Phrases for use: quotes with sarcasm

And I look and understand that a guy with brains is much more interesting than a guy with sculpted abs and bulging muscles.


It has been noticed that the catchphrase, beloved by many, “Fuck you,” does not hit the nervous system as painfully and painfully as a wish of good luck thrown with sarcasm.


Would you like to purchase a personal plot of land, measuring one meter by two and three meters deep?


Say hello to your new baby for me. Where is your new baby from? But of course! Damaged, painted and used


I have only one serious drawback, but what one! Sheer uncertainty about whether a person will live to see tomorrow if he suddenly dares to upset me today.


We may forget what we said, but we will never forget how we felt when we were together.


At your request, give 3000 rubles. at the beauty salon, your husband, looking at you, sighs and gives you 10,000.


Male logic: So what, wearing earflaps, a padded jacket and felt boots. But it's warm! Women's logic: Just think, your brains and ass are frozen. But it's beautiful.


Don’t blow, my friend, your lips are already big. That your boyfriend loves me, it's not my fault


From the point of view of logical interpretation, I cannot ignore the tendencies of paradoxical illusions, but I can say: “Fuck you!”


Today I have the feeling that everyone around me has conspired and is playing with me the game “Who will steam me harder today.” I’m already wondering who will win?


  • I write down anyone who “knows how it will be better for me” in a notebook and on the “kill at the start of the war” list.


You were wonderful in bed. The body shape is quite rich, the legs are slender, like those of a GAZELLE, and just as hairy.


When some people open their mouths, it immediately becomes clear how important it is for a person to receive at least some kind of education


Always tell a woman that she is not like others if you want to get from her what you get from others.(


  • There are two types of people: some are rolling the world, while others are running alongside and shouting: “God, where is this world going!? "


I don’t know about you, but my nerve cells are not only being restored, but are also trying to take revenge on those who destroyed them.



Sarcasm is the last trick of shy and chaste-hearted people, whose souls are rudely and intrusively penetrated.


You have small eyes, crooked small teeth, a big mouth. You could be called ugly if it weren’t for your smile - it makes you simply disgusting.


When you wait for a prince on a white horse, as a rule, only the horse comes. And the prince is grazing next to some horse at this time.


  • Has anyone told you that you are very beautiful? No? Damn, how honest everyone is!


Darling, you were afraid of hurting me by leaving, I was worried that you wouldn’t catch the Japanese chandelier with your horns


Girl, what beautiful hair you have! I would even say rare! Very sparse hair.


Given your lack of education, I am ready to answer any questions you may have.


I know that you are afraid of disappointing me, but I want to reassure you because my expectations for you are already low!


  • Dude, your ego writes checks that your body won't be able to pay for later!


It's a pity. What a pity? It's a pity that they didn't succeed. In my opinion, they succeeded. It just ended.(

Quotes with sarcasm

Often statements of this kind, based on sarcasm, are aimed at the shortcomings of society. Such quotes most often most openly and at the same time somewhat aggressively express the opinion of the speaker.

Black humor and cynical behavior - what else can an intelligent person do in a society of idiots?

Only those who have it go crazy.

Anyone who knows nothing can take on anything.

I knew a man so little read that he had to compose his own quotations from the classics.

Take care of yourself - what if I need you?

Sarcasm is a natural defensive reaction of the psyche against the stupidity of others.

– Do you mind if I smoke?

“You know, I don’t care even if you shoot yourself.”

Sometimes the statements are quite elegant, their quality is much higher.

For a man to find something in the refrigerator, it must be at eye level and it is advisable to run along the shelf, attracting attention to itself.

I don’t know about you, but my nerve cells are not only being restored, but they are also trying to take revenge on those responsible for their death.

I'll give you a manual called "How to Answer the Phone" or "Oh, That Mysterious Green Button!"

I'm often wrong, sorry, perfect people!

It is not enough to have wit, you also need to be able to avoid its consequences.

Life experience is a lot of valuable knowledge about how not to behave in situations that will never happen again.

Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.

Lord, we broke up, I’ll go crazy and throw myself off the chair.

