What makes some people so successful? Here are 17 things successful people do every day to stay at their best.

  • Many highly effective people have a strong sense of discipline, which allows them to practice daily habits that set them apart from everyone else.
  • These habits include meditation, not being perfect, taking time to connect with others, and thinking optimistically in negative situations.
  • However, what works for some may not work for others: one successful CEO says he doesn't focus on maintaining an "empty inbox," while another claims it's the only way he can start being productive. day.

If you want to be the best at what you do, at work or in your personal life, it will require discipline. You will need to learn best practices, hone your skills, and create a mental space that allows you to maximize your creativity, focus, and discipline. Here are the daily habits of exceptionally successful people that have gotten them where they are.

See unexpected troubles as opportunities

When you start a company, something goes wrong almost every day. When disaster strikes, I immediately accept the problem and start thinking about how I can fix it right now. Once I have a path forward, I think about how I could have done things differently to prevent this problem. There is no power in just thinking about how unlucky I am or how unfair or unforgiving life is sometimes. Okay, it happened, how can I fix it now and make sure it doesn't happen again? Thus, every disaster or trouble is an opportunity to grow and make your company stronger. It allows me to control my destiny rather than just being a victim of other people's graces or bad luck.

— Zach Abbott, co-founder and CEO of ZBiotics, a company that produces and markets genetically engineered probiotics and has experienced nearly 40% month-over-month growth since its launch in 2019.

Take your pet to the veterinarian

Perhaps all pet owners dream that they can talk. Including to report on your well-being. Until people have learned to translate meows, barks and chirps into human language, it is better to rely on preventive measures. Experts advise taking your pet for examination to the veterinarian once a year, and if the cat or dog is over seven years old, then once every six months. The doctor will do tests and the necessary vaccinations - this will help detect problems in time or prevent them altogether.

Take 10 minutes to make the next 10 hours meaningful

As a leader, it is important to remain calm and confident in any situation. Every morning I meditate for 10 minutes, getting ready for the day ahead. Visualizing what will happen and how I will solve problems is an antidote to frustration for me. I also take 10 minutes to be proactive in laying out three things that need to happen that day, no matter what. This allows me to be conscious rather than reactive. These short breaks are key to preparing you for the full potential of the day.

— Bill Demas, CEO of Conviva, which provides streaming and analytics technologies for media with an international volume of 150 billion airwaves per year on three billion devices

Do I need to do a CT scan of the lungs again?

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a relatively new and insufficiently studied phenomenon. During the first year of the epidemic, doctors collected data about the virus, its behavior and the complications caused by the infection. The formation of several strains of COVID-19 (British, South African) has been noted, and a number of studies have shown that the virus can cause complications not only in the respiratory system, but also in the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, visual organs, and gastrointestinal tract.

However, the number one target for COVID-19 is lung tissue, since its surface contains ACE2 receptors, which are most convenient for the virus to attach to. The virus is implanted into lung tissue cells using strong protein spikes. It then multiplies in these cells, blood poisoning begins, and the damaged alveoli are filled with exudate - a liquid that reduces the volume of air tissue in the lung and interferes with breathing.

Sometimes pathological processes occurring in the lungs trigger an aggressive protective mechanism of fibrosis. In response to infection, the body creates an artificial barrier between the affected and healthy tissues: the alveolar matrix in places of viral damage is covered with fibrous (scar) tissue. The main problem is that fibrosis can make airborne lung tissue dense, meaning certain areas of the lungs can lose their primary function of gas exchange and oxygen storage. Sometimes such consequences are irreversible. Fibrosis may be an outcome of viral pneumonia caused by coronavirus.

A repeat computed tomography scan after coronavirus is needed to clarify whether the lungs have been restored after the illness and whether there are any complications or pathological processes that in the future may negatively affect the patient’s quality of life and health.

