Learn to make fun of yourself: how to become a cheerful person

Laughter prolongs life. But despite the fact that everyone knows this from childhood, there are a lot of gloomy people around who won’t smile once again. But cheerful people live much easier, they look at problems more simply, they get out of difficult situations easier, everyone loves them. Being funny doesn't mean being a clown. It's a mindset that can be achieved with a few helpful tips.

Think positively

No matter what happens around you, you need to look for some positive moments in any situation. When communicating with people, you need to focus on their positive sides, not on their shortcomings. When someone is depressed, you need to cheer them up, not encourage them to be depressed. If you think positively, you will emit a special energy that will attract people to you.

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Start keeping a schedule

A good mood is the key to success. There are many ways to improve your mood. One of them is planning. A person who keeps a diary lives productively and rationally. If you want to improve your life, then start writing yourself to-do lists from today. How will they help you become happier? A person who keeps everything in his head cannot enjoy life to the fullest. A person’s walk down the street is accompanied by thoughts about preparing dinner, doing laundry, and checking on the children’s homework. People don’t have time to enjoy great weather and flowers in their flower beds. If all your tasks are listed in a diary and tied to specific hours at which tasks need to be completed, you will not be burdened with unnecessary thoughts. What is written down on paper can be safely forgotten. There is no point in keeping all your affairs in your head; they will look great on paper. And you will be able to see the world around you in all its glory.

Complain less

It is clear that life is not an easy thing. Many things do not work out as we would like, some difficulties constantly arise, many dreams remain unfulfilled. But you should never give in to despondency, much less complain. When you complain about life, you increase your negativity and become even more depressed.

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Refresh your vocabulary.

They pay more attention to jokes with special, unusual words. For example, the word “zenoyam”, which must be read backwards, sounds funnier than “mayonnaise”. You can say the usual phrase: “I’m going to bed,” but it sounds funnier: “I’m going to listen to the noise of submarines.”

American comedian Gilbert Gottfried joked on one of his comedy programs: “If a girl has a hairy back, there is no need to be upset. You can close your eyes and imagine that she is wearing an alpaca jacket.” In this joke, the word “alpaca” played a punchline role, showing the absurdity of the situation.

Specific sounds add comedy to the stories. For example, showman Eddie Driscoll, speaking on intimate topics, creates a sound that simulates the opening of a zipper on his fly.

Take a sense of humor test

Ask interesting questions

What do people talk about when they meet? About the weather, health and the latest events in the world? Break this pattern. Ask your friends some non-standard fun questions. Ask them about funny situations they've been in, about the pranks of their pets, about interesting places they've been to. Let the conversation with you be entertaining. And then those around you will strive to communicate with you.

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How to learn to joke well in any situation: 10 rules

Friends, we have already talked about how to develop your humor, as well as what stand-up is and how to learn it. And today we’ll focus on how to make your jokes win-win and worthy of attention. You've probably found yourself in situations where you decided to make a joke, but no one appreciated it. Have you thought that maybe you did something wrong? Not every joke you make can be successful. But to make the humor really funny, you should listen to the tips that you will see below. Now you will learn all the secrets of high-quality public speaking.

Let's talk about the rules of good humor.

Build associations

This is one of the main criteria for a successful joke. You need to quickly generate ideas in your head and select dozens of interpretation options for the situation. You witnessed something or heard some news, instantly replayed everything in your head - come up with even the most primitive associations. One situation - several interpretation options. One of them will definitely be the best, and it is worth mentioning. It’s great if the listener can immediately visualize what you said.


Strictly practice self-censorship. What this means: You must come up with high-quality jokes that are catchy and funny. Avoid hackneyed topics, do not use clichés. If, in response to an ordinary phrase, the interlocutor says something like: “We saw better!”, then no one will laugh. No matter what, no one will smile. It's simply not funny anymore and it's hackneyed.

The above and similar clichés will reveal your complete lack of humor and the ability to come up with interesting jokes on your own. Generate a dozen jokes and choose one - the best one. This choice will mean that you have taste. And you are able to highlight what will hook listeners.

The ability to let yourself go

If you feel awkward in front of the public and not only are you unable to say a word, but you can’t even put your thoughts together, then you need to learn to let go of the situation. Squeezed and constrained, you will be of no interest to anyone; this is the worst state for a comedian. Try to relax and collect yourself. Self-irony will help you feel more confident (we’ll talk more about it later). Come up with answers in advance to all sorts of jokes directed at you.

