Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche - 113 best sayings

The works of Friedrich Nietzsche, the world-famous German philosopher, continue to generate much controversy. Our collection contains the most famous quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche.

Many of Nietzsche's sayings are expressions of his basic ideas as applied to certain phenomena. However, some quotes are so subjective or contradictory that it is difficult to give a definitive explanation.

It is well known that Nietzsche was mentally ill, and some of his works were written in a state of mental turmoil. There is a version that his sister Elisabeth, who acquired the copyright to Nietzsche, revised Nietzsche's works and introduced into them thoughts about the greatness of everything German, which the Nazis adopted as their ideology.

About love

What is done for the sake of love occurs outside the realm of good and evil.
Jealousy is the wittiest passion and yet still the greatest stupidity.

The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation of falling in love with the foolish.

Every great love does not want love: it wants more.

He who is poor in love is stingy even with his politeness.

Great love is higher than suffering, for what it loves, it still longs to create!

There is always a little madness in love. But in madness there is always a little reason.

The demand for reciprocity is not a demand for love, but for vanity and sensuality.

Where it is no longer possible to love, there you need to pass by!

You have to learn not to notice yourself in order to see a lot.

Squalor in love is willingly masked by the absence of someone worthy of love.

Love for one is barbarism: for it is carried out to the detriment of all others.

Friedrich Nietzsche's sayings about man

If a person has a why, he will endure any how.

A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but the latter usually does not forget it.

A person is forever chained to the past: no matter how far and fast he runs, the chain runs with him.

It is not your sin - your self-righteousness cries to heaven, the insignificance of your sins cries to heaven!

It is painful for a subtle soul to realize that someone owes it gratitude; for a coarse soul, it is painful to realize that it is obliged to someone.

If you decide to act, close the door to doubt.

Truly, man is a dirty stream.

Even the broadest soul, my brothers, what pitiful lands this is!

The man of “modern ideas”, this proud monkey, is terribly dissatisfied with himself - this is undeniable. He suffers, and his vanity only wants him to “suffer with him.”

There are many cruel people who are only too cowardly to be cruel.

Talking a lot about yourself is also a way to hide yourself.

The earth, he said, has a shell, and this shell is affected by disease. One of these diseases is called, for example: “man”.

I have always noticed that spouses who make up a bad couple are the most vindictive: they are ready to take revenge on the whole world because they can no longer separate.

Every action continues to build us, it weaves our colorful robe. Every action is free, but clothing is necessary. Our experience is our clothing.

A person's demand to be loved is the greatest of all conceits.

Long and great suffering brings up a tyrant in a person.

For one, loneliness is the escape of the sick, and for the other, it is an escape from the sick.

Humanity is a means rather than an end. Humanity is simply experimental material.

There is nothing good in herds, even when they run after you.

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, you just need to tell some truth about him.

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots dig into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

No winner believes in chance.

You must burn yourself in your own flame: how else would you want to be renewed without first turning to ashes!

Only those who feel fear in their hearts, who look into the abyss, but look with pride in their eyes, have courage.

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

Do you want to be judged by your intentions and not by your actions? But where did you get your plans? From your actions!

No winner believes in chance.

People who give us their complete trust think that by doing so they acquire the right to our trust. But this is a false conclusion: gifts do not acquire rights.

You will rarely be mistaken if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and small ones to fear.

We are more sincere towards others than towards ourselves.

You will rarely be mistaken if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and small ones to fear.

There are giving natures and there are rewarding ones.

You will rarely be mistaken if you attribute exceptional actions to vanity, mediocre ones to habit, and small ones to fear.

The best way to start the day well is to wake up and think if you can bring joy to at least one person today.

Superficial people must always lie because they have no substance.

It is not the worst things that we are most ashamed of: it is not only deceit that hides under the mask - there is so much kindness in cunning.

People who are distrustful of themselves want to be loved more than to love, so that one day, at least for a moment, they will be able to believe in themselves.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

Be who you are!

The cruelty of an insensitive person is the antipode of compassion, the cruelty of a sensitive person is a higher potency of compassion.

Friedrich Nietzsche on love

Those who have hitherto loved a person most have always caused him the greatest pain; like all lovers, they demanded the impossible from him.

There is always a little madness in love. But in madness there is always a little reason.

It is not through mutual love that the misfortune of unrequited love ends, but through greater love.

When you meet your person, you will understand why it didn’t work out with others.

Squalor in love is willingly masked by the absence of someone worthy of love.

Jealousy is the wittiest passion and yet still the greatest stupidity.

Great love is higher than suffering, for what it loves, it still longs to create!

The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes.

To love and perish: this combination is eternal. The will to love means readiness to die.

