How to become a serious person? Recommendations from a psychologist

Some people lack optimism, others dream of becoming the life of the party, and there are people wondering how to become serious. This quality is simply irreplaceable in many cases. But what should someone do who is naturally quite reckless and doesn’t worry about anything? The following advice from psychologists will help solve this problem. The first step is to concentrate, read and think about it. The second is to put the advice into practice. And finally, the third step is to enjoy the result!

What does it mean to be a serious person?

Before learning tips on how to get serious, you need to understand the essence of the issue. Who is he, the lucky one who has this quality? The main thing is not to confuse seriousness with gloominess, severity or gloominess. These are completely different qualities! A serious person also smiles and laughs; he can also be an optimist and the life of the party. A distinctive feature of such a person is that those around him are absolutely confident in him, in his words and promises. He will not let you down at a crucial moment: he will not cancel an important meeting, he will arrive at the registry office on time, he will not forget about the birthday of a close relative or friend. In addition, you can always discuss important issues with such a person; he is always up to date and does not lose sight of anything. That is, answering the question of how to become a serious person, we receive a number of qualities that we will have to master: punctuality, responsibility, the ability to control ourselves, attentiveness, erudition and awareness. Intimidating list? In practice, everything looks much simpler, so let's figure it out further.

Useful for those who want to get serious

We are coming to the conclusion of the article and I want to recommend you some educational materials. They will help you become a serious person and position yourself correctly when communicating with other people.

I mentioned a little higher that a serious person must constantly develop himself in different areas, first of all, mentally. For this purpose, I can recommend you the Vikium project - almost completely free, with a huge database of practice-oriented materials for personal growth and development.

What can you find here? I'll list them. I strongly recommend paying attention to each point.

  1. Exercise equipment. These are programs for improving a variety of skills, usually mental ones: memory, attention, imagination, the ability to think creatively, work with numerical or verbal information. The trainers are completely free.
  2. Courses - all materials here are paid, but quite cheap - in the range of 800-2500 rubles per course. All course topics are in one way or another related to thinking and self-improvement.
  3. Webinars are a new thing, webinars appeared a couple of weeks ago, I personally have already started watching them. Taught by psychologists or people specializing in brain research. They talk about the peculiarities of how our heads work and give valuable advice for a happy life and work. The webinars are free for now, sign up for them.

Now I will advise you several “related” articles on our site that you need to read if you really want to become a serious person.

  1. How to become confident.
  2. How to stop being nervous about anything.
  3. How to stop being shy around others.
  4. How to stop being a victim and become an independent person.
  5. How to stop whining and complaining.
  6. How to overcome anxiety once and for all.
  7. How not to be afraid of a fight.

And lastly, several psychological courses (including from the Vikium platform).

Effective Communication

Description. The course will teach you how to communicate even with very “difficult” people in difficult situations. You will know how to react correctly to their attacks on you, how to behave so as not to damage your reputation or show your weakness.

Much attention in the program is paid to the development of your emotional intelligence - you will learn to understand the microexpressions of the faces of those with whom you speak, guess whether a person is telling the truth or lying, and feel how best to carry on the conversation further.

There is quite a lot of material here - 33 video lectures, which are accompanied by 26 training exercises and more tests to consolidate what you have learned.

Author: Oleg Kalinichev.

Cost: 990 rub. unaccompanied by a curator, RUB 2,490. – with the support of a curator.

Find out more and start learning

Brain Detoxification

Description. I had a classmate at school whom no one ever took seriously, they constantly laughed at him, and he was completely incapable of “answering.” He was also an average student. I met him by chance ten years after graduating from school - he was driving his own car, wearing beautiful clothes, and by the way he behaved with others, I immediately sensed in him a strong, self-confident person.

When we got to talking, he said that he had started taking personal development training while still at the institute; he had to rethink a lot in his perception of the world and his manner of communicating with people. And this work yielded results.

I say this because you may find trainings that will help you get rid of accumulated negativity, unpleasant memories, and negative emotions. Of course, there are a lot of them, I have selected for you an inexpensive, but, it seems to me, very high-quality option. Take a look at the “Brain Detoxification” page, read the description, I think you will like it.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 990 rub.

