Where to start self-development: detailed instructions for those who want to change for the better

What is self-development and why is it needed?

Self-development is, first of all, a purposeful and conscious process undertaken by a person for his own personal growth. This is working on yourself to improve the quality of life, its spiritual and intellectual fulfillment.

There are a great many directions for self-improvement, or more precisely, you can choose absolutely any direction:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • special knowledge, skills, practices;
  • new professions, career growth, improvement of financial situation;
  • vivid impressions, travel, cinema, theaters, books;
  • relationships, participation, helping those who need it.

Even a small act that takes you out of your comfort zone is self-development.

Without movement there is no life. Routine, fatigue, fear of change, and just plain laziness turns back the flow of time. Development is being replaced by degradation. It leads to apathy, lack of meaning in life, bad mood, and health problems. And most importantly, to the reluctance to change anything.

What is self-development?

Personal self-development is a complex process. It consists of several components. For harmonious development, it is important to devote time to each of them. Moreover, it will not be possible to achieve results if any direction is ignored.

The simplest example from life will prove this fact.

A certain man cared about his appearance. He followed sports diets, devoted a lot of time to training, and at the same time was sure that he was self-developing and self-improving.

His physical fitness allowed him to get a job as a trainer at a prestigious fitness center. But soon his management noted that he had absolutely no understanding of human psychology, could not build a constructive conversation with clients and even answer basic questions. He was asked to set aside time for his self-development. The coach was quite surprised. After all, that's all he did.

Let's figure out what self-development includes, so as not to find ourselves in the place of an unlucky coach.

The main components are considered:

1. Spiritual self-development. It involves mastering techniques that teach you how to deal with negative emotions, depression, and resist stressful situations. Peace of mind is important. Negativity destroys personality. She can't concentrate on the goal.

2. Professional self-development. This is self-improvement of professional skills. You can get a second education, take advanced training courses, and learn new skills.

3. Intellectual self-development. Don't limit yourself to reading books. High intelligence is guaranteed to those who devote time to watching documentaries, talking with smart and educated people, attending lectures, seminars, and trainings.

4. Physical self-development. Involves a transition to a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, and take time to improve your body.

5. Cultural self-development. An educated person striving for self-improvement should be familiar with the masterpieces of world art. Visit theaters, exhibitions, concerts, etc.

6. Personal self-development. Involves the development of personal qualities. Many techniques allow you to train willpower, develop determination, and get rid of shortcomings, for example, envy or pride.

7. Social self-development. We live in a society and must interact with others. Special techniques teach constructive conversation, the ability to persuade, refuse, defend a point of view, and debate.

In addition, we must not forget about material self-development. The desire for comfort is not forbidden. And self-development in all directions will certainly open up new opportunities for stable and high earnings.

Why there is no desire for self-improvement

What prevents us from changing? First of all, these are fears, fear of change. Nobody wants to take on extra responsibility, face criticism, or suffer failure. Therefore, going beyond the limits of a comfortable existence requires serious efforts and actions. The longer a person stays in his cocoon, the harder it is for him to get out of there.

The second reason is motivation. It is she who motivates a person to action, makes him move towards his intended goal. The motivational essence of an individual itself reacts to external and internal stimuli and determines the source of motivation. And if an active person has enough of his own attitudes for constant development, then an inert and weak person definitely needs an example from the outside.

The third reason can be called lack of willpower. Inability to control one’s reactions to external temptations, inability to defend personal long-term interests for the sake of momentary weakness. What you should learn first of all is strengthening your spirit, which in essence will be the beginning of self-improvement.

Motivation for self-development

Don't expect tangible results right away. The human body and its psyche are designed in such a way that all the most significant changes occur gradually, as if accumulating and not manifesting themselves externally.

You strictly follow the plan. Engage in your physical improvement, read books on relevant topics, attend lectures, seminars, and communicate with like-minded people. A month passes, then another, you continue your classes, no longer hoping for results, but simply because it has become your lifestyle.