Quotes with sarcasm about life (100 quotes)

Sarcasm - who said that it’s easy to answer with a joke - nothing like that. You also need to answer in a way that does not offend, but at the same time emphasizes something. Sarcasm also develops imagination in speech. Gives you the opportunity to learn how to joke. But... it’s certainly not worth answering as the Internet suggests - it’s too banal... but you can read for the sake of laughter, or typing words for your memory. You can find the most interesting quotes with sarcasm about life here.

If you don't have a backbone, don't go out of your way.

There are people whom you just want to approach and ask if it’s difficult to live without a brain.

I am a tolerant person, so you have the right to your stupid conviction.

We are all cut from the same cloth, and of rather low quality.

I know that you are afraid of disappointing me, but I want to reassure you because my expectations for you are already low!

For a man to find something in the refrigerator, it must be at eye level and it is advisable to run along the shelf, attracting attention to itself.

Too much merit sometimes makes a person unsuitable for society: people don’t go to the market with gold bars - they need small change, especially small change.

Do you know, honey, what shit is? So it’s like jam compared to my life.

I don’t know about you.. but my nerve cells are not only being restored.. but they are also trying to take revenge on those responsible for their death.

A man falls to his knees in front of a woman only to help her fall.

How many interesting things you say! What a pity that this doesn't interest me much.

Knitting socks while waiting for your spouse to return from a corporate party, periodically heating up dinner, is a tedious task. Isn’t it better, isn’t it more interesting, to call your friend and ask whether she fed your husband or not?

Love is so evil, but the goat is still missing...

Everyone has brains, it’s just that not everyone has understood the instructions.

Anne Varney was once asked: “What is it like to be the world’s most mysterious gothic woman?” To which she replied: “I don’t know. I was never Michael Drau."

I wonder what the code should punish more severely for: the intentional or unintentional creation of life?

Ranevskaya was asked: “Which women, in your opinion, are prone to greater fidelity: brunettes or blondes?” Without hesitation, she answered: “Grey hair!”

I don't suit you? What a pity that I...

Democracy is nothing more than the intimidation of a crowd by a crowd in the interests of the crowd.

Look at this, Mrs. Hudson. Silence, calm, tranquility... Isn't it disgusting? Can you feel it? Something big is crawling in your mouth. This is my sarcasm.

It is easy, for example, to forgive your enemies when you happen to not have enough intelligence to be able to harm them, and it is also easy not to seduce women if you are endowed with a very unsightly nose.

Who needs you if you have nothing but looks.

I'm not rude, I'm sarcastic...

Drinking a lot and not being drunk is also typical for a mule.

The brain, the ass and the pill have a soul mate. And I was initially whole.

Black humor and cynical behavior - what else can an intelligent person do in a society of idiots?

Do not tell stories about the fish you caught where they know you, and especially where they know this fish.

I, like eggs, participate, but do not enter.

And when did women gravitate towards normal ones? Social phobe? Great! Alcoholic? Wonderful! Asshole? Wrap two!

You cannot train a stone that naturally falls down to rise up; train it by throwing it up at least a thousand times.

Memory lapses are a free prize at the bottom of every vodka bottle.

My only serious flaw is the uncertainty about the future of everyone who tries to upset me today.

For some reason, the world is structured in such a way that slave overseers shout loudest about freedom.

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt.

Igor fell into a deep hole and miraculously climbed out of it. “Miracles don’t happen”? Igor thought and climbed back.

The performance went off with a bang, but the audience failed...

I dream of becoming a boomerang. They throw you, and you throw them back in the face.

You can relax here with your personal curse next to you.

There is nothing more dangerous than making peace between two people. It is much safer and easier to quarrel between them.

The public buys their opinions the same way they buy meat and milk, because it is cheaper than owning their own cow. Only here the milk consists mainly of water.

You lie like you breathe, and you breathe constantly.

Are your horns scratching the sky?

It is better to trust wise instincts and not interfere with our powerless mind.

I always won. He defeated creatures that many had never even heard of. And cigarettes finished me off.

Take care of yourself - what if I need you?