Even the cup of the highest love contains bitterness...

What is done for the sake of love occurs outside the realm of good and evil.

Every great love does not desire love, it desires more.

Friedrich Nietzsche - quotes about women

A woman knows little about honor. Let it be her honor to always love more than she is loved, and never be second in love.

A man should beware of a woman when she loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.

In a real man there is always hidden a child who wants to play. Find the child in him, the woman!

A woman understands children better than a man, but there is more childishness in a man than in a woman.

This is how I want to see a man and a woman: he - capable of war, she - of childbearing, but so that both of them can dance - not only with their feet, but also with their heads.

Let a woman be a toy, pure and graceful, like a precious stone, shining with the virtues of a world not yet created.

For too long a slave and a tyrant have been hidden in a woman. Therefore, she is incapable of friendship: she knows only love.

In a woman's conscious love there is suddenness, lightning, and darkness next to the light.

Woman is God’s second mistake, every priest knows this.

Who does a woman hate the most? The iron said to the magnet: “What I hate most of all is that you attract without having enough strength to drag with you.”

Are you going to women? Don't forget the whip!

A man should beware of a woman when she hates: for in the depths of his soul he is only angry, but she is filthy.

Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche about happiness

A man's happiness is called: I want. A woman's happiness is called: he wants it.

And at dawn Zarathustra laughed in his heart and said mockingly: “Happiness is running after me. This is because I don't chase women. And happiness is a woman.

There is much more happiness in the world than the eyes clouded with sadness see, if you only count correctly and do not forget those pleasant moments that every day of human life is rich in, no matter how hard it may be...

Misfortune has escaped you, enjoy it as your happiness!

My brother, if happiness accompanies you, then you have only one virtue, and no more: then it will be easier for you to cross the bridge.

Every little happiness should be used like a sick bed: for recovery - and nothing else.

“We have found happiness,” the last people say, and blink.

It is only his thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche about friendship

But if you have a suffering friend, become a place of rest for his suffering, but at the same time a hard bed, a camp bed: this is how you can best help him.

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.

Do not try to embellish yourself for a friend: for you must be an arrow and a striving for the Superman for him.

Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is unable to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend.

About life

Thoughts are shadows of our feelings - always darker, empty and simpler.

Without music, life would be a delusion.

Compassion is stronger than suffering.

Silence is even worse; all silenced truths become poisonous.

We should consider every day lost in which we do not dance at least once.

Ultimately, we love the desire, not the desired.

To be great is to give direction.

He is commanded who cannot obey himself.

Contentment even protects against colds.

Culture is just a thin apple peel over the hot chaos.

When you have a lot to invest, the day has hundreds of pockets.

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

What falls, you still need to push!

Every genius wears a mask.

There is more importunity in praise than in blame.

The greatest events are not our noisiest hours, but our quietest hours.

Winners don't believe in chance.

Hope dies - purpose is born!

Most of all you are punished for your virtues.

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Quotes from Nietzsche about life and death

And you, my friends, say that there is no dispute about tastes? But all life is a dispute about tastes!

But if life needs height so much, then it also needs steps, as well as the contradiction of the steps and those ascending them! Life wants to ascend and, ascending, to overcome itself.

Even when the people are moving backwards, they are chasing the ideal - and they always believe in some kind of “forward”.

There are two ways to free you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.

Every moment existence begins, around each “here” a ring-shaped “there” rotates. The middle is everywhere. The path of eternity is crooked.

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.

Many die too late, and others die too early. The teaching: “Die on time!” will still seem strange.

The whole world believes in this, but what does the whole world not believe!

We don't live for the future. We live to preserve our past.

Our duty is a right that others have over us.

It pays to be immortal; it costs you more than once to die alive.

Only where there are graves do resurrections take place!

The highest symbols should speak of time and becoming: they should praise everything that is transitory and be a justification for it!

And this is the secret life told me: “Look,” she said, “I am something that constantly overcomes itself.”

I would rather perish than renounce this: truly, where there is death, sunset and falling leaves, there life sacrifices itself for the sake of power!

And most of all they hate the one who can fly.

Life is a spring of joy, but in whom a spoiled stomach, the father of sorrow, speaks, all springs are poisoned.

The greatest events are not our noisiest hours, but our quietest hours.

In the face of boredom, even the gods lay down their banners.

Only where there are graves do resurrections take place!

Even in death, your spirit and virtue must glow, like the evening dawn over the earth: otherwise your death will not work out well for you.

About the superman

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots dig into the earth, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

The more a person is silent, the more he begins to speak intelligently.

A person is forever chained to the past: no matter how far and fast he runs, the chain runs with him.

There are giving natures and there are rewarding ones.