There are also situations when a patient, after a negative test for coronavirus and treatment, is discharged, after which he returns to his usual life and work. However, 1-2 weeks after discharge, the symptoms of acute respiratory disease (shortness of breath, lack of air) again make themselves felt. In this case, there may be several options:

1)This is the so-called “post-Covid tail” - the organs of the respiratory system have not yet restored their functions. If the patient is only bothered by particular symptoms, such as chest discomfort, shortness of breath, a feeling of incompleteness of breath, cough or sore throat, and there is no pronounced weakness and the temperature is normal, then they can go away on their own over time. You should wait 1 month or even a little longer. If the situation does not change, this may indicate complications. A repeat CT scan of the lungs is recommended for the patient. Diagnosis is carried out independently or according to the indications of a pulmonologist.

2)The patient is sick - either a re-infection with coronavirus has occurred, or the previous viral pneumonia has not been completely cured. PCR tests for coronavirus have an error of about 30%. Tests for immunoglobulins IgA, IgG and IgM are also not always reliable. Errors in preparing for testing, poor technique for collecting biomaterial, and workload in laboratories can cause false negative results.

Read more about false negative coronavirus test results

If viral pneumonia recurs, a repeat CT scan of the lungs becomes necessary.

Take time to connect with people

Although we have many scheduled meetings, I find it very helpful to have impromptu discussions throughout the company. When I have free time, I find opportunities to stop at people's tables to chat. I can share an idea that I have, or the goal of the company, I can ask you to tell me about the news on some project. Not only does this help me stay in touch with what's going on in the company, but it also breaks down barriers so anyone in the company feels like they can raise issues or ask questions. As a startup, we have to be nimble, and I've found that these quick, 15-minute conversations move discussions forward so we make decisions as quickly as we need to rather than waiting for a formal meeting.

— Mike Phillips, CEO of Sense, a smart home technology company that has raised $30 million and secured partners from international energy companies including Schneider Electric and Landis + Gyr


  1. Early to rise, early to bed
  2. Exercise
  3. To refuse from bad habits
  4. Meditate
  5. Read and learn new things
  6. Plan your time
  7. Set goals correctly
  8. Choose the right social circle
  9. Get out of your comfort zone in a timely manner
  10. Control expenses

As a rule, to achieve success in any business, you have to work. But we humans are designed in such a way that we always want everything at once, even if we are very hardworking. “I wish I could meet Hottabych and make all my wishes come true...” But, unfortunately, one can only dream about this. In order not to wait for the weather by the sea, you can try to add a few useful habits to your life that will help you achieve success. No, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to pump up your abs in a week or earn a million in two days, but in the long run, these habits will have a positive impact on your life.

Practice gray thinking so you can focus on high-level strategy

By reminding myself to “think in gray,” I avoid forming opinions on issues until I have enough data to make well-informed decisions. This means less emphasis on first impressions and more emphasis on ideas presented by team members who are experts in their fields. Being able to be persuaded by your employees builds trust and frees your mind to tackle high-level strategic issues. Finding time to focus on strategic goals can be challenging, as all the messages that arrive in your inbox tend to dictate your agenda. I take the time to keep my inbox empty and clear out half of my calendar, which allows me to delve into new ideas, analyze current problems, and guide my team toward problem solving with a more proactive mindset.

— Michael Nusimov, co-founder and CEO of DrChrono, a cloud-based electronic health record and practice management platform used by thousands of physicians to treat more than 17.8 million patients, saving more than $11 billion in healthcare costs

Maslow's pyramid

The classification of human needs with a description of their role in life falls into a seven-level pyramid. The beginning comes from the last, seventh step. Let's look at each in more detail:

  • The basis is physiological needs. This is hunger, thirst and so on.
  • Next comes the need for reliability and security, safety, self-confidence, courage, courage and others.
  • Fifth stage. Need for love. To be loved and accepted, to love yourself, to feel useful.
  • The fourth stage, like the previous one, consists of social needs. The need for praise, recognition of success, approval, and respect is sanctified here.
  • The third stage speaks of the need to comprehend the world around us, gain knowledge and skills.
  • The second is responsible for aesthetics, splendor, neatness, order, beauty.
  • Vertex. The need for self-expression and self-knowledge. It combines all the needs and desires listed below. Includes developing abilities, finding a life path and achieving goals.