People who do not adjust to anything, live as their heart tells them, act according to their rules and feelings - these are the people I have almost never met.

What happened (...) is a closely guarded secret, and therefore it is not surprising that the whole school knows it.

All these fools call their nonsense sarcasm.

What is the difference: are women governing, or are officials governed by women? The result is the same.

I do not offend your honor, Lord Janos. I deny its existence.

Why should I pick up the phone? Sitting. Resting. He calls once. That means he's alive.

The dead easily change their political views.

I can not speak at the moment. I'm leading a meeting of the deathly silence club.

It’s not enough to have wit, you also need to be able to avoid its consequences

If your friend believes that there is no difference between virtue and vice, you should count the teaspoons after he leaves.

One day, all the men got together and decided that giraffes with big boobs were the ideal of beauty.

What do you think is better: to love or to be loved? <…> “Of course, it’s better to love, but me.”

If the dead had the opportunity to read the laudatory inscriptions on their tombstones, they would die a second time - from shame.

People are like candles: they either burn or fuck them.

Hmm, worldly wisdom from an unwise person... And not really a person, to be precise.

The biggest bankrupt in this world is the one who has lost his enthusiasm.

Dear, could you pass words not only through your mouth, but also through your brain?

Close up portrait of hard laughing young man. Isolated on white background, mask included

I don’t wear rose-colored glasses—they don’t show the bottomless blue sky.

They study the depth by throwing stones into it. I thought I had sunk to the very bottom, when suddenly there was a knock from below.

I demand to enter such an emoticon in the Quip, where he holds a sign with the inscription “Sarcasm”.

Even a gang of robbers must comply with some moral requirements in order to remain a gang; they can rob the whole world, but not each other.

Repeat that you lied?

With behavior like hers, soon all the prostitutes in the area will be out of work!

It is much easier to become smart than to stop being a fool.

The soul is not an ass, it can’t take a shit.

I’m kind, but no one knows about it, and those who know won’t tell anyone...

Wives are lovers of young men, companions of mature men and nannies of old men.

Public opinion is the opinion of those who are not asked.

Lord, we broke up, I’ll go crazy and throw myself off the chair.

It’s probably the way it is in the USA that the most expensive ties are worn by those who would have had enough with a rope.

Can you stretch out alone with your memories for a long time? They are like your favorite soft scarf around your neck, with which sooner or later you will decide to hang yourself.

Life experience is a lot of valuable knowledge about how not to behave in situations that will never happen again.

He should be president if he is not hanged before then.

Really, who is there to fear? Perhaps only serial killers, maniacs, cannibals and those who kick puppies.

Be as hard as ice, as flexible as water, and pffffff as steam.

Do you even sleep with this smart look?

Man is accustomed to asking himself: who am I? There, a scientist, an American, a driver, a Jew, an immigrant... But you should ask yourself all the time: am I shit?

From irony to sarcasm - how many steps are there?

The merit of some is that they write well. The merit of others is that they do not write at all.

Are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion?

Makeup is an attempt to paint on your face the face of another, much more beautiful woman.

Marriage is the most abused form of sexual life.

Am I being sensitive or is there some tension in the room?

The more people I get to know, the more Hitler I am.

If he had known what a magnificent funeral awaited him, he would have died long ago.

Many things can be done without the help of a man, although some of these things are more pleasant to do with a man.

A miniskirt is maximum information at minimum cost.

Gray minds usually condemn what goes beyond their understanding.

What are they lying about?

Excite my nerves... and I'll fuck your brain.

You can kill a man with a sickle, you can kill a man with a hammer. And if with a hammer and sickle...

I don't know how to say goodbye. So... get out, pig.

I think she was feigning sarcasm.

Sarcasm: quotes and aphorisms

The skill of some people in sarcastic statements leads to the appearance of quotes that become aphorisms. For example, these are quotes from Faina Ranevskaya:

Optimism is a lack of information.

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.

Loneliness is a condition that you have no one to tell about.

Many people complain about their appearance, but no one complains about their brains.

The woman is, of course, smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Do you know what it's like to act in a movie? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and they take you on a tour there.

