Personal organization. How to become an organized person


The benefits of being organized are obvious. A person who has this quality can make a good career, because he knows how to solve assigned tasks on time, does not delay deadlines, and creates a favorable image of the company. He commands respect from others because he is never late, never lets anyone down, and is responsible. But the most important thing is that organization allows you to achieve any goals that a person sets for himself.

For example, an organized school graduate wants to become a student at a certain university. He methodically prepares for admission, working through all the necessary material and successfully achieves his goal. Further, already as a student, he prepares for seminars, tests and exams on time. He has no time pressure because he does everything on time. The chances of him expelling from the university are zero. On the contrary, the record book works for the student, the teachers love him, he has a chance to find a job while still at the university without compromising his studies. After graduating from university, the graduate gets a job and - again - thanks to the timely completion of management assignments - has every chance of promotion.

Another example can be given, from a different area. For example, a person wants to go to Thailand next year. He has no money for these needs. The cost of a trip with a departure from Moscow is 1.5 thousand dollars. An organized person makes a deposit and puts aside $170 a month for a trip plus something to take with him. Again, thanks to his discipline, after a year he accumulates the specified amount and goes on a vacation that his friends continue to only dream about.

The benefits of organization are obvious in other areas of life. There are no boundaries for a person. I wanted to lose weight - I started doing fitness and gained weight. All you need to do is not miss training at the fitness club. Do you want to accomplish more? I planned my day in a new way - now you save time and have reserves.

What is the reason for the lack of composure?

Sometimes it seems that for some lucky people everything comes easy and they cope with many daily tasks with enviable dexterity, managing to go to the gym in the morning, run around the shopping center during the lunch break and choose a gift for a family member, and spend time learning a foreign language in the evening. At the same time, others do not even have time to rest during the week. If you want to become more focused and organized, stop being distracted and get things done, first try to identify why you are currently not living up to your ideal.

Signs of organization

  • Planning
    . In order to be effective and organized, you need to know what you will do and in what period of time. Therefore, planning is key. It is this that allows you to rationally calculate the implementation of important tasks, approaching the intended goal, taking into account human interests, etc. Planning is important not only at work, but also in your personal life. It is important to buy food at home on time, so that when you get ready to bake pancakes, you do not find that there are no eggs or milk. Organization is important in matters of finance - maintaining a family budget allows you to stay afloat all month long, forget about debts and loans, create a family reserve fund, and acquire good financial habits. In general, being organized allows you to live without headaches. Life is stable and measured because you yourself make it so. And even if something doesn’t go according to plan, there is always a safety net or “Plan B”.
  • Order
    . If you calculate how much time people spend searching for documents at work, keys, or other things at home, it adds up to weeks every year. On the contrary, when every thing has its place, problems do not arise. You quickly find the necessary papers, the same keys or a notebook. Needless to say, this saves you time, nerves and allows you to be efficient. It also saves money, since people often lose things and gain others. One fine day, what was lost is found... An organized person does everything quickly. For the simple reason that he knows where he wrote down the required phone number, and on the table are only those papers that are related to his current work. Hence efficiency, good business reputation, etc.
  • Harmony
    . An organized person does not have the “work or rest” dilemma. The ability to calculate and plan time allows you to harmoniously combine both. Such people rarely stay late at work, because they work at work, and do not spend hours drinking coffee or taking a cigarette break. They almost never take work on weekends. At the same time, the results of their work are high, and the rest is relaxing, because you will never rest peacefully if you continue to think about unfinished work. An organized person finds time to communicate with friends and relatives, and for minor repairs in the apartment, and for fitness, and for children, and for reading a book.
  • Calmness
    . An organized person is calm. He is much less susceptible to stress than others - for the simple reason that he gets rid of it thanks to effective planning and implementation of the plan. In the morning, an organized person gets up on time, which allows him to have a normal breakfast and go to work on time. On the way to work, he is not nervous because he is not late. The work is progressing according to plan, which means there is no need to worry and freak out. The absence of stress, or at least a significantly reduced level of it, is the basis for well-being, good health, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, etc. He is not at risk of burnout syndrome because he always knows when to stop and take a break. The pace of life of an organized person is not as crazy as that of everyone else.

Ways of self-development

In addition to many classic ways of learning, such as reading books, watching webinars and practicing, there are two sure-fire methods to develop yourself by filling 5-10 minute pauses throughout the day.

  1. Help others. If you have very little experience behind you (but you have it, and it’s real), help the same newcomers. A few years, and you can already move on to mentoring or teaching. The main thing is to remember the responsibility entrusted to you.
  2. Blog. This is a very good way to keep yourself updated, and a few minutes is just enough time to browse a forum or read a post on another blog. As a result, you accumulate information within 2-3 days, systematize it, convey it to readers and receive feedback. In this case there is less responsibility, but more negativity. Be prepared for this.

