How to become more feminine: 23 practical tips and recommendations

Many people have probably thought about how to become more feminine. A girl who looks like a fairy - soft, light, fragile, affectionate, well-groomed, radiant... The portrait of such a woman can be described for a very long time, because the feminine energies developed in her make her a real goddess in the flesh. Of course, everyone has their own ideas about the ideal woman, but, perhaps, femininity is present in each of them. Unfortunately, now many female representatives suffer from the fact that masculine qualities are more developed in them: determination, perseverance, iron grip, authoritarianism, the desire to subjugate, control everyone, etc. So they gradually, without noticing it, lose their feminine nature. This is not their fault, because the modern world dictates its own rules to us: “You need to be successful!”, “You need to earn money!”, “You need to build a career!”. Many women are now developing, fighting for their rights, striving for equality with men. But in the pursuit of all this, their femininity often weakens. Therefore, so that your inner man does not completely absorb you, and also does not make you a “man in a skirt,” you need to nourish your feminine energies. In this article I will tell you in detail what ways you can become more feminine.

Cultivate love within yourself

A woman is energetically strong when love lives in her. I'm not talking about love for a man now. First of all, develop love for yourself and the world around you. Stop criticizing everyone, feeling angry, offended, envying, throw away your grievances. Without an inner feeling of love, you will be empty, and accordingly, you will not be able to give anything to your loved one, family, or children. On the contrary, you will begin to “vampire” their energy through quarrels, scandals, and claims. This will especially affect your man. He may lose financial success or become ill. A woman by nature gives love. This is where her strength lies. Try to start practicing a warm attitude towards everything that surrounds you, and then you will see how you become softer and calmer.

What does "femininity" mean?

After studying Ozhegov’s dictionary, you will learn that femininity is softness, tenderness, and elegance. Many people do not have these traits, while others deliberately refuse them. Example: a girl who dreams of getting married really wants to become feminine. A person who has 100 people under her command is trying to look confident and stern.

Wikipedia says that you can become feminine by having a number of certain qualities: tenderness, emotionality, fidelity, fragility, sincerity.

If you ask any man whether he likes faithful, gentle women, he will probably answer positively. Fragility and emotionality are less in demand. More often, a man looks at external attractiveness, which is part of femininity. Usually such girls evoke a feeling of awe and respect. They try not to swear in front of them; they want to protect them and show care.

Many of us understand that becoming feminine means gaining strength. Quality does not need to be artificially portrayed - it is given to women by nature, just learn to develop it.

Chat with your friends

It is extremely important to communicate with other girls to reveal your feminine energies. That is why a woman should not be prohibited from communicating with her friends and sisters. You've probably noticed yourself how sometimes we really want female communication, and how good we feel after it? This is because at first we experienced a lack of feminine energy, and then we made up for it.

Top ways

If, when you were a girl, your mother did not initiate you into the mysteries of the feminine world, you can easily do this yourself by following the recommendations given below. After all, as you know, if you set a goal and don’t give up in the face of difficulties, a person can achieve anything. So, let's get started?

Start by accepting your own body

Touch it with love, even if you have a big belly that you are ashamed of - it is part of you, and was once formed for some reason. Having realized this, it is not necessary that you will turn into your ideal of beauty, but you will certainly become freer and happier, and isn’t that what you want when you want to remake yourself? Therefore, go for a massage to boost your energy and have fun and relax. Take a fragrant bath by candlelight, buy delicious body creams and more.


Sign up for makeup courses, handicrafts, culinary clubs, etc. The main thing is to do girlish things, not only important and necessary, for example, building a career, but also just for the soul.


Wear dresses, skirts, no matter how chic you look in trousers. This allows you to restore connection with the energy of your kind, to know the nature of your origin. And it’s not for nothing that there is a saying that if you want to charm a man, you should go on a date with him in a dress, and at least 7 times in a row. And not in vain, in it, if it is, of course, chosen correctly, the gait changes, which becomes leisurely, and the movements are smooth, soft - this is exactly what femininity looks like along with sexuality.


