Process-oriented psychology and psychotherapy

Process-oriented psychology and psychotherapy

The next seminar “Vector work Processual approach” is December 11-12, 2022, you can join!

Format: in person, with the option to join online

Process work is a multicultural, multilevel awareness practice. Dependent on individuals, group consensus, and the historical moment, process work is an evolving interdisciplinary approach that supports individuals, relationships, and organizations by helping them discover themselves, follow nature, and thereby resolve internal conflicts, relationship problems, and world, and personal bodily problems.

Process-oriented psychology - a method created by the American psychotherapist Arnold Mindell in the 70s of the last century and widespread throughout the world, is one of the methods of Processual psychotherapy, the essence of which is the unfolding of the healing process from the tendencies of the problem itself. Characteristic of this method is the concept of the “Dreaming” process, which can denote a certain tendency as a process occurring in consciousness, not only at night, but also during the day.

The method has its roots in Jung's analytical psychology, Taoism, physics, and traditional shamanic practices.

The main psychological mechanism used in this method is the natural process of achieving integrity through awareness of the initially involuntary manifestations of the unconscious parts of the psyche (signals of the “secondary process”) as belonging to an already conscious identity (“primary process”) by overcoming the “edge” of identity.

For whom:

Anyone who is interested in a procedural approach to self-education and self-knowledge can participate in the program, and professional psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, teachers, and social workers will be able to use the knowledge acquired during the course in their professional activities.

The course consists of 3 seminars (two days from 10.00 -18.00)

Supervision – 20 hours (5 meetings of 4 hours each in small groups of 3-4 people). At 4 supervision meetings, students work in the role of therapists under supervision; at the 5th meeting, the main issues on the theory and practice of process work, on the structure of the process will be discussed.

Personal therapy in the method (with certified specialists in process work, with extensive experience) – 3 hours.

Course program:

"Introduction to Process-Oriented Work." Working with bodily symptoms" October 23-24, 2022 - Method of work in theory and practice in a process approach. — Basic provisions and terms. Philosophy and sources of process work. — Levels and channels of perception, primary and secondary process, the concept of edge. — Awareness and disclosure of psychological factors in the occurrence and course of bodily symptoms. — Causes of symptoms, working with symptom figures “symptom creator”, “symptom victim”, “symptom spirit”. — Psychosomatic work with chronic and acute symptoms. Relation of early childhood dreams and memories to chronic symptoms. - Revealing the message of symptoms. Symptom constellation. — “Rainbow Medicine.”

• At the seminar you will gain theoretical and practical skills in working with symptoms and become familiar with the basic theoretical principles of the process approach. • Work in the center, in pairs, individual work.

2-Seminar. “Vector work Process approach” December 11-12, 2022

— How to work with vectors and directions in space. During group work and work with a client and for self-determination. Rely on sensory perception of space. — Method Finding an internal “compass”. To gain direction when working in a group. How to choose one direction or another for movement in the group field. — Multidirectional vectors. Study of deep states and finding direction when choosing a path and making a particular decision. — Vector method of awareness and study of repressed states of consciousness using the vector method. — The connection of our internal states and aspects of behavior with our internal sensory perception and with the nature of space, the connection of our bodies with planet Earth. Ecology of space. — The concept of large and small vectors. Study of myth and lifestyle in vector movement. — The concept of short-term and long-term awareness and how to apply it in your work and life.

• At the seminar you will gain theoretical and practical skills in working with vectors and directions in life and work, skills for working with a group and clients, taking into account various directions of movement in the field. • Work in the center, in pairs, individual work.

3 Seminar. “World work. Procedural approach" February 26-27, 2022

The World work method, developed by Arnold and Amy Mindell and his followers, is used to work with the internal and larger problems of large and small groups and helps us address issues of diversity in open forums, in large business in various social situations, and find moments of understanding. This is a method of resolving conflicts using the principle of deep democracy, between different groups having different interests and values.

— Method of facilitation of group process in the Process approach. — Methods of working in large and small groups. Structure and dynamics of group work. — Stages of unfolding and completion of world work. — Roles in the group, their dynamics and unfolding. — Skills and strategies of a facilitator at different stages of global group work. Attacks on the facilitator. — Difficult areas in the group, hot and cold spots. - Awareness of the atmosphere and tendencies of the group. — The principle of “Deep Democracy”.

At the seminar you will receive theoretical and practical skills in working according to the World Work Method.

World work, work in small groups, in pairs, individual work.

Program presenter:

Lyudmila Serbina - Ph.D., psychotherapist EAP, Member of the EAP, International Diploma and Certificate in Process Work (Process Work Center of Portland USA), Member of IAPOP, Head of modality Process-oriented psychology and psychotherapy in OPPL, International teacher, supervisor and OPPL therapist, Full member of OPPL.

