Women's psychology. 11 facts you need to know about women

The psychology of women is so different from men’s that it is sometimes completely unclear how couples are created and what keeps them together. Women's psychology for men is a dark forest in which it is easy to get lost. However, this does not mean that you should not even try to understand women. On the contrary, the more a partner knows about his woman, the easier it will be for him to build a relationship with her.

Women are emotional

What is the global difference between a man and a woman?

  • A man relies on facts and logic.
  • A woman most often acts on emotions.

So trying to win a girl over with expensive tchotchkes without emotional overtones is the same as trying to move a mountain. You'll only break the fart.

She will remember with more trepidation how you tenderly kissed her forehead than the fact that you took the girl to the most pretentious establishment in the city. So catch the wave and take them with emotion.

Also consider the girl's level when choosing your date place. Bad emotions are remembered better.


Many partners quarrel due to excessive emotionality and sudden changes in a woman’s mood. Various factors influence the emotional state of girls. Men prefer not to have contact with an angry loved one, as this can provoke a scandal.

Under the influence of a woman’s excessive emotionality:

  • fantasize;
  • trying to predict the development of events;
  • They make scenes of jealousy without the slightest reason.

Emotionality helps women adapt to life conditions.

Women's moods are changeable

Now she is fluttering like a butterfly because you brought her favorite cakes, and an hour later she is crying avidly because she will be fat and it’s your fault... because you brought her favorite cakes.

It's the same with sex. If you put a girl in the right mood, she will jump into your bed on the first date. Yes, then she can reproach herself that she can’t be such a whore. But it was at that time that she enjoyed the emotions that you gave her.

By the way, the most dangerous time for the male brain is PMS. This is just fucked up, because there is no logic in the actions of the girls during this period. They just need to be tolerated, hugged, not hugged, and fed. And all this at the same time and better from a long distance. "How?" - you ask. Who the hell knows!

So, when the girl who purred in your ear yesterday looks at you blankly today, just relax and wait for a new attack of cuteness.

A man does not necessarily need to completely adapt to a girl’s changing mood. But it’s worth taking into account the very fact of its presence.


It is not common for men to hide their real faces. They have a natural way of speaking, gestures and emotions. They rarely think that they can attract attention.

Women are completely different. Even complete loneliness is not a reason to abandon an invented image. In an effort to show off, they diligently hide their naturalness. In most cases, their behavior should be perceived as playing for the audience.

If a girl has a good reputation behind her, she will constantly raise the bar. This aspiration is the basis of her mystery and mystique. She hides flaws with clothes and cosmetics, and hides problems and worries behind her cheerfulness and cheerfulness.

A natural trait of women is the need to share other people's secrets. Very few girls know how to keep secrets. Men are more reserved.

Girls pay attention to little things

Even the snow queen is a vulnerable girl at heart who can burst into tears at home because her man looked at her differently today than he did yesterday.

What may not play any role for us men is extremely important for women. But this does not mean that around women you need to walk to the line and remain silent. Just avoid too slippery topics: flaws in appearance, weight, girlfriends, parents and everything else. Kidding. Almost all.

But girls really love humor. So joke and don’t be afraid to offend her with every phrase you say. A cheerful and satisfied girl will most likely laugh too if you joke about her fat ass. But it is not exactly.

In courses at Akloni Academy, I talk in more detail about what is best not to discuss with girls.

Basics of female psychology

What is the basis of femininity? The answer is emotions and feelings. They are complemented by pride and contradiction. Women perceive the whole world through emotions. They feel everything that happens around them much more acutely than the stronger half of humanity. If conflicts arise in a couple, then ladies are very happy to shift responsibility to their partner.

Ladies have high demands on their gentlemen. Most often, pride forces them to demonstrate independence in solving complex problems. However, when this does not work out, then things reach a dead end.

