Lecture on the topic “Psychological correction and its types”

Definition of the concept of psychocorrection

What is psychological correction? In psychology, correction is the influence of a specialist on various structures of the psyche in order to correct them. The choice of tools to influence a person is determined by the purpose of psychocorrection.

Unlike psychotherapy, psychocorrection and its types are used in working with people who do not have mental disorders. The object of psychocorrectional influence is an ordinary person faced with a difficult life task. Regardless of the client’s request, the psychologist will build psychocorrectional sessions based on the person’s strengths and personal resources. This technology of work does not involve a detailed analysis of the past, which is used in psychotherapy. Psychocorrection is focused on the client’s present and future.

It is worth noting that the use of psychological correction methods is effective in cases where deficiencies in the development of certain mental structures are not associated with organic pathology. As part of psychological correction, socially approved forms of behavior, certain skills, and positive character traits are formed.

If we compare psychocorrection with psychotherapy, then this technology of work refers to medium-term methods, and psychotherapy refers to long-term methods. You can achieve a positive result of psychocorrection after 10–15 sessions. In psychotherapy, it is possible to achieve the goal after 20–30 sessions. In some cases, people see a therapist for several years.

The expected result of using psychocorrection techniques is the positive dynamics of personal development, the client’s acquisition of abilities for self-realization and self-expression.

What type of psychotherapy should I choose?

We talked only about the basic therapeutic techniques, of which there are a great many in the practice of existing correctional specialists.

Let us answer right away that there is no ideal type of psychotherapy that would be better and more effective than all others. The choice should depend on the patient’s personality, his behavior, views and beliefs, on the specific problem and on the sincere desire to solve it.

Study your goals, consult with a specialist, listen to your inner feelings. Perhaps some method will respond specifically to you, and you will enthusiastically want to try its action.

It will be important to fully understand your goals and their compliance with the capabilities of existing methods of psychotherapy. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy examines how a person's thoughts influence behavior; the client-centered method helps you independently understand your problems; the existential approach answers the main questions of life, etc.

History of the study of psychocorrection

Psychological correction is a relatively new area of ​​scientific interest among researchers. It arose at the intersection of psychology and defectology. The term appeared in psychological practice in the 70s of the 20th century. E. Seguin is considered the founder of psychocorrection methods. Systemic methods of psychological correction were developed by V.P. Kashchenko.

M. Montessori made a significant contribution to the development of psychocorrection as a branch of special psychology. She used this direction in her work with mentally retarded children.

A.A. Osipova writes that psychological correction is a system of classes to correct a negative character trait or deviant form of personal behavior through psychological methods.

Yu.E. Aleshina, describing psychocorrectional technologies, emphasizes that their use will be ineffective in relation to those mental characteristics that are formed during early childhood. To correct underlying problems, in her opinion, it is more appropriate to use psychotherapy.

Most of the interesting modern methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection were developed by P. Troshin. Many of them see a connection between psychocorrection and other branches of practical psychology.

Types of psychological correction

What is psychocorrection? In modern practice, psychocorrection is divided into pedagogical, clinical, sports and social. In each of these areas, types of psychocorrection are distinguished.

By task type

If the classification of types of psychological correction is based on the tasks that are set for the specialist, then it will look like this:

  • family correction - this type of work by a psychologist allows you to solve problems related to the psychological correction of child-parent and marital relationships;
  • individual psychocorrection - in this type, the work of a psychologist is aimed at solving the problems of a specific person.

By nature of direction

Depending on the nature of its focus, psychocorrection can be:

  • symptomatic correction aimed at optimizing the client’s emotional state, relieving negative emotions and negative behavioral manifestations (obviously, such a period of psychocorrection in terms of the frequency of meetings does not exceed 3-5 sessions);
  • causal psychocorrection is a form of work aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of deviations in personality psychology (this type of psychocorrection involves systematic work between the psychologist and the client over 10-15 sessions).

By method of influence

According to the method of corrective influence, psychocorrection can be direct and indirect.

Methods of direct psychocorrection are used when the goal of psychological correction is to eliminate negative manifestations of the psyche. The psychologist influences exactly that area of ​​the psyche that needs to be corrected. Techniques of indirect form of influence are focused on the strengths of the individual, through the development of which negative manifestations in behavior disappear.

