Master of emotions: how to learn to control yourself? Exercises

They say different things about emotions: some say that “emotions interfere with life,” others complain about their hyper-emotionality, while others, against the backdrop of now popular books and articles on the topic of emotional intelligence, are trying to increase not only IQ (intelligence quotient), but also EQ ( emotionality quotient)… Emotions themselves are an irreplaceable thing, but sometimes they are too strong - and this harms both their “owner” and others.

I don’t really like the expression “keep emotions under control” (I see some kind of pressure on the individual in it), but the fact remains: it is possible and necessary to control emotions and feelings.

The ability to control yourself and maintain a clear mind and free from momentary outbursts of emotions is valued in any situation and in any place: both at work and in the family. I propose today to reflect on this topic: how to learn to control yourself?

Self-control, or the Art of Balance

Guitarists know that loose or overstretched strings will lose their “voices.” To put the tool into working condition, you need to configure it correctly. The main thing in this matter is to achieve a golden mean.

The same thing happens with a person. The ability to control oneself is the correct emotional attunement. Excessive nervous tension, as well as excessive relaxation, does not allow you to achieve your goal.

Emotions that get out of control can destroy the warmest relationships. Aggression, fear, hatred in a stressful situation paralyze a person’s will and do not allow him to behave adequately. You can make reasonable decisions and correct your actions only in a balanced state.

Moreover, self-control sometimes makes it possible to discern favorable opportunities in a dead-end situation that lead to the path of success.

Be the master of emotions: suppress or manage?

Many people confuse and believe that suppressing and managing their emotions are the same thing..

To suppress means not to consider them important, not to pay attention, to forbid oneself to understand what is happening to me.

Managing emotions means showing them in the right place: after all, sometimes they are inappropriate, can offend other people, and do not allow you to calmly think about the situation.

Controlling your emotions also means understanding and taking into account that sometimes too intense emotions are a consequence of lack of sleep, hunger, fatigue, illness...

Where self-control skills are required:

• conflicts between friends: quarrels, disagreements;

• crises of family relationships: infidelity, divorce, the problem of mutual understanding between generations;

• public discussions: defending one’s position at meetings, lectures, consultations;

• scientific experiments: trial and error methods are not always successful;

• force majeure situations: fire, flood, equipment failure, injuries;

• diplomacy: the art of negotiating, giving in, compromising.

Take care of yourself

Think about what type of people you particularly like. We are usually attracted to psychologically healthy, happy and interesting people. They make our lives better.

Now think about how you feel about yourself. Often, when under severe stress or fatigue, a person stops taking care of himself, begins to devote time to things that spoil his mood, and distances himself from himself.

You can start taking care with simple steps: create the right menu, walk regularly and exercise. Every time you find it difficult to take care of yourself, remind yourself that you are doing this for your future. If you give up everything right now, the future version of you is unlikely to appreciate it.

What is self-control?

The art of self-control allows you to not be a slave to your emotions. Having mastered its basics, a person becomes less vulnerable and more self-sufficient; in any situation he knows how to cope with anger, anxiety, confusion, and self-doubt.

In a word, this is a good school that allows you not to be afraid of life's trials. Psychologists advise going through it as early as possible and suggest the following stages in mastering self-control skills.

1. Self-control in conflict situations

You can use minor everyday quarrels as training exercises. Try to analyze your behavior: how hot and angry you are. Identify the reasons for your excessive temperament.

Discipline of thought. How to learn to control yourself

He who knows how to pacify his anger is like a sage who won his battle without even starting it...


From my own experience, I came to a clear understanding of what it means to “Control oneself” and how important it is to maintain inner peace of mind in any life situation. Personal experience has convinced me of the wisdom of making decisions from a state of peace and quiet. And moreover, such decisions always turned out to be the most correct and effective, because at such moments I relied on feelings, and not on emotions.

“The world, first of all, must be inside you. Peace and harmony..."

The aroma of a new life
When I began to comprehend this art, my life began to change seriously and, of course, only for the better. I began to look at myself and at the world that surrounds me differently, it became completely different... incredible. But is it? What has become different? Me or the world? What changed? When I asked myself the question: “What is actually happening”? The answer came from the depths of the Soul... I myself changed... and only I...

