Tips from a Kazan pick-up artist: What avatar should I put in order to hook a girl?

Option number one: naked torso

My friend, let's look at everything with a sober look and let's not lie to each other.
If you put such a photo, then either you are really very proud of your body, or you don’t know how to attract girls and, most likely, you have no luck with the opposite sex. As a rule, girls who happily respond to messages from such guys are not entirely confident in themselves. They don't care if you're smart or if you have hobbies. In principle, if it’s not very important to you who you want to pick up: an interesting girl or a hunter of male bodies, then feel free to take such a photo for yourself. Maybe you'll be lucky and a girl with bare breasts will write to you. And then a great couple will be born.

What kind of girls do men prefer?

Men like both cute quiet girls and cheerful energetic young ladies. It all depends on the male temperament. Shy women attract men who are tired of unnecessary tinsel. They seek calm and regularity in relationships. A holiday girl can attract a guy who lacks fun in life; he is looking for a companion who can get him out of the drab everyday routine.

A girl's accessibility also determines her success among men. It is believed that brave ladies who can get acquainted on their own have greater success, flirt boldly and do not require men to take action to conquer them. In fact, men, as true earners, like to conquer women. Therefore, unapproachable ladies with a trail of mystery have more chances.

The intelligence level of the chosen one also plays a big role. Not all men like it when a woman is smarter than him. Most need to dominate in terms of intelligence and solve problems independently. But truly smart and wise men are not intimidated by a girl’s intelligence: they like it when their chosen one can compete with him in knowledge.

Option number two: “car!”

If you have a car, then you are very lucky, because girls really love guys with cars. And if you don’t have it, then steal a photo from the Internet. She won't know about it.

In fact, girls are divided into two types: some will definitely attack you when they see your car, while others won’t care. The first ones need a guy with a car (no matter what kind of car he is), while others understand perfectly well that a car is a cover. And it is unknown who is behind this photo: a handsome man or an insecure, homely guy.

Personally, I don’t recommend posting this type of photo. It’s great if it’s you in the photo, even if it’s with a car in the background. But why put only a photo of your car? If you really want to look at your little one, create a separate album for it. This will attract the girl more.

Romantic mood

It is extremely easy to charm a man if romance and femininity reign in your image. These are eternal qualities that have always captivated the opposite sex, and the situation is definitely not going to change in the near future. It’s easy to create a particularly elegant and seductive look if you take into account the win-win attributes of a romantic style.

For example, you can use a charming polka dot print, which always adds coquetry and playfulness to the outfit. Dresses with this motif look most attractive. Moreover, it is not necessary to adhere to the classic black and white pattern palette - color variations of polka dots are also approved by the opposite sex.

The length is also not strictly regulated - men agree with both mini and midi. Only they have a controversial attitude towards the maxi mark. Despite her elegance, men do not hide their disapproval of long dresses, because they unfairly hide the beauty of the female body.

Lace also symbolizes seductiveness and romance. This texture is especially in demand in white. You can include a cute light-colored lace dress in your summer wardrobe - compliments and admiring glances will be guaranteed!

You can also create a romantic mood in your outfit using an appropriate palette, pleating, frills and flounces. Lots of options!

By the way, even a homely look with elements of a romantic style is most liked by men.

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Option number four: “gallant”

Everything is simple here. All you may need is a jacket, trousers, shirt and tie. In principle, you can do without it. It doesn't matter. Be sure to take pictures of yourself. At arm's length.

By being photographed in this way, many Kazan guys believe that they are showing their best side. Sorry, but... that's not true. There are a huge number of videos on the Internet in which reviewers have repeatedly discussed such photographs. You shouldn't take pictures like that. As a last resort, ask for help from a friend, sister, brother, classmate, colleague. Anyone.

With a formal shirt

It is naive to believe that the stronger sex is delighted with the extreme length of minis and tight styles. On the contrary, he is very fond of strict things, which at the same time are not devoid of sexuality. The basic white shirt is one of the most stylish representatives of this category. An extra unbuttoned button or a hooligan knot in the waist area will look especially exciting.

Option number five: “I am the real Cristiano Ronaldo”

If you don’t want to meet anyone and just created a page on a social network, then choose this option. And if you dream of finding a girl, then you have not chosen the best way. None of them will believe that you are a famous football player. Now, as I type this phrase on the keyboard, I doubt that this even needs to be talked about. Sorry, but this is a completely strange idea.

Gloss and cosmetics8

Perfume is necessary to highlight beautiful features and hide flaws. But excessive “camouflage” can lead to negative consequences. Scientific research by American sexologists indicates that most men lose interest in too beautiful and well-groomed women, due to the need for their own transformation and excessive spending on the maintenance of their beloved.

Option number seven: vacation photos

This is an option for those who want to show off their material wealth and seduce a girl with the fact that you have the opportunity to travel around the world. It doesn't matter whether you took a photo in Greece or Sochi. Any option has the right to exist. You're not showing off, you're a normal guy. You take pictures in interesting places. Girls like these photos.

How men evaluate women based on photos and videos

In your photos and videos that you post on social networks for everyone to see while looking for a groom, you should demonstrate what men pay most attention to.

So, what will your potential “prince” pay attention to first?

The fact is that when a man sees a beautiful woman, his brain begins to produce certain signals that contribute to the production of testosterone and the hormone of love and hard work, dopamine. This hormonal “shot” forces him to move, take some actions, decisions, and care for the object of desire.

What pushes him to heroic deeds?