Using the example of a pyramid, we can conclude what people need. The main thing is to correctly determine your goals and achieve them, choosing the right paths that do not harm yourself and others.

Try to see the world through someone else's eyes

Each of us sees the world through our own unique lens, filled with a specific set of experiences. That's why I think it's so important to take a moment every day to step outside of this narrow worldview and discover something new. It may be big or small, but learning one new thing—simply taking the time to enjoy other people's ideas—gives me motivation to get through even the longest days. I try to listen to as many points of view as possible. I read stories from authors on the other side of the world or listen to podcasts from experts in fields with which I am completely unfamiliar. This gives me at least one chance each day to really stretch my thinking and develop in the way I approach problems.

— Holger Seim, co-founder and CEO of Blinkist, a tool that aggregates key ideas from over 3,000 best-selling nonfiction books into audio content for its community of over 12 million people

Practice breathing exercises

Pay attention to your breathing. An accelerated rhythm provokes stress, while calm, slow breathing will help you relax. Inhalation activates the sympathetic system (triggers the stress response), exhalation is responsible for the parasympathetic system (responsible for relaxation). Take ten inhalations, holding your breath for eight seconds, and ten exhalations, holding your breath for 16 seconds. At first, you will find this unusual and perhaps even uncomfortable. However, then you will get used to it, and such practices will help you restore your strength.

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Choose an activity that makes you disconnect

I'm the first person to admit that I'm a workaholic. When you're running a startup and jumping between video meetings, emails, texts, photo shoots, and more emails, it can sometimes feel like I'm caught in this constant, internet-driven work cycle. Choosing an activity that forces you to switch off and be more present can be very grounding at the end of a chaotic day. To force myself to hang up, I take it upon myself to cook dinner for my friend and myself every night. I never follow a recipe, so the freedom to get my hands dirty and flex various creative muscles keeps me focused on the present. It sounds simple, but it has brought me so much more peace and happiness.

— Minali Chatani, co-founder of Pet lifestyle brand Wild One, which was included in the Forbes 30 Under 30 list for 2022.

Don't confuse compassion and pity

Pity is not a deep feeling. Moreover, it carries destructive power. Why do people who find themselves in a difficult situation do not want to be pitied? Because this emotion is based on the recognized inferiority of the object of pity, his inability to get out of trouble. It makes the other person feel like a victim of the circumstances in which he finds himself.

Compassion is a manifestation of generosity. And pity is an indicator of cowardice. If you are able to sympathize and empathize, then you have a kind heart in which love lives.

What does a person need first? Being human. Loving, kind, attentive, compassionate, able to empathize. And also to be loved and accepted. Without this it is very difficult. It is then that there will be recognition, success, prosperity and well-being.

Take time to think deeply

My daily life as a CEO can be extremely hectic. I often have 10 to 15 meetings a day, with aggressive context switching, and very little time in between. I might spend an hour researching the features of a new product and then join a big sales video conference followed by an urgent budget meeting. I squeeze in time between reading and responding to hundreds of emails a day. With so many tactical and urgent tasks, I need quiet time to think about strategy and the big picture, which may be less immediate but much more important to long-term success. The brain needs to switch from a problem-oriented mode to a deeper thinking mode, and in order to do this, I typically set aside two to three hours a week entirely for thinking. These are the hours that I'm not in front of my computer and my phone can't be anywhere near me... I sit on the couch in my room with a pen and paper, look out the window and let my brain and imagination lead me in the right direction.

— Liad Agmon, CEO of Dynamic Yield, a personalization platform used by more than 300 brands worldwide, which was acquired by McDonald's for more than $300 million in 2022.

Ensure yourself a good night's sleep

Regular lack of sleep, especially if it lasts for a long time, is guaranteed to lead to a loss of vitality. Therefore, you must take care of your sleep. Go to bed before midnight, wake up at the same time without an alarm (weekends are no exception). Daytime sleep is also good for health, but only no more than half an hour a day. If you feel a complete loss of strength, lie down and sleep as much as you want. You can allow yourself to do this once, so that you can subsequently switch to a constant correct sleep pattern, which does not involve either lack of sleep or oversleeping.