My inner transformation was reflected in everything, it was a look from the inside, a look from a person in love with life. It was as if the most beautiful flower in the world had bloomed in me, and its delicate aroma emanated from everything that surrounded me. The most delicate smell filled the world with completely different colors, as if I took a brush and began to paint a bright, happy and love-filled picture... a picture of my new life.

But in order to achieve such inspiration to create my own life in a state of love and joy, I needed to take strict control of my thoughts and learn to control myself in any situation, and for this I had to become an observer. An observer of your own life.

Every day I tried to observe myself, what I do, how I say and think. I was practically unaware of my life as a whole, only in some torn parts that split it into many different events and dates. They existed either in the past or in the future and were completely devoid of the present moment “Here and Now”.

In observing myself, what struck me most was that I paid a lot of attention to negative thoughts, which evoked corresponding emotions in me. As personal experience shows, one thing flows from the other, and if you clearly control your thoughts, you can radically change your life and skillfully control yourself in any situation.

In this article we will try to understand this in more detail. To master the special art of “Self-Control,” you first need to understand what thought is in general and how it comes to us.

Everything is just the most interesting...

I will give many quotes or excerpts from the books of Anastasia Novykh, which at one time helped me not only to realize the power of my thoughts, but also to be convinced from my own experience of their strong impact on the world around me. At this point in my life, I continue, through an effort of will, to form in myself the habit of switching my attention from a negative thought to a positive one, which undoubtedly helps me to be the master of my life. So, let's get started...

What is thought?

“Thought is an information wave. Its information is encoded at a certain frequency, which is perceived by our material brain, or rather, its in-depth structures. And when a person thinks something bad towards you, then naturally, your brain picks it all up at the subconscious level. And when deciphering this code, the brain begins to model this negative situation in you, which then comes to life as an unconscious order from the subconscious.”

(From the book by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

“- Absolutely right. Thought is real power. Much greater than a person can imagine. Thought is capable of moving planets, creating and destroying entire galaxies, which was initially proven by God himself.”

(From the book by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

“After all, the thought is not visible. It cannot be weighed or touched, but it exists since it appeared in our consciousness. Thought has volume (at least informational). It is fleeting in its existence because it is quickly replaced by other thoughts. Thought has no mass, but can have colossal consequences in the material world. In essence, it is Nothing.

(From A. Novykh’s book “AllatRa”)

“Have you ever thought about the infinity of your consciousness? About what is thought? How is it born, where does it go? Have you thought about your thoughts? “Well,” Andrey hesitated, “I’m constantly thinking, reflecting on something.” - It seems to you that it is you who think, it is you who reflect. Are you sure that these are your thoughts? -Whose else? The body is mine, which means my thoughts are mine. - And you follow them, since they are yours, at least for one day. Where do they come from and where do they disappear? Do you thoroughly rummage through your thoughts, what will you see there besides crap? Nothing. Just violence, just nasty stuff, just worrying about getting drunk, putting on a fashionable rag, stealing, making money, buying, raising your delusions of grandeur. That's all! You will see for yourself that the thoughts generated by your body end with one thing - the material support around you. But are you like that inside yourself? Look into your soul... and you will encounter the beautiful eternal, your true Self. After all, all this external fuss around is just seconds... Do you realize this?”

(From the book by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

I will also give as an example statements about the thoughts of the scientific director of the Brain Institute, academician, world-famous neurophysiologist Natalya P. Bekhtereva, who has deeply studied the functioning of the brain for many years.

It's a mystery

Natalya Petrovna, did you manage to “catch” a thought using equipment? Much hope was placed on the positron emission tomograph at the disposal of the Institute of the Human Brain... - Thought - alas, no. The tomograph is unable to either confirm or refute anything here. Other methods and devices are needed; they have not yet been developed. Today we can judge the state of the active points of the brain. When special tests are carried out, certain areas in the brain are activated... - So, thought is still material? - What does the thought have to do with it? We can say that active work takes place in these areas - for example, creative work. But in order to “see” a thought, you need to at least extract information from the brain about the dynamics of the impulse activity of neurons and decipher them. So far this is not feasible. Yes, certain areas of the brain are related to creativity. But what exactly is going on there? It's a mystery.