Speaking about women, one cannot fail to mention their love of gossip. This is one of the sides of their nature, unable to restrain emotions inside, they try to exchange it with other people. They are always looking for “free ears” to share their experiences and thoughts. It is very important for them to receive the support and understanding of loved ones.

However, in their desire to achieve their goal, ladies do not hesitate to manipulate people. This style of behavior is passed on from one woman to another from generation to generation. Often women do not dare to directly ask for something, therefore, they try to build a whole scheme in such a way that the idea of ​​helping her comes to the person’s mind as if by chance. Women love to manipulate even in everyday life. Peculiarities of female psychology include increased attention to one’s appearance. Their self-esteem is very dependent on the admiration of strangers. Especially if men express admiration. It is for their sake that ladies spend long hours in front of the mirror and wear terribly uncomfortable heels.

The girls are thinking

What are they thinking? All! So it’s better to tell the whole truth right away and don’t give it room for fantasy. Yes, there is such a thing as personal boundaries and you should remember them when communicating with a girl.

But, if you are late at work, it is better to immediately provide her with evidence of this than for her to begin her own investigation with torture and hysterics.

In general, honesty is important in relationships. I’m not saying that you need to spill the whole truth, sometimes understatement is better than a direct “I just want to fuck you.” But, when you are already in a tight relationship, build it on trust, then the girl won’t blow your mind.

How to win the favor of your beloved?

To win the object of desire, men need:

  1. Be positive. A woman is in dire need of positive emotions. If communication with a man is associated with relaxation and distraction from problems, she will be happy to date him.
  2. Stay strong and don’t burden your loved one with problems.
  3. Don't run after your lover. You need to be able to show pride and dignity. A dependent man is easy to control.
  4. Be creative. An original gift, an unusual pastime will not leave a woman indifferent.
  5. Give compliments. Nice words must be true.
  6. Learn to hear and listen to your partner. Using questions and unobtrusively expressing opinions will affect the girl.
  7. Develop as a person. Reading, playing sports and studying art never hurt anyone.

If you have already won the woman you love, simply surround her with care and understanding. Then there will be no quarrels between you.

A woman will not share you with someone

When you're planning to build a lasting relationship, remember: you don't want to share your girl with another dick, and she also doesn't want to share you with passing whores.

That is, she plans to completely own your body, mind and wallet. As the main inspirer of Akloni, I maintain that relationships are built only on trust and honesty.

Do you want a problematic relationship where your wife will meet you with a frying pan? Then give her more reasons to doubt you.

Psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man who is older than him

Today, many taboos in the sphere of relationships have been lifted; according to recent decades, quite a lot of couples have appeared in which the man is much younger. In previous years, such marriages were looked upon with disapproval, and even now not everyone manages to build long-lasting, happy relationships.

If a woman is 20 or more years older than her partner, then naturally she begins to dominate, lead and teach. It is important to find a balance, to avoid pressure and manipulation, then such a marriage has a chance of success. Relationships based on trust, love, respect, and mutual interest in each other can last for many years and do not depend on age and other criteria.

If the basis is any kind of calculation, then conflicts and disagreements will gradually fill all areas of family life: everyday life, intimate relationships, communication, etc. People from different generations may have different outlooks, life experiences, levels of culture and upbringing, and emotional dispositions. For better compatibility in the intimate sphere, it is desirable that there is no more than 10 years difference between spouses.

Modern women have many effective means in their arsenal that allow them to remain beautiful, well-groomed and healthy until old age. Age is not a barrier to being a woman. And a harmonious intimate relationship with a loving man definitely helps to prolong youth.

True, British psychologists, in their studies of families in which the men were younger, noted the following: women in such unequal marriages die earlier than their peers living in traditional relationships. Perhaps one of the reasons for early departure is chronic stress due to the generally negative attitude of society towards such marriages.

Girls don't tolerate indifference

Although no, they tolerate it, but only in one case - when you completely block your attention with money. And believe me, you just need a lot of money for this.

