What is respectful attitude towards a person and how is it expressed?

We live in a society. We interact with society. By coming into contact with various people, we hope for respect from society. Do we behave ourselves in an appropriate manner? Surely you know about the “Boomerang” rule. As you act, so will other people act towards you. What is respect for a person and how exactly is it expressed?

In the previous article, we looked at the differences between arguments. Today we will talk about proper behavior towards society. We will also find out what respect for a person is and how it should be shown?

Definition of the concept - respect

Respect often seems like a meaningful and powerful word. We state that we want others to treat us with respect, and we do not like it when others disrespect us. But what is the real meaning of this word?

The word respect has several definitions - feel free to look it up if you want. But in the context of treating other people's beliefs, the most basic and appropriate definition is "due respect" for another person.

What does respect mean?

Respect means paying attention to the beliefs of another person, that is, treating him appropriately.

To consider something means to look at it. The Latin origin of the word "respect" also means "to look back." Respect is simply an observation. Respecting faith means observing it, recognizing its existence.

So the word "respect" doesn't really mean much. It really just means looking at the other person's beliefs. You don't have to like these beliefs. You may even think they are stupid. But you can still respect someone's beliefs simply by acknowledging that those beliefs exist. That's a pretty low bar, isn't it?


  • Large legal dictionary / Ed. A. Ya. Sukhareva, V. D. Zorkina, V. E. Krutskikh. - M.: INFRA-M, 1998. - P. 712-713. — (Library of dictionaries “INFRA-M”). — 60,000 copies. — ISBN 5-86225-578-8.
  • Vlasova O. V.
    [law.edu.ru/book/book.asp?bookID=1442225 Human dignity as a moral and legal value: a general theoretical study] / abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law. Specialty 12.00.01 - theory and history of law and state; history of doctrines about law and state; Scientific cons. O. I. Tsybulevskaya. — Saratov: Sarat. state acad. Law, 2011. - 54 p.
  • Gulina M. A.
    [www.voluntary.ru/dictionary/903/word/%D3%E2%E0%E6%E5%ED%E8%E5+%EA+%EB%FE%E4%FF%EC Respect for people] // Dictionary reference book for social work. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 400 p. — ISBN 978-5-469-00450-9.
  • Julia D.
    [terme.ru/dictionary/878/word/uvazhenie Respect] // Philosophical Dictionary = Dider Julia Dictionnaire de la philosophie / Transl. from French N.V. Andreeva. - M.: International Relations, 2000. - 544 p. — ISBN 5-7133-1033-7.
  • Zorin V.I.
    [www.terme.ru/dictionary/470/word/%D3%C2%C0%C6%C5%CD%C8%C5 Respect] // Eurasian wisdom from A to Z: philosophical explanatory dictionary. - Almaty: Sozdik-Dictionary, 2002. - 408 p.
  • Kashepov V.P.
    [www.az-design.ru/index.shtml?Projects&AZLibrCD&Law/Constn/KRF93/krf021 Commentary on Art. 21 of the Constitution of Russia] // Commentary on the Constitution of the Russian Federation / ed. L. A. Okunkova. — 2nd, extra. and processed - M.: BEK Publishing House, 1996. - ISBN 5-85639-159-4.
  • [www.terme.ru/dictionary/522/word/%D3%C2%C0%C6%C5%CD%C8%C5 Respect] // Dictionary of Ethics / Ed. I. S. Kona. - M.: Politizdat, 1981. - 430 p.
  • Heigl-Ewers A., Heigl F., Ott U., Rüger U.
    [vocabulary.ru/dictionary/800/word/%D3%E2%E0%E6%E5%ED%E8%E5 Respect] // Basic Guide in psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, East European Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2001. - 784 p. — ISBN 5-88787-018-4.
  • Dillon, Robin S.
    [plato.stanford.edu/entries/respect/ Respect] // Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy / Edward N. Zalta (ed.). — 2003.


What about the flip side?

The word disrespect is the opposite of respect.