(From the book by N.P. Bekhtereva “The Magic of the Brain and the Labyrinths of Life”, published 2007)

Of course, there are other statements by scientists regarding the question “what is thought” (if you wish, you can find them and read them yourself). But in this article I would like to devote as much time as possible to the issue of control (discipline) of thoughts, and how you can use attention to switch your thoughts from negative to positive. I offer you a very interesting video for your viewing, which clearly shows how and where thoughts come to us.

Energy structure of a person. Primordial knowledge. The structure of man in the invisible world.

The influence of thoughts and their power...

“At one time, a group of scientists led by I. Yanitsky especially emphasized the connection of social cataclysms with natural disasters and catastrophes on Earth. Yanitsky claims that negative thought energy provokes destructive natural phenomena. Just remember this year - how many floods, how many tsunamis and earthquakes, and forest fires? And every year there are more and more natural disasters. You will say that this is due to the destruction of the ozone layer, deforestation and other activities. What does the energy of thought have to do with it? But first the THOUGHT, and then the ACTION. Thought always precedes! Materialization of thoughts always works! Now many understand that life is destroyed by evil thoughts, the thirst for revenge, and constant hostility caused by lack of spirituality. “The evil thoughts of people are adequate to the geological elements,” Academician I. Vernadsky accurately noted. Everything that happens to us is a consequence of the materialization of thoughts and emotions. When we master the art of intelligently managing our thoughts, we gain the ability to create life the way we want to see it. Everything that happens to us is determined by our internal state and our mood.”

(From the article “Scientists’ Proof that Thought is Material”)

“—Human thought may not even create such things.
She is subject to both destruction and creation. People just don’t have real knowledge about this power. And knowledge will not be given until a person changes for the better. Otherwise, he will, like any other animal, depend on the vagaries of the elements. The earth is also a living being. And she will not tolerate an oversaturation of humanity, in which the Animal dominates. For her, the manifestation of mass human negativity is like a gaping wound on the body, to which additional forces are drawn, like leukocytes in the blood that can absorb bacteria and other foreign bodies. And then the purification process simply occurs, that’s all... Humanity as a whole, just like each person individually, with their thoughts unconsciously makes changes to the memory of water. And then, sorry, we get what we deserve.”

(From the books by A. Novykh “Sensei-II. The Original of Shambhala”)

“- Absolutely right. This suggests that we are not used to controlling our thoughts in everyday life. That’s why they lead us as they want, entangling us in their “logical” chains. And an uncontrolled thought mainly leads to negative things, since it is guided by the animal nature in a person. That’s why there are various spiritual practices and meditations in order to learn, first of all, to control thoughts.”

(From the books by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

“I would say that with healthy thoughts, a healthy mind, and with a healthy spirit, a healthy body. “Tell me, but you always emphasize the importance of thinking correctly, both during physical training and now,” Andrey noted. – But for some reason I used to think that you always just need to act correctly. But thoughts can be different when choosing an action: both good and bad. – This is where you waste precious time fighting with yourself. You should not have a choice between a bad and a good thought. Because there should be no negative thought in your head at all. The meaning of the highest Art, the Art of the Lotus, is to learn to think correctly, that is, “kill the Dragon within yourself,” “defeat the Dragon.” Have you heard this expression? - Yes. “That’s the whole point.” The greatest victory is victory over yourself. What does this mean? This means conquering your negative thoughts, learning to control them, learning to control your emotions. I repeat once again, there should be nothing negative in your head. Only a positive factor! Then you won’t have to waste time fighting with yourself and your actions will always be positive. The world, first of all, must be inside you. Peace and harmony. – So, it turns out that every action of a person reflects his thought? – Andrey asked, thinking about something of his own. – She is not only reflected, she directs his action. After all, thought is material.”

(From the book by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

Work on yourself

“How often do you feel good? Are you in a great mood? In high spirits? How often do you tell yourself; “Everything is good, everything is wonderful, everything will definitely work out.” How often do you try to control your thoughts? It's like a snowball - one thought clings to another, and now we have a nervous breakdown. The materialization of our bad thought has already happened. You need to be able to control yourself. It’s a colossal job to win over yourself every day, to control the energy of thought. When people really change their attitude towards the past and present, without blaming anyone, then the present and future of themselves, as well as their children, really change! The key to creating the desired future is in our current thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.”

