Russian language: how to become literate. 9 ways and fun memories

Russian is the most widespread of the Slavic languages ​​and the 6th largest in terms of the total number of speakers. Therefore, many people strive to learn Russian for work and career prospects, some need it for education, and others want to get to know Russian culture better.

In this article we will give you 10 practical tips that will help you learn Russian and make this process interesting and exciting.

Platforms : web.

If you are in doubt about how to write a particular word, you can always check it on the old and respected portal “”. To do this, the site has a search form for web dictionaries. In addition, offers visitors a text course “Tutor Online” with spelling and punctuation rules, as well as interactive dictations and other tasks to reinforce the material covered.

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Charging for lips and cheeks

Charging is completed within 2-3 minutes. When performing it, it is important to keep your back straight. You should rub your earlobes with your palms, and then begin to lightly bite your tongue, starting from its tip and ending with the base. Then the lips curl into a tube and try to smile. The next exercise is to move your lips clockwise and counterclockwise.

To develop the muscles of the cheeks, they make movements that imitate gargling: they tilt their head back and try to make movements with their tongue and larynx that correspond to the gargling procedure. In this case, no sounds should be made.

To relax the larynx and ligaments, you can yawn several times, quickly say several tongue twisters for different sounds, or read poetry by heart.

TOP 10 tips for learning Russian

We have collected recommendations from teachers and linguists that will simplify the process of “memorizing” the rules and help enrich your vocabulary. Try using them as you study to understand how to quickly learn Russian and start enjoying learning it.

Read more

Make it a habit to read more often what you like. These don’t have to be classic books – even posts from public pages on social networks will be enough. The main thing is that the texts in them are written correctly and using a wide range of vocabulary.

Create language images

When you read, you remember the spelling of words. But only if you pay attention to them. Develop in yourself what is called “innate literacy.” See a word that would be spelled differently? Remember it and never write “pretty” with an “o” or “girl” with an “e” again.

Don't miss: Essay on the topic: “Why am I studying Russian?”

Be interested in history

Do you know the history of the word "educated"? But there is an interesting theory that it comes from the word “image”, that is, an educated person becomes almost like God. And there are thousands of such interesting stories - just find them.

Learn to see the structure of a word

Break words into morphemes - highlight roots, prefixes, suffixes and endings, select words with the same root. This will help you see “problem” areas and work on mistakes.

Use mnemonics

Mnemonics involves searching for associations. Can't remember the rule for spelling a word? Select an association, find mnemonic markers. You can even use ones that seem crazy or strange.

Communicate more often with competent people

Communicate more in writing and try to choose literate people as interlocutors. This doesn't mean you should distance yourself from your friends. Just engage in dialogues more often with those who write competently and have a large vocabulary.

Use educational apps

Install educational applications on your smartphone like “Word of the Day”, “Excellence in Russian” or “Language Glossary”. Open them as often as possible during your free time - for example, during a lunch break or on public transport.

Hunt for unfamiliar words

When reading or surfing the Internet, try to consciously look for unfamiliar words and words whose spelling you are unsure of.

Make fun of mistakes

Add to the memory of emotions: write the word incorrectly and look at it. Sincerely hate the mistake and ask yourself a rhetorical question: “Well, how can you write like that?” Then write the word correctly and appreciate the beauty of its correct form.

Create your dictionary

Put together words that you often have trouble spelling. Take a notepad or notebook, write them and their word forms there. Refer to your dictionary as often as possible and remind yourself to spell problem words correctly.

Learning to breathe correctly

Exercises to train breathing from the diaphragm

Constant breathing training will help a person master the ability to speak beautifully. The most suitable is the diaphragmatic-costal one. It involves a quick, light inhalation, which slightly lifts the abdominal muscles and slightly expands part of the chest. Exhalation is done through the mouth, the air passes slowly and smoothly.

At first, when performing the exercise, you should place your hand on the diaphragm area for control (it should be tense, while the shoulders and chest do not move).