For greater effect from the methods described above, work within the same topic, for example, “C language” or “Artificial intelligence in mobile applications.” The narrower the list of issues considered, the deeper your knowledge will be. Blog visitors and those you help will certainly appreciate it.

How to become organized?

First of all, you should discard the idea that organization is an innate quality. The truth is, anyone can get organized. There would be a desire. What is needed for this?

  • Get up at the first alarm
    . Yes, yes, you don’t need to wait for the second and third, much less let yourself sleep for “5 minutes.” All this leads to delays, stress, fines at work, and so on. Get up immediately - at the first call of the alarm clock.
  • To plan
    . Plan your life carefully. To do this, get yourself a diary - write down all your tasks there, both at work and at home. This will allow you not to forget anything and will make your every day successful.
  • Maintain a daily routine
    . Of course, it’s difficult to get up at 6 on weekdays, and at 12 on weekends. It’s even more difficult to get up at 6 again after the weekend. Don’t put yourself under such stress. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day. Also try to have meals at the same hours. A daily routine is a great thing.
  • Don't swing
    . If you need to do something, don't hesitate, don't think about how tedious or unpleasant it is. Don't delay implementation. Start completing the task right away - no matter what it is - working on a report or making an appointment with the dentist, general cleaning or a complaint to the house management.

Once you become an organized person, you will immediately feel all the benefits. No more stress, running around, hassle and depression. Good luck!

Author: Marina Tumovskaya

Why developers

Besides the fact that we are on a geek portal, according to personal observations, it is programmers who have the most problems with organizing their time. The entire development cycle is strictly regulated in terms of timing, purpose and tools, so there is a false sense of control over the process. Online courses also take place on schedule in a short time frame.

The truth is that all control is external. It’s like treating a monthly salary or loan payment as a monthly plan. These deadlines weigh on you and limit you even more. Anyone who strives for freedom must build his own line of organization.


Another quite important sign of organization is calm. The crazy pace of life unsettles you, it makes a person much weaker. Organized person – what is it? In fact, he is always calm and balanced.

It is not typical for him to get nervous over trifles, be late, freak out and worry. A quiet, measured life allows an organized person to do all the necessary work very efficiently and quickly.

This is explained by the fact that a person spends a lot of vital energy on stress and emotional upheaval. In addition, the absence of strong emotional outbursts guarantees good health and well-being.

They have less stuff

The fewer items, the less you have to organize.

It's simple. In the homes of well-organized people you will not find a huge amount of towels and sheets, plates and trays. A washing machine and dishwasher are enough for them. If you limit yourself to the essentials, you will only have things in your home that you love and use regularly.

Fewer items - be it clothes, board games or dishes - will make your choice much easier.

Delegation of responsibilities

Organized people try to discern the strengths and weaknesses of those around them and, based on this, give them instructions. They understand that their time is very valuable and it is irrational to waste it on trifles. In order for work to be organized most efficiently, responsibilities should be distributed correctly.

A born leader is sure that even minimal support from like-minded people is very important. It helps you cope with difficulties, overcome stress and achieve your goals.


What kind of person is called organized? Of course, someone who knows how to plan their daily routine. This is a very important aspect that helps in solving many problems. Planning allows you to structure all important matters, highlight the more significant and secondary ones, and, in addition, determine which task will require how much time and financial costs. Each of us faces planning every day: a list of products that need to be purchased, drawing up a family budget, etc.

They do everything "right now"

When an organized person comes home from work, he hangs his outerwear on a hanger immediately rather than throwing it over the back of a chair, Reiman says. “They know that in a week there will be seven coats and jackets on the chair, and they might say that they will be too lazy to put away this pile of clothes in a week. Meanwhile, a disorganized person may say that he is too lazy to hang one jacket on a hanger now.” If a task takes less than five minutes, an organized person will likely just complete it and forget about it, she says.

But that doesn't mean that organized people don't procrastinate at all, she says, but that their procrastination is much less destructive than that of disorganized people. Sometimes things are put off until the next day, or until the next week, but they never remain undone for too long. “[Organized people] just like to cross things off the list.”

They are conscientious

There's something called the five-factor model of personality, and one of its components is the conscientiousness factor, says David W. Ballard, Psy.D., MBA, associate executive director of the Center for Organizational Excellence at the American Psychological Association. A person with a high score on the conscientiousness scale is highly likely to act effectively and have self-discipline. Such people prefer planned events over spontaneous ones, he says.

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