Zooshiza: abnormal attitude towards animals destroys the psyche and family

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis has many manifestations. A person quickly becomes dependent on something. But if addiction does not always become a pathology, since people are cured of it, then any deviation in the psyche is almost impossible to eradicate from a person. Often people with obsessive disorders live among healthy representatives. And most often the latter suffer because of the actions of the sick. In this article we will consider such obsessive behavior as excessive love for animals.

It’s good when a person who arranges a “menagerie” in his home lives in a secluded room. But if we are talking about an apartment, then the neighbors of such “animal lovers” often suffer from the smell and unsanitary conditions that come from the “kennel”. A person with an obsessive compulsion to help animals often acquires cats, dogs, guinea pigs, parrots and other pets.

Moreover, we are not talking about two or three units, but at least 50 animals. On average, a person suffering from animal mania collects about 100 animals in his residential building. Often animals of the same species are collected, for example, only cats or only dogs. However, there are cases when several species of representatives of the animal world gather in one room.

Guardian or pest?

A reader of the online magazine psytheater.com might say, “These people help homeless animals.” But you need to help in specially designated places, and not in your own apartments, where unsanitary conditions and a disgusting smell begin to arise, disturbing the neighbors.

Representatives of this type of obsessive-compulsive disorder often violate two laws, which calls into question their desire to care, making them pests:

  1. Animal abuse;
  2. Restricting the rights and freedoms of other people.

You can bring to justice a person who has an excessive love for animals and collects them in his apartment, but often this illness is difficult to eradicate. The man is released into the wild, and he again begins to collect a “menagerie” in his house.

In fact, such pet lovers often harm their pets rather than protect and care for them. Since the number of pets under care becomes large, a person with a pathological deviation simply does not have the means to feed them and maintain hygiene. Often animals are not allowed outside; therefore, all their defecation activities are carried out in their habitat. Malnutrition often leads to death. There are even cases when animal lovers do not notice the corpses of dead animals and do not remove them, which creates a specific unpleasant odor indoors.

Animals can heal: myth or reality?

There has been a lot of attention lately to the idea that owning a dog (or perhaps a cat) can benefit the owner in a variety of ways - reducing the risk of heart disease, combating loneliness and easing depression, and reducing the risk of dementia.

There are two strong scientific opinions associated with these statements. The first is that there are many studies that indicate that pets do not have any positive impact on health. And in some cases, on the contrary, they can cause harm. This happens when they bring various bacteria into the house from the street or cause allergies in household members. The second indicates that the owners of our little brothers do not live longer than those who have never had a four-legged friend.

And even if the claims of improved health were real, these supposed benefits would only apply to modern people stressed by the hectic pace of life. However, the idea that animals can heal absolutely does not apply to our ancestors, who were engaged in hunting and gathering throughout their lives, since in those days the need to communicate with animals for the sake of psychological release did not exist.

"Animal Disease"

“Animal disease” is classified as a group of obsessive states. This disease is a consequence of a traumatic situation that has not been experienced for a long time. The person was unable to overcome a certain stressful situation for himself, which passed into the unconscious. Guided by his desires to resolve a conflict situation, a person constantly performs the same actions, for example, bringing a dog home.

He is trying to solve a problem that in the real world manifests itself in animal collecting. The patient characterizes his behavior with pity and love for animals, although in fact, somewhere in the depths of the unconscious lies a certain traumatic situation.

It is almost impossible to cure this obsessive condition, since the reasons for its occurrence are purely individual and go far into the past. Often people with this disorder experienced some stressful experiences in childhood, when they could not speak or walk. It becomes almost impossible to pull out a traumatic situation, as well as to change the attitude towards it.

Are you ready to break up with your partner if he doesn't like dogs?

It is, of course, unreasonable to put your well-being in your personal and family life on the line in the name of the illusory benefits of a dog. Finding a loving person who accepts you and wants to have a family and children with you is worth a lot. After all, loving people are able to give each other a diverse range of emotions, which partly make up happiness. And a dog can only complement them, but not replace the pleasure of communication between two loving people. Plus, the joys of parenting are very different from the joys that a pet brings you. You have no idea what you are giving up when you think the child will harm the dog.