And then, at that very moment, quantity suddenly turns into quality, and you wake up as a completely different person. Now you have powerful resources for further self-development, and how you use them further depends only on you.

How to approach working on yourself correctly

By getting rid of fears, gathering willpower into a fist and finding a motivating motive, you can begin to change for the better. Not every person is able to “get blown up” overnight and radically change their life. This is not necessary. Let's consider the first 3 steps for a smooth and harmonious transition to the path of personal self-development.

Get your head in order

Listen to yourself. Analyze your life. Try to answer the following questions: “What is important to me?”, “What do I really want?”, “What would I like to do?”, “What brings me joy?” Without deep self-knowledge it is impossible to develop yourself.

Try to formulate the main meaning of your life, why you live, what mark you want to leave. What is your value system? Decide on personal goals in different areas of activity and realistic ways to achieve them.

Start doing something new

Thinking about the meaning of life can take a long time. Therefore, when thinking about understanding yourself, start developing with actions that are unusual for your everyday life. Visit an event that has never attracted your attention before, meet new people, take an unusual trip, and finally sign up for a volleyball club. Why not? It's very exciting.

New events and impressions lift your spirits, broaden your horizons, and help you identify your hidden abilities. Positive emotions liberate, attract good luck, and make it easier to cope with fears.

Select a target

Set a realistic goal for yourself and take at least one small step a day towards it. It is important not to take on an exorbitant burden and not to force things. Break your main goal into subgoals and raise the bar each time. Move little by little, but constantly. The result will not be long in coming. The successes achieved will increase your motivation to continue working on yourself.

“The chicken pecks at the grain, but is full.”

Russian proverb.

And don't put it off until tomorrow. “Tomorrow” means “never.”

Self-development plan for 12 months

One of the methods of self-development is to study one area every month. We propose the following algorithm of actions:

Step 1: Identify areas of self-development for each month

If you have not yet filled out the checklist “Assessing areas of self-development” and have not prioritized the areas, do not skip this step. This way you can concentrate on studying one area and won’t get scattered. Use our recommendations above and use your imagination.

Step 2: Determine how you will gain knowledge and skills for self-development in your chosen field.

Together with psychologists Maria Mitina and Maria Rozhenko, we compiled a list and ranked the main self-development tools by effectiveness:

Step 3: Create a habit tracker and track your progress.

To live, we constantly breathe, constantly eat. The principle of regularity also applies to self-development. Use the habit tracker from our article or create your own. We especially recommend printing it out and hanging it in a visible place: this way you will remind yourself of unfinished tasks and see your progress.

Step 4: Summarize after each month.

At the end of each month, summarize the work done, draw conclusions and change your development strategy. Don't forget to reward yourself for the results you achieve. For convenience, save our checklist with questions for self-analysis.

Are you afraid of getting confused in the flow of information, starting self-development and quitting after a week due to loss of motivation? Then personal growth training is right for you. They will help you become more organized, disciplined and self-confident, teach you to look at the world positively and manage your emotions.

Self-development courses last from 2 to 48 hours, and the cost varies from 1,000 to 50,000 rubles . The price of the courses depends on the program and its duration. All training takes place online, so you can study the material at a pace and environment that suits you.

Where to start: step-by-step instructions

An action plan will help you begin to develop as a person. My detailed guide consists of practical recommendations. Take into account those that suit you, and take note of the rest.

Step 1. Decide what you want to do

You've already gained enough experience when you tried something new. Based on your feelings, decide in which direction you will start moving. Will it be a change of profession, career growth or modeling your own figure. What area of ​​your life do you most want to develop?

Write down the task in a special diary. Make a substantive, not abstract, plan to solve it. Specify a time frame. Check the boxes for successful completions. Celebrate small victories too. Complete and complicate the tasks.

Step 2: Plan your day

It is impossible to work on yourself without having time for this. Use it effectively. Write down your to-do list in your diary and rank them by importance. Think over your daily routine, find a suitable place in it for self-realization.