Humanity is a means rather than an end. Humanity is simply experimental material.

In a peaceful environment, a warlike person attacks himself.

Man is something that must be transcended.

Man is the most cruel animal.

He who knows himself is his own executioner.

Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a superman - a rope over an abyss.

He who achieves his ideal thereby outgrows it.

People lie freely with their mouths, but the faces they make at the same time still tell the truth.

A truthful person eventually comes to realize that he is always lying.

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Best Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes (100 Quotes)

Philosophy is a rather interesting science, which seems to touch on absolutely all topics, but at the same time it cannot be said that it has practical application, since it involves working with the most diverse theories. And yet, philosophy is quite useful for expanding consciousness, because it allows you to look at many familiar things from a different angle. This collection contains the best quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche.

It is only his thoughts that make a person unhappy or happy, not external circumstances. By controlling his thoughts, he controls his happiness.

If you decide to take action, close the door to doubt.

The more a person is silent, the more he begins to speak intelligently.

“It was,” said Memory. “It couldn’t be,” said Pride. And Memory gave up.

You need to learn to love, learn to be kind, from childhood.

Loneliness makes us more callous towards ourselves and more nostalgic for people: in both cases it improves character.

Ultimately, a person loves his desires, not what he wants.

Who is this man who dares to single-handedly deny the Greek essence, which in the person of Homer, Pindar and Aeschylus, Phidias, Pericles, Pythia and Dionysus invariably evokes in us feelings of amazement and admiration, like the deepest abyss and an unattainable peak?

The most erroneous conclusions people make are the following: a thing exists, therefore it has the right to it.

To be great is to give direction.

A person forgets his guilt when he confesses it to another, but the latter usually does not forget it.

A free mind requires foundations, while others require only faith.

Preventing suicide. There is a right by which we can take away a man's life, but there is no right by which we can take away his death; this is only cruelty.

Never before has any religion, either directly or indirectly, dogmatically or allegorically, contained the truth. For every religion was born out of fear and need and invaded life through the delusions of reason.

Truly, man is a dirty stream.

What shocked me was not that you lied to me, but that I no longer believed you...

If there is a Why to live, you can endure almost any How.

The most painful, most painful question, coming from the very depths of my heart: where can I feel at home?

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, you just need to tell some truth about him.

It is not your sin, it is your self-righteousness that cries to heaven; the insignificance of your sins cries to heaven!

One must still carry chaos within oneself in order to be able to give birth to a dancing star.

“Happiness was invented by us,” say the last people, and blink.

The same thing happens to a person as to a tree. The more he strives upward, towards the light, the deeper his roots dig into the ground, downwards, into darkness and depth - towards evil.

Truth is not verbose; words are never enough for a lie.

Let them tell me anything to hurt me. They know me too little to know what really hurts me.

Only the one who builds the future has the right to be the judge of the past.

Better a funny monster than a sentimental bore.

We must learn to love ourselves - with a healthy and holy love, in order to remain true to ourselves and not lose ourselves.

There are two ways to free you from suffering: quick death and lasting love.

Life would be a mistake without music.

Those who fight monsters should take care not to become a monster themselves.

Friendship between a man and a woman is possible... with a certain amount of physical disgust.

You must learn to love yourself - this is what I teach - with a whole and healthy love: in order to bear with yourself and not wander everywhere.

Man is something that must be overcome.

Are you going to women? Don't forget the whip!

Life is a spring of joy; but wherever the rabble drinks, all the springs are poisoned.

The earth, he said, has a shell; and this shell is affected by diseases. One of these diseases is called, for example: “man”.

God is dead: now we want the superman to live.

Previously, blasphemy against God was the greatest blasphemy; but God died, and these blasphemers died with him.

They are cold and seek warmth in alcohol; they are heated and seek coolness from frozen minds; they are all frail and obsessed with public opinion.

You call yourself free. Free from what, or free for what?

Living means: constantly throwing away from yourself what wants to die; to live means to be cruel and merciless to everything that becomes weak and old in us, and not only in us.

The nicest woman has a bitter aftertaste.

We often call hypocrisy the rules of decency.

Superficial people must always lie because they have no substance.

All obstacles and difficulties are steps along which we grow upward...

Blessed are those who forget, for they do not remember their own mistakes.

Those who danced seemed mad to those who could not hear the music.

What falls, you still need to push!

The church is a kind of state, and the most deceitful one at that.

Man is a rope stretched between an animal and a Superman; it is a rope over an abyss.

And may that day be lost for us when we never danced! And let every idea that does not have laughter be called false!

Long and great suffering brings up a tyrant in a person.

I hate people who don't know how to forgive.

A man should beware of a woman who loves: for then she is ready for any sacrifice, and everything else has no value in her eyes.

