Where to start personal growth and personal self-development - 7 effective steps in simple words


Dear friend, why do we engage in self-development? Why do you and I work on ourselves every day, read books on self-development, perform various exercises and practices, learn something, spend so much time and effort on all this? You will agree with me that self-development for the sake of self-development itself does not make any sense. We understand that self-development itself is an individual process of conscious personality development. And like any process, it must have an end point or goal. So let's think about what goals self-development pursues.

The main goal of self-development

What do you think is the main goal of self-development? The question was very difficult for me. When I began to develop myself, I constantly asked myself this question. Why am I doing this? What is the point in self-development? The answer, of course, did not come immediately. I was then surprised how simple everything really is. Everything was sorted out for me.

We often say words such as happiness, harmony, success. At first glance you can say that these are the same thing, but no. These are three different components that a person must achieve. This is the main goal of personal self-development. And for this it is necessary to go through a very thorny path of self-knowledge, self-development and service.

In my understanding, the cosmic meaning of human life lies in harmoniously flowing creative play. When you feel happiness within yourself, in every moment, feel harmony between the inner and outer world, help people by achieving success, then this can truly be called life, creativity, play. These are the 3 main goals in a person’s life, and self-development is an excellent tool to help achieve them.

Personal growth tasks

The tasks of personal growth can easily include improving one’s capabilities and improving obvious positive qualities. Personal growth, the objectives of which are self-improvement and self-knowledge, is important at any stage of an individual’s life path. After all, without development, we lose ourselves and our essence, stand still and do not have the ability to move on.

It is worth noting other tasks of self-development:

1. Development of awareness.

The modern world does not stand still; it is also changing. New technologies appear and full automation occurs. And not everyone is able to quickly adapt to a completely different way. To do this, you have to constantly be in a fast pace of life, and not be afraid to accept all modern innovations.

2. Time appropriate.

Remember when people lived without the Internet and abundant telephones? Now everything is different. And in order to keep up with the times, a person also has to change, become more mobile and modern.

3. Filling your horizons with knowledge.

The present time does not accept the old foundations and rules, it modernizes and changes them. Nowadays it’s not enough to be a narrow specialist; it’s much more important to learn a little about everything around you. If a person is not able to maintain a conversation, then it will be difficult for her to contact the current society. It requires being smart, capable, successful.

4. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The latest trends instill a craving for a healthy lifestyle. It's not only fashionable, but also useful!

5. Leverage talents and strengths.

An important point in the development of personality are talents, which sometimes need to be revealed. If you already know about your capabilities, then don’t be afraid to use them! By constantly seeking their help, improvement will be just around the corner.

Self-knowledge and development

On the path to achieving happiness and harmony, you first need to know yourself. What does it mean? You need to understand what you are missing in life, what you want. In other words, analyze the internal needs that prevent you from being a harmonious and happy person. Someone lacks money and has a fear of being left without housing and means of subsistence, for someone - health and this takes him out of a state of balance, harmony, integrity, for someone - respect from his close circle, and so on.

Therefore, knowing yourself is the starting point in self-development. To do this, there are various self-knowledge tests that will help you first of all help with this. In general, there are various methods of self-knowledge , such as introspection or introspection. The result of knowing and evaluating yourself at the initial stage of self-development will give you an understanding of who you are and where you need to move. Based on your understanding of your physical, energetic, psychic and mental components, you need to begin developing your body, soul and spirit. This is precisely the goal of self-development from the point of view of the trinity of essence. Therefore, knowledge and development of oneself can be attributed to the initial goal of self-development.

Maybe the word “cognize” actually means not “to see order and pattern”, but “to discover chaos”?

Kabo Abe. Fourth Ice Age.