The terms of participation:

Upon successful completion of the course and fulfillment of all requirements, graduates receive a certificate of advanced training. The hours may count toward your further studies at IAPOP.

The cost of each module is 12,000 rubles . 10% discount if paid 2 weeks before the start of the module, ICSR graduates get a 10% discount.

The cost of the supervision group is 4,000 rubles per meeting for those who work, and 500 rubles for participation in the aquarium. The cost of personal therapy is 4,000 rubles/hour. Discounts do not apply to supervision groups and personal therapy.

Let's start with three levels of consciousness

The first level is generally accepted, or consensus, reality . It is all experience that we define as real, generally accepted in that society or culture. For example, when you come to me with relationship difficulties, aerophobia or a body symptom, you describe it from the point of view of the Western consensus reality - you are the problem, plus and minus. The problem affects you in such and such a way, brings such and such discomfort, the doctor, if it is a bodily symptom, makes such and such a diagnosis and offers such and such treatment.

At this level, phenomena are usually strictly dual - we precisely define one as positive, the other as negative, strive for the first and avoid the second.

The dream level (English: dreamland) is the level of subjective experience that lies beyond the boundaries of generally accepted reality. This is a more subtle experience that we encounter not only at night when we dream, but also during the day.

For example, you have a stomach ache. At the level of generally accepted reality, the doctor will say that this is functional dyspepsia or gastroesophagitis or make some other diagnosis. And at the dream level, you may find that this discomfort is experienced as an erupting volcano that is going to burn all the obstacles in its path (and you will even show the movement of your hands as a volcano does this).

The dream level also contains dual polarities, but in a more erased and fluid form. And we can access polarities. In the example with a sick stomach at the dream level, you may find that the volcano is opposed by some of your more familiar soft and shy part, more like a clearing with flowers, which is not used to expressing itself so hotly and furiously. This tendency to be soft leads to the suppression of the hot power, which is also yours. And if you don’t notice it sensually, don’t notice it in your dreams, then it rises to a higher level and manifests itself as a bodily symptom that you can no longer ignore.

Three levels of consciousness, A. Mindell

Thus we get to the message of the symptom - in this case it says something like “show up hot!” The symptom becomes an ally who has very accurate advice about your relationship. When you understand the message of a symptom and integrate its dream energy, bringing it into life at the level of consensus reality, it can significantly improve or disappear completely.

So, if you come to me with a request, we usually try to explore what conflict at the dream level is creating your problem. We draw the polarities that are involved in the conflict, give them space and the opportunity to express themselves.

But sometimes it's not that simple. Sometimes the solution at the dream level is not found or does not exist. And then we try to follow this impossibility and dive deeper into the third level of consciousness, which Mindell calls the ground level. The basis, or essence, is the space from which dream tendencies arise and in which they unfold, subsequently manifesting themselves at the level of reality. This is the ground from which the dream grows. This is the Tao that cannot be described. Mindell also talks about this level as our deepest process mind, as the creator of dreams. The experience of the ground level is difficult to describe in words; more often it can be expressed by movement or sound.

Unlike the first two levels, this space is non-dual. From contact with the ground level, a spontaneous, natural solution can arise for those dualities that are difficult to resolve at the dream and consensus reality levels. One might imagine that in the stomach pain example, moving to the base level would allow you to recognize yourself as a vast expanse for which it is normal to be strong, just as it is normal to be a meadow of flowers. The message of the foundation level is about fluidity and variability, about access to different energies and ways to manifest.

Direction use

Consulting and training company Hi-Human Technologies (Moscow), International Institute of Process-Oriented Psychology and Psychotraumatology (Moscow), Nadezhda Zheludeva (Moscow), Oleg Yashchik (Moscow), Department of Dance-Movement Psychotherapy of the Institute of Applied Psychology and Practice (Moscow), Life and Psychology Project (Moscow), Community of practicing psychologists “Drawing of Life” (Moscow), Creative psychological workshop “Here. Creative Psychology" (Moscow), Elena Gordeeva Training Center (Moscow), (Moscow), Family Counseling Center "Olvia" (Moscow), Azalia Idrisova (Moscow), Alpha Studio | Center for Training and Development (Moscow), Institute for Effective Training (Moscow), Workshop for teenagers and parents “Authors of their own lives” (Moscow), Moscow Academy of Practical Psychology (Moscow), Moscow Institute of Processual and Somatic-Integrative Therapy (MIPSIT) (Moscow ), Online project “Live Easy!” Elizaveta Nochevnik (Moscow), Project “Travel with Meaning” (Moscow), Project Astrosymbol (Moscow).