Share sincere emotions

It is always important to establish trusting contact with the public and convey your emotional experiences to them. It is always more pleasant for the audience to watch a comedian's frank performance than to listen to his stories on abstract topics that do not concern him personally. Realize that the most compelling stories are the ones you put your soul into. Something sad happened and it seems you are not in the mood to joke? But even such a situation can be presented in such a way that the public will receive you with a bang.

You've probably noticed that most comedians never miss an opportunity to share their personal and family lives in a humorous way. Because the audience likes it. This is something that always backfires. Why? Because many people recognize themselves in this humor.

The ability to find an analogy

This is also a very important criterion. You must learn to easily and quickly find comparisons by sound and meaning. Let's say a phrase has several meanings, and you cleverly operate with it in such a way that others wonder how it didn't occur to them. Different phrases, things, situations and one common feature are what you need for impeccable humor.

Ability to develop paradox

Paradoxical things help in humor. Just look around and you will notice many situations in which there is a clear discrepancy. And think about it, if this is true, what else could be true? That's it, the mechanism has started. Incredible ideas begin to come into your head one after another. We read the paradoxical news and came up with several similar jokes to go with it.

Clearly worded jokes

When you start formulating your funny stories clearly and concisely, you will have more success in front of the public. Nobody likes to listen to a boring story for half an hour with all the (unnecessary) details. By the way, you can read about how to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts correctly in this article. Many people will already understand in the middle what the author is leading to and will generally lose all interest in his speech. To ensure that they always listen to you attentively, do not make a similar mistake and do not switch to unnecessary, unimportant details. Follow two rules:

  1. Minimum words. The shorter the story, the more understandable and better it is for the audience.
  2. The funniest and most important word is at the end of your joke. Build the story so that the meaningful phrase ends up at the end. If 3-4 more words are heard after it, then they will be superfluous.

This algorithm will help you understand how to joke correctly and accurately in groups.

Find the right moment

The best joke is the one that was said at the right time, then it will really “shot”. How do you know when it's time to use your humor?

  1. Noticed the analogy.
  2. Noticed inconsistency, illogicality, contradiction.
  3. Something stands out from the general background. Based on this and the previous points, you can easily understand that the time for jokes has come. Generate ideas quickly and embrace humor.
  4. And at the end, surprise your listeners with an unexpected ending. This is especially true if they have already guessed what you are talking about.

Channel your anxiety in the right direction

There is not a single person who would feel completely calm in front of an audience. Everyone who speaks (even makes a banal toast) is worried. But it is important to use this feeling in the right direction. Instead of feeling stiff, trembling throughout your body and shaking hands, channel your energy into speaking in front of an audience. All that energy that is spent on jitters should be invested in your jokes.

Anxiety is normal. But you should forget about it. Once you start connecting with your audience, you need to switch gears.

Self-irony is important

You have already read above about the importance of self-irony in humor. You need to learn to laugh at yourself. Highlight all your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. Come up with jokes about your imperfections that are noticeable to others.

Let's say you are too fat or thin and are tired of listening to the jokes of your friends, then come up with a dozen funny answers to them. If someone criticized your initiatives, do not get into an argument and do not try to convince this person, it is better to immediately agree and do it with humor.

Read and watch something fun

To be a cheerful person, you need to fill your head with relevant content. Forget about dark historical novels or tearful melodramas. Read some funny, life-affirming stories (necessarily with a good ending). Be sure to periodically update your database of jokes. Also watch humorous programs more often. And if you don't find anything interesting on TV, watch funny videos on the Internet.

How to stop being boring to the opposite sex

It also happens that in the company of friends we behave relaxed, but with a potential partner we are nervous and make mistakes. He becomes bored and the relationship does not begin. The following tips will help you.

  • Don't spill all your secrets about your feelings at once. Understatement is important so that your partner wonders how you feel about him. Don't close yourself off completely, just dose out the information.
  • Create a small data deficit about yourself. Open up as a person gradually, so that every news is a surprise. You shouldn’t tell in detail how you spent your day, what you ate, or what you were told at work.
  • Use conversation tricks - show interest in the life of the person you like. Encourage guys to talk about their achievements, and girls to talk about their hobbies and exciting events.
  • Share the values ​​of your partner if they are acceptable to you. For example, if your partner plays sports, and you have also wanted to start for a long time, then join him, and you will never be considered a bore.

Use this at the beginning of your communication - and you will definitely interest the person you like.

Laugh more often

Laughter is the cure for any problem. Moreover, when you laugh, the body produces substances that can dull physical pain. So instead of being sad and despondent, try to look for as many reasons as possible to sincerely smile or laugh heartily. Just look around. There are many reasons to laugh. You just need to learn to notice them.

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