You only go to events with your dog

Of course, it's good that you think about the dog, probably even saving your neighbors from hours of dog howling when you take your pet with you to events. However, some people with whom you go with your pet may have a phobia - a fear of dogs. And you won’t prove to them that your dog is the sweetest creature who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

In a large crowd of people, a dog can fall into a state of stress, which is bad for both it and those around it, because an animal under stress is very unpredictable and can even harm someone out of fear. Therefore, it is better to take the dog with you in the company of people already familiar to it, who don't mind your four-legged companion.

Fans of exotic animals

Those who prefer to keep exotic creatures at home in everyday life often strive for originality. Such a pet often helps them attract the attention of others to their own unusualness. Moreover, the more exotic the pet, the more the owner may be tormented by the question of his own importance. Often, exotics are created by people of creative professions, who are constantly in search of their “I”.

Long-suffering SSJ 100

SSJ 100 is the first civil aircraft developed in the Russian Federation. Belongs to the family of regional courts. The flight range of the basic version is 4.4 thousand km, capacity is 98 passengers. Its use began in 2011.

The head of Rostec, S.V. Chemezov, noted that in 2024 Rostec will begin serial production of the PD-8 engine for the SSJ 100 and Be-200 aircraft, thus, by 2024 the SSJ could become entirely Russian-made.

“It is planned to complete its certification in 2023, and in 2024 we will also begin to mass-produce it and install it on the SuperJet 100. That is, by 2024 we will have a completely Russian SuperJet 100. I’m not saying that we will completely abandon the SaM146, no, we will, depending on the wishes of the airlines that will purchase these aircraft, offer different options - either with the SaM146 engine or with our engine,” he explained.

SSJ 100 - the first civil aircraft developed in the Russian Federation

© twitter.com
According to the head of Rostec, the Russian Federation has produced about 200 SSJ 100 aircraft in total, and will soon transfer about 20 new aircraft to airlines.

“We have more than 170 vehicles in operation and just over 20 have been produced; in the near future we will be transferring them to aviation, Red Wings and Azimuth,” he said.

Chemezov noted that the airline operates only SSJ 100 aircraft with good results and flight time up to eight to nine hours a day. “I hope that the positive experience of this company will contribute to the expansion of the use of this aircraft by other Russian airlines,” he said.

In 2022, the only European operator, the Irish company CityJet, abandoned Superjets. this year returned two SSJ-100s to the lessor. Less than ten aircraft are currently flying in Mexico for the low-cost airline InterJet, for the Thai Air Force and for government agencies in Kazakhstan. All this is due to maintenance problems and the resulting low flight time - five hours a day.

To summarize, the Russian aviation industry is gradually emerging from stagnation and it has a future, although this long-awaited future may be put an end to Omicron and the next US sanctions.

Cinema and ailurophilia

The love for dogs and cats goes so far that they create separate pages on social networks for the animals. However, this is nothing compared to what is happening in the homes of people suffering from pathological love for their pets.

Morbid attachment to cats is called ailurophilia in psychiatry. There is another term for pathological dog lovers: cinephilia. Both are considered deviations and have characteristic features:

  1. The owner deprives himself and his loved ones, trying to provide the best conditions for his pets.
  2. The owner allows the animal to do whatever he wants - walk around the table, eat from the same dishes with the owner, relieve himself anywhere in the apartment.
  3. Sexual attraction to a pet.

Most often, an unhealthy love for cats and dogs occurs among lonely people. Western scientists have found that 46% of them are elderly women. But young people of both sexes can suffer from this disease.

It has been established that some people develop mental illnesses: bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Introverts and those who have experienced severe psychological trauma, such as losing their loved ones, are often susceptible to mental disorder. Animals help fill the spiritual emptiness and find the meaning of life: a person again has someone to care about.