Otherwise, don't be a callous asshole.

In fact, attention for every girl is a vague, but different concept. There are literally a couple of moments that all girls definitely love:

  • Flowers for no reason. Even if it is a bouquet of wildflowers, it is still nice.
  • Compliments. Don’t forget to tell your chosen one every day that she is the most beautiful, even if she looks like a crocodile. You yourself chose such a woman.
  • Tactile contact. Hugs, kisses, walking hand in hand - all this makes girls pee like boiling water.

Female characteristics that poison a man's life

  1. Faith in ideals

    . Having read fairy tales about princes and women's novels, the girl is waiting for the ideal man, who combines all the qualities of a superhero: strength, youth, beauty, intelligence. In addition, he must throw the whole world at the feet of his chosen one. One look from her! And if this is not the case yet, then the girl expects that she will be able to change her hero. But more often than not, such ideal views on relationships fail and lead to disappointment in their superman.

  2. Love to sort things out

    . Well, here’s how it is: just now everything was quiet and calm, they were sitting and talking, suddenly something inside her switched, there was a change in mood, and you don’t understand what’s what. She remembered something and let's sort things out. In fact, there is no problem at all, in your opinion. And she was almost hysterical. Although, if you hug, say that you love, listen, wipe away your tears and... the storm subsides. Pay attention on time and there will be fewer such outbreaks, verified.

  3. Emotional explosion

    . Women live by feelings and experiences. If your beloved lacks joy, pleasure and other positive things, then expect arrows with negative emotions in your direction. For men, this property of the female psyche seems incomprehensible.

  4. Tendency to Napoleonic habits

    . It happens that if a woman has got something into her head, she will go towards her goal, even disregarding moral standards. Do you think that your quiet and shy person won’t allow anything like that? Don't promise! You know who lives in the still waters. If you have already exhausted your strength or desire to achieve your goal, then the woman will continue to hit this point. Provided that it is important for her to get what she wants.

Women love sex too

Yes, most girls are passionate about relationships and love. But believe me, those ladies who have already tasted the delights of excellent fucking will never refuse to jump on a dick.

Two things stop them:

  • Public condemnation. Well, our girls have not yet learned to think with their own heads, and not be led by the opinions of grannies at the entrance.
  • Bad partners. Not all men know how to use their equipment. And even more so, give him the right presentation.

At Akloni Academy I teach how to have sex with a girl even after the first date.

Psychology of women in relationships with their husbands

Psychologists know very well how many difficulties arise in marriage due to the unwillingness and inability to understand the partner. Often a man who is busy making money does not find time to notice his wife’s feelings and her emotional state. Not receiving attention, the woman becomes offended, complaints and reproaches begin.

Lovers entering into a family union have to think not only about pleasures, but also take on certain responsibilities. The active role in creating everyday life and harmonious relationships in the family traditionally lies with the woman; she is the housewife and the future mother.

How wonderful it would be if, before marriage, partners took a course called “Secrets of the psychology of a woman in a relationship with a man.” After all, it is very rare when a husband and wife manage to build a harmonious relationship and truly be happy.

In a woman’s soul there is a constant struggle between the “weak self”, which wants to be close to a courageous and strong man, and the “strong” one, who wants to command and rule over him.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

Can a man be soft, compliant, strong and courageous at the same time? Most likely not, because here one excludes the other. Therefore, harmony and happiness become an unattainable dream for women. Having married a powerful and strong man, it is then difficult for a woman to come to terms with a subordinate position, when her interests are not taken into account and her desires remain unfulfilled.

Another option, when the husband is quite happy with the role of a henpecked man, and the power is completely in the hands of the wife, also cannot be considered ideal - the woman gradually gets tired of constant responsibility. She would become weak and dependent, but the man is no longer ready to change. So there is no happiness in life.