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Brain fitness

Description. In “Brain Fitness” you will find both materials for self-development and information on how to get rid of all negativity from your head. The peculiarity of this course is that it comes with a neural interface - a small device that is worn on the head and analyzes the waves emanating from the brain.

The waves coming from your head will be different in different situations. The brain functions differently when you are calm and when you feel fear, anger, and various other negative emotions.

The neural interface connects to a PC or your phone and uploads information about brain function to the Vikium platform. There it is analyzed, the site gives you recommendations tailored specifically to you.

Recently, my tenth reader purchased a neural interface, all buyers were satisfied, there were no returns.

Authors: developers of the Vikium project.

Cost: 17,990 rub.

Find out more and start learning

Greeted by clothes

First of all, in the question of how to become serious, you need to evaluate your appearance. And it's not a matter of taste preferences. It’s worth opening your own closet and trying on all the outfits one by one. You need to evaluate your appearance according to several criteria:

  1. Age. At what age can a woman wear a crop top and denim shorts? That's right, up to 30 years old. A middle-aged woman in such an outfit will look frivolous and inappropriate (the exception is perhaps the beach). Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the figure. The situation is similar with men. A young man in ripped jeans is a fashion-conscious young man, but an older man in the same clothes will cause bewilderment.
  2. Having selected outfits that are appropriate for your age, you need to sort them by style. For example, going to the office to work in faded trousers and a stretched T-shirt is not serious, so it is better to put such clothes aside for meeting with friends or going shopping. But a stylish checkered jacket is quite suitable for a business meeting.

If you can’t do this procedure yourself, you can involve a friend or friend. The main thing is that the assistant has the very quality for which this whole event was organized.


So, you are internally ready to change, become more mature and serious. You have already determined your life goals and priorities. Now is the time to work on yourself and develop certain character traits.


Before we start working on our character, let's start with the simplest thing - image. I suggest you take a short test. Imagine that you have been invited to an interview for a fairly high position in a reputable company. Which image will you choose for yourself?

Keep up the brand!

If the appearance fully corresponds to the appearance of a serious person, then it’s time to focus on the inner world. Things may not work out right away, and those around you will be suspicious and wary of such changes in behavior. But the main thing is not to give up, and soon people’s opinions will change and everything will happen as dreamed.

It is very important in this matter not only to start doing everything listed below, but also, as they say, to keep the brand. That is, under no circumstances stray from the chosen path, be consistent in achieving the goal. Over time, this will become a habit and become a lifestyle without causing any difficulties or discomfort. But if you stumble at least once, you will have to start everything from the very beginning, and each time it will be more and more difficult to gain the trust of others.


Here are some tips to help you not only appear serious, but actually be serious.

  1. Improve your speech and diction. Get rid of parasitic words. Avoid using slang words. At least during important negotiations or when communicating with respectable people. Reading will help you improve your vocabulary. Memorize or write down the expressions and aphorisms you like so that you can use them correctly in conversation.
  2. Watch your appearance. Your clothes should not only correspond to the image of a serious person, but also always be clean and ironed. A neat hairstyle, well-groomed nails, shoes cleaned to a shine - these are also attributes of a serious person.
  3. Learn to control your finances. An adult treats money responsibly. After all, he earned every penny through his own labor. This means that he is unlikely to want to spend it on all sorts of nonsense. Therefore, before you buy another game or gadget, think, is it necessary? Are your efforts to make money worth this fleeting pleasure?
  4. Start doing home accounting. Create a spreadsheet in Excel or download a special application to control your finances. You will clearly see how much you earned and how much you spent. But this is not enough. Make a plan for your income and expenses every month. It is advisable that you can save part of the funds, at least 10%.
  5. Take care of your health. Living responsibly also means taking care of yourself and your body. Eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest. This may sound banal, but only your conscious attitude towards your health and life indicates that you have finally matured.

I have not listed the entire list of tips that will help you become more mature and look more serious in the eyes of others. I also recommend watching the following video.