Watch films that can inspire you to change your style of behavior, clothing, makeup, etc., and will show all the beauty and power of the feminine. I recommend paying attention to such films as “Paris Match”, “Malena”, “Muse” and “Parisian”, they are different, but there is something to learn from each main character.


Use the services of a photographer. What woman doesn't want to be beautiful? Or the heroine of some fairy tale? Stories? Even if you are not particularly photogenic, they will tell you which pose will be more advantageous, and what to do in general to get pictures with a real beauty. And then hang your favorite photos in a visible place.


Smile, it not only attracts attention, puts you at ease, but also greatly improves your mood. And while smiling in the mirror, say positive affirmations, tuning your subconscious in the right way. What it is, as well as instructions for use, you will find in the article “How to program yourself for success using affirmations.”


If you don’t have the opportunity to attend trainings, or don’t know where to go, then take free courses on the Internet.


Communicate with your friends more often, you are all different, and there is definitely something to learn from each. In addition, this will allow an exchange of energy, thanks to which you will be able to understand what is happening and where to move next. And in case of difficulties, it is mainly important for ladies to simply speak out, since sensitivity is higher, and the range of experienced emotions is wider than that of men, so most need another person in order to get to know themselves.


Take care of yourself and spare no expense. It is clear that it is worth making a reasonable choice, and not buying face cream for the entire salary, depriving children of adequate nutrition, but it is also not worth saving, denying yourself everything, for the benefit of others. No extremes. If your financial condition does not allow you to visit beauty salons, do your manicure yourself; lack of money or time is not a reason to look unkempt.


Due to the fact that girls have a more subtle mental organization and the ability to notice beauty, focus on details and admire, they are often successful in art. It is very important for absolutely everyone to throw out accumulated emotions, and to create something beautiful too. Therefore, do not despair if you do not know how to draw, for example, there is such a direction in psychotherapy as art therapy.

Thanks to it, you will not only become more aware, but also experience relief, freed from the burden of life's problems, you will become more free, energetic and happy. And by the way, go to the theater, admire works of art in galleries, read classics and do what you like, but let beauty into your life.


Show concern, but please do not confuse its types, so as not to treat your husband as a child and vice versa.


Flirt, it does not oblige you to a relationship, but it improves both self-esteem and mood. And this does not mean that you should flirt with every salesperson or cashier; flirting is very relevant even in the family, it helps to maintain that very spark, interest and excitement, and also gives a feeling of one’s own attractiveness. Is it difficult, while setting the table in the evening, to accidentally touch your husband’s shoulder with your chest? I’m sure not, but dinner will certainly be a pleasure.


Read, be sure to read books, so you will not only develop, but also get to know your essence, identity, especially if you choose literature of a psychological nature. Look at any of Tatyana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva’s books; they complement each other perfectly and are written in simple, understandable language, about important and complex things.


Listen to music that relaxes and immerses you in a meditative state, cheers you up, invigorates you, makes you want to dance around or just dance to the beat. Music will allow you to express feelings with your body, which will make you more free and alive, in the sense of being emotionally alive.

Go shopping

Try on different images, play with style and be touched, fall in love with things that you will definitely want to “walk” later in order to shine and attract. Preferably with girlfriends; men usually do not share the passion for new collections and so on. This is a kind of girls' walk with elements of therapy.

Action plan

Make an action plan for the whole month with any pleasures and tasks that will help develop femininity and feel happy. Do something new, because living in the old way, without changing anything, you cannot change. So take risks, get acquainted, jump with a parachute and collect a herbarium, but be sure to strictly adhere to the plan without making up excuses.


Allow yourself moments of weakness, seek help from strong men. This will not be a symbol that you are unworthy of something or have failed, but simply recognize that you need support at this time. Even if you are an authoritative manager with 40 employees under your command, this does not mean that you should open the door for yourself and not allow outerwear to be served.

Practice yoga, meditation

You should not choose a male trainer during group classes; with him you will pump up your body more, but will not exchange the energy necessary for the development of femininity.