According to the form of organization

Psychological correction as a field of activity of a practical psychologist is divided into types depending on the form of organization of classes. These are special psychological correction, general correction and private forms of psychocorrection.

Special correction is the most common area of ​​work of a practical psychologist. Special psychocorrection is used in cases where it is necessary to solve the psychological problems of a group or one client. For example, with the help of special psychocorrection, you can eliminate phobias, overcome shyness, and improve the communication skills of children and adolescents.

Private psychocorrection is most often used in education. This is the method of work of school educational psychologists, with the help of which it is possible to help children successfully master the educational program.

Methods of general psychocorrection are used in their work not only by psychologists, but also by teachers. General psychocorrection is a technology of work aimed at regulating intra-group processes in the classroom, forming a team of students and preventing the occurrence of deviant forms of behavior.

Why understand the types of psychotherapy?

The term “psychotherapy” implies a huge number of areas, approaches and methods, starting with individual conversations and ending with games, dances and tests. All techniques help to explore human emotions and find a route to improving life.

Today, many turn to specialists for help or at least think about such a step. However, it is not so easy to choose: some therapists work with couples, and some with families or groups of people, some with children and adolescents, and some with adults, and there are so many directions themselves, that it's easy to get confused. Friends can recommend a good doctor who cured them of depression, but your situation is most likely completely different. The experts themselves most often suggest using only those methods that they practice. And people ask a logical question: what exactly will help me?

Indications and contraindications

Methods of psychotherapy and psychocorrection are selected depending on the indications. Most often, indications for psychocorrectional classes are:

  • low stress resistance;
  • the predominance of a reduced emotional background in a person;
  • poor development of communication skills;
  • disruption of the relationship between parents and children;
  • jealousy;
  • increased situational anxiety;
  • irritability, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, short temper;
  • prolonged stress, depression;
  • low self-esteem, lack of self-acceptance;
  • conflicts in relationships with peers, social isolation;
  • various phobias;
  • difficulties of social adaptation.

Psychiatric diagnoses are contraindications to psychological correctional interventions. Serious mental disorders, severe depression.


The basic principles of psychological correction are:

  1. Diagnostic principle. A mandatory stage of psychological correction is a comprehensive diagnosis. To select forms and methods of influence, the psychologist needs to establish the child’s social status in the team, his individual typological characteristics, and his stock of social skills.
  2. The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction. The results of the diagnostic stage of work become the starting point for the development of a psychocorrection program.
  3. Systematic principle. To achieve a lasting positive result in any direction of psychocorrection, it is necessary to carry out systematic work, involving regular meetings with the client or group.
  4. Activity principle. The result of the psychologist’s work will be noticeable only if the client is active and included in the activity. The psychologist must stimulate the client’s activity, directing his energy in the right direction.
  5. The “top-down” correction principle. When planning a corrective intervention, the psychologist focuses on the client’s zone of proximal development. The specialist’s actions are aimed at getting ahead of the natural process of maturation of mental structures and the development of certain skills.
  6. The principle of “bottom-up” correction. This principle implies the psychologist’s reliance on the client’s zone of actual development. In accordance with this principle, the psychologist uses positive reinforcement of the desired qualities. Negative behavior patterns are stopped.

Methods of psychological personality correction

Principles of psychological correction

Psychological correction, in an applied sense, arose in Russia in the form of correctional and developmental education aimed at correcting the shortcomings of a child’s personality. L. S. Vygotsky made a significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of teaching children, developing a method of teaching experiment, the basis of which is the formation of the zone of the nearest child development. This method is considered as a method of psychological correction of cognitive processes and the psychological attitude of the child in the learning process and his socialization. The driving force of development is the child’s cooperation with adults who create his zone of proximal development. An adult is an intermediate link between a child and society. The personality as a whole is leveled out and compensated. Based on the ideas of P. Ya. Troshin and L. S. Vygotsky, many scientists have developed correctional and developmental education programs. Zankov L.V. presented a program of correctional and developmental training in mathematics.; P. P. Blonsky - a program for correcting memory and thinking; A. N. Leontyev - correctional and developmental program for teaching reading and writing; Davydov V.V. - correctional program for types of generalization in teaching; V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin - problem-based learning programs at school, etc. The principles of correctional and developmental education are presented: dynamic perception; productive information processing; correction and development of higher mental functions; motivation to learn.

