simply ignore this fact, it becomes dangerous again.
  • Not ready to cooperate. When two mature personalities decide to get closer, they will inevitably face obstacles and the need to sacrifice something for the sake of a relationship or, conversely, try and accept something new. Nothing will work with a stubborn person who is incapable of this.

Which guys do girls fall in love with immediately?

There is no answer to this question, like many others. We can tell what character traits girls like and what attracts them to men. But not a single girl will create a portrait of a guy that anyone will like from the very first seconds. You can register on a dating site, write about yourself and find a girl who will like you and who will like you.

All you can do is use the recommendations given above, and still agree to wait a little. It takes time for anyone to get to know you. To feel what it's like for him to be around you. You can pump up all the qualities of a real alpha male, and she will leave you because she will be afraid of not meeting such a standard. Or for some other reason - there is no one hundred percent guarantee of success. And even more so when it comes to “immediately”. Think for yourself: have you at least once fallen in love with a girl right away so that these feelings led to a serious relationship? Hardly. You feel sympathy, sometimes intense, for the person you meet. But as you get to know him, you get to know him better and correct his opinion one way or another.

People are not mechanical devices. There are no universal grooves, bolts and nuts that can be turned according to a template and not know grief. And the dating process is a slow event with a non-linear plot. Don’t try to make someone fall in love with you right away, don’t ask the question “what do girls like most in guys.” There is simply no correct answer to this. All you can do is become the best version of yourself and find someone who will appreciate the results.

The reason for the success of obese women

One of the main explanations why men love fat women is the ease of communicating with them. Plus-size girls are not obsessed with themselves, so instead of endlessly checking the number of likes on social networks, they listen carefully to the interlocutor, laugh at his jokes and make a pleasant impression.

Another reason why men like plump women is that they are usually excellent cooks and know how to create coziness. Such girls are pleasant to be around, and they are more often considered as future wives, because they will provide a reliable rear.

Many overweight women approach life with an appetite: they travel, attend exhibitions and master classes, know how to laugh and get true pleasure from a delicious dinner.

Genuine beauty

It should be remembered that true sexuality lies in the ability to value yourself, regardless of the opinions of others. An attractive woman does not look around in search of male gazes, does not go out of her way to please someone. She is happy and busy, always passionate about something and not obsessing over the little things.

Sophia Loren once said that the elixir of youth exists, and it is passion for what you do. If a woman loves what she does, develops and strives for more, then she will glow from the inside.

It is not so important what size clothes you wear, the main thing is an inner feeling of harmony, joy from life and being filled with positive emotions.

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