(From the article “Proof of scientists that thought is material”)

“When a person does not control his thoughts, everyone is to blame for his troubles and insults, he condemns everyone, is dissatisfied with many people, lectures everyone without following his own teachings in life, and so on. But when a person begins to take care of himself, he pays attention not to external, but to his internal reasons why he perceives and reacts to the world around him this way and not otherwise. A person begins to understand why he succumbs to these external provocations and how he needs to divert attention from his multiple self-centered desires, grievances, and aggression of the Animal nature.”

(From A. Novykh’s book “AllatRa”)

“This is a good result. It is difficult to catch the thought of your animal, and even more so to fight it. It is basically impossible to fight this category of thoughts. For violence begets violence. And the more you try to kill her, the stronger they will manifest themselves in you. The best way to protect yourself from them is to switch to positive thoughts. That is, the principle of aikido, gentle care, works here. - What if they chase me all day? What, I can’t cut it off with some strong word? – asked Ruslan. – No matter how you “cut it off”, negative thoughts will still be intensified according to the law of action - reaction, action - reaction. Therefore, you should not fight them, but get away from them, artificially develop a positive thought in yourself, that is, focus on something good or remember something good. Only through this gentle withdrawal can you overcome your negative thought. – Why are there thoughts absolutely opposite to each other? Sometimes it happens to me too that I get confused in my thoughts. – Let’s just say that in the human body there is a spiritual principle, or soul, and a material principle or animal, bestial, whatever you want to call it. The human mind is the battlefield of these two principles. That's why you have different thoughts. – And who then is “I” if the thoughts are alien? - Not strangers, but yours. And you are the one who listens to them. And whoever you give preference to is who you will be. If to the material, bestial nature, you will be evil and harmful, and if to the advice of the soul, you will be a good person, people will enjoy being with you. The choice will always be yours: either you are a despot or a saint. – Why did it happen that my admiration for taming my anger led... to pride or something, the growth of delusions of grandeur? After all, it seemed like she did a good deed, but her thoughts wandered in the other direction? – I asked. – You turned to your soul - your wish came true. You weakened control over yourself - you were pulled by the animal nature, and unnoticed by you, by your favorite egoistic thoughts. You liked that you were praised from all sides, that you were so smart, so reasonable, and so on... There is a constant war of two principles going on inside you for you. And your future depends on which side you are on. I thought for a bit, and then clarified: “That is, that “slickster” who reminded me of pain and prevented me from concentrating, the one who gave me delusions of grandeur... - Absolutely right. – So there’s a whole bunch of these thoughts! “Yes,” Sensei confirmed. “They are legion, so it is impossible to fight them.” This is not kung fu, this is much more serious. You can fight with those who resist. But there is no point in fighting the vacuum. For a vacuum of negative thoughts, you can only create the same vacuum of positive thoughts. That is, I repeat again, switch to the good, think about the good. But always be alert, listen to what your brain is thinking. Watch yourself. Pay attention to the fact that you are not tense, but thoughts are constantly swarming within you. And there is more than one thought. There may be two, three, or even more of them at once. - It’s like in Christianity they say that on the left side there is a devil sitting on a person’s shoulder, and on the right there is an angel. And they constantly whisper,” Volodya noted. “That’s absolutely right,” confirmed Sensei. - Only for some reason the devil whispers louder, his voice is probably rougher... What is called the devil or the devil in Christianity is a manifestation of our animal nature. “When I discovered this division of thoughts in myself, I thought that maybe I had begun to develop schizophrenia. There’s also something connected with the splitting of consciousness,” my person said, finally becoming bolder. Sensei smiled and answered jokingly: “There is no genius without signs of madness.” Nikolai Andreevich laughed: “Yes, yes, yes.” By the way, I observe something similar in myself. Here Stas entered the conversation, thinking aloud about his own thoughts: “Well, if the mind is a battlefield between two principles and, as I understand, their weapons are thoughts, then how can we distinguish who is who?” How does the spiritual and animal nature manifest itself in thoughts? What's this? – Spirituality is thoughts generated by the power of Love, in the broad sense of the word. And the animal nature is thoughts about the body, our instincts, reflexes, delusions of grandeur, desires completely absorbed by material interests, and so on.”