Where you can no longer love, you must pass by.

Long and great suffering brings up a tyrant in a person.

Diplomacy consists of petting the dog until the muzzle is ready.

If you want to hear good things about yourself, die.

He who humiliates himself wants to rise.

Jealousy is the wittiest passion and, nevertheless, still the greatest stupidity.

The danger of the wise is that he is most susceptible to the temptation of falling in love with the foolish.

Heroism is the good will to absolute self-destruction.

The desire for greatness is clear: whoever has greatness strives for kindness.

Whoever wants to become a leader of people must, for a good period of time, be known among them as their most dangerous enemy.

What a believer most hates most is not a free mind, but a new mind with a new faith.

Our suicides discredit suicide - not the other way around.

The cruelty of an insensitive person is the antithesis of compassion; the cruelty of the sensitive is a higher potency of compassion.

“Love your neighbor” means first of all: “Leave your neighbor alone!” “And it is precisely this detail of virtue that is associated with the greatest difficulties.

Obviously, only my head is placed incorrectly on my shoulders, because everyone else knows much better what I need to do and what to avoid. Only I myself, a pathetic madman, cannot advise myself anything! Don't we all look like statues with other people's heads attached to them?

For one, loneliness is the escape of the sick, and for the other, it is an escape from the sick.

It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend.

The smartest people, like the strongest, find happiness in places where others would only find disaster: in a labyrinth, in severity towards themselves and others, in difficulties. They enjoy power over themselves: for them asceticism becomes second nature, a necessity, an instinct.

He who is satisfied with himself is insured against colds. Has a woman who knew she was well dressed ever caught a cold? Even when she was half dressed.

The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes.

If spouses did not live together, successful marriages would occur more often.

There is nothing good in herds, even when they run after you.

To dominate - and no longer to be a servant of God: only this means remains to ennoble people.

To dominate - and no longer to be a servant of God: only this means remains to ennoble people.

I don’t understand why engage in slander. If you want to annoy someone, you just need to tell some truth about him.

Marriage is invented for mediocre people who are mediocre both in great love and in great friendship - therefore, for the majority...

A person is controlled by love, and he loves what goes away.

A person forgets his guilt when he has confessed it to another, but the latter usually does not forget it.

The people who perceive the interpretation of their history through the eyes of their neighbor will never survive.

A woman is considered thoughtful, why? Because they can’t find out the reasons for her actions. The reason for her actions never lies on the surface.

I distrust all the people who constantly clean up the mess, and I stay away from them. The desire to put everything in order reveals a lack of decency.

To live is to burn yourself and still not burn out.

I hate philistinism much more than sin.

Have I ever felt remorse? My memory remains silent on this score.

The freer and stronger the individual, the more demanding his love becomes; finally, he longs to become a superman, because everything else does not satisfy his love.

Every church is a stone on the grave of the God-Man: it certainly wants Him not to rise again.

In every act of a superior person, your moral law is violated a hundredfold.

Moral people feel complacency when they have remorse.

People who are hot-tempered like fire and quickly cool down are generally unreliable.

People who are hot-tempered like fire and quickly cool down are generally unreliable.

You start by unlearning to love others, and you end by no longer finding anything in yourself worthy of love.

A woman understands children better than a man, but a man is more of a child than a woman.

Only man resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall upward.

What is important is not eternal life, but eternal vitality.

Every slightest step on the field of free thinking and personally shaped life is always won at the cost of spiritual and physical torment.

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About women

Are you going to women? Don't forget the whip!

You should only talk about women with men.

If a woman has a developed intellect, then she is not all right with her sexuality.

For too long, the slave and the tyrant have been hidden in woman. Therefore, a woman is not yet capable of friendship: she knows only love.

Everything in a woman is a mystery, and everything in a woman has one solution: it is called pregnancy.

A woman is considered thoughtful, why?

The nicest woman has a bitter aftertaste.

A perfect woman engages in literature just as she commits a small sin.

Where love or hate does not play along, the woman plays mediocrely.

The surface is the soul of a woman, a moving, seething film on shallow water.

A man is a means to a woman; The goal is always the child.

Let a woman be a toy, pure and graceful, like a precious stone.

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About God

I can't believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.

People treat their God most dishonestly: he does not dare to sin.

The German even imagines God singing songs.

The church is a kind of state, but a particularly deceitful one.

God is dead: now we want the superman to live.

In every religion there is an exception to the religious person.

All gods are symbols and intricacies of poets!

The very word “Christianity” is a misunderstanding - in essence there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.

He who parts with God clings even more tightly to his faith in morality.

In every religion there is an exception to the religious person.

Even God has his own hell - this is his love for people.

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