The most striking feature that identifies a woman. And if you can’t boast that you can easily foresee certain events, sense danger or make the right choice, it doesn’t matter, do the exercises listed in the article “The Best 13 Exercises for Developing Extraordinarily Strong Intuition,” and over time new ones will open up to you knowledge, as well as the wisdom of the race.

Go to beauty salons and spas

A woman’s body simply needs massage, first of all, for her health. It needs soft tactile contact, because... Thus, it improves the circulation of not only blood circulation, but also energy. This is why after a massage a person feels so good. Don't forget about manicure, facial and hair care. All this is not just a woman’s whim or whim. This is the basis of her psychological health and self-esteem. Self-care always gives a woman pleasure, and this is important. Don't forget to enjoy your bath without rushing. Give yourself at least half an hour to soak in the bath with soft foam and drops of aroma oils.

Be as easy as possible to live

To live comfortably, in peace, it is advisable to be as light as possible.

Regina Brett's famous conclusions:

  • When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
  • Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
  • It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, a second childhood depends entirely on you.
  • Don't save anything for a special occasion. This special occasion is today.
  • In case of any so-called catastrophe, ask yourself the question: will it be so important in five years?
  • It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad – it will change.
  • Don't take yourself seriously - a wise person doesn't do that.

If you look closely at these tips from Regina Brett, they all boil down to keeping it as light as possible. Not to suffer and torment that life is not fair, but to see it mostly as good.

Develop grace and elegance

Purely female activities will help with this: stretching, strip plastic, yoga, oriental dancing, etc. It is very important to engage in sports or dancing that will bring you joy. It is advisable to exclude a male environment during classes. Because it is in the women's circle that your energies grow and develop.

By doing all of the above, you will already be on the conscious path of female transformation. Of course, this is not all you need to do to become more feminine. However, starting is already half the success! Add to this some pleasant women’s practices, of which there are a huge number now, and you are guaranteed a visible result.

What kind of women are considered attractive?

Looking at the list of advantages compiled on the basis of male opinion, you can find that, regardless of social class and age, representatives of the stronger sex want to see neatness, cleanliness, and high intelligence in a girl. They value self-esteem, the ability to maintain a conversation, emotional sensitivity and a piquant twist that adds uniqueness and mystery.

Here it is worth adding smoothness of movements, grace and the ability to present yourself favorably, without belittling your merits and without crossing the fine line beyond which vulgarity begins.

"Mom" technique

The first woman you meet in the world is your mother. She shows care and love, sets an example of attitude towards men and life, gives a feeling of self-confidence and trust in the world.

But what if the mother was busy: she worked two jobs, did household chores, raised three children, did not respect men?... Perhaps she did not have the time and energy to pass on to her daughter the skills to be soft, flexible, feminine, sexy. This does not mean that you need to be angry with your mother for leaving such a burden and layer to work on yourself.

The first step to gain the skills of womanhood is to accept your mother. With its shortcomings, fears, shortcomings. Then you will be able to let in the energy of love that connects you with Rod

Relationship test with mother

Answer the questions “yes” or “no”:

  • Do you fully accept and love your body?
  • Do you enjoy life and know what you want?
  • Do you easily realize your desires?
  • Are you healthy on the female side?
  • Do you feel like a queen in a relationship with a man?

If you answered “Yes” to all the questions, then I am glad to congratulate you, wish you happiness and ask you to share your secrets of femininity.

If you can’t answer all the questions in the affirmative, then there is something to work on. Start with your relationship with your mother and feminine gender. How? Through meditation and exercise. If mom is alive, improve the quality of communication, talk about intimate topics, hug her more and take care of her. You can ask about her personal experience, share your worries and fears, and ask for advice.

If your mother is no longer alive, ask her forgiveness for all conscious and unconscious grievances and disappointments, forgive her and yourself for not being able to build a harmonious relationship.

Mom gave you life, the opportunity to visit this world, develop and express yourself. Say thank you to the most valuable woman in your life!

Is it easy to be like everyone else?

What if you try to be like everyone else? Will this bring us closer to becoming a lightweight person? For communication, for relationships. Here you can look at it from both sides - both from the side of uniqueness and from the side of the desire not to stand out.