The development of conceptual views on psychological correction is based on the activity approach to personality. The general psychological principle of the unity of consciousness and activity determines the form of activity of consciousness as a result of behavior and activity, which forms the internal plan of human activity. S. L. Rubinstein argued that changes in the content of activity contribute to the formation of a qualitatively new level of consciousness. A. N. Leontyev concluded that the psychological development of a person is the process of development of his activity, consciousness, and personality. The activity principle of psychological correction is one of the main ones.

So A. A. Osipova identified the following principles of psychological correction:

The principle of unity of diagnosis and correction

as a special type of practical activity of a psychologist;

The principle of normative development

determines the features of the social development situation;

The principle of correction is “top to bottom”.

The content of correctional activities is the creation of a zone of proximal development.

The “bottom up” correction principle

, the content is the socialization of the individual.

A. A. Osipova presented a classification of psychological correction, which differs in the nature of its focus - symptomatic and causal; in terms of content - correction of behavioral aspects; interpersonal relationships, etc.; according to the form of work - individual, group, mixed; by the nature of the correctional impact - directive, non-directive; according to the scale of the tasks being solved - general psychocorrection, private, special. Symptomatic psychocorrection solves the problems of the client’s condition, his experiences, emotional response, tension, etc.

Causal psychocorrection by I. I. Mamaichuk and others is represented by the main models of correctional work to correct and eliminate the causes of deviant child development: medical

— correction of somatic symptoms;
- correction of intact functions of deviant development;
- correction of the child’s pedagogical neglect;
- correction of interaction, communication, interpersonal relationships.

Psychological correction is carried out in the process of individual activity. The condition for the emergence and development of activity is the formation of its constituent components: motivational and strategic. In order to create conditions for personal growth, it is necessary to clarify the following: assess the social environment, note its positive and negative impact on the motivational-need sphere of the individual; highlight the main qualities of a person, and which of these qualities need to be stimulated, which in some way to suppress; characterize interaction and interpersonal relationships in a social group; arrange specific life goals of an individual in order of their psychological significance, determine a life strategy.

Social factors play a decisive role in the development of the human psyche. When we talk about consciousness, we mean the special activity of the individual’s goal-setting. Reflective awareness helps the individual in meaningfully constructing actions and anticipating their results, which ensures the regulation of behavior.

The process of psychological correction begins with a meeting with oneself. It is during this time that unconscious, but important decisions in the future are made regarding assessing one’s personality and predicting future relationships with other people. A person identifies sociocultural values ​​(religious, worldview) and understands them as his own. Many people pay attention to the degree to which their personality corresponds to social norms of well-being and status accepted in society (marital status, compliance with the “face of the profession,” etc.).

The tasks of psychological correction include accepting oneself, relieving tension, establishing contact, discussing one’s problems, and becoming aware of the necessary information about oneself and one’s professional status.

The leading system of psychological correction is the reflexive system. There are three forms of reflection: primary awareness of one’s “I”; “running” review of your problems; deep study of the problem. During reflection, anticipation (anticipation), returning to the past, asking questions to oneself and searching for answers to them, analyzing one’s behavior and evaluating it are included. Ethical principles are the initial thoughts of the individual, the deepest part of experiences. When realizing the fact of his actions, a person strives to reveal the reasons, highlight the psychological characteristics of the fact, clearly build psychological personal tasks that require independent analysis, highlight the main events of the situation, explain the motives of his behavior, and more. Reflection, creative activity, self-esteem and self-awareness arise. In the process of reflection, a person puts forward hypotheses, testing them, masters new behavior, predicts possible results, trains in changing positions, and gains decision-making experience. At the same time, the motivation of the individual’s actions changes significantly, and ways of further self-education are outlined.

During psychological correction, personal growth occurs - this is a temporary, passing moment of training and education of the will. In the process of personal growth, the search for the authenticity of one’s existence is recreated, a love of knowledge and creativity is fostered. Personal growth forms positive life values, readiness to work, a positive attitude towards the acquired profession, realistic life plans and much more. In the process of personal growth, high social values ​​are instilled: kindness, sensitivity, mutual assistance, respect for work. The stage of personal transformation and attempts to introduce the individual to a new way of living life is highlighted separately. Objectives of psychological correction: development of a program for a positive future of the individual, emotional and existential readiness for personal and behavioral changes. It is necessary to use a special technique for conducting targeted self-observation (A.F. Lazursky). In correctional work, the principles of humanity, a comprehensive and holistic study of the individual, the principle of its dynamic study, and the principle of unity of diagnosis and correction are observed.