Disrespecting someone's beliefs may mean not accepting them and ignoring them. But more often than not, this means demonstrating a lack of politeness. That is ignorance. To be impolite is to fail to show good manners. And manners are social expectations.

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In general, if you violate other people's expectations of how they think you should behave around them, it is considered disrespectful.

This concept - disrespect for a person, can also be defined in a general sense.

The general meaning of respect is to behave the way other people think you should behave.

If you violate other people's expectations in a certain way, then you are being disrespectful. If you behave the way others think you should behave, then you are being respectful.

So respect is actually a form of obedience. Doesn't this make sense? Aren't the most obedient people usually considered the most respectful? And isn't disobedience often called disrespectful?

The main rules of business letters

  1. When writing a letter, remember that you are not expressing your own opinion, but are speaking on behalf of a legal entity (institution, organization or enterprise).
  2. It is your responsibility to be clear about the results you want to achieve with this letter and to make effective use of all the text's features.
  3. Clearly define the plan of presentation, highlighting the information in the introduction, main part or ending.
  4. In the introduction, after the address, we prepare the addressee for perception. This may be a summary of the events that led to the emergence of the document. The main part contains a statement of the essence of the problem with the necessary argumentation (explanation, digital calculations, links to legislative acts).

Eye of the beholder

Respect is an “eye of the beholder” concept. What one person considers respectful may be interpreted as disrespectful by another, and vice versa. So if someone behaves the way you think people should behave, it's a sign of respect. If someone violates your expectations in ways that you don't like, you may interpret this as a sign of disrespect. And from your point of view, you would always be right.

By these definitions, I could present myself as either very respectful or very disrespectful. On the one hand, I definitely pay attention to other people's beliefs. I certainly don't ignore how others think, feel and behave. I often like to delve into someone's beliefs once I get to know them. So in that sense I'm very respectful. I consciously observe others and try to find common ground.

On the other hand, I often violate other people's expectations of how I should behave. I don't feel obligated to follow social norms. This is often intentional. I recognize expected behavior and consciously choose not to adhere to it. For many people this is very disrespectful.

Read more: Resentment is

One person can love me if he likes to be honest and direct. And he may appreciate me highly for this. Another person may perceive me as impolite for the same behavior. Within their own framework, they would both be right.


  1. 12
    Zorin, 2002.
  2. 123
    Kohn, 1981.
  3. Heigl-Evers, Heigl, Ott, Rueger, 2001.
  4. Gulina, 2008.
  5. Sukharev, Zorkin, Krutskikh, 1998.
  6. Vlasova, 2011.
  7. Kashepov, 1996.
  8. [vivovoco.astronet.ru/VV/LAW/BRD.HTM Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany of May 23, 1949 Part 1 Art. 1]
  9. [www.norge.ru/constitusia/ Constitution of Norway. Amended July 23, 1995. Article 110-c]
  10. [chinalawinfo.ru/constitutional_law/constitution_ch2 Constitution of the People's Republic of China of 1982 (as amended in 1988, 1993, 1999, 2004). Art. 33] (unavailable link since 05/26/2013 (3181 days))
  11. [archive.is/20120719062340/worldconstitutions.ru/archives/78 Constitution of South Africa. Adopted on May 8, 1996, as amended by the Constitutional Assemblies on October 11, 1996. Art. 10]
  12. [www.zakonrf.info/zakon-o-policii/5/ Federal Law “On the Police”. Part 1 art. 5]
  13. [www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/1257567/ Code of Ethics and Official Conduct of a Federal Civil Servant of the Federal Bailiff Service (approved by order of the Federal Bailiff Service dated April 12, 2011 No. 124). Clause 4.2]

Respectful relativity

Since the definitions of respect and disrespect are personal, I will share a personal example for you.

I think it is wrong to forcibly impregnate, cage and kill animals. So if someone supports this system, for example by buying animal products in restaurants or grocery stores, they automatically ignore my beliefs. Please note that I don't feel the same way about people who hunt animals for food to survive in the wild.