That is, on the one hand, when you are too unique, unlike others, you behave very strangely and incomprehensible to people. Of course, you won’t be an easy person for them. They simply will not understand you due to their own limitations.

Because people - they tend to try to compare other people's experiences with their own. See how close and understandable someone else’s experience is to them. And it will be understandable and close to them if they have experienced this themselves. And the closer and clearer your experience is, and, accordingly, your behavior and external attributes, the easier it will be for people to find a common language with you. And the easier it will be for them.

Communication skills

Did you know that courtesans and geishas charmed many men not with their beauty, but with their ability to communicate? Femininity also implies the ability to communicate, talk and carry on a conversation. Agree that a man is often looking for a good interlocutor with whom he can talk about life, problems, and beauty.

To learn how to express your thoughts correctly and beautifully and become feminine, you need to develop intellectually. Namely: read fiction, visit exhibitions, go to the theater, be interested in news in the field of politics, economics, and the lives of famous people. Only a well-read and competent girl can truly interest a man. People around you will be able to admire your knowledge, and you will become an interesting interlocutor, capable of supporting any conversation.

Do not forget that it is not appropriate for a feminine representative of the fair sex to use abusive and slang language in her speech. This will alienate your interlocutor and leave him with bad memories of you. Try not to raise your tone, speak smoothly and clearly so that those around you can understand you. By the way, some feminine ladies are able to captivate a man thanks to their gentle voice. Therefore, you have something to strive for.

To seduce the opposite sex, knowing how to correctly call a guy with affectionate words helps. Any person will like such gentle treatment and will have a positive attitude towards you.

We are changing gradually7

If you find it difficult to say a kind word, try practicing in front of a mirror first. Forget that diminutive nicknames and tender words seem ridiculous to you. Choose words that seem more pleasant and meaningful to you. Later, write your favorite SMS, and only after that proceed to personal communication with him. He may be surprised at first, but he will quickly get used to the new relationship.

Saying “warm” words2

This is the easiest way to express your love and appreciation. Every man will appreciate a sincere compliment addressed to him. Praise him for his kindness, determination, resourcefulness, intelligence, or courage. But do it from the heart, otherwise he may feel false and turn away from you.

Affectionate nicknames are also good. But make sure they are appropriate. In an official setting, it is difficult for a man to respond to a “bunny” or “bear cub”. So choose your words. And remember that there is nothing more pleasant than hearing your own name from the lips of a loved one.

Let's sum it up

Femininity is a girl’s natural state. But social stereotypes, distorted perceptions, fears, and anxiety block it. Use the advice of a psychologist on how to develop femininity in yourself, and you will see how your life becomes fulfilling, harmonious, and happy.

An integrated approach speeds up the process. For example, in the online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness” I give many exercises aimed at removing psychological blocks, realizing one’s attractiveness and self-sufficiency.

Girls, let's play! How would you rate your femininity on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is completely unfeminine and 10 is so feminine that Aphrodite is jealous? Answer in the comments.


Look and femininity are concepts that cannot be separated from each other. An unfriendly and indifferent look can repel a person, but a caring, gentle and affectionate look, on the contrary, will win over anyone. To achieve a friendly expression in your eyes, you must always think about pleasant things. For example, remember situations that evoke only positive emotions in you.

When talking to a person, you need to look into his eyes, and your gaze should be open. During a conversation, you can flirtatiously blink your eyes to evoke ambiguous feelings in your interlocutor. You can resort to a little trick - choose mascara for your eyes, either lengthening or adding volume, or a combination of both.

Feminine energy: what is it like?

What kind of woman is she? After all, it’s clearly not only Aphrodite with her hair flowing and her dress blowing in the wind? Being a woman means being on friendly terms with yourself, loving life and the people around you, being able to create comfort and warmth in your home, taking care of your body and feelings, and enjoying motherhood.

On the other hand, it means being strong, ready to defend yourself and bear responsibility for your loved ones and relatives, without preventing a man from expressing himself.

To be a woman means to attract and experience the world through desires and pleasure.

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