How to become a serious woman or a serious man? First of all, become responsible! These two concepts are inseparable. You must always keep your promises and keep your word in everything. Starting from such little things as buying a loaf of bread for dinner, to global tasks, for example, signing a major contract. You need to give yourself a clear attitude: “There is only one chance and you must use it. What is not done now will never be done.” There are no compromises on this issue. If it is said, it must be done. This is perhaps the most difficult point, but practicing it is a matter of habit. The main thing is to start, and then an instinct is literally developed, and the person fulfills the promise, without thinking or doubting.

The word is true - let's move on to practice

But conversation is conversation, and nature does not change by itself. Therefore, I propose to figure out how to change yourself for the better.

Everyone has their own shortcomings that need to be worked on, but I will try to give a list of those qualities that are worth paying attention to first:

  • Taking care of your loved ones

No matter what life situations happen to you, you are responsible for your loved ones! When creating a family, a man takes on enormous responsibility for its peace, prosperity and well-being.

  • The ability to admit your mistakes

This quality is underestimated by many, but in vain. A man is like a child: they both explore the world, but the first - more deeply and consciously. A man is a breadwinner and an explorer.

Many people try to create or try something new in their lives. Of course, not all undertakings or actions will be correct, and therefore it is better to admit that you are wrong and draw the right conclusions.

  • No whining or excuses

A man is true to his word (said and made), to his choice (be it a girl/woman, a car, a job, etc. – he chose it himself and there is no point in looking for someone to blame)

True to your life principles (if you consider something right/necessary/necessary, then there is no point in turning away from it at the first opportunity when it is unprofitable or lazy for you).

  • Learn from the best and lead by example

There is nothing wrong with learning from successful people. Moreover, in the future, you and your actions should be an example.

If you have such a habit, stop it. A man is not a peacock, and therefore, if he does something for the benefit of others and for free, he does not focus on it. And even more so, do not stoop to the level of boasting about your successes and achievements.

Those who need it will notice without it, and those who are not interested will not pay any attention to the object of your pride even with unnecessary words.


Learning not to be late and doing everything on time is not difficult at all. Modern gadgets allow you to set alarms and reminders, as well as plan your day. If you don’t have an electronic assistant at hand, you can use regular paper and pen. You need to plan your day in advance, preferably the night before. It is necessary to draw up a schedule of all meetings, calls and tasks, objectively assess the amount of time needed for travel, implementation of plans, preparations, and add 10-30 minutes (if possible) to each item for unforeseen circumstances. The next day, strictly follow the plan. There is no need to be afraid to say “I won’t have time to do this today” or “I have several important meetings, let’s reschedule this event for tomorrow.” People around you will treat someone who honestly says they don’t have time much better than a person who promises but doesn’t deliver.

Systematic work on yourself

Be honest with yourself at this point. Does it often happen that you start new projects in business or personal life, but they never reach the final stage? This point is closely related to the previous one. It's no wonder that people have difficulty perceiving you as a serious person.

In this situation, something like this happens: there are no clear goals in your life and, most importantly, systematic work to achieve them. You might think that achieving goals this way is the preserve of obsessive businessmen or mad scientists. But let's face it: the only way to achieve what you want is to make a step-by-step plan and strictly follow it.

Why is focusing on the bad a completely natural reaction?

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Ability to control yourself

How to become a serious girl if emotionality is your second self? First of all, learn to control yourself. You can control your anger by mentally counting from one to ten and vice versa. And standing in front of the mirror, when no one sees, you need to train yourself to laugh not “out loud,” but cutely and a little flirtatiously.

How to become a serious guy and not stop being the life of the party? You need to keep yourself within limits, adapting to the situation. For example, at a business meeting you can behave appropriately, but at a party with friends you can relax and joke or play pranks. But everything is in moderation. You don’t have to think that crazy actions will make someone love you more or respect you more. People like to have fun watching the stupidity of others, but, as a rule, no one has the desire to build relationships or deal with such characters.

Don't forget about good manners. Correct behavior that matches the moment will always emphasize the seriousness of the situation.

And most importantly, you need to learn to think about the consequences before expressing your emotions. This will require some time and effort, but it is quite possible to achieve results.