A number of scientists are of the opinion that cinema and ailurophilia may be infectious in nature. Researchers believe the culprit of the pathology is the parasite Toxoplasma. Once in the body, it settles in the cerebellar amygdala. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for positive and negative emotions and conditioned reflexes. Infection with toxoplasmosis most often occurs through cat feces, which humans have to clean up.

This form of pathology has a particular threat to human health when the owner commits sexual acts with an animal.

There are wild cases when owners keep the corpses of their pets because they cannot say goodbye to them. And some even freeze them in the refrigerator along with other products.

You don’t go on vacation, don’t go far from home on weekends

Of course, no one but you will take the best care of your dog. In addition, by giving it to other people during your absence, you can provoke a state of stress in your pet. Now imagine how many pleasures and new emotions you are depriving yourself of by thinking about the welfare of your pet more than your own.

To reduce your dog's stress while you are away, you can entrust your dog's care to a person whom both the dog and you know well. And if this is not possible, then you can send your pet for foster care to fellow dog lovers like you. They will help your four-legged friend survive your absence. In addition, you can always ask for a photo and video report on your pet’s condition.

You shouldn't build your life around just a dog. There is enough beautiful and interesting things in the world, there are many kind and sympathetic people with whom you will be interested and you will find a common language. And a pet can be a component of your busy and interesting life, but not the center of the universe. The sooner you understand this, the better it will be for both you and your dog.

Sanitary "Ansat"

The Russian Helicopters holding presented a sanitary modification of the Ansat helicopter with a medical module, as well as an unmanned aircraft - BAS-200.

Ansat - Russian light multi-purpose helicopter

© Valery Ageev/Ridus.ru
Ansat (Tat. uncomplicated, simple) is a Russian light multi-purpose helicopter of the 7-9-seater class, could carry 1235 kilograms of payload in the cabin. The helicopter was developed by the Design Bureau of the Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ). The first flight took place in 1999. In 2011, the certification process for the civilian version of the helicopter began. In August 2013, a type certificate was received from the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee. More than 90 helicopters were produced.

BAS-200 will be able to carry mail. The maximum take-off weight of the device is 200 kilograms. It can stay in the air for up to four hours and carry up to 50 kilograms of cargo. The range of the BAS-200 is 400 kilometers, and the maximum speed is 160 kilometers per hour. It moves away from the control point to a distance of up to 100 kilometers. It is still unknown whether there are customers for these unmanned helicopters.

Rodent lovers

Who gets hamsters, guinea pigs, fluffy bunnies and other rodents? In most cases, we are talking about a very busy and lonely person who is tired of being alone. He dreams of finding a loved one. But since he has his hands full, getting a cat or dog is not an option for him. A fan of small and fluffy animals needs tenderness and affection. Trying to somehow compensate for his experiences, he realizes the need for intimacy by caring for the pet. By the way, such people are usually easy to communicate and optimistic.

It is worth mentioning separately about men who keep a rat (there are only a few such people among women). Fans of these animals are usually kind, inquisitive, and tolerant of other people's weaknesses. They are not inclined to rely on public opinion. If their own ideas do not coincide with the demands of society, such men do not care at all.


Two types of people like to keep an aquarium at home. The first ones are very active, temperamental and emotional. Admiring the colorful inhabitants of their aquariums helps them calm down their ardor.

The second type is eccentric dreamers. They like fish because they are not like people. They enjoy watching the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom, trying to escape reality.

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Are you flattered when a dog is jealous of someone?

Jealousy in dogs manifests itself due to an unstable hierarchy: the pet believes that he is following you, and not another person or dog. Of course, you are flattered by this behavior of the dog, because it does not let anyone near your strong tandem.

But life doesn’t end with your relationship with your pet. At one moment, a jealous dog can injure one of your family members, or maybe an acquaintance or another pet. And this is no longer a reason to flatter yourself. To prevent this from happening, you need to show your pet that you are the boss here, which means you decide who to let in and who not.

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