Although I wouldn't do it myself, I don't automatically think that such people are disrespectful to their beliefs or disrespectful to animals. But supporting modern factory farming is impossible - that's about as disrespectful as a human being can get. This is disrespectful to animals. It's disrespectful to the environment. And it's personally disrespectful to my beliefs. This behavior goes far beyond impoliteness.

When a meat eater says they respect my beliefs, from their point of view they may also be right. They might need nothing more to satisfy this definition than to notice that I am vegan. Which is pretty easy to do. But at the same time, they also meet my definition of disrespect.

Part of the ending - applications

Certain documents have appendices that complement, clarify, or detail specific issues. They must be noted at the end of the letter, departing a few lines from the last paragraph.

Is a visa regime necessary between Russia and Ukraine?

No Yes

Application design methods:

1) Applications mentioned in the text, then a note about this is drawn up as follows:

Appendix: 5 pages, 3 copies.

2) Applications not listed in the text must be listed, making sure to indicate the title, number of pages in each application and number of copies.

Appendix: “Certificate of assessment of the cost of unfinished construction”, 2 pages, 3 copies.

3) Sometimes there are several applications. Then they are listed by name and numbered. If there are a large number of applications, a list of them is compiled separately, and in the letter after the text the following is noted:

Appendix: according to the list on ... page.

Attach copies of documents to the letter in the order in which they were numbered in the attachment.

Politeness and correctness are the basis of the ending

There are various options for constructing the ending. It depends on what was said in the letter.

The most commonly used completion examples:

1) Repeat the gratitude given at the beginning or simply thank you for your help:

Thank you again...
Let me thank you again...
We would like to once again express our sincere gratitude...
Thanks for the help …

2) Express hopes:

We hope that the agreement will be mutually beneficial...
We hope that our offer will interest you...
We look forward to close and mutually beneficial cooperation...
I hope that soon I will be able to meet you in person...
I hope to receive your response soon...

3) Reassurance of the addressee (usually has a psychologically positive effect on the addressee):

We assure you that you can fully count on our support...
We will be glad to cooperate with you...
I would be glad to cooperate with you and look forward to your response...
Please read the materials carefully and respond...
We ask you to urgently inform...
We ask you to urgently take measures to improve the situation...
Please call me at any time convenient for you...

5) Repeating the already expressed apology for the inconvenience:

Once again I apologize for the inconvenience caused...
We sincerely apologize for this forced delay in payment...

Business speech etiquette in official letters Training manual

The inclusion of the addressee's surname in the address formula gives the text of the document a polite and official character. If the address indicates the first and patronymic, but does not name the last name, then it takes on a somewhat personal character. Addressing by first name and patronymic is allowed in a letter of invitation, letter of message, letter of gratitude and some others. These differences are due to the traditions of Russian speech culture: In the practice of Russian correspondence, until recently, the address was traditionally used in letters of a semi-official nature; in letters of invitation addressed to specific persons (honored figures of science, art, culture, deputies, persons occupying a high social position, etc.) or a group of persons related to the nature of their activities; in commercial correspondence. In modern official letters, the role of address has increased; it is used in cases where the situation requires direct appeal to an official or persons.

Expressing regret about a failed transaction, late payment, delay in delivery of ordered goods, etc. may not be enough to maintain good relations between both parties and the possibility of further successful cooperation, therefore, the rules of business etiquette recommend that you apologize for the inconvenience caused. Apologies in letters can accompany requests (Sorry for asking you with a request ),

(Sorry, but, unfortunately, we cannot fulfill your request),
etc. Words of gratitude are appropriate both at the beginning and at the end of the letter. A letter expressing gratitude can have different contents, for example: a letter of request, a letter of confirmation, a letter of invitation, a letter of response to an invitation, a covering letter, a letter of request, etc. When choosing one or another wording for expressing gratitude the nature of the business and personal relationship between the sender and recipient of the letter should be taken into account.

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