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Prepare your workout clothes the night before

I prepare my workout clothes the night before to ensure exercise is always a priority. This helps beat the to-do list while other people are still in bed. I start the day feeling perfect. Success leads to more success.

— Stacy Garcia, serial entrepreneur and design expert with 23 active partners and products in 52 countries around the world

Empathy and compassion

Do people need empathy and compassion? Of course yes. These qualities can manifest themselves throughout life. The terms have different meanings. The first is based on complete mutual understanding, a calm and attentive attitude towards the other person. You can show sympathy without being compassionate.

Compassion is the skill of seeing your own anxieties in the experiences of others. Why do people need compassion and empathy? So as not to be dry and insensitive, indifferent to everything.

Avoid an empty inbox

Everyone talks about the empty inbox, but I just can't support it. However, I didn't let important emails slip through the cracks, I didn't feel stressed by the tens of thousands of unread emails in my inbox, and I didn't spend too much time in my inbox every day, despite the fact that... I receive more than 500 letters a day. Why then is an empty inbox so important? I decided that I would rather develop and stick to my own routines that work for me personally rather than blindly following the advice of other experts. When done correctly, it can ease anxiety and can force you to continually improve your own habits and processes rather than relying on others to set them up for you. Create your own routine that works for you.

— Khaled Naeem, co-founder and CEO of Onfleet, a last-mile delivery software company that powers millions of deliveries per month for thousands of companies around the world

Name day February 10

  • Bartholomew Bartholomew Ratnykh, venerable martyr, hieromonk
  • Vladimir The name Vladimir is usually interpreted as “Owner of the World” (Old Russian). Meanwhile, in ancient Russian chronicles this name sounds slightly different - Volodymer, which means “Owner of the measure.” The name Vladimir suggests breadth of soul and nobility in its owner. It sounds completely...
  • Egor This name is the Russian form of the Greek name George, which means “Tiller of the Earth” and is one of the names of the supreme god Zeus. Egor is a rather unexpected name; it surprises with its sharp integrity and at the same time some...
  • Ephraim This name is the Russian form of the Semitic name Ephraim, meaning "Fruitable". In the Bible, this name belongs to one of the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. The energy of the name Ephraim suggests a very strong reaction to external stimuli and explosive...
  • Ignat Translated from Latin, Ignat means “Fiery”. The name Ignat sounds sharp and brief, like a dry blow of a whip. This brevity is even more evident in...
  • Isaac The name comes from the Bible and literally means “He will laugh.” According to legend, Abraham and his wife Sarah gave birth to this name when they were a hundred years old. The Bible describes that after giving birth to a child, Sarah said. In Russian sound, the energy of the name Isaac has amazing breadth and smooth mobility. It…
  • Leonty Leonty Mikhailovsky (Stasevich), venerable confessor, archimandrite
  • Olga Olga is the Russian form of the Scandinavian name Helga, which means "Sacred". Olga is a somewhat cautious name, but it quite interestingly combines sufficient...
  • Fedor Translated from Greek, the name means “Gift of God.” The name Fedor is reliable and strong, it does not call its owner into battle, does not carry him to transcendental heights,...
  • Theodosius Theodosius of Totemsky, Sumorin, abbot


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Visualize your future

We all have ideas about what we can and cannot do in our lives, and we are often right. I believe that all creators of great value in our world have a vision of their destiny, and they visualize what that future looks like in great detail. It is not enough to visualize it - you also have to believe in it. Believing in our destiny allows our subconscious mind to begin thinking about how to lead us to our goals, both during our dreams and during our daily lives. Even though the conscious mind appears to be the driving force behind our actions, it is actually the subconscious mind that does so.

— Art Lee, CEO of Rove Concepts, a digital premium furniture brand with an average annual growth rate of 50% over the past five years and more than a hundred employees in three countries.

What do people need?