Don't burden yourself with unnecessary things; they don't give you productivity, but they take up time. In addition, an artificial lack of time can become an excuse for relaxation in achieving results.

Step 3: Find time to relax

“Whoever does not know how to rest cannot work well,” “The best rest is active.” Remember these statements? Rest is necessary for each of us. Contemplating the landscapes and breathing in the fresh air, a person relaxes and is charged with positive energy.

After a busy day at work, it’s not a sin to lie on the couch and watch your favorite TV series. Do not deny yourself the usual pleasures, but do not abuse them - it is unlikely that you will be able to develop in this way. Don't go to bed late, try to wake up at the same time. Healthy sleep is necessary to restore strength.

Step 4. Overcome laziness

Laziness is the body’s resistance, refusal to perform unnecessary and meaningless actions from its point of view. It is necessary for a person to survive and helps preserve physical or mental energy. Indeed, why cook dinner yourself, if you can order pizza at home, change your life, if you are already happy with everything.

The less energy a person has, the more laziness manifests itself. Conversely, excess energy makes the accumulation of energy resources pointless. You can overcome laziness only with activity. Don’t immediately take on large tasks, don’t frighten your body, break them down into small parts. Act constantly, turning the process into a habit, a system. Enjoy the experience.

Step 5. Start acquiring new knowledge

Reading books, visiting exhibitions, theaters enriches life and opens up prospects for self-development. Choose a genre you like, plunge into the magical world of creativity, gain knowledge, and recharge your batteries.

Surround yourself with interesting people. You don't have to communicate with them one-on-one. Listen to radio or television programs with smart, educated, motivated participants. Filling with deep, diverse information is conducive to spiritual and physical growth.

How Hell Week Happened

The Hell Week course dates back to Larssen's military service. He, as a future officer, had to endure a very difficult test: a week of severe physical exertion with almost no breaks for sleep or food.

In such conditions, only a few “survive”. But subsequently they become full-fledged units-personalities, and not some 25% of themselves. Because they stop being afraid of any difficulties, having learned what their body and character are really capable of.

In just a week, Larssen realized that he had always lived in a comfort zone and used only a tiny part of his internal capabilities. He also saw that most people live their lives the same way. Therefore, taking the special forces course as a basis, Larssen created a unique intensive course, focusing on ordinary, non-military people: from housewives and students to office workers and businessmen.

They all have one thing in common: if you want to get better, you can get better. After all, even the most successful people have enormous potential for further development. There is no ceiling. It's just that many people don't know about it.

Outside your comfort zone

The main difficulty of any self-analysis is not to realize it, but to correct it. Every change is an inevitable exit from the notorious comfort zone. Therefore, it is easier to come to terms with some of your traits than to fight them. But on the other side of the scale is a fully lived day of life!

And here you can begin to think: is this comfort zone really so inviolable and precious? Or should you try to go beyond it, look at yourself from the outside and awaken your strength?

Useful materials for self-development

In this block I want to recommend two things to you. Firstly, the Vikium service, which I personally use. Secondly, our selections with self-development courses.

Free simulators and webinars from Vikium

So, let's get acquainted with Wikium. This is a very cool site because it is almost completely free. There are a lot of useful things there that I highly recommend.

First of all - training equipment. There are now more than a hundred of them, and the project continues to create more and more new ones. A simulator is a simple online program for improving a skill. Most of them improve memory and attention, but there are also trainers for working with text, associative thinking, speech, quick counting and other skills.


Make yourself a training program on Wikium. To create it, you must first glance at all the simulators and select the ones that are suitable for yourself. Then try to work out on them and distribute them all by day of the week. You can even set the time for each individual exercise machine.

A training plan will help you remember to do them and not get lazy.