Society's attitude

How to become serious in the eyes of other people? Everyone has their own opinion about a certain person. It is formed from the habits of that person, as well as from his manners and behavior. No matter how much you want to think good or bad, there is always an exact definition of this person inside.

Attitudes can get worse or better. It also depends on the actions of the person. If he began to do his job conscientiously, treat his things more carefully and devote more time to those around him, then, undoubtedly, the perception of him by those around him will become better.

How to become a serious person? First of all, you need to prove it to yourself. After all, if a person considers himself serious and confident, it means that his actions coincide with his opinion about himself, and accordingly, others treat him better. We need to find out what misdeeds occur frequently and begin to correct them. For example, if a person is constantly late for work, then he should leave the house earlier or not linger in a cafe along the way. The more responsible a person is about his work, the more seriously he is perceived by others.


When discussing the question of how to become more serious, we must not forget about attentiveness. And to everything: to changes in people’s lives, important events, even to little things. There is a very simple but effective exercise: you need to ask someone close to you to change something in the house while you are away. For example, rearrange the dishes in the sideboard, swap the towels in the bathroom, and so on. When you return home, you need to find and recognize changes as quickly as possible. This exercise is fun and easy, but it will develop the habit of carefully monitoring the world around you and noticing the metamorphoses that have occurred. In addition, it is also necessary to react correctly to these changes. For example, expressing your support to an upset colleague, assuring a clearly nervous partner that a transaction is safe, complimenting a client on the updated company website, and so on.

Your own teacher

Honestly! To myself. Without the need to justify yourself to anyone, without the desire to please someone or the shame of admitting your shortcomings to other people.

We are all not perfect, but a man who is aware of his status will not waste his life and time on pettiness and baseness. If you decide to take charge of your upbringing, then cast aside all doubts and act.

So, first you need to identify for yourself the areas in which you need to work on corrections. It is better to write down this and subsequent work on paper - visualizing goals greatly helps in their implementation.

General erudition

To give the impression of a serious person and to actually be one, actions alone are not enough. After all, in order to perform these very actions, you must first make a good impression. To do this you need to be able to communicate and interest. How to become a serious conversationalist? First, learn to speak competently. You need to leave all teenage slang words in the past and remember the basics of the literary language. If you wish, you can study the prerequisites of public speaking on your own using various techniques or attend special courses.

Secondly, turn off the TV and give preference to regular reading of literature, online publications, newspapers and magazines. It is necessary to follow the news, be interested in the opinions of experts, and form your own views, supported by facts and figures.

At first it will seem boring and uninteresting, but over time it will become an integral part of life and improve its quality.

Fill yourself with only useful information

All successful people regularly read books, which has already become a kind of oral and well-known rule. In order to think and act like serious people, it is recommended to enlist their advice and tips regarding the best arrangement of life.

It has long been noted that with each book read, not only the seriousness of one’s view of many things in life increases, but also the chances of achieving success at work and in family relationships increase. Read books written by successful and serious people who can be great examples to follow.

How to become a serious guy

Use your voice, it's important. The first thing that separates men from women is their voice. There is no need to be soft with your voice. There is no need to be timid, no need to growl or be pompously brutal. Just try to use your voice in a way that doesn't sound harsh and doesn't sound insecure at the same time.

Gesticulation plays a damn serious importance at the moment when you make first contact with a lady. Gesticulation is an integral part of body language, and if you mess up with it, then you mess up with everything. Therefore, there is no need for random gestures. There is no need to look cutesy and twitchy. The best strategy is the calm gestures of a confident person.

Some guys withdraw into themselves, and they show it not just with their attitude, but also with their body. Do not do that. Use an open posture to win over the team. This is always better than hiding your true intentions from others. So just don't become isolated. Be open. Show your girlfriend and your friends that you have nothing to hide, and you will immediately achieve success.

About clinical studies

What are clinical trials and why are they needed?
These are studies in which people (volunteers) participate and during which scientists find out whether a new drug, treatment or medical device is more effective and safer for human health than existing ones.

The main goal of clinical research is to find the best way to prevent, diagnose and treat a particular disease. Conducting clinical research is necessary to develop medicine, improve people's quality of life, and to make new treatments available to everyone.