(From the books by A. Novykh “Sensei. The Original of Shambhala”)

“- Remember: everything is in you! If you change inside, the world around you will change. Material problems are a temporary phenomenon, a kind of test for you... You have no idea how material your thought is and how it uses the power of your attention. If you give preference to your bad thoughts - the cacodemon, then, sorry, it’s your own fault that your “hemorrhoids” have entered a chronic stage. And if you gave preference to good thoughts, that is, daily stimulated your agathodemon center of positive thoughts, you would be amazed at your internal changes and how the world changes around you, as if God himself turned his gaze to you and came to your aid . These are indescribable internal sensations of Presence. When you are in great Love for everything around you, when you give this Love to God, your soul, which is His particle, awakens. And when the soul awakens, you will be the first to change. And if you change, it means that a completely different reality will open up, opportunities will open up that you never dreamed of...

This conversation, which involuntarily made the whole company fall silent, was interrupted as suddenly as it had begun. When Sensei finished speaking, there was silence, broken only by the crackling of the dying embers. Everyone sat in silence, immersed in the mysterious world of their thoughts. The flame of the fire faded, leaving a reminder of its former existence in the reddish cracks of the embers it had heated, and even those, gradually cooling down, went out, turning into a pile of ash.”

(From the book “Ezoosmos” by Anastasia Novykh)

OK it's all over Now. This article has come to its final conclusion. I will be very grateful to God if it helps someone. After all, every person can change his life at any moment; for this he has the God-given “Freedom of Choice”. Therefore, I really want to share with you the spiritual practice “Lotus Flower”, which is well described in Anastasia Novykh’s first book “Sensei. The original of Shambhala." Thanks to this practice, my life gained deep meaning and was filled with the aroma of a beautiful lotus. I am a truly happy person and now I live only at the call of my Soul, which I sincerely wish for you too!

Practice “Lotus Flower”

This spiritual practice is called "Lotus Flower". Its meaning is as follows. A person imagines as if he is planting a grain inside himself, in the solar plexus area. And this small seed grows in him due to the power of Love, formed by his positive thoughts. Thus, a person, by controlling the cultivation of this flower, artificially gets rid of the negative thoughts that constantly spin in his head.

Author: Anna S.

Techniques for developing self-control:

• music therapy as a practice of optimizing internal reserves;

• meditation, teaching you to control emotions;

• art therapy, relaxing, distracting from obsessive thoughts and filling with life-giving energy;

• diaphragmatic breathing, which allows you to relieve tension and quickly calm down.

Mental balance, which everyone strives for, but only a few achieve, is a god-like state . It gives strength to overcome internal problems and overcome external obstacles. With him, insidious difficulties recede and goals are achieved. Thanks to him, thoughts become clearer and feelings calm down. Weaknesses, fears and complexes are afraid of him like fire. Without it there can be no self-improvement.

Having mastered the ability to control oneself and achieve mental balance, a person enters a time of true maturity. The boiling of passions is a sign of youth. However, if you spend your whole life being upset and beating yourself up over trifles, you can remain a yellow-haired youth until you turn gray.




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Notice yourself

We often try to cope with stress by separating our physical self from our emotional self. And gradually we dull our feelings so much that we begin to lose ourselves.

Changing this setting is easy. Take a break and ask yourself a few questions:

  • How am I doing?
  • How am I feeling physically?
  • What emotions do I feel?

If you are stressed physically or emotionally, try to figure out what exactly is bothering you. Perhaps you are worried about problems at work. Or maybe your back hurts because you haven't been to the gym in a while and it's time to stretch.

This check will take less than 5 minutes. Try to find time to check in with yourself every day. Let this become a kind of ritual. For example, ask yourself these questions every day before breakfast or before bed.

Leader's mindset. How to effectively manage yourself, your employees and your company

Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter
Publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2020

What does a modern leader do? What qualities distinguish him? What is he aiming for? How to become a true leader of the future - and not only in terms of professional activity, but also personal effectiveness? This book, based on a survey of 30 thousand executives around the world, answers these and other questions. Leadership of the 21st century is based on awareness, altruism and compassion, and it is through their balance that quality results are achieved.