The main direction of psychological correction is personality traits and volitional traits. Volitional movements, actions and activities are always conditioned and motivated. In the process of volitional activity, a struggle of motives may take place. This manifests itself in doubts and indecision. Such a struggle can have the character of a painful state when a person is consumed by doubts. Volitional action is carried out for the sake of a goal, subordinates impulses to conscious control and changes the surrounding reality to realize vital goals and objectives. Volitional action is akin to conflict, when a person’s own contradictions collide and internal and external obstacles are overcome.

Volitional qualities and volitional regulation of the individual in life situations are identical, because this is due to the nature of overcoming difficulties. In the process of personal growth, the role of independent overcoming difficulties increases. Socialization in the process of psychological correction as a set of motivational and cognitive aspects is transformed in mental activity when external requirements become internal requirements of the individual.

The cognitive component of psychological correction is the “image of the Self” - the content of a person’s ideas about himself. The “image of the self” can include everything that is significant for a person, everything that allows him, on the one hand, to feel a community with other people, to unite with them, and on the other hand, to distinguish himself from them, to recognize himself as a special, unique person .

A person’s emotional-value attitude towards himself reflects his attitude towards himself as a whole or towards individual aspects of his personality, activities, etc. and is manifested in self-respect, self-esteem, self-esteem and level of aspirations.

The emotional-value component of psychological correction is self-respect, or self-esteem. This is self-acceptance.

The behavioral component of psychological correction determines the possibility of self-regulation, a person’s ability to make independent decisions and manage their behavior.

The purpose of psychocorrection and the tasks of the psychologist

In psychology, the goal of correction is to remove the client from a state of psychological discomfort. Psychologist's tasks:

  • bring the client to a new level of personal development;
  • contribute to the development of the client’s emotional-volitional sphere;
  • prevent emotional burnout;
  • establish the causes of children's fears;
  • develop certain skills;
  • develop voluntary attention, memory, thinking;
  • help the client change destructive attitudes;
  • increase the socio-psychological status of the individual in a group of peers;
  • help a person express himself and activate his creative potential;
  • build stress resistance and improve the client’s performance;
  • reduce the effect of psychological defense mechanisms of the individual;
  • adjust a person’s eating behavior.

Requirements for a psychologist

A systematic approach to psychocorrection can only be demonstrated by qualified psychotherapists or psychologists. Psychocorrection is also used by specialists in the field of clinical psychology in their work. The specialist conducting psychocorrectional classes has serious requirements:

  1. This person must have basic knowledge in the field of psychology, as well as undergo additional training in the field of “Psychotherapy” or “Psychological Correction”.
  2. A specialist who uses various types of psychological correction in his work must be able to build cooperation with representatives of related professions: defectologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, psychoneurologists, pathopsychologists. The joint work of specialists is necessary in the case when, in order to achieve lasting positive dynamics in personal development, a person requires comprehensive support. Thus, in severe cases of depression, psychocorrection methods must be supplemented with drug treatment. If at the diagnostic stage of psychocorrection organic causes of psychological difficulties are discovered, the psychologist works together with a defectologist.
  3. A psychologist planning to engage in psychocorrection must be personally prepared for this. To do this, it is not enough to have a diploma in psychological education and certificates confirming the completion of advanced training courses. The psychologist needs to take a supervision course, where he can get rid of his personal problems. Only after healing your soul can you begin to heal the soul of another person.

Scheme of a psychocorrection session

All types of psychocorrection can be implemented in two main forms: group and individual. The psychocorrectional lesson scheme is as follows:

  1. Dissociation. At this stage of psychological correction, the main focus of the psychologist’s work is diagnosis. It is necessary to define the problem, assess its scale, and identify its causes. In addition, the psychologist needs to create confidence in the client that his problem can be solved.
  2. Correction. At this stage, the psychologist implements a series of psychocorrectional sessions in a group or individual form. At this stage, not only the psychologist works, but also the client. Here the psychologist asks the person: “Describe your problem, name examples of emotions with which you can compare it.” Psychological methods for transforming the situation and correcting behavioral stereotypes are selected based on the person’s responses. The psychologist invites the person to look at the situation from different angles and perform exercises. Together with the client, he analyzes the situation and outlines different ways to resolve it.
  3. Association. This is the final stage of the session, at which the psychologist seeks to consolidate in the client’s mind a solution to the problem in the form of an association image. It becomes the beginning of a new life scenario for a person.