The second usefulness is webinars. Previously there was only one webinar, but now two more have been added. They are also completely free, but you must register for them in advance. Here are the links:

  1. Secrets that weren't told to you. About how to achieve your goals and increase productivity at work or in school. After the webinar, experts give each participant a gift - a selection of exercises that will help improve concentration on the tasks at hand, concentrate and “not lose focus.”
  2. The brain is a superpower that you don't use. Teachers talk about the peculiarities of the functioning of the human brain, how to make your head work in order to achieve a “breakthrough” in life, in interpersonal relationships, in your career, etc.
  3. The world is changing, are you keeping up with it? About how not to get lost in the modern world, how to quickly memorize information of any kind, build associative connections in memory, how to correctly search for information and work with it. The materials are applicable to people in all fields of activity.

From my own experience I will say the following. At these webinars, Vikium usually advertises some of its paid products, but the webinars do not focus specifically on advertising. They are informative and interesting, they provide material that you can actually apply in your life. Plus, everything is free. I recommend.

Vikium courses

Let's move on to the courses. They are already paid, but quite cheap. I will list the best of them and briefly describe them.

Brain detoxification - it seems to me that this is the most popular and in demand course. Have you ever been in a situation where something unpleasant happens and you constantly think about it? It’s like you’re chewing the cud of negativity and just can’t spit it out? This is a disgusting condition and “Brain Detoxification” teaches you how to deal with it. You will learn how to stop this kind of dialogue within yourself and quickly switch to the positive.

Goal setting is not only about how to set goals, but also how to create a step-by-step plan for achieving them, and how not to lose motivation on the way to your goals. In addition to theory, the course contains many exercises and simulators that will help you consolidate goal-setting skills in practice and become a more purposeful person.

Emotional intelligence - how to learn to better understand your own emotions and the emotions of others, respond to them correctly in order to maintain interpersonal communication. The program is designed to improve different aspects of your life, to help you create a positive atmosphere around you both at home and at work, in communicating with people of your age, as well as with parents and children.

Effective communication - how to communicate correctly with a person in difficult situations, how to behave when conflicts arise, and not allow these conflicts to grow. The course also includes material on reading body language, analyzing facial expressions and gestures.

Thinking is more practice than theory. You will work with different exercises to learn to think outside the box. Experts will teach you to analyze different types of information, quickly highlight the main points, and see relationships.

Profiling is about how to “read a person.” How to understand whether he is lying to you or telling the truth. How to understand just by looking at what feelings a person has for you, whether he enjoys being around you.

Mnemonics – experts teach the most popular mnemonics that will help you remember information quickly. You will better remember important dates, names, phone numbers, bank card numbers and PIN codes. Another plus of the program is that it is ideal for those who want to learn languages.

100 names in 30 minutes is about the same as mnemonics. This program is narrower and is aimed only at names.

Speed ​​reading is how not just to quickly read texts, but how to be able to grasp information, remember and analyze everything. Once you have mastered this course, you will be able to work much more effectively with text materials.

Polyglot - here are techniques that help you learn any foreign language. These are like “keys” to languages. You will learn how to remember words correctly so that they don’t fly out of your head literally the next day, how to work with grammatical rules, how to quickly start speaking a foreign language, and so on.

Our selections of courses for self-development

Now about our courses. A couple of months ago we published a selection of psychology courses. It is very popular among readers, probably because we have collected a lot of high-quality free courses and intensive courses there. Even those that are held on the largest online platforms such as Skillbox and Netology.

All courses are sorted into groups - take a look through them and choose what you like best.

Here are a few more selections, check them out:

  1. Courses for managers - materials for managers of any level. Lots of life hacks and instructions for those who want to lead people, resolve conflicts, and lead their organization to prosperity.
  2. Speed ​​reading - here we have collected a variety of speed reading programs so that you can choose the one that suits you.
  3. Personnel management - in addition to psychological courses, there are also “applied” ones. For example, how to properly report to your superiors, how to convey your superiors’ ideas to your subordinates.
  4. Public Speaking - Basically courses on how to speak in front of an audience, answer questions, and handle objections.
  5. Courses on relationships - this refers to the relationship between a man and a woman, a guy and a girl. We tried to collect materials there for people of absolutely all ages.

