10 ways to become erudite or how to expand your horizons

Erudition and its advantages

An erudite person is a learned, well-read person who has thorough and deep knowledge in the field of some science, and is well-rounded.

  1. Erudition gives a person a pass into the world of strong people.
  2. It allows you to convince others that you are a true leader.
  3. A person has the ability to operate with a huge amount of information.
  4. Provides an opportunity to achieve rapid advancement through the ranks.
  5. An erudite person, when he learns some material, constantly strives to learn even more. Erudition is a necessary trait of a true leader.
  6. A person who has a large stock of knowledge can understand both a narrow field and other areas of science. He can easily become a role model and leader.
  7. An erudite person can easily get out of any difficult situation. He easily starts and maintains a conversation.
  8. Erudition allows you to gain respect for yourself and become an authority in the eyes of other people.
  9. Thanks to her, a person is able to create an excellent career.
  10. Erudition allows you to enjoy great success with people of the opposite sex.
  11. An erudite person easily becomes the soul of any company and is always the center of attention.
  12. A person who has a large stock of knowledge learns new sciences much easier while studying at a university. He is admired by teachers and students.
  13. In raising children, erudition comes to the rescue when little ones start asking a lot of questions. A parent who knows the answers to everything that interests children becomes an authority in their eyes.

My husband is a fairly erudite person. He is constantly engaged in self-development, is interested in various areas of life, science, and studies foreign languages. It was with his intellectual knowledge that he attracted me and interested me as a man. A husband easily becomes the life of any company, as he has a large amount of knowledge and easily finds a common language with different people.

Meaning of the word erudite

Examples of the use of the word erudite in literature.

To be fair, some of these non-writers - purists like Homer Dos Passos - had no intention of writing anything after the destruction of the word mills, expecting their less athletic and more erudite colleagues to take care of this trivial task.
As an erudite person, my father knew a lot of flowery idioms, elegant turns of phrase, and on any occasion, even without it, he could recite Bialik’s poetry for hours, quote other titans of Jewish thought - from Yeshua to Marx - but in the world of enchantments and spells he was helpless, like a small child and unreasonable.

Some of them became my good friends; they are highly educated, erudite and very humane people.

I knew the new first secretary of the regional committee, Boris Veniaminovich Gidaspov, back in his youth from work at the Lensovet Technological Institute, and then I had an idea of ​​him as a modern, erudite, progressively thinking person.

She introduced him to the intricacies of current Moscow life, showing herself to be a pleasant interlocutor with a broad outlook, an erudite guide to cultural sites and hot spots.

I tried to sink deeper into my chair and did not listen too closely to his erudite explanations of the features of the latest anthelmintics and their effects on Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus and Ostertagius.

Perhaps the rich Novgorod guest Sadko does not come to mind for the widely erudite Murad Adji, or the textbooks telling about the Novgorod merchants of pre-Mongol Rus' do not inspire confidence.

De Quincey refutes and absolutely compromises the erudite, deeply immoral introduction to the lecture, revealing its parodic essence.

George Kennan, a former United States ambassador to Russia and an erudite scholar of Russian politics at Princeton's Institute for Contemporary Studies, suspected for years that the young Bolshevik Joseph Stalin was an agent of the Tsar's secret police.

However, the characterization of the great poet and playwright as a poorly educated person indicates a very superficial acquaintance of Fuller himself with the poetic and dramatic works of Shakespeare, in which more attentive and erudite researchers subsequently discovered undoubted and numerous traces of the unique education and deep culture of their author.

The erudite young scientist appreciated the virtuoso skill of his relative, it was with him that Sebastian traveled to Mühlhausen, his friend assisted him during his performance and witnessed the artistic success of the organist.

The head of the KB aerodynamics group, Professor Heyitz, is a far-sighted and erudite researcher.

And Barth became such an intermediary - a brilliant, universally erudite essayist who managed to create a striking symbiosis of literature, ethics and politics, the topical relevance of which has always aroused keen interest among the intellectual elite of the West.

Professor of the Theater Institute Grigory Boyadzhiev was a famous specialist in Western theater, he was very smart and erudite.