Methods and techniques

In modern psychology there are a large number of methods of psychocorrection. The choice of specific methods and technologies of work is determined by the age of the client. So, for working with adults they use:

  • operant conditioned correction;
  • psychocorrection, which is based on psychoanalysis;
  • transactional analysis;
  • humanistic psychocorrection by A. Adler;
  • correction that focuses on the client’s personality;
  • existential psychocorrection;
  • Gestalt correction;
  • rational-emotive correction;
  • NLP.

When working with children, the psychologist uses the following methods of psychological correction:

  • method of replacement ontogenesis;
  • gaming technologies;
  • art therapy;
  • cognitive-behavioral correction;
  • methods of social correction.

The main types of psychological correction methods are puppet therapy, psychodrama, holding therapy, imago method, psycho-gymnastics, play therapy, art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, bibliotherapy, and fairy tale therapy.

Puppet therapy

Puppet therapy allows a person to cope with negative experiences and negative emotions, stabilize their mood, and increase their self-esteem. In addition, this work technology stimulates cognitive mental processes, develops creativity and promotes self-expression.

This technique involves the client independently making a doll, which he will need to revive during psychological work: come up with a name for it, tell about himself on behalf of this doll. Corrective action is carried out through the client playing out various problem situations, the main character in which is the doll he made.


Psychodrama is the basis of group psychocorrection. The technique promotes the removal of psychological defense mechanisms and the creative self-expression of participants. The psychocorrectional effect is achieved through the leader’s modeling of various situations in which each of the group members is given one or another social role.

Psychodrama expands the stock of behavioral stereotypes among group members and gives participants the opportunity to work through their intrapersonal conflicts.

Holding therapy

The main area of ​​psychocorrection, in which the possibilities of holding therapy are very high, is the correction of intra-family relationships. This technology allows you to restore lost mutual understanding between parents and child. The technique is based on teaching the mother to show care and tender feelings in her relationship with her child. Child-parent relationships become harmonious, since in the course of working with families, the psychologist teaches parents conflict-free behavior and the renunciation of negative emotions in resolving issues of raising children.

Imago method

The Imago method is aimed at overcoming a person’s internal barriers and correcting phobias. This type of psychological correction forms effective forms of behavior in the client.

The client needs to practice self-expression daily. To do this, he must first form an effective image of “I”, and then learn to translate it through behavior.


The concept of psycho-gymnastics in psycho-correction can be interpreted as “body language”, since this method of social psycho-correction refers to methods of communication without words. Psychogymnastics develops the social perception of the individual.

The definition of psycho-gymnastics as a method of correction in psychology presupposes the use of various exercises by a psychologist in classes. This:

  • exercises that allow you to learn to express emotions in socially acceptable ways;
  • exercises that develop skills in correctly interpreting nonverbal signals in the communication process;
  • psychological studies;
  • exercises to relieve psychological stress in a group.

Play therapy

When working practically with children, psychologists often carry out psychocorrection using game methods, since play is a powerful factor in personality development.

The definitions of various authors convince us that psychological correction through play is achieved through the formation of positive emotional connections between children. Through play, a child learns to cope with his fears, negative experiences, and self-doubt. Game therapy is a method of psychological correction of communication difficulties. In some cases, the purpose of this type of psychological influence is to correct mental development disorders in children.

Game psychocorrection varies in form of organization. These can be role-playing, simulation, theatrical games.

The principles of gaming psychocorrection and its key characteristics are determined by the age characteristics of the group in which it is implemented.

Art therapy

Art therapy is healing through creativity. This direction is on the border between psychotherapy and psychocorrection, as it is used in both directions of psychological assistance. What psychological correction techniques do psychotherapists who practice the art therapeutic approach use with patients? The following methods belong to art therapeutic techniques of psychocorrection:

  • visual activity (what media will be used in the drawing process is decided by the client himself, choosing those tools with which it is easier for him to convey his feelings and experiences on paper);
  • paper plastic (this technique is used to create three-dimensional figures-images);
  • creating a mandala of desires (this technique is used in cases where the client needs to be helped to set a goal and outline ways to achieve it);
  • making a collage (the technique is used to analyze past life experiences, extract benefits from them and predict the future).