And lastly, check out our selection of self-development books. The selection was made by a professional psychologist; she collected books that are really worth reading for every person. Don't neglect.

Films for self-development: top 5 best

Now we invite you to watch these films for self-development

. They will help you strengthen your motivation, better understand yourself and your desires, believe in your strength and be inspired for new achievements!

1. The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty.

“To see the world around, to know its dangers, to look through walls, to find each other, to become closer, to feel - this is the purpose of life.”

A story about how even the most incredible dreams of a “little man” can be turned into reality if you decide to take the first step towards life.

2. Eat, Pray, Love.

How to improve yourself as a woman

For the fair half of humanity there are no restrictions in choosing directions for self-improvement. Family, career, beauty, education, charity - you can develop in any of these directions, if only you have the desire.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, watch your diet - this prolongs your youth. Add physical activity to your schedule and tighten your muscles. Visit a cosmetologist, go shopping. Don't forget about intellectual development. An intelligent and beautiful woman can achieve a lot in life.

What does self-development consist of?

As we found out, self-development is an activity that is aimed at satisfying human needs. But in order to better understand what it is, you need to understand what types, directions and methods of self-improvement exist. It can be divided into several areas:

  • Physical development – ​​development of the body, strength, muscles, endurance
  • Physiological development – ​​improvement of health, expressed in a beneficial effect on various body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, reproductive, etc.)
  • Mental development – ​​development of abilities, competencies, skills, abilities through gaining new experiences and sensations, working with perception, thinking, memory, feelings and imagination
  • Social development - the development of abilities and skills, skills and qualities that allow you to climb the career ladder, transition between social strata, improve interpersonal relationships, increase social status, authority
  • Spiritual development - knowledge and awareness of oneself, the search for the meaning of life and one’s purpose, taking responsibility for everything that happens to oneself and other people, attempts to understand the nature of the universe and reveal one’s hidden potential, a constant desire for moral and ethical self-improvement
  • Intellectual development – ​​development of thinking through obtaining new information, developing new skills and qualities, increasing literacy, exploring new directions and areas of knowledge
  • Professional development – ​​increasing and developing professional skills, qualities and abilities, studying new technologies and areas of work, obtaining additional education

The need for self-development can be classified as spiritual (or ideal), but it can manifest itself at absolutely any level. It depends on the direction chosen by the person. No less interesting is the fact that, to a certain extent, each of us is engaged in self-development, and often without even thinking about it and without going into the details of what exactly he is doing.

At a subconscious level, a person chooses the direction that evokes a response in his inner world. And in some cases, the direction dictates the need to acquire certain skills to satisfy certain needs. But the most effective (and also time-consuming) is the conscious choice of the path. And movement along it will always (unless, of course, you want to act chaotically and anyhow) occur in certain stages and obey an action plan.

How to realize yourself as a man

Nature has assigned the role of protector and breadwinner to men. Get serious about sports, train your body and spirit. Change your job to a new one with the prospect of career and financial growth. Spend more time raising your children, take responsibility for their future, pass on your experience to them. Help your parents, provide them with a decent life, be a support for them, give them a reason to be proud of themselves.

Develop erudition, a man should know a lot. Read books. Don't forget that the sexiest organ in males is the brain.

Popular questions

We found out where to start the process of working on ourselves. But questions remain about self-development and self-education, which beginners often ask. We will present the list and give the answers.

Areas for self-development

What you can improve yourself in is of interest to all beginners. As we have already said, the process must be comprehensive. Take time for each direction.

You can improve your professional skills more actively, but do not forget about other aspects.

In general, in psychology it is customary to distinguish four main areas:

1. Physical. Everything related to our body and health is improved.

2. Material. Attention is paid to achieving financial independence and material well-being. For self-development to be successful, you will have to develop professional skills, learn to communicate, etc.

3. Spiritual. Attention is paid to spiritual values, and work is carried out to eliminate shortcomings.

4. Social. Here you work on your ability to build relationships with others.

Please note that all areas are interconnected. Work in one direction presupposes self-improvement in other areas. One way or another, you cannot develop in only one area.