Health is when you have pain in a different place every day.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

I do the hardest part before breakfast. I get out of bed.

There are no fat women, only small clothes.

I noticed that if you don’t eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, or drink beer with fish, your face becomes smaller, but sadder.

Sarcasm in music

Interestingly, sarcasm can sometimes be found even in music. And not just in popular songs or in the text of some rapper, but in real operas. Of course, the brilliant composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a master of ridicule, a master of irony. The most different facets of humor from light irony (in the aria “Frisky Boy” - video No. 1 from 45:00) to real sarcasm in the duet of Suzanne and Marcelina, in which they openly quarrel, driving each other to white heat (No. 1 from 22 :00). And in general, the entire opera based on the plot of Beaumarchais is aimed at ridiculing the vices and stupidity of the aristocrats and emphasizing the intelligence of the third estate. And the very plot of one day in the life of Figaro only leaves you wondering how it was even possible to come up with this and twist everything like that?

Below is the opera in Italian, there are Russian subtitles, they can be turned on in the settings.

We present to your attention another opera. She is full of sarcastic remarks.

Among the Russian composers there was also an outstanding master of sarcasm, Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky, a younger contemporary of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and one of the founders of the Russian national school. Probably even Mozart would envy Dargomyzhsky’s mastery of sarcasm. The difficult fate of the innovative composer led to the fact that he often resorted to irony, including evil irony. But what role does expressive intonation, which the great and mighty Russian language is so rich in, play in conveying sarcasm? Dargomyzhsky enriched the musical language with speech intonations, both in his romances and in operas. A visual aid to this is “The Stone Guest” based on “A Little Tragedy” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The opera is written to the poet's unchanged text, and expressive speech patterns are complemented by musical intonation.

Sarcasm hovers in the opera from the appearance of the main characters Don Giovanni and Leporello, especially in the latter's lines.

Sarcasm is an integral part of language and worldview. Probably, without this phenomenon, life would be a little boring.

Life quotes with obscenities (150 quotes)

Swearing is swear words and expressions that are unacceptable from the point of view of public morality, with a negative assessment and insult to the addressee, unprintable or obscene language. The primary meaning of the word mat - 'voice' - is still preserved in the Belarusian language, which is related to Russian. Swearing is also used in order, in the speaker’s opinion, to make speech more emotional or to relieve psychological tension, to “discharge.” Swear words can act as interjections or words - fillers of speech pauses in the speech of a person of low culture. In these cases, obscene language does not imply an intention on the part of the speaker to offend anyone. You will find life quotes with obscenities in this collection.

This life is such bullshit, you can’t understand them** in it, every day you get fucked up, fucked up and you die.

I don't know how to express strong feelings, although I can express myself strongly.

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

If you are hungry for sex and are drawn into terrible fornication, mess up at work, and you will be immediately kicked out!

It’s better to be a good person who “swears” than a quiet, well-mannered creature.

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

Fucked up. In one word, he described the situation in the country and in the world, and talked about the problems.

Fuck! It says so many things in so few letters.

-Hello, can I have Vasya? -Fuck you! -When will he return?

A cultured person never swears at the wrong time.

Stas Yankovsky

Fighting for peace is the same as fighting for virginity.

Whoever read my thoughts now would blush at the presence of obscene swear words there.

It’s raining outside, the benches are bent... But we don’t give a fuck, we’re fucked!

There is no such pure and bright thought that a Russian person could not express in a dirty, obscene form.

Stas Yankovsky

There are no fruits, drink juice my family.

It’s such a nice, quiet place that you don’t even want to swear.

Why don't Russians go to the hospital? Because Russians have two diseases: bullshit and fucked up. Shit can't be cured at all, but shit goes away on its own.

How strange it is: people find truly fresh and figurative expressions only when they swear.

Erich Maria Remarque

Buy yourself a soldering iron and solder your f*ck.

You need to come up with a new swear word for this situation!

Surprisingly, people swear from morning to evening, but if they hear on the radio how a familiar, respected person puts it, how he inserts “fuck you ass” after every phrase, then they feel deeply offended.