Is it possible for an adult to learn to write correctly without errors?

Even if at school you were not able to remember all the rules of the Russian language, you can catch up as an adult. And in a sense, it will be even easier for you than for schoolchildren:

  1. Motivation is higher because Classes are held at your own request.
  2. The vocabulary is higher than that of children, which means it will be easier for you to learn new words and remember their spelling.
  3. Thanks to life experience, it is easier for you to analyze and understand the rules than for a child.
  4. You can study at your own pace, choosing a comfortable format and learning speed. Let us dwell on some points in more detail, and skip others, because... there are no problems with them.
  5. An adult, as a rule, is more patient and diligent than a small child, and it is easier for him to master the program.

You already have basic knowledge of the language. It remains to fill in the gaps, and you will be able to write without errors.


Platforms : Android, iOS.

“Spelling” is a program from the developer of the already mentioned “Punctuation”. The applications are very similar, but if the previous one was devoted to punctuation marks, then this helps improve your spelling skills.

The system shows sentences with missing letters. You fill in the blanks, and the app points out your mistakes and provides spelling rules associated with them.

25 offers are available to every user for free. A few hundred more can be purchased for a small amount.



Price: Free


Price: Free

Interactive dictation

Platforms : web.

Dictations based on the works of outstanding Russian writers appear on this resource of the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education. Each text has gaps - you need to insert the missing characters, choosing them from the options provided. Upon completion, the system counts the number of errors made and displays the result.

“Interactive dictation” →

Secrets of good manners

A person who wants to learn how to express his thoughts beautifully must remember the importance of common culture. You need to speak not only confidently and kindly, but also develop important communication skills.

Use verified data

When making arguments in a speech, you should use only verified data. Unconfirmed information will make the speech unconvincing and raise doubts. You should always cite the source of information. If the speaker is not sure of the reliability of the given fact, it is necessary to say so, using the following phrases: “I’m not sure if this is true, but...”, “I think so, but maybe I’m wrong...”, etc.

In the ability to speak beautifully, an important role is played by the sincerity of the speaker and his desire to make a report or message the most complete, reliable, and useful.

Arm yourself with arguments

In a dispute, you cannot ridicule or insult your interlocutor, humiliate his dignity or accuse him of ignorance. You can eloquently prove your case only with the help of irrefutable arguments. Each fact must be supported by some evidence, and it is better to use scientific data, statistical studies, experiments, photographs, video or audio recordings. You can resort to reference books, textbooks, and encyclopedias. Logical conclusions can also help in argumentation if the speaker manages to show the entire chain of thought.

Maintain clean speech

Only a person who knows their native language well can speak competently. If a speaker often uses borrowed words, this will negatively affect the quality of his speech. Most words have synonyms in Russian, and it is preferable to use them.

The use of profanity, jargon, and euphemisms is unacceptable in public speeches, in formal conversations, and even in informal communication. Although many speakers resort to this method, trying to make their speech more vivid or accessible.

Sentences should be constructed correctly and in such a way that they meet the norms of the literary Russian language.

Pay attention to sound

Clear speech and rich speech patterns are sure to attract the listener's attention. It is necessary to try to stick to one tone, changing it only to enliven speech. Arrogance. arrogance and didacticism will reduce the impact of any speech, since they will put the listener in a lower position, which is unacceptable in the communication process.

Establish contact with your interlocutor

Few people are willing to listen to long monologues, so you need to talk to the people the speaker is speaking to. You can ask listeners whether they agree with the argument or thesis presented, whether they are interested in this topic, etc.

The manner of communication should be easy, friendly, and exclude any aggression or negativity. You should address your interlocutor by name.

Find a balance between topic and digressions

A conversation on any topic does not involve a lot of jokes and digressions. Even with competent speech, this will negatively affect communication. It is necessary to adhere to a given topic that interests the interlocutor or the person who came to listen to the speech.

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