For example, it is important for you to give up bad habits. But forced cessation of alcohol, nicotine, etc. will not give a lasting effect. Only special techniques will teach you how to fight cravings, change your subconscious and your attitude towards your body and psyche.

Plus, you'll see your expenses cut. This means that the material sphere will also be affected. The resulting free time will have to be filled with something. The reason is to set aside time to gain new knowledge and skills. You won’t even notice how your former acquaintances will disappear from your social circle. You will become uninteresting with those who are unable to give up bad habits. But you will gain a lot of useful contacts and learn to build new relationships (social sphere).

Thus, everything goes sequentially. The main thing is to determine the goal for which you decided to engage in self-development.

Why is self-development important?

Self-development is the best path to success. A purposeful person achieves results, which means he becomes successful in everything.

Such qualities as hard work and responsibility develop, intelligence increases, and character flaws are eliminated.

You are transformed, changing for the better, which means the world around you will also become positive and friendly.

Self-development and success are interconnected. Your positive changes will not go unnoticed. The quality of life will noticeably improve.

Moreover, you will become a role model for your children. It's never too late to engage in self-development. Retired? Great! You have a lot of free time. Dedicate it to self-development, travel, communicate. Of course, someone will complain about the lack of funds. But that's not the main thing.

You can explore the surrounding area of ​​your hometown, sign up for free courses or dance clubs, for example. Start singing or participating in amateur performances. Don't sit still, be active and you will see how many opportunities life gives us.

Self-development is the engine. It motivates you to achieve your goal, you keep up with the times, and become an interesting person.

Self-development is also important for achieving material wealth. Without constant improvement of professional skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve heights in your career.

A confident person is worthy of respect. He knows what he wants and consistently moves towards the goal.

Self-development helps strengthen our strengths and make our virtues perfect. We learn to take advantage of all opportunities, to benefit, that is, we take from life everything that it has to offer us.

Such a person is not prone to depression. He doesn't have time for them. He is free and independent. Someone else's opinion does not affect his decisions and choices. And such a person will certainly achieve success in all areas of life.

What is better for self-development: books or courses?

Self-development and self-improvement is impossible without theory and practice. We draw theoretical knowledge from literature. But only courses give us the opportunity to practice and improve theory.

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Some people, of course, prefer reading books. There is an opportunity to retire, reflect, carefully study all the material, and return to incomprehensible moments. People who avoid society or have limited opportunities can use books for self-development.

The courses are suitable for those who prefer live communication, practice, discussions and discussion of opinions. Online courses allow you to master many techniques. Trainings and master classes are organized here to improve knowledge.

In addition, it is important to take into account the specifics of the area in which you realize yourself. For example, learning a foreign language will be more productive when attending courses. But you can study affirmations for every day with the help of books.

The best option is a harmonious combination of methods of self-development. Find time for reading, webinars, and courses.

Don't take development seriously

Don’t write plans, don’t divide your day into stages, setting aside time for yoga in the morning and time for a seminar in the evening. Don’t try to squeeze the process of self-development into a tight framework with the expectation of an effective result. In our lives there are always only responsibilities, don’t turn such an exciting activity into a boring hobby.

Approach the process of self-improvement lightly. Play. Start a book, and if you get bored with it, quit and look for new options. Didn't like yoga? Try meditation. It didn’t work with affirmations, try general health improvement. There are plenty of options for self-development, so just get started and listen to your intuition.

Personal self-improvement

Self-improvement of a person lies in a kind of self-education or is a purposeful action of the individual in relation to himself for further development. Often, people strive to develop positive qualities in themselves in accordance with their own ideas about the ideal.

There are 6 main stages of self-improvement. At the first stage, the goal of self-improvement is determined. Then an ideal image or ideal result of actions to improve oneself is created. The next stage is to determine the time limits for implementation and identify secondary goals. And the subsequent stages are based on self-knowledge and self-awareness, self-control and self-regulation, self-development.