Benefits and risks for participants. pros

  • free access to new treatments before they become widely used;
  • quality care, which usually far exceeds that available in routine practice;
  • participation in the development of medicine and the search for new effective treatment methods, which may be useful not only for you, but also for other patients, which may include family members;
  • sometimes doctors continue to observe and provide assistance after the study ends.

Levels of psychological maturity

The level of psychological maturity is largely measured by the degree of its socialization, since the main signs relate specifically to social interaction and personality structure. This includes the breadth of social contacts, which can be at the level of interaction with a specific person, group of people or humanity. The wider the circle with which a person is able to interact, the higher his level of maturity. In addition, the nature of this social interaction is taken into account, which may consist in the appropriation and use of other people's achievements in the process of contact or in conscious reproduction for the purpose of improvement. An important criterion is social competence, which reflects a person’s ability to navigate various communication situations and social norms.

Among the internal characteristics, the level of maturity reflects the amount of warmth shown towards another, combined with sensitivity so that caring does not turn into intrusiveness. Acceptance of yourself and others helps to establish safe relationships, the opportunity to open up and develop. The higher the level of understanding and acceptance of one’s own personality, the higher the ability to form adequate constructive interaction.

A high level of personal maturity consists of a high development of a sense of responsibility and tolerance. The higher the desire for self-development and the more efficiently and quickly it occurs, the higher the level of psychological maturity we can talk about. This is facilitated by positive thinking and an open attitude towards the world. The development and improvement of personality does not stop either after achieving physical autonomy or social independence. This process is endless and includes a huge number of factors that you can constantly work on - from realizing your own talents to accepting the imperfections of the whole world.

How are they carried out?

Each study has four stages (phases):

Phase I

— researchers are testing a drug or treatment method for the first time with a small group of people
(20-80 people)
The purpose of this stage is to find out how safe the drug or treatment is and to identify side effects. This stage can involve both healthy people and people with a suitable medical condition
. To begin Phase I of the clinical trial, scientists spent several years conducting hundreds of other tests, including safety tests, using laboratory animals whose metabolism is as close as possible to humans;

II phase

— researchers give a drug or treatment to a larger group of people
(100–300 people)
to determine its effectiveness and continue to study its safety. This stage involves people with a suitable disease;

III phase

- Researchers provide a drug or treatment to large groups of people
(1000-3000 people)
confirm its effectiveness, compare it with the gold standard (or placebo)
, and gather additional information that will allow it to be used safely.
Sometimes other, rare side effects are identified at this stage. It also involves people with a qualifying medical condition. If phase III is successful, the drug is registered with the Ministry of Health
and doctors are able to prescribe it;

IV phase

— Researchers continue to monitor information about the safety, effectiveness, side effects and optimal use of the drug after it is registered and becomes available to all patients.

It is believed that the most accurate results are obtained by a research method when neither the doctor nor the participant knows which drug - new or existing - the patient is taking. This type of study is called "double-blind"

This is done so that doctors do not intuitively influence the distribution of patients. If only the participant is unaware of the drug, the study is called single-blind

To conduct a clinical trial (especially a blinded trial), doctors can use a technique called randomization

— random distribution of study participants into groups (new drug and existing drug or placebo). This method is necessary to minimize subjectivity in the distribution of patients. Therefore, this procedure is usually carried out using a special computer program.

Stages of growing up

So, growing up, or adolescence, can be divided into stages:

  1. Do not follow your desires, establish yourself as a person.
  2. Be able to analyze your actions.
  3. Learn to find the right path without violating generally accepted norms of behavior.

4. Give an adequate assessment of your feelings and thoughts with the support of your parent.

If a child does not understand that a rash reaction to an event is unacceptable, he will grow up to be selfish, hot-tempered, capricious, or displaying manifestations of infantilism. These are people with immature psyches.

They have no goal in life, they are like children, they do not know how to decide anything themselves, they are not reliable. The main thing is that they are happy with it, and there is no desire to change. Such a person does not know how to forgive, is indifferent, often cruel and uncontrollable, and is unable to respond to feelings.

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