More organizers 63

Trainers Andrey Anatolyevich Degtyarev (St. Petersburg), Vadim Dmitrievich Domkov (St. Petersburg), Dmitry Solan (St. Petersburg), Evgeniy Nikolaevich Volkov (St. Petersburg), Elena Arie (St. Petersburg), Elena Nikolaevna Ivanova (St. Petersburg), Igor Arkadyevich Polyakov (St. Petersburg), Inga Viktorovna Rumyantseva (St. Petersburg), Marina Strekalova (St. Petersburg), Natalya Borisovna Shramuk (St. Petersburg), Natalya Vladimirovna Barkova (Chashchina) (St. Petersburg), Olga Zhunina (St. Petersburg), Rumyantseva Polina (St. Petersburg), Sergey Larionov (St. Petersburg), Yulia Rada (St. Petersburg), Anna Koneva (St. Petersburg), Anna Solovyova (St. Petersburg), Victoria Denezhkina (St. Petersburg), Irina Vladimirovna Mogilevkina (St. Petersburg), Irina Created (St. Petersburg).

More trainers 323

Consultants Andrey Anatolyevich Degtyarev (St. Petersburg), Anna Begunskaya (St. Petersburg), Vadim Dmitrievich Domkov (St. Petersburg), Dmitry Solan (St. Petersburg), Evgeniy Nikolaevich Volkov (St. Petersburg), Elena Arie (St. Petersburg) ), Igor Arkadyevich Polyakov (St. Petersburg), Inga Viktorovna Rumyantseva (St. Petersburg), Lyudmila Halykainen (St. Petersburg), Marina Strekalova (St. Petersburg), Natalya Borisovna Shramuk (St. Petersburg), Natalya Vladimirovna Barkova (Chashchina ) (St. Petersburg), Oksana Datsenko (St. Petersburg), Olga Zhunina (St. Petersburg), Polina Rumyantseva (St. Petersburg), Yulia Rada (St. Petersburg), Anna Solovyova (St. Petersburg), Victoria Denezhkina ( St. Petersburg), Irina Vladimirovna Mogilevkina (St. Petersburg), Irina Created (St. Petersburg).

More consultants 277

Process-oriented psychology and psychotherapy in other cities Moscow, Yaroslavl, Voronezh, Penza, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Ufa, Crimea, Nizhny Tagil, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Turkey, Surgut, Great Britain, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Gorny Altai, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

How do we help?

We offer professional psychological assistance in the form of psychological consultations and long-term psychotherapy.

The difference is that consultations can be one-time in nature and devoted to a specific narrow topic stated by the client. Psychotherapy is long-term, in-depth work focused on the client’s personality. Psychotherapy with elements of psychoanalysis helps to identify the origins of problems, understand them, and carry out deep changes in character that inhibit personal development and interfere with a full life.

Depending on your personal preferences and recommendations of the psychologist, you can choose one of the proposed forms of work.

Max Schupbach

Max Schupbach, Ph.D., is a global affairs specialist and facilitator. — is the founder of the Institute for Deep Democracy.

Read more…

Ellen Schupbach - Ph.D. - Certified Process Specialist

Past events

March 20 Friday, 15:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
March 11 Wednesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
March 4 Wednesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
February 19 Wednesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
February 5 Wednesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
January 28 Tuesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
January 15 Wednesday, 18:30 Author's training by Sergei Korzhavin “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing: The magical world of drawing”

3 hours



We invite you to a training that has become popular in Yekaterinburg - “Intuitive right-hemisphere drawing.”

If you're tired...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
January 6 Monday, 12:00 Christmas training on intuitive right-hemisphere drawing “Create your 2022!”

4 hours



We invite you to Sergei Korzhavin’s Christmas training on intuitive right hemisphere, which has already become popular in Yekaterinburg...

Training and development center "Alpha Studio" (Ekaterinburg)
Sergey Alekseevich Korzhavin (Ekaterinburg)
December 21 Saturday, 9:00 Field program “Psi-trip to the Place of Power. Yule. Solstice. Ancient sanctuary of Allaki"

1 day

Chelyabinsk region, Lake Allaki

Yule. Solstice. Meeting the Winter Solstice at the ancient sanctuary of Lake Allaki.

This trip is a great opportunity to combine…

Yulia Viktorovna Fedorova (Ekaterinburg)
Yulia Viktorovna Fedorova (Ekaterinburg)

Associate Membership

Specialists in various fields interested in a process-oriented approach, regularly participating in various seminars and trainings conducted by Russian and foreign certified specialists.

Practical psychologist, consulting psychologist

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— Private consultations within the framework of process-oriented psychology; — TriYoga instructor.

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