Where to start self-improvement? There are several general recommendations on which successful development and self-improvement are based.

In order to be able to write down or save ideas that come to mind, you should always have with you a notepad, tablet, voice recorder or other device aimed at storing information. You should choose the most suitable and relevant topic for yourself and tune your brain to generate ideas regarding the chosen topic. Be sure to write down everything that comes to your mind on this matter. Your thoughts can give you a clear idea of ​​what you need to do to improve the quality of your life. As a result, your intentions will become more serious and effective. When you feel that the topic you are working with has already exhausted itself, you should move on to another.

The next immutable rule on the path to self-improvement and success in life is the “here and now” principle. It consists of taking the necessary actions to eradicate the habit of living with beautiful illusions and dreams.

Another important recommendation is the art of achieving more in small steps. To achieve the desired result, you should perform a certain part of the total load every day. This technique is easier to consider using the example of sports. You want to have a beautiful figure, so to get the desired result you need to do certain exercises every day. Only under this condition will a tangible result appear.

Self-improvement is quite difficult to imagine without mastering planning skills. Therefore, you need to divide your day into several blocks, for example, morning, lunch, evening, etc. Using this technique, you can easily track how much time it takes to complete a particular task.

Try to communicate with people who inspire you to achieve achievements and exploits. But it’s better to distance yourself from communicating with individuals, in comparison with whom you have already achieved a lot.

For excellent well-being and excellent appearance, you need to have a fairly good understanding of the following areas: healthy food, physical activity, competent mental self-regulation.

Ways of personal self-improvement

Self-improvement should begin with sleep. You need to sleep less. After all, for proper rest, a person needs only about 8 hours of daily sleep. Therefore, train yourself to get up 1 hour earlier than your usual time. This way you will have more free time to implement your ideas and plans.

Try to do more important things first. Every day in the evening, analyze the rationality of the time and energy spent. Make your slogan the phrase - if you manage time, therefore you manage life. You need to communicate with enthusiasm and confidence on the phone. Be sure to show respect to your interlocutor.

You should always remember the goal, not the end. Do work not for recognition, but for pleasure.

Laugh more, especially in the morning. Raise your mood with a smile, charge your body with vigor.

Summarizing the above, it should be concluded that the main components of the processes of self-improvement and self-development are: dream, systematicity and discipline, goal and achievement, reason, the power of happiness, inspiration, responsiveness, the physical state of the body and the soul. It is the development of personality and its self-improvement that are the main tasks for realizing oneself in life and the world.

Teacher self-improvement

Constant self-improvement of a teacher is a conscious, purposeful process of increasing the level of professional competence and developing important qualities in accordance with external social requirements, conditions of professional activity and a personal development program.

The processes of self-improvement of teachers are carried out in interrelated forms. These forms include self-education and self-education, which should complement each other and influence the nature of the individual’s work on himself. However, at the same time, they are considered two relatively independent processes.

Self-education is the conscious work of a teacher to systematically develop positive and eliminate negative personality traits and character traits. It happens in three directions. The first direction is the adaptation of one’s individual and personal characteristics to the requirements of pedagogical professional activity. The second direction is the systematic improvement of competence in the profession. The third is the continuous formation of social, moral and other personality qualities.

Professional self-education consists of the purposeful cognitive activity of a teacher to master special and methodological knowledge, universal human experience, and professional skills necessary to improve the pedagogical process.

Acquiring knowledge through independent studies is self-education, i.e. self-study. Self-education is one of the main aspects on the path to self-determination and self-improvement of an individual, since only through entering into culture does she create such an ideal image of her “I”, which is a kind of guideline in her movement towards a better self.

The main areas of self-improvement for teachers include:

— systematic replenishment of professional knowledge;

— improvement of professional skills;

— broadening one’s horizons;

— moral improvement;

— physical improvement;

- Ability to effectively plan your workday.

The path of self-improvement. Development and self-improvement

Truth is a country without roads, therefore the road to your inner world is a journey without fellow travelers.