Nuances of male psychology

The basis of the differences in female and male behavior is that women give in to feelings, and men give in to actions. Men often remain silent because they prefer to see rather than hear. Hints, allegories, riddles - all this for men remains, in fact, an empty phrase, since their brain is tailored to specifics, specific tasks, clear and simple goals. And also all details and insignificant elements pass by male attention, since he is focused exclusively on the essence of a particular issue or situation.

Domestic violence: main causes

Assault is a terrible phenomenon that many women suffer from. The consequences of such behavior are always dire. They irrevocably leave a negative imprint on the relationship, ruin the destinies of both parties to the conflict, and also negatively affect the development and mental state of children, who are often witnesses to domestic violence. Often victims of beatings do not tell anyone about their difficult situation, thereby only worsening the situation. Each of these situations is purely individual and requires personal work with psychologists, but the main most common causes of domestic violence can still be named:

  • Alcohol consumption. As a rule, a husband beats his wife while under the influence of large doses of alcohol. In this state, a person ceases to control himself, and all his dark thoughts and desires break out.
  • Cheating on the part of the wife. Betrayal, without a doubt, is a strong blow for any person. But even this cannot be a valid reason for assault. However, some men who do not know any other way to express negative emotions and resentment beat women for having an affair with another.
  • Jealousy. Jealousy can bring a person to a state of complete loss of control over himself. Suspicion, torment, resentment - all this often results in domestic violence.
  • Low self-esteem. Physical superiority is one of the ways of self-exaltation. Therefore, women often become victims of domestic violence from men suffering from low self-esteem.

How to interest a man?

An old song once said that in our world, according to statistics, for every 10 girls there are 9 boys. Today, this ratio has changed even more, not in favor of the fair sex. In other words, there is fierce competition among women. And for worthy men, in general, serious battles often break out. In the struggle for personal happiness, we must not forget the main feature of male psychology: all men are hunters, so easy prey is of no interest to them. At the same time, overly complex schemes for winning male attention may also be considered a waste of time. Research shows that men are interested in quite simple and understandable components:

  • Sexuality and manifestations of femininity. The eyes are the most important organ of male perception. Therefore, a woman who wants to attract the attention of a man should constantly please their gaze. At the same time, it is important not to cross the fine line between sexuality and vulgarity.
  • Smile and good mood. We all, on a subconscious level, strive for those people who smile and are in a good mood. And men are no exception to this rule.
  • Women's secrets. Every man has the role of head of the family. And he must experience all the delights and hardships of this burden. The role of a woman is to ensure that her husband is truly the main one in the relationship. Only female cunning and wisdom help in solving this problem.
  • Delight. Men love compliments. Therefore, each of them will probably pay attention to a woman who notices his every success and constantly praises him for his achievements.
  • Sex. Of course, the physical manifestation of attraction interests men no less than the appearance of the chosen one, her temperament and attitude towards him. Therefore, every woman should learn to understand, first of all, her own body in order to receive pleasure herself and give it to a man.

How do men cope with breakups?

Ending a relationship is a difficult stage for both parties. Some women assume that breaking up is no big deal for men, but this is not true. His behavior is largely determined by the situation in which the breakup occurs:

  • The woman initiated the breakup. In such a situation, men often become depressed. Many people seek solace in alcohol or extreme entertainment. Men are three times more likely to experience depression after a breakup than women;
  • Break by common decision. For men, this option is the most painless, especially if the relationship ended calmly and without a quarrel. If the reason for the breakup was a scandal, then in the process of sorting out the relationship, the man will certainly take the opportunity to let off the steam that has accumulated during the existence of this union;
  • Separation by the man's decision. Many men who want to end a relationship feel guilty and ashamed. Therefore, they prefer to present the situation in such a light that the woman is to blame. They begin to behave aggressively and can insult and humiliate their partner. Typically, men behave this way if they already have a reliable replacement for the role of life partner.

We hope that knowledge of these nuances of male psychology will help you build more harmonious relationships with your loved ones!

Who gives what to whom and why?