The main criteria are very simple. The first is the hourglass figure, which indicates the woman’s health, because he is interested in having offspring. Secondly , if a woman knows how to flirt, that is, to show the flexibility and grace of her body, then accordingly sexual signals become especially bright and obvious. If she gives these sexual signals, then the man unconsciously reacts to them, whether he wants it or not. For example, if a girl sways her hips when walking, it means she has healthy reproductive organs - this is how the male brain deciphers the mechanism of evolution and, of course, also reacts. Also under the spotlight are a beautiful smile, a pleasant laugh, during which a lady can open her mouth wide without hesitation, showing white teeth and a pink tongue. These are also health signals that do not leave a man indifferent. A girl with bad teeth or a complex will cover her mouth with her hand or smile with her mouth closed. Due to tightness, she produces the stress hormone cortisol, which is also a sign of ill health. The gentlemen feel this and remain indifferent.

A man also pays attention to his hair. If a girl shaved her head, then she loses not only her charm, but another powerful sexual signal, because by the thickness and length of her hair, a man also determines on an unconscious level how healthy she is. It is not welcome if a lady wears heavy makeup. Under a thick layer of foundation, a gentleman cannot determine sexual signals by the color of his skin and its condition, because clean, healthy skin turns red when aroused.

Lips also turn red during passionate excitement. If her lips are heavily painted, how can a man determine her arousal? Also important is a woman’s gait, her movements, for example, how she takes a phone out of her purse, or gets out of the car, or crosses her legs, or how she moves her shoulder, or how she eats with pleasure. A man takes all these nuances into account when choosing a partner.

So, in order to have a successful shot at the object of love, you need flirting, a sexual signal, that is, a demonstration of strength. What is the strength of a woman? The force formula is equal to mass times acceleration, that is, skills times active life position, or, in other words, skills times actions. And of course - the mood. When a woman is happy, only then is she attractive. And you don't have to be super beautiful.

There is no doubt that age and external data matter, but they do not come first.

Some girls believe that men will run after them in droves if they grow their hair, pump up their lips, breasts, and butt. Yes, they can fall for all these “bulges” when they first meet. But when they find out that all this is not real, they may lose interest in you.

Why? Imagine that an expensive car stops next to you, a man offers you a ride, you are delighted: “Oh, what an interesting man, in a fashionable suit, with a luxury watch.” You are in seventh heaven, he smiles gallantly at you, you get into the car, everything is fine, you have a date. And suddenly you find out that all his things were bought on credit, including his suit. What's your reaction?

Immediately - bang! - bad luck. Complete disappointment and goodbye. This is exactly the same reaction that occurs in a man when he realizes that all your charms are artificial. They perceive it as deception. Those who have a normal attitude towards plastic miracles are few.

A man can be amazed not only by his unearthly beauty, but also by his emotional intelligence, that is, by understanding his emotions and feelings. True, due to the development of the Internet, emotional intelligence is not developing, because we communicate less and less in person. And the fewer interpersonal contacts, the more difficult it is for us to understand another person. That's why there are more and more lonely people hanging out on the Internet for days. If you want a family, make more real, rather than virtual, acquaintances.

But under no circumstances jump straight into bed. No man likes easily accessible women.

If you give yourself to him on the first day, he will think that you never refuse anyone. First, he must look after you, show signs of attention, give gifts, and only then receive you as a prize. And sexual availability serves as other important reasons for loneliness and the inability to start a family on time. Therefore, many people get married only after the age of 30, and at this age they are already considered old-timers, who in most cases cannot bear healthy offspring. And due to early pregnancy, many teenage girls also manage to have an abortion, which is why they become infertile in the future. As people say: they can’t give birth anymore because they’ve had enough fun. And a man has the same problems: the more women he has, the faster he becomes impotent. Just imagine, today in Russia we have 4 million infertile women out of 39 million of reproductive age. Reproductive age is considered to be the period from 15 to 49 years. Therefore, my advice to you: before agreeing to intimacy, go on not one, but maybe a hundred dates, but ensure that your gentleman begins to respect you as a person, as a woman.

To have a long-term relationship, respect is necessary, because then the feelings in intimacy will be different. Imagine a man sleeping with a woman whom he not only wants, but also respects. How will he feel? He will even touch her like a goddess!

The man's body begins to produce more male hormones, which even improves erection. Intimacy takes on completely different, bright colors. And if he just physically wants a female, then he touches her like a piece of meat. Some fly-by-night girls complain: “He only needs this from me, and nothing more. He doesn’t even listen to me, doesn’t hear me.” When a man perceives you not only as a woman, but also as a person, then the relationship becomes stronger, warmer, and more emotional.

Fragment of the book “How to find love through Instagram. Flirting on the Internet and more." Pavel Rakov. — Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2019.


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emotional intellect

Option number eight: “boyish”

Some people really like to put photos with beer and in a tracksuit on their avatars. Choosing such photos means we attract girls in the style of your avatar. If this is exactly what you need, then feel free to leave such a photo. If you're not handsome, take a photo with a handsome friend. Girls will come to your page and hope that you are the “prettier” one. A killer option is to put the inscription instead of the photo: “Boys are finally guys.” No comments.

Option number nine: “sports”

Show the girl that you are a sporty guy. Girls love these. If you are a football player or hockey player, then you are very lucky. Feel free to put up avatars from a sports photo shoot and conquer the fairer sex. If you're not an athlete, just wear a T-shirt from your favorite hockey club. Success is guaranteed for you. Some people put photos of the Stig (the test pilot from the show “Top Gear”) or photos of street racers on their avatars. The option is suspicious: few people will believe that it is you. But such photos also attract girls.

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