To understand this issue, you first need to understand what you want. To do this, you need to take paper and pen and write everything down. If this task seems difficult, first imagine in your mind the picture of life in which you would be comfortable, the environment in which you want to live for the rest of your days. And then think about what kind of person you will become, how your attitude towards life will change, how the world will change, and most importantly, whether this will make you happier and more successful. After this training, you will understand what you want, you will set goals and, by solving them, move towards your main dream. After a large-scale vision of your future, it will be easy to figure out what people and you need first. To begin discussing the main issue, let's dive a little into theory.

Keep a to-do list

Keeping a short list of my daily activities that I want to do helps me stay on top of my days. Especially when my schedule is full, it helps me to be really intentional with 10-15 minutes between meetings and use that time to cross off one of those small tasks. My favorite tool for this is Sunsama. I can see all my to-dos, meetings and calls in one place and be realistic about how much I can get done in a day. I used to be obsessed with the idea of ​​an empty inbox. I love being able to physically feel what I've done. But as our team and company grow, achieving an empty inbox seems less and less effective. With a daily to-do list, I can be proactive and identify what actually needs to be done rather than letting my inbox decide it for me. For me, crossing all the tasks off my to-do list gives me a deeper sense of achievement at the end of each day and helps me get started running the next morning.

— Stephen Chen, founder and CEO of Scanwell Health, a company that has received FDA clearance to create an over-the-counter urine test app and test kits that offer at-home diagnostics to users using their smartphone

Do general cleaning

Sort out the accumulated things and get rid of what has become unnecessary. Gradually go through all the closets and shelves: with clothes, dishes, books, food. Don't forget to look in the drawers where you usually put all sorts of small things: there will probably be something in them that it's time to get rid of.

Move the refrigerator, stove and washing machine away from the walls and thoroughly wash behind them - we usually do not pay attention to these places and a lot of dust and debris accumulate there. Think about where else you rarely clean and clean those places.

Look at the bright side of life

My ringtone is the song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" written by Eric Ireland from Monty Python. The extended version of this song is actually quite nihilistic, but hearing the choir so many times in one day helps me take my mind off my hectic day for a minute and think about how lucky I am. When I feel tempted to feel sorry for myself or feel anxious or stressed, I remind myself, “Always look on the bright side of life.” Positivity not only makes you feel better and healthier, it also improves the quality of your work and relationships.

— Yaffa Cohen-Ifrach, Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Corporate Communications at Sapiens, an international corporation providing software solutions to the insurance industry with more than 500 clients worldwide

Play and pretend

Before we leave the house to take the kids to daycare, we're often attacked by vicious zombie sharks, so we have to retreat to our magical bed fortress, hide under the blankets and make laser weapons to fend them off. The kids always win and sometimes we are a little late, but my day looks completely different.

— Tal Gutman, co-founder and CEO of Jiminy, an AI-powered parenting awareness app with anonymized data from over 54 million text messages and over 1.5 million hours of phone usage.

Have fun

It's easy to always feel the need to be busy with work. I think it is necessary to participate in different activities to give yourself free rein. I love listening to opera, especially Pavarotti, playing the drums, driving off-road in the desert. Having fun in life and not letting work dominate every aspect of my week is very important. I firmly believe that if I don't take care of myself, I won't be able to take care of my business. So eat tomatoes like peanuts, play silly games with your children. Ultimately, these moments of relief help me sharpen my focus and close more deals.

— Moshe Schliesel, co-founder and CEO of GuardKnox, a provider of secure high-performance computing solutions that has raised $25 million in funding and works with automotive companies including Porsche and Daimler.

People's needs and interests

Needs are those conditions and needs that a person needs for normal existence, to which all his activities are directed.

Classified as follows:

  1. Biological. A person needs them first of all. This includes everything that happens at the level of biological instincts: the need for food, drink, breathing, procreation, and so on.
  2. Social needs are related to communication. This is a human need in society, to play a certain social role in society, to realize oneself in it.
  3. Spiritual. They are expressed in the need for a person to acquire new knowledge and express himself in creativity. This is the need for friendship, understanding, compassion, empathy of other people.

