Women's wisdom in relationships with a beloved man: the secrets of a successful romance

No matter how strong the love between a man and a woman is, it will not last long enough without skillful interaction between partners. You can overnight destroy everything that has been built for a long time if you behave incorrectly. The success of the novel largely depends on the girl’s behavior, since the fair sex is better at avoiding sharp corners in conflict situations. What exactly is female wisdom in relationships with a man and how to use it correctly?

Women's psychology

The specific behavior of modern girls is explained by the need to be morally strong. Many men have stopped getting food and protecting their families, so a woman, in addition to keeping the hearth, needs to learn to be responsible for her loved ones.

Women need to combine 2 roles:

  • weak with your loved one;
  • self-sufficient, proactive, independent with outsiders.

If a girl meets an indecisive partner, she takes the initiative and becomes a leader. The couple’s relationship resembles the “mother and son” principle, but the woman demands “masculine actions” from her partner.

Modern girls demand gifts, devotion, and attention from men, although they themselves rarely give this to their loved ones.

Another side of female psychology is the desire to be in the center of male attention, constantly hear compliments, and receive help in carrying out personal affairs. Most girls know how to control men and get what they want from them.

She fusses and gossips

If a girl, for example, speaks badly about her colleagues and boss or comes up with excuses when her parents call her so as not to come visit them, think about whether this is the kind of life partner you want next to you? After all, it may well be that behind your back she speaks impartially about you, and if she says that she is sick and cannot come to you today, she will be lying.

Character specifics

Women really love with their ears. Words attract their attention. When compared to men, women perceive information faster. Their brains are able to remember a larger amount of information, and with the smallest details. It's easier for them to tell what they know. To please a certain girl, a man should carefully think through his image.

The characters of a woman and a man are very different, and when combined they make up for each other’s shortcomings. Women are soft, patient, careful. They become aggressive if they feel offended or left out.

Men are naturally drawn to risk and competition. When the opportunity arises, guys try to demonstrate mental and physical superiority. If they encounter obstacles on their way, they try to overcome them and achieve their goal.

In a difficult situation, a man and a woman behave differently:

  1. Because of her anxiety, she cannot decide what to do.
  2. He becomes observant and finds a solution to the problem faster.

Stages of falling in love in girls

Falling in love comes suddenly. Planning for it is as unrealistic as feeling sincere joy or sadness. Chemistry, magic, intuition - this is how they speak about this feeling. Conventionally, when girls fall in love, there are three stages:

  1. Flash. The surging feeling is still hard to wrap my head around and evokes many conflicting emotions.
  2. Awareness. Feelings become concrete, and the girl begins to show sympathy.
  3. Euphoria. In the case of reciprocity, the girl is in bliss, which gradually turns into addiction. If there is no response from the partner, a loss of strength occurs and depression develops.

The state of falling in love does not disappear without a trace; it is the basis of relationships, in the development of which there are 7 stages:

  1. Love. A dangerous stage characterized by loss of critical thinking. The girl is under the spell of her partner, fascinated by his signs of attention and emotions from spending time together. For her, her beloved is ideal; she categorically does not notice his shortcomings. According to psychologists, lovers see in each other those whom they themselves have invented, and practically do not know each other for real.
  2. Becoming. Harsh everyday life sets in, romance turns into routine. Common sense returns, helping the girl to really evaluate her chosen one. This stage serves as a boundary for couples at which they break up, having had enough of each other, or maintain the relationship after creating a couple.
  3. Negation. Not all lovers are able to bypass this stage. The partner’s shortcomings became very noticeable, and the advantages palpably faded. The girl tries to change the habits and manners of her beloved, running into his stiff resistance. Quarrels and scandals are inevitable.
  4. Peace and humility. The stage of realizing that the beloved is a separate person with his own character.
  5. Partnership and service. Thinking at the previous stages only about satisfying their interests, the partners finally came to the readiness to interact and submit to each other.
  6. Friendly relations. The girl becomes a true friend to her partner and stops acting like a woman in love.
  7. Tough love. Passions and emotions stopped boiling over. Relations became calm and measured.


Many partners quarrel due to excessive emotionality and sudden changes in a woman’s mood. Various factors influence the emotional state of girls. Men prefer not to have contact with an angry loved one, as this can provoke a scandal.

Under the influence of a woman’s excessive emotionality:

  • fantasize;
  • trying to predict the development of events;
  • They make scenes of jealousy without the slightest reason.

Emotionality helps women adapt to life conditions.

Not a step back, or Rule One

All people make mistakes, but men never do. Statistics from the “School of Hunting” (sample of five thousand men) happily informs us that the likelihood of a man admitting his mistake tends to zero. This is especially true if the woman turns out to be right. A man, of course, can apologize, but with what pleasure he will blame everything on circumstances. He will say that he was forced: “I didn’t want to, but it happened that way.” The most surprising thing is that, most likely, he is telling the truth, and the most difficult thing is to look at this truth through a man’s eyes. I warn you right away that the culprits in his story will be his colleagues, his superiors, the situation, but not himself.