On the path of self-improvement, you are left to your own devices. No one can tell you how and what you need to do, how to understand yourself correctly, or from what place, starting point, to start. This is the beauty of self-development through self-knowledge. It is impossible to impose someone else’s point of view here, just as it is impossible to accept it, otherwise self-knowledge will cease to be self-knowledge and will not lead to any self-development.

But by being your own guide and explorer of the unknown, you will learn to hear the inner voice that is in each of us, and you need to learn to listen to it. This inner knowing connects us with something higher, an ideal, a higher essence. Yogis called it Ishvara.

Spiritual practices on the path of self-development, their influence and goals

When we apply meditation techniques, new knowledge becomes available to us, directly coming from the Source. Meditation allows you to stop the conversation of the mind, calm it, so the connection with inner knowledge is restored. It is finally possible to hear him. You just need to immerse yourself in silence - the real silence of the mind. Often we seem to be left alone with ourselves, and begin to think and reflect, which in itself is already a great achievement in our society of ultra-high speeds and advanced technologies.

Silence internal and external

Being alone in silence is already a good start. Simply being silent and thinking is the first step in the practice of mouna, or silence, used by yogis. But the essence of this silence is to stop the verbal noise, not only external, but also internal, to stop the flow of thoughts. If you have never thought about this, then stop yourself right now at any thought. You see, it worked. Perhaps you were having an internal dialogue with the author of the article about what was written or thinking about your own affairs. All this is just an illustration of the fact that the brain never stops, it talks all the time, draws conclusions, evaluates, compares and generalizes.

Everything would be fine if this internal process of dialogue did not separate us from true knowledge, direct perception of information: not with the help of the mind, but through receiving direct knowledge. This is exactly what happens during the process of meditation.

Meditation goals:

  • merger with the Absolute;
  • stopping the thought process;
  • complete disidentification with one’s “I”, and even with consciousness;
  • self-knowledge;
  • knowledge of the world.

It helps to clear the mind of unnecessary things, calm it down, and, if possible, even stop the “conversation” of the mind. When you come out of meditation, you will notice how your thinking has cleared up and thoughts are no longer swarming in your head. On the contrary, you can now more easily control them, as well as your emotions.

All these are so-called “side” effects of meditation practice.

What most often hinders personal growth?

1. Lack of self-confidence

Often we do not dare to accomplish many things, often for only one reason - we do not believe that a positive result awaits us in the end. Meanwhile, self-confidence is of great importance, and it is this that helps to overcome the most serious difficulties. With this doubt, they act completely differently - they destroy our aspirations at the root and do not allow us to get what we want.

2. Laziness

A successful person is not used to putting things off “for later.” At the same time, lazy people tend to postpone most tasks until tomorrow, and often end up completely “forgetting” about their plans. If you mentally constantly look for reasons to postpone work to another day, it will not bring anything good. Realize that there is no tomorrow - you only have today. Your life is a moment in the present.

3. Postponing the implementation of ideas

Even if you have grandiose plans, they mean nothing and bring you nothing until you start implementing them. Moreover, if you have an idea that is not implemented, it can even harm you. Postponing things until another day leads to stress, fear and anxiety - subconsciously you remember some incompleteness, and this does not allow you to “breathe freely”.

There are no hopeless situations - develop yourself

Rise from your slum, go out into the free white light, try: development, development. Observe, think, read those who tell you about the pure enjoyment of life, that a person can be kind and happy. Read them - their books delight the heart, observe life - it is interesting to observe, think - thinking is enticing. Want to be happy - this is the only desire you need. To do this, you will take care of your development with pleasure: only in it is happiness. Oh, how many pleasures a developed person enjoys! Try it: good! N. G. Chernyshevsky

Remember that all types of self-development are your path to success, to self-realization and achieving inner harmony. Every day of your life is extremely important, so don’t waste your time, start the path to improving yourself right now!

Topics: Goals and desires, Personal growth, Self-realization, Development of intelligence, Managing emotions

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