Although, as it turns out, everyone here is so erudite that I no longer know whether it is necessary to tell how in 1962 the experiment suggested by Pontecorvo was carried out, in which neutrinos interacted with chlorine-37 nuclei.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

How to become an erudite person

An erudite person develops comprehensively, and not just in a narrow specialty. He has a lot of information

  1. It is important to read as much as possible. Moreover, books should not be represented by romance novels. It is desirable that these be works from various spheres of life, science, and art. The more a person reads, the more new things he learns, expands the boundaries of his knowledge, and increases his intellectual level.
  2. Don’t forget about the saying: whoever you get along with, you’ll get the hang of it. To become erudite, you need to communicate with smart people as often as possible.
  3. A person must be inquisitive. You need to find out everything about the process or subject that falls into your area of ​​interest down to the smallest detail.
  4. You need to constantly engage in self-development, visit scientific exhibitions, go to museums. But don’t avoid concert performances either.
  5. When you are studying something new, you should delve deeply into this subject, and not do it for show.
  6. Considerable importance must be given to the study of art. A person should know as much information as possible about literature, art, and be able to have a good understanding of music, especially the classics.
  7. It would not be a bad idea to study foreign languages. And also get acquainted with the culture of other countries. Try to make time to travel and communicate with new people.
  8. Learn to play mind games, such as chess. They will develop memory and logical thinking. This is also facilitated by daily study of poems. This will make it easier to absorb large amounts of information.
  9. Enrich your speech every day, learn new words, determine their meaning in context. Avoid repeated repetitions and the use of parasitic words.
  10. Develop your thinking. A person must be able to find relationships between completely different events. Improve your analytical skills.
  11. There is no need to rush to find out everything at once. You must understand that the process will be gradual, there is no need to rush. Learning new information should only bring pleasure. Delve into the details of what is happening, it will be easier to understand the essence.
  12. When learning new skills, be sure to give yourself a break to rest. It would be useful to sit in silence, alone, calmly think or just dream.
  13. A person who simply memorizes information cannot be called erudite, because knowledge does not stay in memory for a long time, and is then replaced by new information. To become erudite, you need to delve into what you teach. If you don’t understand something, you need to delve deeper into the specific issue. The desire to become an intellectual should not be dictated by necessity or someone else's choice, it should come from the heart and be a desire to comprehend as much new things as possible.
  14. Think often. Remember that this allows you to enrich the human soul, helps to form as a mature personality. Try to find answers to your questions on your own.
  15. Learn to avoid unnecessary information, abstract yourself from television, the Internet, advertising, all factors that are aimed at the degradation of society. If you want to watch television, then give preference to scientific programs that really enrich our knowledge.

Now you know what an erudite person means. Remember the advantages of erudite people. Regularly set aside time for self-knowledge and self-development, constantly improve your intellectual skills.

What do you mean by broadening your horizons?

It means curiosity and the realization of the natural need to understand the world around us. Literally, horizon means increasing visibility. The deeper a person understands the essence of things and phenomena, the better he thinks logically. If you have a diploma with a technical specialty, no one forbids you to study the humanities or natural sciences and vice versa. If you consider yourself a professional, constantly develop yourself and apply theoretical experience in practice.

Why try?

Being erudite is useful for rational reasons. Standardized education in educational institutions, watching trendy films, imposing social attitudes forms a similar worldview in people and limits the mind. A broad outlook develops unconventional thinking, helps to build logical chains and calculate events. This saves you from the troubles that often happen to short-sighted people.

Learning is a catalyst for positive changes in life. A person who has a personal point of view always wins and never loses professional significance.

In the 21st century, a new value system is a priority. People strive not so much for enrichment as for original ideas. They are born exceptional in erudite heads. Intellectuals have every chance of success. Smart people, geeks, and nerds become leaders of successful businesses.

Who are modern scholars?

These are people who have deep knowledge in at least 3 different areas and possess professional skills. Many combine knowledge and generate breakthrough ideas. This is proven by outstanding personalities: Aristotle, Huygens, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, who went down in history, and their erudite contemporaries. Everyone knows the names of Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos.

For example, before Edward Wilson, biology and sociology were studied separately until he created sociobiology. Jobs integrated programming with design and introduced the MacBook. Musk, thanks to his knowledge of physics, programming, and economics, has organized billion-dollar companies and is successfully exploring space.

The combination of skills will make you a professional in a narrow field. Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, was not always a comedian and animator. At the time of creating the office sketches, he was over twenty. He combined humor, the ability to draw, and a critical view of business culture - and became successful in his field. The guy believes that the achievements and combination of different skills work wonders: “My experience allows me to display themes that other illustrators cannot reproduce.”

To solve personal and general problems, knowledge in one area is not enough. For example, take obesity, which often leads to death. Nutritionists advise eating less and moving more. This is true, but not the whole truth. Scott Page in his book Diversity Bonus showed that the problem requires an integrated approach: knowledge from physiology, genetics, psychology, and other related fields. There is only one conclusion: develop in different directions, train in the ability to combine skills for career and creative breakthroughs.

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