As part of psychological correction, conditions for self-expression are created with the help of creativity. This is what many people lack in their usual lives in order to find harmony with the world and with themselves.

According to the form of organization of work with a client, psychocorrection through the means of art can be both group and individual. The main mechanisms for achieving results in art therapy are active imagination, creativity and sublimation, with the help of which the client harmonizes the relationship between the conscious layer of his “I” and its unconscious part.

Music therapy

When working with children, music is often used as a means of correction: listening to melodies and playing music. This type of psychocorrection is an effective method of working with fears, speech and movement disorders, normalizing the emotional-volitional sphere, and eliminating psychosomatic disorders.


In the process of conducting correctional classes, there is a need to organize educational activities. To solve this problem of psychocorrection, the specialist selects literature on a particular topic for the client. At the same time, the psychologist distracts the person from his worries and helps him get out of a depressive state as quickly as possible.

Dance therapy

This is one of the methods of group psychocorrection. Dance therapy helps the client develop social skills, helps him understand the boundaries of his own body, believe in his abilities, and establish connections between movements and thoughts, thoughts and feelings. Dance therapy techniques are effective for emotional disorders, poor development of communication skills, and lack of ability to build effective interpersonal interaction.

It is worth noting that dance therapy is contraindicated for aggressive patients, as well as people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is a direction of psychocorrection that is used in working with children of preschool and primary school age. It is used to correct behavior and children's consciousness, and to correct the emotional sphere.

Psychologists use fairy tales to form the moral foundations of personality in children. A fairy tale works better than moralizing, prohibitions and punishments. Wanting to be like a positive fairy tale character, the child adopts his behavior.

Main types and methods of psychotherapy

Art therapy

A unique technique based on treatment through conversational therapy and creativity, the essence of which lies in the hypothesis that creativity is an external expression of internal emotions, the correct reading of which is the main task of an art therapist.

Who will it help:

  • the method has no contraindications and is used in work with both adults and children;
  • individual patients, couples, families, groups, communities;
  • children and adults with speech impairments;
  • clients who have difficulty expressing themselves;
  • people who have experienced trauma;
  • susceptible to childhood fears and somatic disorders;
  • patients experiencing communication problems;
  • experiencing difficulties in learning and education.


Theatrical performances, music, drawing, sculpting, sculpture, any other art.

Client-centered psychotherapy

One of the most popular methods among modern psychotherapists, which is based on the assertion that the patient is able to independently become the best version of himself, identify the causes of his problems and find a solution to eliminate them.

Who will it help:

  • people who lack understanding, sympathy, warmth;
  • those seeking to explore their thoughts;
  • susceptible to neuroses, anxiety and depression;
  • those wishing to resolve social and family conflicts;
  • in solving child development problems.


The therapist, through a confidential dialogue, only accompanies and guides the client, suggests what to pay attention to.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

It is based on the theory that human behavior is a kind of reaction based on past experience. The main task of the psychotherapist is to help the client change their behavioral responses to stressful events.

Who will it help:

  • those suffering from obsessive and compulsive disorders;
  • susceptible to fears, phobias and addictions;
  • those who want to overcome bad habits;
  • those in a state of chronic stress;
  • experiencing anxiety and worry.


The therapist and patient explore together in what situations negative thoughts automatically arise. Through methods of softening rigid beliefs and special exercises, new skills are reinforced, and gradually the patient learns to live with more flexible views.

Body therapy

This is a set of methods that helps to deal with the client’s psychological resistance as delicately as possible for quick access to his unconscious. As a result, the psychotherapist gets the opportunity to analyze the relationship between the human mind and body and achieve the ultimate goal - a change in psycho-emotional well-being in a positive direction.

Who will it help:

  • those suffering from psychosomatic diseases;
  • for depression, stress and anxiety;
  • to improve overall health;
  • people with bad habits;
  • susceptible to panic attacks.


The founder of this popular teaching, Sigmund Freud, based psychoanalysis on the task of recognizing the patient’s unconscious processes (through the analysis of words, thoughts, dreams and fantasies), discovering true internal problems and building new relationships with the outside world.

Who will it help:

  • those who want to answer their internal questions and build positive relationships with others;
  • for various neurotic conditions;
  • people with low self-esteem.


The session goes like this: the patient lies down on the couch, tries to relax as much as possible and tells out loud everything that comes to his mind. The main method of psychoanalysis is free, flexible associations, which give the therapist access to the patient's subconscious.

