Article on the topic: “Levels of a person’s status position and types of social statuses.”

Types of social statuses of the individual

Within the framework of the study of sociology as a science, great importance is given to determining the position of an individual in society, his so-called social status.
Definition 1

The social status of an individual is the position a person occupies in society. It depends on age, gender, origin, profession, marital status.

The following types of social statuses of an individual are distinguished:

  1. Statuses that determine the position of an individual in a group:
    • social status - the position of an individual in society, which he occupies as part of a large social group when interacting with other groups;
    • personal status is the position of an individual in a small group, which depends on how he is assessed by its members in accordance with his personal qualities.

  2. Statuses that are defined by a time frame and affect the life of the individual as a whole:
  3. Statuses that are acquired or not acquired as a result of the free choice of the individual:
    • prescribed status is a social position that was predetermined for an individual by society, regardless of his merits;
    • mixed status, having features of both prescribed and achieved statuses;

  4. achieved status, which is acquired as a result of the free choice of the individual, personal efforts made and is completely controlled by the person.

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Status as a social position

Definition 1
Social status is a social position, including political preferences, economic status, demographic characteristics, profession, etc., associated with other statuses through a system of rights, duties and responsibilities.

Thus, the status of citizen N can be defined as:

  • teacher - profession;
  • budget worker receiving average income - economic features;
  • member of the New Russia party - political characteristics;
  • a woman aged 40 is a demographic quality.

Status set

During his life, a person occupies several different positions, since his life consists of constant interaction in various groups, associations and, in accordance with this, his statuses change, a status set accumulates.

Definition 2

A status set is a set of social statuses that concern a particular individual.

In sociology, there is a built-in hierarchy of statuses:

  1. Intergroup – which operates between status groups;
  2. Intragroup – which determines the status position of an individual within one group.

A certain place in the hierarchy of statuses is called status rank.

There are the following types of status ranks:

  • high,
  • average,
  • short.

1. Calm colors

If the presence of white in your wardrobe is limited to a basic T-shirt, and beige to a couple of sets of underwear, you should urgently be inspired by the example of the most stylish girls who create complex looks in exclusively light shades. Taming them is more difficult than spending years dressing according to ready-made formulas like “white top, dark bottom,” but it’s worth it. After all, it is light colors—pretentious and, in some cases, frankly non-functional—that convey that very confidence and prosperity, filling the wardrobe with air.

4.Perfect fit

Clothing that fits your figure and creates a harmonious silhouette automatically looks more expensive. For example, a jacket that is cut in such a way that it is awkward to raise your arms, or that ends at the widest part of the hip, definitely does not produce the same effect as a model with a better fit. When choosing clothes, take into account your height and body shape, pay attention to the cut: there should be no excess fabric or, conversely, “pulling” sensations; The armhole of the top should fit snugly to the body on both sides, and the collar should lie flat and not puff up. The seams and creases on the trousers must be strictly vertical.

Details of the status image

​​​​​​Have you ever thought about how one landowner could keep thousands of peasants in obedience and fear? How could the tsarist general send recruits, drafted for twenty-five years, to certain death, in wars that were of no use to anyone except a handful of aristocrats? Let's reveal the secrets of the bosses!

I once had the opportunity to read a report on leadership and the ability to put boors in their place. The students were teachers who attended lectures at the Teacher Training Institute. I don’t know how it is now, but back then this organization held a wide variety of activities, including entertainment ones. Unfortunately for me, it turned out that the same group of listeners had previously attended lectures by an astrologer, a Roerich scholar and a psychic, and therefore my every word was met with distrust. It is possible that this was due to my very young age.

The apotheosis of the event was the question of one of the listeners: “Can you determine who is the director and head teacher in our school by the aura above the group photo?” It became clear to me: if I say that I don’t do such things, the listeners will immediately disperse, and I answered with importance: “Determining by the aura is too simple. But I can describe your director and both head teachers without even looking at the photograph!” Next, I went to the board and divided it into two parts. I titled the first part “Your bosses”, the second – “Subordinates”, and explained that on the left I would write the signs of members of the administration and those who will soon be in it, and on the right I will list the signs of those who are not destined to be in power, and if they are there turn out to be due to a random coincidence of circumstances, their reign will be short-lived and will end in scandal and expulsion.

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As I recorded, the faces of the listeners took on an increasingly interested expression. Here and there exclamations began to be heard: “But this is our director!.. And our head teacher looks exactly like that!” and so on. One old teacher began to lament: “We all love our Marya Andreevna so much, she is such a good, intelligent person, but it turns out that she is not destined to become either a director or even a head teacher! Is there really nothing that can be done? Then I moved on to explanations.

– Watch videos of various events: weddings, competitions, school parties, meetings and banquets. Notice that leadership types and behaviors are repetitive. For example, when at school evenings and meetings all the teachers are given the floor in turn, almost none of them comes to the middle and comes close to the audience. But the director or head teacher always does this. Most of those leaving begin to speak while still walking, and the head teacher or director first takes a stable pose, then looks around the audience, and only then begins a speech, even if it consists of a couple of words. Many teachers, in addition to this, also look around at the head teacher or director, even if they say some banal congratulations to the graduates.

The most important feature that distinguishes a head teacher (or a person who is destined to soon become one) from a mere mortal is the ability to loudly pronounce consonants, and especially the sounds “z”, “ts”, “s”, “d” and “t”. The indicator of the “speech of the head teacher” is the word “do.” If a person pronounces the consonants in this word dully, and it turns out something like “gelak”, he will not see the position as his ears. Moreover, no one listens to the opinion of such a person and they do not consider him a strong person. The classic head teacher pronounces this word as “dzelatsya”. In other words, in the speech of everyone who knows how to command, there are “kicks” and “whistles”. Noticeable “S”, “CH” and “TH” seem to symbolize the increased energy of their owners, the whistlers pierce you like a sword, and with the elastic “CH”, “C”, “TH” such people seem to push you away from themselves, holding you distance. This applies not only to head teachers, but also to any successful bosses who easily inspire respect.