Nature has laid in us an algorithm according to which a man gets something and brings it to the house, where a woman gives it meaning. And so it is to this day, instinctively following his nature: a man feels significant by bringing money, furniture, equipment into the house, and a woman turns these “finds” into part of home comfort! Therefore, it is important to remember who in a relationship should give and who should receive!

The general picture in the guide to female psychology for men is this: women love everything, but you can “make” them love the same things that you do; women are multitasking, superficial and fickle, but only you can help them understand specific things. And finally, female emotionality causes a lot of anxiety, but it is precisely this that gives rise to female sensuality, versatility and trepidation!

All at once or just one thing?

Have you noticed how an intelligent woman can carry on a conversation on almost any topic? But dig deeper - she doesn’t understand any of the issues being discussed! Hypocrisy? No! Multitasking is another option that men lack, which, by the way, causes a lot of inconvenience for women! A man can lose his mind right in the middle of a monologue if his leg itches.

A woman can style her hair, choose an outfit, call a taxi by phone and coordinate the activities of the whole family!

But men have thoroughness! This is an exclusively male option and is almost inaccessible to women who try to keep everything under control at once. It is she who helps in solving large-scale problems that require in-depth analysis. This is why men are the best politicians and diplomats.

Unforgivable mistakes of men in relationships with women, leading to separation

Believe it or not, a woman makes just one mistake in a relationship that can ruin everything - she chooses the wrong man.

Men have their own criteria for assessing relationships, although it is believed that they are less concerned about this area of ​​life. Opinions may be different, but still many are not indifferent to how relations in the union will develop. Here are some mistakes that are best avoided:

  • The option when a man is only interested in intimacy should also be alarming

    . Even if he is simply magnificent in this regard, life is much broader than the bed, so you need to think carefully about continuing the romance.

  • Does not take responsibility, blames other people and external circumstances for any of his mistakes

    . He can also place all the blame on his half. Such a man will not be able to be a reliable support and support in the family. Don't expect to be able to change it.

  • Attempts to improve a woman by comparing with others

    - such an action on the part of a beloved man can seriously damage the relationship or end it completely. A woman needs constant confirmation that she is better than everyone else, that a man is very lucky to have her. No comparisons should be allowed. Categorically! If you want to change your loved one, start with yourself.

  • Selfish behavior does not strengthen relationships

    . If a man has no desire to make concessions, negotiate, come to an agreement, then what kind of feelings can we talk about?

  • If we talk about the psychology of women in relationships, then cheating has the highest negative rating

    . It’s hard to imagine what an offended woman can turn all her anger into. The traitor will have a very hard time, and there is no need to talk about returning to the previous trusting relationship.

  • And in conclusion, let's talk about the most terrible mistake. When for some reason the man wants to continue the relationship, but he no longer feels either love or respect for his woman

    . Even the most patient and loving woman will not be able to love for two.

This mysterious female intuition

Guys look at the surrounding reality as the big picture, while girls pay special attention to the little things, because as they say, “the devil is in the details.”

It is these little clues that help them be wary and make the right choice.

This helps them to grasp the real attitude of their partner towards them and realize that something is going wrong.

Although, of course, excessive sentimentality, naivety, amorousness and daydreaming can cloud a girl’s mind.

Psychology of male love

As a rule, men tend to hide the sensual component of their lives. But being in love can make serious adjustments to the behavior of a representative of the stronger sex. This is manifested both in external changes - a man begins to take better care of himself, tries to look attractive, and in behavior. Gestures, facial expressions, and speech also change. Numerous studies of the state of male love allow us to name the most accurate probable signs that another man was struck by the mark of Cupid’s arrow:

  • Increased interest in the object of love. A man in love strives not to let his beloved out of his sight for a moment. In any situation, he tries to be as close to her as possible;
  • Striving to become better. A man in love tries to make a positive impression on his chosen one, so he begins to behave in a way that is usually unusual for him. For example, he watches his speech, gives compliments, becomes attentive, gallant, interesting, cheerful, fearless, etc. This allows a man to stand out from other representatives of the stronger sex and capture the attention of the person he is interested in.
  • Demonstration of trust. If a man shares personal experiences and open secrets with you, then he is most likely in love;
  • Expression of admiration. In the object of his love, a man tends to notice exclusively positive qualities and openly admire them;
  • Jealousy. A state of continuous rivalry remains between men. Therefore, jealousy can be considered one of the signs of falling in love, since it is nothing more than the desire to protect what one wants to possess, as well as the fear that someone else will receive this adored object.

Male narcissism: a psychological explanation

Narcissism is less common in men than in women. But recently, this psychological phenomenon has been observed among males much more often. Often a man admires himself secretly, to himself. Sometimes he does this openly, not embarrassed by his own behavior. Be that as it may, narcissism in a person cannot be defeated if he himself does not want it. Therefore, with such a situation, it is worth turning to a psychologist and working hard on yourself in order to achieve harmony between self-deprecation and narcissism. Signs of narcissism in men include:

  • Constant mention of one's own merits. Often these advantages seem obvious only to their owner;
  • Complete denial of one’s own shortcomings, negative reaction when others mention them;
  • Indifference towards loved ones;
  • Perfectionism. Over time, the desire for perfection leads to the fact that a person experiences continuous dissatisfaction with himself and others;
  • Idealization of one’s own life, the desire to prove one’s superiority in any area;
  • Demonstration of self-worth.

Women's vision of relationships

Women perceive the main part of information through hearing. Therefore, men need to compliment their loved ones more often and pay more attention to them.

If a girl doesn’t have enough attention, she won’t tell the guy about it, but will carefully lead him to it. But men rarely guess women's intentions unless they are told so directly.

If a man does not receive a woman’s direct instructions about her intentions, he will never guess through hints what his beloved wants. He will perceive this behavior as just another woman’s whims caused by a bad mood.

Women want men to admit that they are right. But if you agree with them on absolutely everything, then this will also be a mistake. The girl, oddly enough, will begin to treat the guy who constantly pleases them completely differently than he would like.

Need for control

Girls tend to control everything and everyone. Why is this happening? This is primarily due to their imagination and habit of coming up with an ideal picture of the world. In such an ideal reality, nothing happens without the woman’s permission, starting with the behavior of the chosen one and ending with a change in the weather.

If what is happening around diverges from what was created in the imagination, many representatives of the fair sex fall into a state of stress. They conflict with the “violators” of the script and make ridiculous guesses as to why the “characters” deviated from the mental plan.

It is almost impossible to convince a girl that her claims are unfounded. The only thing a man can do is adapt to the girl’s expectations.

Affections and love.

Men, becoming attached to something, like a collection or a hobby, make their choice for the rest of their lives, with their inherent thoroughness. Women's psychology, in this aspect, may seem hypocritical and dishonest to men. After all, women have tender feelings for children, and for cats, and for a popular actor, and for many other things! But they easily change their “favorites”, depending on the same mood! What should a man do? Should we criticize women's frivolity or use it correctly? For example, by appropriately presenting YOUR favorite movie or sport in the right mood, having gained an ally in her!

What to do with emotions?

Emotions are just as burdensome for women as they are for men – even in their own doing! However, a woman is not able to ignore them; she has to get along with them, rely on them, making choices, making decisions. This is why the tone of what is said is so important for women. That is why their behavior is so inconsistent: constantly passing all information through the filter of emotions, it is impossible to treat things and react always the same way!

The option of emotions in the psychology of women cannot be turned off: it is thanks to it that they are touching and funny, passionate and mysterious!

A man, of course, has a choice: to fight with female emotionality all his life, remaining unhappy, or to learn to enjoy Her versatility and unpredictability, so similar to the adventures to which the male soul gravitates.

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