15 things a man will only do if he truly loves you

Incredible facts

If your man does these 15 things, you don't have to worry. He truly loves you.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand another person's feelings because no one knows what is going on in their head.

But love is not just a feeling, but also actions that always tell the truth.

Men always show feelings through their actions and actions.

that they do (or don’t do) towards you.

Psychology of a loving man

He listens to you carefully

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Often during a conversation, we exchange words while waiting for our turn to speak. But with the appearance of a special person, everything changes.

A person who truly loves you won't pretend to listen, but will actually listen to you.

. He will pay attention to the words you say and try to understand you. Moreover, he respects everything you say and remembers all the details.

If he really loves you, you will get his undivided attention because he is truly interested in knowing everything about you.

Never forces you to do anything you don't like

He will respect your decisions and won't force you to do anything you don't want to do if you're not ready for it.

If a man knows that it will offend you, he is unlikely to ever ask you for it, simply because he respects you and does not want it to upset you.

Interested in you

He will be concerned about your feelings and your opinion, how you look at the world, and what you think about this or that matter.

He will ask you about your dreams, goals, and be interested in what makes you act in a certain way. He will try to find out everything about you.

Gives you some freedom

One of the worst situations in a relationship occurs when one partner tries to take over the other's personal space.

Usually we do not like those who smother us with attention and do not allow us to develop as individuals. A person who truly loves you and cares about you will never invade your personal space.

Cares about you

We tend to take care of those we love. There are many ways to show you care.

Sometimes you just need to support your significant other when she wants to share her thoughts and feelings, or look after her when she is sick.

Tells his friends and family about you

Men are not as good at expressing their feelings, and if he is comfortable enough to talk about you to his friends and family, and they in turn mention that they know you, you can be sure that he truly loves you.

Home comfort

What does a woman give to a man when she loves? The lady tries to surround him with comfort. She cooks delicious food, cleans up the apartment and tries in every possible way to please her chosen one. Coming home from work, the lover wants to relax and enjoy peace. For the stronger sex, a home is a fortress in which he feels confident and protected. And the woman is in charge there. It helps create a festive atmosphere in the tenant, which a man will want to plunge into again and again. A woman gives a man more than just sex. It helps you feel that life is interesting and unusual. The lady comes up with a lot of different entertainment, chooses movies for evening viewing, and makes sure that there is always enough of everything in the house. Without a girl, the family nest seems empty and uninhabited. Do you think the bachelor is doing 100% well? No. A man will always strive to find the one who can fill his heart with love and happiness, which is different for all people. Nevertheless, a person will only feel fully fulfilled when he can find a soul mate who shares his interests and views on life.

How does a loving man behave?

Will give you honest advice and ask for the same

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A man will be proud of you and will never try to push you away. He will appreciate your work, but at the same time, if necessary, he will give you honest advice instead of veiling it or saying something useless.

Will think about how to spend time, not how to spend money

A man who loves will always find an opportunity to spend time with you without fears or excuses.

He will enjoy the time spent together. It will be more important for him to spend time with you than to think about how much money he will spend on it.

Jealous of your male friends

He will feel pangs of jealousy when you date your male friends, but at the same time he will not forbid you to do so.

He will likely try to communicate his feelings and jealousy instead of withdrawing and avoiding the situation.

Doesn't consider sex to be real intimacy

For him, real intimacy won't be sleeping with you, but kissing you on the forehead when you're not in the mood.

He will seek emotional intimacy, and you will feel as if you are looking into each other's souls, knowing each other's dreams, hopes and fears, and understanding your partner on a deeper level.

Shows your vulnerable side

Men in general very rarely show their vulnerability. They don't want to appear emotional, and to them vulnerability is a sign of weakness.

Therefore, if a man openly talks to you about his vulnerability, shares secrets with you, talks about his worries and fears, this means that he truly loves you.

Argues with you for the sake of your relationship

Disputes and disagreements are normal in all relationships. They show our partner what is important to us. However, you can tell if a man loves you by the way he argues with you.

If he tries to solve the problem between you, is willing to compromise, and puts in the time and energy to explain his point of view, you can be sure that he loves you.

Will never try to break off the relationship, even if you have problems

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No matter how difficult the situation may be, a loving man will never decide to break up. He will always try to solve the problem instead of lashing out with accusations.

He will always look for ways to improve the situation.

Discusses future plans with you and supports you in your aspirations

Trust is something without which it is difficult to build relationships. A man to whom you are important will ask for your opinion when he needs to make important decisions in life because he trusts you and it is important for him to know what you think.

In turn, he will also encourage you and help you achieve your goals.

Men's responsibilities in the family: 25 points

So, we’ve discussed the specifics of the division of responsibilities, now let’s look at the list of what every man should do around the house.

What to do if you don’t know how or can’t cope with any of the above? There are always several options other than to “score” or blame it on a friend. Ask her or one of your family and friends to teach you the necessary skill, watch a lesson on YouTube or hire a specialist for money.

Remember, you are not required to be a “universal soldier” and be able to do everything, but being childish and irresponsible is also not the case.