People who pronounce consonants softly and dullly seem to lack inner strength and the ability to stand up for themselves. It is these people who are the “scapegoats” in any team, and it does not matter at all whether they speak loudly or quietly. If you speak loudly, but only vowels stand out in your speech, woe to you: those around you perceive you as a person applying for a role that you cannot handle. In general, without clearly pronouncing whistles, you cannot make a career as a boss.

To achieve the bossy "s", bring the tip of your tongue to the base of your teeth rather than pushing it back towards the hard palate. By the way, in almost all people speech defects are associated precisely with the habit of pushing the tongue back, which in turn is really associated with cowardice. Pronounce “Z” and “S” alternately so that they become sonorous to exactly the same degree, then practice other sounds in the same way until they become defiantly sonorous.

By the way, the director and his deputy must embody different qualities. They want to see a deputy director as an active person who can monitor the observance of order, so it is easier for a person with an intimidating appearance to become a deputy director. The head teacher or director's hair should not be smoothed, but styled so that the hairstyle rises at least a little above the head. The forehead should definitely be open, combing the hair back, although sometimes there are bosses who prefer short bangs “a la Kashpirovsky” (with a convex forehead, it looks very intimidating). Teachers who occupy a subordinate role in the service hierarchy always have long bangs that cover their foreheads. It should also be noted that teachers who do not aspire to a managerial position tend to wear shoes that look like slippers, and the authorities prefer clattering heels, sometimes with metal heels.

A person's appearance also influences whether they are trusted with the financial affairs of an organization.

What should you look like to be trusted with money?

The director is the person who is responsible for the financial affairs of the organization, so the director is usually chosen a person whose body evokes associations with a money bag. Thin and agile people are extremely rare directors, and are certainly criticized for “waste,” no matter how wisely they conduct business. However, if the director is well-fed, he remains above suspicion, because it seems to his employees that he does not spend, but only accumulates financial resources. The illusion of “accumulating and not wasting” funds is also caused by specific facial features, especially the outer corners of the eyes, which are lowered down. Thus, it seems that the face has a closing contour. In addition, this detail inspires others with the illusion that a person has renounced his own interests and lives only in the interests of the organization (the last observation belongs not to me, but to S. Popov, the author of the book “Think and Grow Rich in Russian”).

A person entrusted with finances will be more trusted if he wears glasses. The reason is the same: glasses are another “accumulating” element. In other words, glasses seem to be a kind of barrier that will not allow money to “run away to nowhere.” Directors without glasses are more likely to become victims of criticism, or even slander, because of their financial activities, and in general it is difficult for a person without glasses to get their hands on significant funds. The frame of glasses is also of great importance for the career of a boss. An inspection practically does not threaten a person with huge glasses that cover half the face, especially if the frames are white (I think this style is called “dragonfly eyes”). Others simply do not have the courage to take any action to check his activities. True, when another person with the same impressive appearance appears in the institution, the era of impunity passes.

Medium-sized glasses with thin metal frames or even without glass frames (such as Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev had during the period of his greatest popularity) amazingly convince others that in front of them is a person who is unusually intelligent and insightful. The absence of a frame on the glass creates the impression that a person sees everything around “many kilometers ahead” and keeps everything under control. His insight seems to have no boundaries. It seems to the opponents of such a person that he has a whole staff of invisible spies. Such glasses on the nose of an investigator, prosecutor, or judge drive even an innocent person into panic (by the way, Beria had exactly the same ones).

Of course, neither his glasses, nor his hairstyle, nor his figure, nor his diction affect a person’s real business qualities, except that they give him self-confidence. Unfortunately, people judge others 90% not by their actions, but by their appearance. Therefore, when trying to intimidate you and put you at a “lower rank,” imagine your opponent with bangs, without glasses, in shoes without heels, and having lost a fair amount of weight, and before you criticize your boss—thin, tongue-tied, and without glasses—think about whether it’s necessary do it!

2.Minimalism in the choice of prints

The presence of iconic prints (bright abstractions by Emilio Pucci, golden monograms by Versace) is certainly a sign of a status wardrobe. However, a recognizable design requires skillful handling and appropriate stylization. If today you don’t have time to think through a complex look and select accessories, put together a monochrome set of plain items in a restrained color palette - this is a universal way to look expensive and elegant. You can experiment with combinations of shapes, textures and shades of the same range: for example, complement neutral beige with light brown, almond color or deep coffee.

Resolving internal conflicts

Often, conflict between roles leads to internal rivalry, which takes up a lot of time and energy. For example, during a natural disaster, a rescuer will first go to help his own family, adhering to the role of parent and spouse. Only after making sure his family is safe does it come time to serve.

The same applies to dealers selling alcohol or other drugs. As a parent, he does not want his child to be poisoned by this filth, but as a businessman, he cannot resist the sweet call of profit. Types of social status differ in the significance they have for their owner. The most important thing is to choose the role that is the main one at the moment, thereby eliminating the underlying internal contradictions that arise.

3. Light-colored shoes

White and beige shoes are not the most practical, but the only possible addition to an outfit in light shades. Notice how much more cohesive and fresh the image becomes in a single color scheme. The basis of the collection can be white sneakers and nude pumps, and complemented by white mules and light brown loafers.

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