I don’t like it when people swear ugly. I love it when it's beautiful.

Stas Yankovsky

I decided that I will no longer use swear words...

Dear girls, why the hell do you smoke?

Obscene cool statuses: Sun, air, f**king - strengthens the body.

I don’t give a fuck what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I won’t give her up to anyone for anything.

Do you know why small dogs are so angry? They're concentrated, bitch.

The ability to really swear comes only with the ability to drive a car.

Let's see the positive in everything! No! Our roads are not shitty! We have bad off-road conditions!

As one wonderful poet said: “And everything seems to be quite pi...dato, but still some kind of s... nya!”

There is a saying: “Don’t drink the bitches...” But whoever saws them, they are the ones who saw us, the bitches.

The snow doesn't melt, people don't change, spring, winter, summer, everything stupidly repeats itself.

Learning is light, not learning - a lot of friends, a lot of free time, wild parties, disgusting whores, always drunk and tell everyone to fuck off.

I love you, that's why I'm jealous and fucked!

The art of masterfully swearing comes with the ability to drive a car.

In the evening the sadness overwhelms me so much that it’s fucked up.

The realization that “this is fucked up” comes when you get into an accident in your friend’s car.

Fuck... technically, don't give a fuck about anything.

And I want, and I want again... to tell everyone to fuck off and go to bed.

They don’t hit with their hands, they don’t wave their legs, these are WRESTLERS - they fuck deflections!!!

Observing my actions, common sense nervously marks time and swears.

Snow in my back, snow in my mouth, snow in my ears and stomach, snow in my face and snow in my eyes - screw spring!

Bitch! - thought the two women, looking into each other’s eyes with a sweet smile.

I love you and I don’t give a damn that you don’t give a fuck!

A positive person is the one who was sent to hell, and he returned from there rested and with magnets!

You only need to sort things out with those with whom you have these relationships. The rest - go to the shore of silence... Collect shells.

I can divide my life into two periods: “Some shit is happening around me” and “I’m sleeping.”

The man said - the man pretended that he didn’t say anything.

Open your eyes... and start the day with the thought that... today is the worst day!

An air defense soldier is lying on the road, not killed by a bullet, fuck him.

Why are you swearing? - Because the consistent change in states and responses of some individuals depresses my consciousness. - What? - Fuck you!

It was raining outside... And you went to hell.

Funny obscene statuses: Why did you come here... Spoiled the status and left?!

I really wanted to drink vodka and open myself. But no. I'm a strong-willed bitch. So I just ate the chocolate.

-Are you tired yet? Let me be on top. - Petrovich, fucked up! Hold the stepladder!

There is no rest for the f***s, it’s one thing for them, then another.

In active sex!

It's a bummer for you with such a f**k.

A financial and sexual crisis is when you open your wallet and it’s crap.

There has never been censorship in my life... But who cares??!

Session is a masculine word. Because no woman could fuck so many people!

Why the fuck, when you put a plate in the sink, does the stream of water always hit the spoon???

He stands here as important as a piece of paper.

He is such a faggot that even faggots say about him that he is a faggot.

Before his death, the father decided to divide the inheritance between his three sons. “Holy shit!” said the fourth son.

When they write “clear” in ICQ, it feels like they are writing “well, fuck it.”

Session is a masculine word. Because no woman could fuck so many people!

It was the best fuck of my life.

A flag in your hands, the wind at your back, three feathers in your ass and a locomotive towards you.

Yes, yes, more bullshit, please, otherwise I’m sorely missing it.

The most ridiculous way to end up in hell is to stumble over the threshold of heaven and, out of habit, say: “Fuck.”

Damn... how I want to be you... so I can see how fucked up I am from the outside!

Swearing status: I’m not a poet, but I’ll say it in poetry, go to hell in small steps.

Fuck it, I need litrball, I play volleyball.

If life fucks you, it means she’s getting hard, it means she likes you, so why are you worrying?

Mat is the most rude, obscene type of non-standard vocabulary in Russian and in languages ​​close to it.