All needs are closely interconnected. Because the satisfaction of some occurs through the realization of others. This can be clearly seen in the example of the pyramid of Maslow, an American psychologist. We'll come back to it later.

Interests are formed from human needs. Interest is an individual’s focus on objects that are significant to him, which is determined by the presence of specific needs. It is determined by the individual’s position in society, his personal qualities, worldview, and so on.

Here it is important not to confuse interest with attraction (an unconscious intention to perform any action), as well as with inclinations (predispositions to certain activities and talent (subsequent development of inclinations). Let's return to human needs according to Abraham Maslow.

Think about potential problems before bed

I'm not a morning person, so my most creative time is right before bed. Before I go to bed, I take some time to review my plans for the next few days. For scheduled meetings with clients, I imagine potential scenarios and play them out in my head. For important tasks, I consider and even write down potential failures and mitigation strategies, and sometimes this leads to innovative ideas. It may be surprising, but with all these thoughts aside, I sleep soundly and am always prepared for what the future may bring. In fact, I often wake up with fresh new ideas on how to solve daily problems thanks to my evening habit.

— Natalie Tshuva, co-founder and CEO of Sternum, a cybersecurity project offering protection for IoT devices, working with the world's largest medical device manufacturers and cellular providers across a variety of industries.

What to do if pulmonary fibrosis is detected?

Fibrosis is a pathological proliferation of connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in the size of the alveolar vesicles, that is, the air space. With pneumonia, adhesions of connective tissue form around foci of inflammation. As a result, the porous tissue of the respiratory organ becomes denser, the structure of the lung matrix is ​​disrupted, and the space available for air and gas exchange is reduced.

Pulmonary fibrosis resembles scars and requires self-treatment. The consequences of such a complication of pneumonia may be irreversible.

Thus, fibrosis represents an aggressive but physiologically justified response to inflammation or mechanical injury. The body creates an artificial barrier between affected and healthy tissues. Pulmonary fibrosis as an outcome of viral pneumonia caused by COVID-19 is observed in approximately 15% of cases.

As a rule, small local fibrosis in one of the segments of the lung, unlike multiple diffuse fibrosis, does not affect the patient’s quality of life. However, the complication requires separate treatment, which, if necessary, will be prescribed by a pulmonologist after studying the results of CT scans and functional tests.

Manifestations of fibrosis may include shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, and intolerance to physical activity. The goal of a rehabilitation course for pulmonary fibrosis is to restore the previous lung volume. The patient is recommended conservative treatment, including drug therapy, breathing exercises, and lifestyle correction.

It is possible to finally assess the severity of fibrotic changes after coronavirus, as well as their significance, only after 12 months. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat a CT scan of the lungs for fibrosis every year.

Keep your inbox empty

Starting the day with a clear head and an empty inbox helps me set the stage for a productive day. For me, every day starts with an early morning coffee in an inspiring environment, usually a quiet café, where I take a few minutes to breathe, organize my thoughts and sort my emails. After those few quiet minutes, the rest of my day comes down to getting everything done as quickly, actively, and efficiently as possible. Maintaining control of my email is one of my top priorities. I use Superhuman to help me with this, but I also respond to every email immediately unless it requires deeper thinking, in which case I immediately schedule calendar time to address it. Part of my daily proactivity also involves preventing problems rather than reactively solving problems.

— Eden Amirav, co-founder and CEO of Become, a business lending platform where SMEs can find and optimize financial solutions, working with over 50 lending partners and serving over 200,000 business owners.

Check your health

Go to a therapist, even if you don't have any pain.
He will assess your condition and make recommendations in accordance with your age, heredity and lifestyle. Perhaps he will refer you for examinations if he suspects some kind of disease at an early stage. But visit the dentist more often - once every six months. This is necessary in order to heal small holes in time and have your teeth professionally cleaned. Also check your physical fitness yourself. Do some exercises and evaluate your results. Everyone may have their own parameters: for example, speed is more important to some, and flexibility to others. Either way, it's a good way to figure out what you need to work on.

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