Emotional intelligence at work

Daniel Goleman
Publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2020

Goleman again! This time, not a collection of articles, but a book entirely written by the author, but on the same topic - interaction with one's own and others' emotions in the workplace. With Goleman's first book we learned to understand ourselves, with the second we learn to understand the feelings and emotions of others to a greater extent in order to remain an effective employee, a true team player and make a dizzying career.

Mastering our feelings and emotions

Unfortunately, in life we ​​very often have to deal with situations that cause us anger and irritation. Rudeness towards us can cause a response - aggression. An offended person in most cases is not able to fully analyze his actions, therefore, in an emotionally unstable state, we very often commit actions that are unusual for us.

The cause of irritability is not necessarily external factors. In some cases, a person becomes overly aggressive when he is simply in a bad mood. Sometimes relatives, friends and those who just happen to be nearby become victims of our irritability.

An open demonstration of hostility towards others is simply unacceptable if your work involves constant communication with people (service sector, schools, hospitals, etc.).

How to remain human at work. All facets of emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman
Publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2019

A collection of the best Harvard Business Review articles compiled by Goleman. All materials are dedicated to emotional intelligence and at the same time focused on its use in professional activities and on the human aspects of work. After all, we interact with others too often as part of our work to let things slide.

Be grateful

Try to journal every day or simply list a few things you are grateful for. But these should not be things associated with other people or a lucky coincidence of circumstances. Only mention things that relate to you—your personal development, beliefs, or the effort you put into doing something.

For example, thank your hands for helping you carry heavy shopping bags. Or thank your willpower for allowing you to stay focused and finish a difficult work project on time. This approach will make you take a fresh look at yourself and your life.

Emotional leadership. The art of managing people based on emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee
Publishing house Alpina Publisher, 2021

A leader's emotions play a critical role in a team's success because they are truly contagious! The general mood depends on the manager, because if he does not believe in success, does not radiate energy and does not enjoy what he does, expecting enthusiasm from employees is at least stupid, and at most unfair. How to become a leader who will lead to prosperity is in this book.

Emotional intellect

HBR Contributing Team
Publishing house Alpina Publisher, 2020

Another collection of 10 articles from the Harvard Business Review - what can you do, the topic of emotional intelligence in business is still just gaining momentum and will not become obsolete soon.
What personal qualities should a good leader have? Why is it so important to listen to the opinions of your colleagues? How to curb your temperament and prevent it from ruining your career? These are just a small part of the questions answered by the articles in the collection. Storytel is an international audiobook subscription service. The Storytel library contains audiobooks of almost all genres, from classics and non-fiction to lectures, stand-ups and podcasts. This is a service that solves the reading problem. It allows you to listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere: while working out, while cooking, on the way to and from work, on the plane, before bed, and whenever else. Storytel creates and records its own unique content - lecture projects, podcasts, audio series, and also collaborates with the best voices in the country.

Follow a conscious ritual

Come up with a method that will help you feel in your body. It can take less than 5 minutes, the main thing is not to think about anything and feel yourself during this time.

The easiest way to do this is to set a timer for 5 minutes and breathe deeply. Clear your mind. Every time chaotic thoughts appear, switch your attention to your breathing, to how your chest rises and falls.

Another good way is to listen to your heartbeat. Place your hand on your chest and feel the rhythm. If thoughts start to come into your head, stop them and focus on your heart rate again.

The Chimpanzee Paradox. How to manage your emotions to achieve your goals

Steve Peters
Bombora Publishing House, 2019

The author of the book, a psychologist and professor, offers an innovative method of brain control that helps bring the psychological state into ideal shape and create readiness for high results.
His approach is based on the metaphor of Man (mind) and Chimpanzee (emotions), who constantly fight each other in the human brain for dominance. The secret of success is in taming the Chimpanzee, to which the book is dedicated. Storytel is an international audiobook subscription service. The Storytel library contains audiobooks of almost all genres, from classics and non-fiction to lectures, stand-ups and podcasts. This is a service that solves the reading problem. It allows you to listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere: while working out, while cooking, on the way to and from work, on the plane, before bed, and whenever else. Storytel creates and records its own unique content - lecture projects, podcasts, audio series, and also collaborates with the best voices in the country.

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