Making a plan and setting yourself up for success

The personal growth program is an indispensable aid in the process of self-improvement. Having visualized all the stages, it is much easier to start completing the tasks you have set for yourself. A personal growth plan can be drawn up either for a specific period or contain a list of goals for indefinite achievement. As an acceptable option, we can offer you an annual program for personal growth, which touches on a variety of aspects of life, but is based on one thing that is most important to you.


Developing self-confidence. Deal with your fears, complexes, feelings of guilt, etc. You should take the path of self-development without unnecessary psychological burden.


Finding the meaning of life. Determine what your purpose is so you know where to move next.


Setting goals. One of the most important stages in the psychology of personal growth is the determination of goals and objectives that lie on the path of self-realization. The global goal must necessarily be divided into smaller ones, and they, in turn, into small ones that are easily visible in the present. All goals should be written out in detail on a piece of paper.


Time planning. Keep a diary and write down in detail your steps aimed at achieving your goals, at least for the near future. Don’t forget to check your diary so as not to lose your temper and stick to the schedule agreed upon (with yourself).


Begin active work in the chosen direction. It's time to take your first steps! They will be the most difficult, but at the same time very exciting and enjoyable. Take action! Don’t forget to write down all your achievements and successes, they will serve as excellent motivation for you to build a method of personal growth: smart people combine a diary and a success diary into one notebook (or electronic media), as this allows you to fully observe the development trend.


Dedicate this month to mental health and relaxation. The first month of your life change may seem difficult, so remember to relax in between self-improvement. Meditation can be an excellent way to achieve relaxation.


Let this month pass under the auspices of family and friendships. Many people who take the path of self-development forget about their family and friends. Don't make such mistakes, spend time with your family even if you have a busy schedule.


Creative days. Without creativity in matters of psychology of personal growth, there is nowhere. Discover something new every day. Sign up for a watercolor or painting course, visit a vocal studio, write a captivating novel - express yourself creatively. This will give a powerful impetus to self-improvement, opening up new opportunities.


Think for yourself in which direction of personal growth you would like to move next. Perhaps these will be courses for mastering a new profession or self-development training. The beginning of autumn is a great time to go deep into yourself and pull out unfulfilled aspirations.


Personal self-improvement through making new acquaintances. Have you sat inside yourself? It’s time and honor to know: interesting conversations, unusual acquaintances and unexpected revelations are waiting for you outside. As they say, truth is born only in argument, only in conversations with others do we grow above ourselves.


How to make money from your development. Think about whether it is possible to turn your knowledge, past and newly acquired, into a profitable hobby or profession? If yes, then what are you still waiting for. You know what to do. (ps.: make your business well-paid, of course, and learn how to sell it.)


Summarizing. You will have a whole month to remember all your achievements achieved during the year, analyze them in detail and outline a development plan for the next year.

Achieving your goals

After you have seen the chaos inside you, have understood all your secret “black” rooms of your soul, you must, depending on your needs, set and achieve a variety of goals. Thanks to this achievement, you will become a more harmonious person. Few people can say to themselves that I am a harmonious person. Harmony between the inner and outer world and finding happiness is a worthy goal for every person. And everyone comes to this differently. Some through achieving financial independence, some through creating a strong family, and some through the renunciation of all earthly delights. You need to understand that each soul is at a different stage of development and it is impossible to row with the same brush to achieve the same goals. As they say, what is good for one is death for another. You don’t need to look at anyone, just look deep inside yourself and you will find the answers to what and how to change in your life, what goals you need to achieve. Harmony and tranquility, inner happiness - this, through the achievement of one’s goals, will relate to the intermediate goal of self-development.

The role of humanity is to achieve revealed goals with a pure heart, in harmony with the universe and loving everything.

Morihei Ueshiba

Commitment to personal growth

The desire for personal growth shows people’s readiness for a new step in life, a transition to a higher level of development. Thanks to this, many begin to cultivate special qualities in themselves, as well as increase their level of self-efficacy. All this will be a great help in achieving higher life results.

Those who are truly not afraid to move on, more and more revealing their potential and hidden abilities, are the ones who achieve success!

