Lecture notes “Individual characteristics in activity and communication”

Basic types of people based on psychological behavior

  • Nervous type . Their behavior is characterized by strong emotionality, irritability, and inconsistency. They are often distrustful, suspicious, like to brag and constantly expect praise. They do not accept monotony and monotony in their activities and cannot concentrate their attention.
  • The sentimental personality type is emotional, worries about everything for a long time, is hardworking, and thinks about everything for a long time . They do not tolerate injustice or rudeness. Often such people are engaged in teaching or charitable activities.
  • Stormy types are impulsive, energetic and curious people. They are usually in a good mood. Such people are called the “soul of the company.” Having enormous energy, they are able to overcome any obstacles, work for days until they complete what they started. To operate effectively, they need their own team, which will always support and encourage.

  • Passionate types are strong people who live by one idea. They confidently walk towards their goal. They are neat, love order, and are monogamous. Rarely change habits and lifestyle. They are very stubborn and persistent in behavior. Such people occupy leadership positions or organize their own businesses.
  • A sanguine person, according to Heymans , is an active person, easily adapts to new circumstances, tireless and cheerful. They are thorough, accurate and responsible. This is that rare type of people. Who can be entrusted with any work.
  • Phlegmatic people are slow, calm people . They love solitude. They love order and neatness. These are reliable people who are distinguished by decency and fairness. They can easily be entrusted with managing the financial affairs of the company and keeping records. They know how to plan and distribute responsibilities.
  • The amorphous-carefree personality type behaves carefree and calm . These people are always friendly, polite and peaceful. They love to get everything “for free”. They don't put much effort into anything. Collective activities suit them, where their personal inactivity is little noticeable.
  • An apathetic personality type is indifferent to everything, lazy . Such a person is suitable for activities where he can be alone with himself as much as possible.

As we see, the psychology of human behavior greatly affects the field of activity. If a person accidentally finds himself in the wrong place or takes a position that does not correspond to his type, then he will either leave on his own or be helped to leave.

Psychologists also identify a special type of personality – manipulators. These are individuals who use other people to achieve their goals or use themselves to achieve their goals. The paradox is that the individual often does not realize this. For example, a merchant who persuades someone to buy an unnecessary thing. Or parents who use intimidation or promises of gifts to force their child to behave well. And also children who use hysterics to achieve what they want.

Of course, there are people who think through manipulative behavior, such as politicians or the “new Russians.” Manipulators include “whiners” who can spend hours talking about how bad everything is for them. What these people have in common is that they perceive people as things. For a merchant you are a bag of money, for a banker you are a client with money, for a politician you are an electorate, etc.

Typology of A. Adler

The basis of A. Adler’s typology is the easy relationship between the psychology of behavior and human activity. He identifies the following types of people:

  • Control type . Such people are characterized by an active life position; it seems to them that the world was created in order to receive benefits from it at the least cost. Their behavior is generally assertive, aggressive and often immoral. Many people belonging to this type become “thieves in law”, organizers of mafia structures. This also includes politicians.
  • Taking type. These are inactive people who take from life everything that comes easily. Usually their behavior is distinguished by its parasitic nature. For example, they sit on the neck of someone or some organization and take from it everything that it can give. At the same time, without making any effort. Their behavior is usually carefree, relaxed and inactive.

  • Avoidant type. Such people do not strive for success. But mostly they try to avoid any problems and failures. They behave very carefully, do not make their own decisions, and avoid responsibility. They often engage in socially useless activities.
  • Socially useful type . Such people show true concern for others and are interested in communicating with them. They treat people with kindness and an open soul. Such people do not necessarily have to help others financially or do any services, they simply make a feasible contribution to the general work. These are mature people who know how to solve problems and are aware of their competence and place in life and society.

Such people behave courageously, positively and responsibly.

Adler believes that every person solves three global problems in life: work, friendship and love. The psychology of behavior and human activity determines how much a person is able to solve these issues.

In practice, the Heymans-La Senna typology is most often used, which identifies 8 types of human character depending on the psychology of behavior and human activity. His typology is based on the following components: activity, emotionality and secondary-primary nature. Emotionality is how strongly a person reacts to external circumstances. Activity is the need for action. Some people constantly act, while others only think and dream about how to do something. Primary or secondary nature - how long and strongly experienced impressions

General concept


- this is a person’s reaction to the influence of the external environment, as well as motivated, conscious actions that express a person’s attitude towards people, society and the world as a whole. Human behavior can be benevolent or aggressive, expedient or criminal. Behavior can comply with the norms of ethics and morality, or it can be deviant, that is, it deviates greatly from generally accepted norms in society.

The psychology of human behavior depends on his character, temperament and personality type. And of course from the external environment that affects a person. Psychologists and sociologists are working on the question of what determines human behavior. What has a greater influence, genetics or the external environment? The science that deals with research in this area is called sociobiology or human ethology

. At the moment, there is no direct evidence of the dependence of behavior on human genetics. In search of an answer, F. Galton launched a study of the human genotype and chromosomes. This field of science is called behavioral genetics.

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