Motivational Quotes: Motivational Words and Phrases for Every Day

Inspirational Quotes

“A man can achieve anything that he can comprehend and accept with his mind,” - Napoleon Hill.

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” Steve Jobs.

“Strive not for success, but for your life to have meaning,” Albert Einstein.

“And if life becomes unbearable, I will remember the long-ago choice involuntarily: a fork in two roads - I chose the one where you bypass travelers a mile away. Nothing else matters.” – Robert Frost.

“Businessmen often ask the question: “Why?” This is a good question, but an equally important one is: “Why not?” - Jeffrey Bezos.

“100% of the time, if you don’t try, you won’t succeed.” - Wayne Gretzky.

“I've missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was entrusted with making the decisive shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over again in my life. And that’s exactly what made me successful.” – Michael Jordan.

“Every strike brings me closer to the next home run,” Babe Ruth.

“Certainty of purpose is the starting point of all achievement,” W. Clement Stone.

“Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans” - John Lennon.

“We become what we think about,” Earl Nightingale.

“Twenty years from now you will regret more the things you didn’t do than the things you did do.” Therefore, cast aside your doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the fair wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open up,” Mark Twain.

“Your life is 10% dependent on what happens to you and 90% on how you react to those events” - John Maxwell.

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten,” Tony Robbins.

“Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think about.” – Buddha.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today” (Chinese proverb).

“An unexamined life is not worth living,” Socrates.

“80% of success is being visible at all times,” Woody Allen.

"Do not wait. The time will never be right." - Napoleon Hill.

“Winning isn't everything, but being prepared to win is everything.” - Vince Lombardi.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am the product of my decisions." - Stephen Covey

“All children are artists, and the task is to remain one when you grow up” - Pablo Picasso

“You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” - Christopher Columbus

“People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did; but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou.

“We all have two options: we can just live, or we can create our own life and destiny,” Jim Rohn.

“If you think that you are capable of something, you are right; if you think that you cannot do something, you are also right,” Henry Ford.

“The two most important days in your life: the day you were born, and the day you realized why,” - Mark Twain.

“No matter what you dream of, start working on it! And then real miracles will begin to happen in your life,” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

“The best revenge is great success” - Frank Sinatra.

“They often say that motivation doesn’t last long. Well, the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily,” - Zig Ziglar.

“Inspiration, when it comes to me, finds me at work,” Pablo Picasso.

Motivational Quotes for Success

Do you need motivational words and phrases to motivate you to succeed in business, sports, or school? Then these powerful words and wise quotes will inspire you to achieve success.

  1. Success is doing the things that scare you every day.
  2. The greatest people have achieved their greatest success just one step away from their greatest failure. (Napoleon Hill)
  3. Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard for it. (Napoleon Hill)
  4. Success is your only choice, failure is not. (Rapper Eminem)
  5. Without self-discipline, success is impossible.
  6. Don't let the fear of losing be stronger than the excitement of winning. (Robert Kiyosaki)
  7. How many success stories do you need to hear before you create your own?
  8. Only those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world can change it.

  9. Motivation is where you start. Habit is what helps you move forward. (Jim Ryun)
  10. Real difficulties can be overcome, but only imaginary ones remain invincible. (Theodore Newton Weil)
  11. The pursuit of greatness is the only righteous revenge. (Criss Jami) This is one of our favorite motivational quotes. Which one do you like?
  12. If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it.
  13. The moment you want to leave everything is the moment you need to keep moving forward.
  14. Everything will happen suddenly for you, and you will be grateful that you didn’t give up. The blessings are already coming, just believe it. (Jay Shetty)
  15. When your desires are strong enough, you will have superhuman strength to achieve them. (Napoleon Hill)

You can be successful not only in life, but also in business. You can find out what will help you achieve this by reading motivational quotes about achieving success.

Quotes of great men

“When something in you says: “You are not an artist,” begin to write immediately, my boy, - only in this way will you silence that inner voice.” - Vincent Van Gogh

“If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing,” Aristotle.

“Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your target,” Henry Ford.

“Your only destiny is to become who you choose to be,” Ralph Emmerson.

“Chase your dreams with confidence. Live the life you want to live." - Henry David Thoreau.

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I hope that I will have no wasted talents, and I will be able to say: “I used everything You gave me.” - Erma Mombek.

“Successful people always look for opportunities to help others, people who are far from successful always ask the question: “What is the benefit for me personally?” - Brian Tracy.

“The eye may dwell on the details, but one should strive only for what the heart stops at” (an ancient Indian proverb).

“Believe that you can, and you are already halfway there,” Theodore Roosevelt.

“Everything you dream of is on the other side of your fear” - George Eddair.

“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark. The true tragedy of life is when an adult is afraid of the light,” Plato.

“Once you start hoping, anything becomes possible.” - Christopher Reeve.

Best Quotes

Inspirational quotes and aphorisms that motivate you for every day will help you get in the right mood in the morning. After all, it is very important to start the day in harmony with yourself!

“You have to get up every morning with determination. If you want to go to bed with satisfaction.”

George Lorimer

“Create a masterpiece out of today.”