Help others

Let's assume that you have been constantly, long and persistently engaged in the development of your personality. Every day you read books on self-development, set goals for yourself, watched the best motivational films, performed various exercises to develop your body, soul and spirit. And as a result, after a while you achieved what you wanted. You feel like a harmonious person, you feel that everything is good in your life, you have fulfilled your basic needs and goals. So, is this where all self-development goals end? I want to make you happy, no. In fact, at this stage, more highly spiritual goals await you, which will give you even more happiness and harmony.

But first you must find out your purpose in life, understand it, see it. And through it, begin to serve other people. You need to understand that there is no particular point in self-development for personal happiness. The true meaning of life lies in serving God and people. Any success is meaningless if it does not benefit others. This is the natural development of personality, when a satiated ego that has achieved all its goals is transformed into unconditional love, wisdom and spirituality. All the great Teachers and Prophets, having achieved high spiritual development, set helping people as their main goal.

We tend to measure success by the size of our salary or the newness of our car rather than by the quality of our service to people and our relationship with humanity.

Martin Luther King

Personal growth goals

Each of us probably wants to have his own special position in society, to be an interesting conversationalist, or to achieve recognition in some field of activity. All this will come with the development of one’s own “I”. Only by seeing the tasks and goals for personal growth in front of you will you be able to understand in what way you should change and improve yourself in order to achieve them.

Personal growth also occurs over the years of life, since every year a person gains more development and knowledge, which he can subsequently apply in practice.

How to draw up an action plan?

To begin with, it is important to decide where you want to start. This could be an increase in potential, an increase in self-efficacy, or the development of useful qualities. After setting goals is completed, we look for motives for achieving them.

The next stage will be to find motivation and start working on yourself. It is worth understanding that this process is not quick and requires a certain endurance. But if you’ve definitely decided that it’s time to become much better, then this is your chance!

We recommend:

  1. If necessary, consult a specialist. Sometimes, in order to achieve maximum disclosure of one’s own “I,” the help of a qualified psychoanalyst or trainer is needed. They will help you achieve your results in self-knowledge much faster!
  2. Remove the shackles from yourself and drive away bad thoughts. It is quite difficult to achieve something if you are stuck in fears and concerns. Having thrown them away, even the world will sparkle in different colors for your person!
  3. Don't stand in the way of change. Sometimes changes are even for the better, so there is no need to avoid them. Open up to them and accept them with gratitude!
  4. Find your motivation to start self-improvement. In most cases, we are driven by strong motivation; having found it, everyone is able to literally “move mountains.”
  5. Act!

Topic: Goals and desires, Personal growth

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We set strategic goals

If short-term planning produces results, and you have entered the “I see a goal - I see no obstacles” mode, you can expand the time frame and set strategic goals. And remember! Laziness in psychology is divided into two aspects - lack of motivation and lack of will. If laziness eats up all your progress, then you should think about changing your field of activity or working conditions. But if you have chosen the right direction and are steadily moving towards your goal, then all possibilities are open to you.

Jack Ma , a man whose fortune is now estimated at $25 billion, never showed much promise. A frail Chinese man from a poor family - he was not accepted into college twice, was refused a job more than ten times, and was hired only as a provincial tour guide for foreigners. There he learned English on his own and then graduated from a pedagogical university. Having learned about the existence of the Internet, he realized that China does not exist on the Internet, just like the Internet in China. Then Ma Yun (his real name) set himself the global goal of becoming a pioneer. For four years he studied literature, studied, and finally organized an Internet company. Today it is known as the Alibaba Group, a rival-crushing legend with a turnover of more than $180 billion.

Jack Ma is called the richest man in China. That's why he's so happy. Photo source: VTB magazine “Energy of Success”

We've figured out where to start personal growth in your career, but how to finish? Nothing and never! As you know, movement is life, and upward movement is a good life.

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