Desensitization and reprocessing using eye movements

A method of working with the patient’s traumatic and negative memories.

Who will it help:

  • people who are unsure of themselves;
  • for post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • to get rid of the consequences of emotional trauma;
  • patients with low self-esteem;
  • with obsessive thoughts, resentments, feelings of guilt.


During the session, the psychotherapist asks the client to imagine past negative situations and at the same time moves a finger or pointer in front of the face, triggering the mechanism for processing information using specific eye movements. After this method, the memory of the painful events that occurred is preserved, but the person no longer perceives what happened acutely.

Dance movement therapy

One of the most dynamic and expressive forms of psychotherapy, based on the relationship between body and mind. Movement to music promotes self-expression, improves emotional state and appearance, and forms a positive image of oneself, so patients enjoy dancing. Psychotherapists include dance movement therapy in their rehabilitation programs, because this method has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for children and adults.

Who will it help:

  • people of any gender and age who want to improve self-esteem, motor and coordination functions;
  • those seeking to work through emotional tensions;
  • susceptible to depression;
  • suffering from emotional disorders and interpersonal communication disorders.

Family therapy

Family counseling is a field of psychotherapy that focuses on family problems, helping all family members (including children) cope with conflicts, establish mutual understanding and harmonious interaction with each other through the right decisions and new behavior.

Who will it help:

  • families wishing to regulate parent-child and marital relationships;
  • families with a problematic, disobedient child;
  • any family member with a neurotic or psychosomatic disorder;
  • people who are grieving the loss of a family member.


The specialist talks with the entire family and with each member individually. The counseling process uses tests, drawings, games and homework to create new relationships and behaviors that will satisfy all family members.

Gestalt therapy

A method of psychotherapy based on the belief that people strive for mental and physical health, but patterned behavior creates obstacles to this. Gestalt therapy, with the help of special exercises, helps a person work through unlived feelings and unfinished stories, teaches them to live “right now,” activating responsibility for their behavior, cravings and the ability to live a full life. Gestalt therapy is an effective approach to working with children and adolescents.

Who will it help:

  • those striving for a fulfilling life;
  • with a tendency to suppress feelings and desires;
  • people who have difficulty communicating;
  • for fears, anxieties, apathy, bad mood;
  • those who want to deal with their past;
  • patients experiencing severe anxiety in unfamiliar company;
  • with uncontrolled aggression.


Individual or group consultations, during which methods of independent choice of behavior are mastered. At the first conversation, the psychotherapist and client(s) agree on the desired result and discuss ways to achieve it, plan the duration and number of meetings.


Hypnotherapy puts the patient into a deep state of relaxation and altered state in which the unconscious mind is able to unimpededly perceive new possibilities, thoughts and behavior patterns.

Who will it help:

  • when solving a specific problem;
  • those who want to change behavior or attitude towards an acute situation;
  • for the treatment of pain;
  • for stress, anxiety and worry;
  • those seeking to get rid of bad habits;
  • people who want to develop.


The psychotherapist uses special metaphorical language during a conversation to touch upon the patient's unconscious.

Jungian analysis

Jung's analytical tactics are based on the analysis of personality archetypes and dreams and are able to expand the patient's consciousness in order to build new values ​​and achieve emotional harmony.

Who will it help:

  • in achieving harmony and integrity of the individual;
  • in solving family and interpersonal problems;
  • people experiencing a crisis situation;
  • people striving for a positive perception of the world around them;
  • for young children to correct strong and painful experiences;
  • to relieve psychological pain and suffering;
  • for anxiety disorders, depression and other neurotic conditions.


A confidential conversation, during which the client talks about everything that comes to mind - there are no taboo topics. The therapist also invites the client to be creative - to express his feelings and thoughts through drawing, journaling, and poetry. In a word, everything that can help a person understand himself is used.


An area of ​​psychotherapy that involves the participation of a group of people in a role-playing game in which acute life situations from the real life of one of the participants are played out.

Who will it help:

  • those who want to see their emotions from the outside and begin to confront conflicts;
  • seeking to learn new effective ways to solve problems.


A dramatization of actions based on the plot of real events experienced by one of the participants, during which he and the people in the group are immersed in a stressful situation, “living” it in order to get answers to their questions. The support of group members and a psychotherapist helps to find the right solution in a specific situation.

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