Men's responsibilities in the home: 25 points

  1. Childcare (a man should perform this responsibility equally or even more than a woman, since she has already done the hardest part of reproductive work);
  2. Washing dirty dishes (either just for yourself, or for everyone, if the rule “he who cooks, does not wash” works in your house);
  3. Cleaning the toilet;
  4. Cooking food;
  5. Cleaning the stove or microwave after cooking;
  6. Washing and hanging clothes;
  7. Vacuuming the apartment and everything connected with it, including shaking out the bag/container after yourself;
  8. Wet cleaning of floors with a mop after a vacuum cleaner;
  9. Timely removal of garbage;
  10. Washing sinks and bathtubs with cleaning products;
  11. Cleaning the refrigerator;
  12. Knife sharpening;
  13. Timely call of a mechanic or electrician, if necessary;
  14. Monitoring missing products in the house and organizing their purchase;
  15. Monitoring the cleanliness and order of personal belongings, including in the closet;
  16. Ironing your clothes;
  17. Washing your shoes after going outside;
  18. Making the bed;
  19. Sewing up holes in your clothes, sewing on buttons (or going to the nearest tailor shop);
  20. Wiping all surfaces from dust and dirt (tables, bedside tables, closet shelves, etc.);
  21. Washing windows and mirrors in the apartment;
  22. Balcony cleaning;
  23. Full participation in general cleaning;
  24. Participation in organizing repairs;
  25. Help with rearrangement.
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  • Author: Maria Minaeva

Attitude towards wife8

How should a man behave in a relationship with his wife? Marriage is the logical result of the relationship between a man and a woman. And when the husband sees in her not only an object of sexual pleasure, a person who is tasked with maintaining the house, everyday problems, raising children and solving all issues of improvement, the girl’s happiness is not in danger.

A wife is also a person who needs to be taken care of, supported, provided for, and forgiven for her shortcomings. A man should allow his woman to be weak and capricious. However, you need to keep a line so that she does not perceive the man as a mattress.

A man can sometimes be strict, but every action must be done on the basis of love.

Courting, giving gifts and compliments to a woman

But do not impose or overdo it, because women like independent men. After all, a man who is too compliant and affectionate is often popularly called “henpecked.”

In the progressive West, it has long been considered normal that a woman occupies the position of breadwinner, and the father sits with the children and takes care of the housework. In our country, this practice often results in divorce. We can conclude that a man has more than enough responsibilities in marriage, however, women have no less of them.

Photo: Pixabay

Author: Sergey Tumanov

Source: www.belnovosti.by

Incentive to develop

Don't know what a woman can give a man? Think about the fact that many ladies are an incentive for the development of a partner. Beautiful and smart girls are perceived by the stronger sex as a kind of prize that they received for their merits. If the guy gives up his position, the woman will leave him. In such a situation, having an incentive, it will develop. There should be confidence in your soulmate, but still a man should understand that nothing is eternal in this life. Most men stop playing sports and being successful in their careers immediately after they get married. It is impossible to call such a situation normal. There should always be an incentive for development, and the best woman.

A woman's love gives a man the opportunity to become a better person. The guy wants to seem like a hero in the eyes of the lady. He will be able to move mountains just so that she approves of his successes. Therefore, guys strive to find a queen who will be worthy of them and move towards constant self-improvement.

A man needs to be praised even for the smallest achievements, and encouraged in failures. Support in your endeavors.

Participate in raising children and make decisions

Especially in raising my son. If a son is raised only by his mother and grandmother, the boy may grow up weak-willed and weak-willed. The father’s goal is to show the child an example of a man, so that he can follow his example in the future.

It is imperative to spend time with the children while the wife is in the kitchen or preparing dinner.

Maintaining discipline within the family is the basis of men's tasks.

It is the man who must solve problems in the life of the family and take responsibility for his actions.

Despite modern trends, in most cases the man in the house is the head.


What does a woman give to a man in a relationship? Family happiness. Every man dreams of continuing his family line. It is not surprising that a man always looks for qualities in a girl that a potential mother of his children should possess. A lady should not only be beautiful, but also smart and economical. It is such a girl who will be able to give birth and raise a worthy heir. Men are sensitive to the issue of children. Only fools get them from casual relationships. Reasonable men take this issue seriously. They choose the best girl who will reciprocate their feelings. Men dream of a full-fledged family in which a woman will cope with all roles flawlessly. A girl should be a good mother, an experienced lover, a wise adviser and a charming person with whom she is not ashamed to go out into the world. If a girl can achieve such a standard, then the man will marry her and have children from her. In other cases, guys will protect themselves from an unwanted pregnancy of their partner and entertain the lady with illusions that the wedding will happen in the distant future.


Let's find out what else a woman gives to a man in a relationship? Sex is an important aspect of the life of any member of the stronger sex. It seems unreasonable for men to constantly look for a new girl in order to satisfy their needs. It is much more convenient to have a permanent partner for these purposes. A girl must understand the guy’s desires and help him, realize everything, even the most secret desires, if this does not contradict her moral standards. A lady should not be ashamed of herself and her body. The man doesn't like it. Variety in sex is very important for any member of the stronger sex. Therefore, he demands variety from the girl in bed. A man is interested in exploring his capabilities and trying something new, and a smart girl should understand this.

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