The only intention he has at this moment is a desperate desire to remain a good guy for you. After all, it is when a man does not live up to your expectations that he is most afraid of being bad. He himself understands perfectly well that he is to blame. When a woman constantly points out to a man his mistakes and recalls old sins, sooner or later he will begin to live up to your worst expectations.

As soon as a man is wrong and you are right, you inevitably face a choice: to be right and continue to defend your point of view, or to be happy and look at the situation through the eyes of a man. And you will choose the second if you value your relationship. As long as you accept his truth, while you look at him with faith and admiration in your eyes, he will strive to match his reflection in the eyes of the woman he loves.


It is not common for men to hide their real faces. They have a natural way of speaking, gestures and emotions. They rarely think that they can attract attention.

Women are completely different. Even complete loneliness is not a reason to abandon an invented image. In an effort to show off, they diligently hide their naturalness. In most cases, their behavior should be perceived as playing for the audience.

If a girl has a good reputation behind her, she will constantly raise the bar. This aspiration is the basis of her mystery and mystique. She hides flaws with clothes and cosmetics, and hides problems and worries behind her cheerfulness and cheerfulness.

A natural trait of women is the need to share other people's secrets. Very few girls know how to keep secrets. Men are more reserved.

A woman will not share you with someone

When you're planning to build a lasting relationship, remember: you don't want to share your girl with another dick, and she also doesn't want to share you with passing whores.

That is, she plans to completely own your body, mind and wallet. As the main inspirer of Akloni, I maintain that relationships are built only on trust and honesty.

Do you want a problematic relationship where your wife will meet you with a frying pan? Then give her more reasons to doubt you.

Meaning of love

Girls fall in love with a partner if the feeling is mutual. The spiritual aspect of relationships is important to them, so they take it into account when choosing a future lover. To enter into an intimate relationship with a partner, they need to understand the attitude towards the selected candidate. For guys it’s the other way around: using physical contact, they understand their relationship to their partner.

An important trait of a woman’s character is constancy. It is important for them to understand that the chosen man is their soulmate. A feature of psychology for girls is the requirement from their loved one of fidelity, reliability, and great love.

Many are possessive, so their partners are forbidden to even think about looking at another female. This goes against the male instinct to impregnate as many partners as possible. Therefore, a married woman raising children at home gets very angry when her husband pays attention to another girl. Jealousy and anger are responses from the existence of primitive people. At that time, single women were doomed to death. And although in the modern world many girls provide for themselves and their families on their own, the fear of being left without a partner has not disappeared.

Therefore, men need to reassure their beloved, and not get angry for jealousy


My friend Lisa constantly complains that her husband Yegor does not support her: “I had problems at work, and instead of listening to me, he went to the garage to wash the car and disappeared for the whole day.” Or here’s another: “I caught a cold, I was lying with a fever, of course, I didn’t cook anything, he said that he wasn’t going to sit hungry and went to my mother’s to eat borscht. Eating is more important to him than my health.” Her husband's behavior is justified. When he was in the hospital with kidney inflammation, Lisa, under the pretext that he was not at home anyway, went off to rest at the seaside. And when Yegor’s parents’ house burned down, she categorically refused to shelter them for a while, making the excuse of a lack of space (in a 4-room apartment).

The fourth rule of a wise woman is to support your man in everything, then he will do the same for you.

One day my mother became seriously ill. She lay on the bed exhausted and could not even hold a book in her hands. My husband not only helped take care of her, but also did everything to cheer up my mother - he read, turned on movies on the laptop and watched them with her, chatted about everything in the world and entertained her in every possible way. He personally ensured that she took her medications on time. When it was all over, I decided to thank him. To which I received the following answer: “What are you talking about, this is your mother. You are there when it’s hard for me, I will always support you. We're family." This is how the boomerang law works, girls.

How to win the favor of your beloved?

To win the object of desire, men need:

  1. Be positive. A woman is in dire need of positive emotions. If communication with a man is associated with relaxation and distraction from problems, she will be happy to date him.
  2. Stay strong and don’t burden your loved one with problems.
  3. Don't run after your lover. You need to be able to show pride and dignity. A dependent man is easy to control.
  4. Be creative. An original gift, an unusual pastime will not leave a woman indifferent.
  5. Give compliments. Nice words must be true.
  6. Learn to hear and listen to your partner. Using questions and unobtrusively expressing opinions will affect the girl.
  7. Develop as a person. Reading, playing sports and studying art never hurt anyone.

If you have already won the woman you love, simply surround her with care and understanding. Then there will be no quarrels between you.

Women love sex too

Yes, most girls are passionate about relationships and love. But believe me, those ladies who have already tasted the delights of excellent fucking will never refuse to jump on a dick.

Two things stop them:

  • Public condemnation. Well, our girls have not yet learned to think with their own heads, and not be led by the opinions of grannies at the entrance.
  • Bad partners. Not all men know how to use their equipment. And even more so, give him the right presentation.

At Akloni Academy I teach how to have sex with a girl even after the first date.

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