Perhaps many people don’t like me, FUCK YOU, I won’t improve.

I said to myself in disbelief.

You know, some kind of bullshit is going on that is fucking incomprehensible!

You are all so different, but you are all so fucked up the same way.

And suddenly.. Just so unexpectedly, suddenly and meaningfully... I didn’t give a fuck.

“Fuck” is a universal word that can express fear, surprise, puzzlement, anger, joy, pain, sadness and, well, fuck all the feelings.

Smoking is harmful, vodka is poison... Suck the dick, the advice of mine is sound!!!

We had a campaign in our city: a day without swearing!

Swearing status: F**k is not a swear word, but a statement of fact!

Mat is the same sounds that are sometimes made during emergency braking. brain

Chupa - Chups with onion flavor - suck and cry stupid bitch.

The roads have NOT been repaired... BUT THEY ARE FORBIDDEN... how to drive... IT’S NOT CLEAR???

You haven't seen me in a fight yet! I'm so fucked!

It doesn’t matter that I swear so much and so much... The main thing is that I do it sincerely!

If someone cries loudly, it means he’s fucked!

I swear only in exceptional cases... but every case is exceptional in its own way.

I somehow don’t give a damn about your height, weight, age. The main thing is that the person is good.

We as a whole office decided to fight swearing. They set up a piggy bank and agreed to throw in 10 rubles for each swear word. Yesterday Sergei came, silently put 200 rubles in the piggy bank and told what happened at his site and what caused the delay in the deadlines. And while we were listening, we added 50 rubles in the comments.

It's completely fucked up when you love one boy, dream about him day and night, imagine you two together, and then it turns out that he likes boys.

If you can't take it with arguments, fuck off the spelling!

The boss said on the ninth to go to work, and we are drinking at eight, we need to find the ninth... LET P" GO TO WORK.

Write down all your comments and complaints addressed to me on a piece of paper! Roll it into a tube... And stick it up your ass!!!

Doctor, there’s a little man in my head swearing all the time!

- It’s so easy to fix! 1000 dollars and no problems!

- Doctor, do you know what the little man said just now?

Swearing status: A spur in an exam is like soap in the zone. Fell - you fucked up.

Don't use foul language! Don't mindlessly swear!

Words should be sacred to a person...

Otherwise you will be hanged in hell by your tongue...

You wouldn’t wish such retribution on your enemy!

A girl, repeatedly late for a Ukrainian language lesson, enters the class: - Sorry, I'm late. Teacher: - You didn’t fuck, you fucked.

The milling machine operator said the annual norm of swearing when he entered the Dolce & Gabbana boutique.

It's easier to stick a globe in your ass than to get on a bus in the morning!

Life is not chess! Here one swear word is not enough!

Your wife will have a beautiful face after going through Photoshop filters.

When I saw the new prices for housing and communal services, new forms began to emerge in my obscene vocabulary.

Life is like toilet paper... It’s long, but it’s wasted on all sorts of crap.

I'm looking forward to the Olympics in Sochi. There, at the opening, you need to show all the coolest things that the country has. This is creepy for me... I can already imagine how Stas Mikhailov, Vaenga, old fat TaTu, Plushenko in skates, Bilan with a piano, Buranovsky grannies in kokoshniks, Pugacheva with children from Galkin are coming out... Bayan plays... Volochkova dances the aria of a dying stupid swan, with an unsuccessful tattooing eyebrows... And tears in Putin’s eyes, playing with diamonds in the fireworks... This is fucked up, comrades.

Lately, I have been increasingly experiencing desires of a sexual nature. Who cares?

I TRY to swear less... And therefore OFTEN... I generally remain SILENT.

What’s with you, what’s without you.. people like you, I understand, to hell.

We are strange people. First, we’ll “believe you”... and then - “well, that’s my fate.

Our child began to swear. Maybe I heard it in the garden, maybe on the street. Fuck knows him.

Nine-year-old Volodya swore near his mother, who was cleaning fish. Perhaps this is the only case when a person received bream as crucian carp.

There is unloading of goods in the sex shop: - Valya! - Huh?! - Fuck it!