John Wooden

“They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.”

Marcel Achard

“Be your own light. Don't worry about what others say, don't worry about traditions, religions, morals. Just be your own light."

Buddhist parable

“Every morning, when we wake up, we choose our mood ourselves, just like our clothes. Dress in happiness, it is always in fashion!”

“Do today what others don’t want to do. Tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot.”

“Nothing compares to the power of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm moves mountains, conquers everyone and everything. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and without it no victory is possible.”

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

“Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you want to do it. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”

Lou Holtz

“You can blame others for everything and despair, or you can get up even earlier every day and persistently achieve success.”

Luke Daly

“Dance as if no one is watching you. Sing like no one can hear you. Love as if you were never betrayed and live as if the earth were heaven.”

Mark Twain

“Go as far as you can see. And you will see even further."

“The most important task of our life is not to get ahead of everyone else, but first of all to get ahead of ourselves.”

Zig Ziglar

“Don’t be afraid to hesitate, be afraid to stop.”

Chinese proverb

“Eternal optimism multiplies our strength by plus infinity.”

Colin Powell

“They often say that motivation doesn’t last long. But the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily.”

Zig Ziglar

“Every morning we are born again. And what we do today will be of the greatest importance.”


“Today is just one of many, many days that are yet to come. But maybe all those future days depend on what you do today.”

Ernest Hemingway

Motivational quotes for every day

Do you need some inspirational words for your journal, desktop, or phone wallpaper? Then we recommend reading these short, smart thoughts and wise motivating phrases for making money and achieving your goals.

  1. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
  2. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, it turned into a butterfly.
  3. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
  4. Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist.
  5. Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream that no one can see but you.
  6. Keep dreaming even if it breaks your heart.
  7. Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the wisest thing you can say is to simply remain silent.
  8. Blood, sweat and respect. The first two, you pay, and the last, you earn. (Dwayne Johnson)
  9. Those who really want something will try until they die. (Maxim Lagace)
  10. Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done. (Marilyn Monroe)
  11. You ask, “What if I fall?” I answer: “What if you fly?” (Erin Hanson)
  12. Dream as if you would live forever. Live as if you will die today. (James Dean)
  13. If you're not doing what you love, then you're wasting your time. (Billy Joel)
  14. If you don't conquer yourself, then you will be defeated by yourself. (Napoleon Hill)
  15. A hero is someone who knows how to last one more minute. (Norwegian proverb)

Wise Quotes

One of the most famous philosophers of our time, mystic and guru Osho was an extraordinary person. Many of his statements are contradictory and cause a lot of controversy. However, Osho's inspiring quotes about life and the spiritual development of a person really make us think about eternal values.

“The only person on earth we can change is ourselves.”

“All the values ​​that a person dreams of are hidden inside him.”

“When everything in life seems to be falling apart, start thinking about what you will build in the vacant space.”

“Dedicate your life to beauty. Don't devote it to the disgusting. You don't have much time, you don't have much energy to waste. It’s simply stupid to waste such a small life, such a small source of energy on anger, sadness, hatred, jealousy.”

“The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar is heard in your heart - the roar of freedom."

“It’s too late to go back to start things right, but it’s not too late to rush forward to finish things right.”

“No matter what happens, everything is fine.”

“Falling is part of life, rising to your feet is living it. To be alive is a gift, and to be happy is your choice.”

“Peace comes to you as it comes from you.”

“Don't let your life be just a dead ritual. Let there be moments of the inexplicable. Let there be some things that are mysterious, for which you cannot give any reason. Let there be some actions that make people think you're being a little nice. A person who is one hundred percent normal is not alive. A little madness next to sanity is always a great joy.”

“If you don’t know how to say “No,” your “Yes” is also worthless.”

“Don’t look for the best, but look for your own, because the best will not always be yours, but your own is always better!”

“People have completely forgotten that they need to live. Who has time for this? Everyone teaches someone else what they should be, and no one ever seems satisfied. If a person wants to live, then he must learn one thing: accept things as they are, and accept yourself as you are. Start living. Don’t start preparing for life in the future.”

“Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Don’t get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life.”

When looking for inspiration and motivation, all means are good. How often we are wisely guided and pushed into action by inspiring quotes from our favorite books and films!

“The more often you fight, the more often you win.”

"Be the best version of yourself" Dan Waldschmidt

“Go to the moon. Even if you miss it, you will still find yourself somewhere between the stars.”

"No Self Pity" Erik Larssen

“When you really want something, the whole Universe will help make your wish come true.”

"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho

“Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.”

"Brida" by Paulo Coelho

“You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions, and there is no other you.”

"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“Do you know what I did today? Lived. She lived again. She was breathing again. I found myself on the ground again. I have my hands again. And eyes and lips..."

"Arc de Triomphe" Erich Maria Remarque

“If you don’t see a way out of the situation, act illogically, this will be the way out. Remember: you are valued only as much as you value yourself. If the number of zeros in the assessment of your own and external ones do not coincide, one of two things: either you have not done everything to reach yourself, or others have not grown up to you.”

"A Life Told by Herself" Coco Chanel

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