Girl, doesn’t your mother need a good son-in-law?

- And your mother has a fucked-up daughter-in-law?

And don't make me angry!!! I don’t swear, but I can beat you with a stick!

— In 2016, the funded part of the pension will be frozen again. — You have nine typos in the word “sp@zdyat.”

Now I’ll take the frying pan of fate, the eggs of justice and fuck the scrambled eggs of the apocalypse.

On the balcony we are psychologists. In the kitchen we are politicians. Online, we are philosophers. And only in life, as they were idiots, they remained so.

“Fuck you, fuck you!” - said the drunken guests, driving out the sober hosts.

It happens - you look into a person’s eyes... and you understand that he’s fucking from the bottom of his heart!

Don't swear to yourself. There are more worthy candidates.

Call me! Call me, bitch, urgently! After a while, send a text message or email. Now admit it, who sang this line and didn’t just read it stupidly?

Intelligent people don’t swear; intelligent people use swear words and explain it with reason.

Statuses with jokes and obscenities: Children, don’t go for a walk in the dark yard. A terrible idiot lives there.

On July 1... the law banning obscene language came into force.

I signed up for sign language courses... I’ll just show you.

And only our people, when they are called bastards and scoundrels, are not offended, but, on the contrary, perceive it as a compliment!

They banned swearing... The Russian national football team was greeted by a silent crowd at Sheremetyevo.

I'll probably never get married, because sleeping diagonally is fucked up.

In Russia they banned swearing... Now the boss doesn’t talk to us at all on Monday.

One cigarette shortens your life by 11 minutes! One session of sex prolongs life by 15 minutes. So, gentlemen, smokers, you will have to fuck for your life.

Well, those who like to hide their tears in the rain.

Go for a walk.

It is only with our obscenities that one can not only insult, but also praise.

So word for word... and I learned to swear.

I ate something sweet - life is wonderful! I drank semi-sweet - I'm completely fucked!

I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, when I say a swear word I faint!

And I do many things according to the principle “it’s fucked up, of course, but it’ll do!”

Construction. Workers are crowding around the foreman's room - making noise, waving their arms:

- Petrovich! Let Petrovich speak!

Petrovich comes out. After hesitating a little, the balaclava hits the ground:

- How to fuck your mother, so f%%%%ts, and how to f%%%% in the mouth, so no fucking way!

- That's right, Petrovich! Until they give us mittens, we won’t work!

In any situation, say “everything is going according to plan” - you never know what kind of fucking plan you have!

Someone invent “Antipizdin”... I already know who to prescribe it to.

Statuses with jokes and obscenities: Unloading goods in a sex shop: - Valya! - Huh?! - Fuck it!

Anyone can utter swear words, but swearing with facial expressions is the height of skill.

Who teaches your son to say such nasty things?!! - Fuck, who the hell knows.

“You’re f*cked up...” means praise, “You’re f*cked up...” means you’re guilty... Do you sense the power in words?! Long live the wonderful Russian mate.

How to lose weight quickly in 10 days?? -Poop more.

The other day, an intellectual wrote to me and asked his question, adjusting his pince-nez on his nose: “Could you write without swearing to make reading easier for me?” I was depressed... my world was close to collapse... Just kidding, of course... I answered modestly: “Don’t like it? Fuck you!”

Always smile at your enemies - they will lose their minds trying to understand what the fuck you are up to.

“When they write to you ‘clear’, it feels like

that they write “well, fuck it.”

The ability to really swear comes only with the ability to drive a car.

High IQ prevented me from shouting - fuck you!

It was the best fucked up experience of my life.

I sent the letter, but I didn’t notice the typo “thank you.” The answer came, at the end of the letter - “please”.

The wind takes me to... where there are so many fucked up chicks.

A sad man, all in black, comes to a shoe store:

- Please give me white slippers, size 36.

- Oh, did someone die?

- No, damn it, great-grandmother Marusya decided to take up ballet!

Everyone's fucked up - guys behave like girls, girls behave like guys!

Leaves, autumn, clouds, I fell in love with an asshole.

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